Master Data Management - Microsoft

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,Muokkaa perustyyl. napsautt.,Muokkaa tekstin perustyylej napsauttamalla,toinen taso,kolmas taso,neljs taso,viides taso, Affecto 2008,*,Muokkaa perustyyl. napsautt.,Muokkaa tekstin perustyylej napsauttamalla,toinen taso,kolmas taso,neljs taso,viides taso, Affecto 2008,*, Affecto 2021,Master Data Management,Frank Olav Estensen,Business,Consultant,Affecto AS, Affecto 2021,Master data what is it?,Master data is data shared across computer systems in the enterprise.,Master data is the dimension or hierarchy data in data warehouses and transactional systems,Master data is core business objects shared by applications across an enterprise,Slowly changing Reference data shared across systems,Master data is data worth managing,Master data vs. Metadata vs. Transactional,Company,Country,Account,Sub-Account,Date,Amount,Affecto,NO,505050,500,20080301,KR30.000, Affecto 2021,Company,Country,Account,Sub-Account,Date,Amount,Text,Text,Integer,Integer,Date,Float,nVarchar(50),Char(2),Int(6),Int(3),Datetime,(YYYYMMDD),Decimal,Metadata,Transactional,Master data,Products,Software,Hardware,CPU,Customers,Affecto OY,Affecto AS,Affecto AB,Country,Europe,Norway,Sweden,Master data applications,Product master data,Product Information Management (PIM),Customer master data,Customer Data Integration (CDI),Analytical master data,Hierarchies used for reporting,Other possible,Recipe master data,Vendor master data,Employee master data, Affecto 2021,MDM implementation styles,MDM is Master data Hub or System of Record (SOR),MDM is System of Entry (SOE), Affecto 2021,MDM,Source,systems,Subscribing,systems,MDM,Subscribing,systems,What is Master Data Management,The processes and technology to produce and maintain a single clean copy of master data,The “Golden record,An Application for creating and maintaining an authoritative view of master data including policies and procedures for access, update, modification, viewing between systems across the enterprise, Affecto 2021,Why master data management?,Different people involved,Inevitable manual process,Error-prone, inconsistent,No way to audit,No way to rollback changes,Time and resource consuming,Updates are “interpreted by systems experts, Affecto 2021,Essbase,Essbase,Analysis Services,PPS,ERP,Custom,Dynamics,SAP,E-Mail,Review,Spreadsheet,ETLEAI,Accounts,Entity,Project,Product,Location,Channel,DW,Spreadsheet,Business,User,IT Admin,ERPAdmin,PPSAdmin,Master data Management solution,Single version of truth,Master data synchronized and validated,Data maintained by Business Users and domain experts not systems experts, Affecto 2021,Accounts,Entity,Project,Product,Location,Channel,Essbase,Essbase,Analysis,Services,PPS,ERP,Custom,Dynamics,SAP,ETLEAI,MDM,Business,User,DW,Governance & Compliance,Master data governance,Can you track changes in dimensions?,Do you know who made the changes?,Do you know when changes occurred?,Can you produce a dimension from Q2 last year?,Compliance,International accounting standard,Transparency and auditability, Affecto 2021,Main parts of a Master data management system,Import of master data records,Cleansing and enhancement interface,Workflow for approval,Verifications and validations,Versioning and life-cycle management,Logging for compliance, governance and auditing,Export of master data records, Affecto 2021,Microsoft MDM Philosophy,Multi-domain hub,Open interfaces,Incremental implementation,Distributed, Federated MDM,Partner for domain specific solutions,Use existing integration capabilities,Tight integration with Microsoft Products,Hierarchy Management a critical capability,Data Stewardship - key success factor,Analytical and Operational MDM just two uses for the same data, Affecto 2021,Microsoft enters the MDM market - Roadmap,Acquires Strataure and the +EDM product in June 2007,Technology Preview of Microsoft +EDM released November 2007,CTPs at major milestones,Microsoft MDM v1 ships with Office 14, Affecto 2021,+EDM basic architechture, Affecto 2021,EDM dataflow, Affecto 2021,Microsoft MDM Integration - Export, Affecto 2021,+EDM User interface, Affecto 2021,Microsoft MDM terminology,Model,Version,Member,Leaf-Level,Consolidated,Hierarchies,Derived,Defined,Attributes,Free-Form,Domain Based,File,Business Rules,Validations,Setting attribute values (Derived attributes), Affecto 2021,+EDM Main features,Multi-model solution,Versioning and life-cycle management,Fine grained security model,Web based UI,Business rules for validations and attribute defaults,Derived and defined hierarchies,Collections for non-hierarchical member views, Affecto 2021,From +EDM to Microsoft MDM,Integrate with SharePoint for UI, human workflow, user management and portal capabilities,Integrate with BizTalk for near real-time integration and orchestration,Improve data load with capabilities from SQL Server and SSIS,More direct support for Microsoft MDM in other Office products, Affecto 2021,My opinion.,Not authorized by,Microsoft,Demo, Affecto 2021,Resources,Microsofts MDM Web site:,MSDN Forum:,Blogs, Affecto 2021,


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