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,The Sawyer family,The Sawyer family,课件:,Janey,Lesson 55,Review,N,ew words,The text,Do exercise,目 录,CONTENTS,1,2,3,4,Review,1,Review,China,Chinese,Canada,Canadian,England,English,Russia,Russian,Review,America,American,France,French,Australia,Australian,korea,Korean,Review,Italy,Italian,Germany,German,Greece,Greek,Japan,Japanese,Review,1 Where do you come from,I come from China.,Where are you from,Im from China.,2. What nationality are you,Im Chinese.,Review,1 Where does he come from,He comes from China.,Where is he from,Hes from China.,2. What nationality are you,Hes Chinese.,写出以下动词的三单形式,like- help-,enjoy- play-,study- try-,pass- fix-,wash- watch-,go- do-,have- fly-,likes,helps,enjoys,plays,studies,tries,passes,fixes,washes,goes,does,watches,has,flies,N,ew words,2,N,ew words,l,i,ve l,v,v. 住,生活,st,a,y st,e,v. 呆在,停留,home,hm,n. 家;adv. 到家,housework haswk,n. 家务,l,u,nch l,n,n. 午饭,aftern,oo,n,ftn,u,n,n. 下午,N,ew words,usuall,y,juul,i,adv. 通常,toge,th,er,tge,adv. 一起,e,vening,i,vn,n. 晚上,arrive,rav,v. 到达,n,i,ght,n,a,t,n. 夜间,N,ew words,usuall,y,toge,th,er,e,vening,arrive,n,i,ght,l,i,ve,st,a,y,home,housework,l,u,nch,N,ew words,住,生活,呆在,停留,家;adv. 到家,家务,午饭,下午,通常,一起,晚上,到达,夜间,The text,3,Lets learn the dialogue:,First listen to the tape and answer this question.,When do the children do their homework,When do the children do their homework,At night, before they go to bed.,The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.,1.,the Sawyers,是指索耶一家。 在英文中,姓氏后面加-s,前面加上定冠词the,用来指一家人,特别是丈夫和妻子。例如:the Smiths.,2. live in 住在国家或城市,live at 住在有确切地址的小地方,1.,live,住、 生活,live in 住在国家或城市,live at 住在有确切地址的小地方,live on/by 以.为主食,以.为主,I live_ 58,Renshou,Road.,I live_,Renshou,Road.,He lives _ England.,at,in,in,In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.,Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day. She does the housework.,She,always,eats her lunch at noon.,此段使用的是哪个时态?,上文中出现了几个动词?分别是哪些?,这些动词的共同点是什么?,一般现在时,1.定义:表示经常反复发生的动作或存在的状态。,2.标志词:often usually sometimes always never seldom every day / year行为动词前面,系动词后面,3.构成:,1)肯定句:主语+V原或V单三,2)否认句:主语+dont /doesnt +V原,3)一般疑问句:Do/Does +主语+V原,“三单,以ch,sh,s,o,x结尾的动词在词尾加-es,teach-teaches,wash-wash,go-goes,pass-passes,第三人称单数形式,以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先将y变i再加-es,study-studies,try-tries,以元音字母加y结尾的动词,在词尾加-s,stay-stays,play-plays,practice,1 The children in the morning.go to school,2 Their father them to school.take,3 Mrs. Sawyer at home. (stay),4 She the housework.(do),5 She always her lunch at noon.( eat),goes to school,takes,stays,does,eats,动词,go to work 去上班,go to school 去上学,stay at home 呆在家,do the housework 做家务,do the ho,m,ework 做作业,eat her lunch,吃午餐,她通常在下午去上班。,She usualy,go,es,to work,in the afternoon.,她常常在早上做家务。,She often,do,es,the housework,in the mornong.,他们通常在晚上做作业。,They usually,do the ho,m,ework,in the evening.,他总是在正午吃饭。,He always,eat,s,h,is,lunch,at noon.,stay v.呆在,停留,表示临时,短时间居住,stay at home 呆在家 stay at a hotel 住旅馆,stay in bed,呆在床上 stay with sb. 和某人呆在一起,stay at sbs house 住在某人的家中,live 是指长久的住,住在自己的家中,eg. I live in a partment.,我住在公寓里。,home,n.家;adv. 在家,到家,1) n.家,make oneself at home. 请随便一点,放松一点。,leave home 离家出走,eg. Make yourself at home. 请随便一点。,2adv. 在家,到家,go home 回家,eg. When do you go home,come home 到家,eg. She always comes home late.,housework,n.家务,house n. 住宅;家庭 work n. 工作,do the housework 做家务,do the homework 做作业=do ones homework,eg: 你在家经常做家务吗?,Do you often do housework at home,clean,the floor,wash,the dishes,/clothes,cook,dinner,/breakfast/lunch,lunch n.午饭,eat lunch = have lunch 吃午饭,一日三餐前的冠词必须省略,而且,表示吃饭的“吃既可用 eat ,也可用 have,吃早饭,吃晚饭,eathave) breakfast,eathave) supper英,eathave) dinner (美),morning,n.早上,moning,早上 ,在早上:,in the moning,afternoon,下午, 在下午:,in the afternoon,evening,晚上,在晚上,:,in the evening,night :,夜晚,在夜晚,:,at night,noon,正午,at noon,在正午,in the evening那么是泛指在晚上,,晚上6点左右,at night,是指在深夜,通常,11,点左右,In the afternoon, she usually,sees her friends. They often drink tea together.,下午,她总是会见她的朋友。,她们经常在一起喝茶。,一般现在时的用法:,当主语是第三人称时,它的构成是:?,当主语不是第三人称时,它的构成是:?,usually adv. 通常,指经常发生的,习惯性的动作,一般与一般现在时连用,eg:我通常都中午才起床,I usually get up at noon.,我经常不吃早饭,I usually,dont,eat breakfast.,always,总是,often,经常,sometimes,有时,together,adv.一起,eg:,我们一起聚会吧,Lets have a party together!,他们经常一起购物,They often go shopping together.,兄弟们一起上,Brothers! Together up!,他们经常一起去吃饭。,They often have lunch together.,In the evening, the children,come home,from school. They,arrive home,early.,Mr. Sawyer comes home from work. He arrives home late.,arrive是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟名词作宾语,我们通常加上一个介词。,arrive in 到达大地方,arrive at 到达小地方,arrive v.,到达,arrive是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟名词作宾语,我们通常加上一个介词。,arrive in 到达 大地方,arrive at 到达小地方,My father will arrive in London tomorrow.,I often arrive home early in the evening.,get to / reach 到达,arrive / get / reach home 到家, home本身可以做为副词,所以其前面不加介词。,At night, the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed.,Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television.,their v.,他们的,【形容词性物主代词】:,单数:my我的your你的his /her/its他她它的。,复数:our我们的your你们的their他们的。,形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特性,常放在名词前面作定语,说明该名词所表示的人或物是谁的或xx belongs to sb.,动词,go to work 去上班,go to school 去上学,stay at home 呆在家,do the housework 做家务,do the ho,m,ework 做作业,eat her lunch,吃午餐,see friends,见朋友,drink tea,喝茶,come,home 到家,arrive,home 到家,go to bed,睡觉,read newspaper,读报,watch TV,看电视,1. Where do the Sawyers live,2. In the morning, what does Mr. Sawyer do,What do the children do What does Mrs. Sawyer do,3. At noon, who always eats lunch at home Mr. or Mrs. Sawyer,4. In the afternoon, what does Mrs. Sawyer usually do,What do they often do,5. In the evening, do the children arrive home early,Listen again, and answer these questions:,1. Where do the Sawyers live,2. In the morning, what does Mr. Sawyer do What do the children do What does Mrs. Sawyer do,They live at 87King Street.,Mr. Sawyer go,es,to work.,The children go to school.,Mrs. Sawyer stay,s,at home and does the housework.,3. At noon, who always eats lunch at home Mr. or Mrs. Sawyer,4. In the afternoon, what does Mrs. Sawyer usually do What do they often do,Mrs. Sawyer.,She usually see,s,her friends.,They often drink tea together.,5. In the evening, do the children arrive home early,Yes, they do.,6. At night, what does Mr. Sawyer usually do What does he sometimes do with his wife,Mr. Sawyer usually read,s,his newspaper.,Sometimes he and his wife watch television.,Do some exercises,4,c,B,A,D,1. ( ) I often _ up at 7:oo in the morning. My mother often _up at 6:30.,A. get, get B. gets, gets C. get, gets D. gets, get,2. ( )Jims brother _ in a factory. He usually _ to work by car.,A. work, go B. works, goes C. works, go D. work, goes,3. ( ) _ you always _ basketball on Sundays,A. Do, play B. Does, play C. Are, playing D. Are, play,4. ( ) _ your father often_ TV in the evening,A. Do, watch B. Does, watches C. Does, watchs D. Does, watch,1. 格林太太总是在家中吃午饭。,2. Jimmy has lunch at home.(改成否认句),3. She often does her homework at night.(改一般疑问句,4. Jim often watch TV at home in the evening.(改为否认句和一般疑问句,Mrs.Green,lunch at home.,Jimmy,doesnt,ha,ve,lunch at home.,Does she often do her homework at night,Jim doesnt often watch TV at home in the evening.,Does Jim often watch TV at home in the evening,has,always,Homework,5,1.,记单词和词组,下周听写,2.,朗读课文,THANKS!,2,0,1,8,序言,Lesson 56,What do they usually do,此处添加标题,5,4,3,2,1,添加文本内容,Review,添加文本内容,添加文本内容,添加文本内容,此处添加标题,1,Review,看图,猜一猜,go to bed,go to work,stay at home,看图,猜一猜,have lunch,do the housework,drink tea,看图,猜一猜,read newspaper,do the homework,watch TV,动词,go to work 去上班,go to school 去上学,stay at home 呆在家,do the housework 做家务,do the ho,m,ework 做作业,eat her lunch,吃午餐,see friends,见朋友,drink tea,喝茶,come,home 到家,arrive,home 到家,go to bed,睡觉,read newspaper,读报,watch TV,看电视,一般现在时,1.定义:表示经常反复发生的动作或存在的状态。,2.标志词:often usually sometimes always never seldom every day / year行为动词前面,系动词后面,3.构成:,1)肯定句:主语+V原或V单三,2)否认句:主语+dont /doesnt +V原,3)一般疑问句:Do/Does +主语+V原,此处添加标题,The text,此处添加标题,usually adv.,通常,What do you usually do+,时间,I usually play,on the,computer.,此处添加标题,dusts the cupboard,makes the bed,shaves,此处添加标题,cleans the blackboard,go to bed,listen to the stereo,此处添加标题,washes the dishes,type some letters,drinks some milk,washes the dishes,type some letters,此处添加标题,watch TV,eats her lunch,reads his newspaper,此处添加标题,dusts the cupboard,makes the bed,shaves,cleans the blackboard,go to bed,listen to the stereo,drinks some milk,washes the dishes,type some letters,watch TV,eats her lunch,reads his newspaper,此处添加标题,Practice,此处添加标题,What does she do every day,She drink,s,milk every day.,此处添加标题,What do your parents do every day,They,usually,drink,milk every day.,此处添加标题,What does your grandmother do,in the afternoon,She,often,read,s,newspaper in the afternoon.,此处添加标题,What does your brother usually do in the evening,He,usually,watch,es,TV in the evening.,此处添加标题,What do they always do at night,They,always,watch TV at night.,此处添加标题,What does Jack often do in the evening,He,often,wash,es,the dish,es,in the evening.,此处添加标题,What does Bob usually do at noon,He,usually,has,lunch at noon.,此处添加标题,4,Homework,


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