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,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Company Logo,*,Click to edit Master title style,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Company Logo,*,论文中期检查,论文中期检查论文中期检查,On Application of Skopos Theory to Tourism Translation,专业:经贸英语,学生:宋慧杰,指导老师:王菲,社外系,contents,. Process of thesis writing,I.,The Brief Introduction,. Acknowledgements,II. Research Contents,Company Logo,I. The Brief Introduction,B,C,Literature Review,Research Objectives,Research Feasibility and Precondition,D,A,Significance of Research,Company Logo,D,evelop,tourism industry,A,ttract,tourists for,traveling,S,pread,Chinese,culture,A.,Significance of Research,2,3,1,Company Logo,赖斯的学生弗米尔继承了她的一些思想,以行为理论为基础,以文本的目的为翻译的第一准则,创立了翻译目的论,完全摆脱了以原语为中心的等值论的束缚。,目的论首先在,20,世纪,70,年代由,赖斯,提出。,1971,年她出版了,翻译批评的可能性和限制,一书并发表相关主张。首次将文本功能列为翻译批评的一个标准。,前者重点研究了翻译过程的行为,参与者的角色和翻译过程发生的环境;后者提出了“忠诚原则”,关注的是译者对原文作者和译文读者的忠诚。在,1997,年出版,目的性行为,全面系统地整理归纳了功能派的各种学术思想,对功能派翻译理论自形成以来受到的批评做了解答。,B.,Literature Review,Katharina,Reiss,Hans Vermeer,Manttari and,Nord,三个阶段,Company Logo,C.,Research Objectives,What is the research objectives?,2. Make the travelers feel the literal meaning and understand the implied meaning in the tourism material.,1,. Be aimed at revealing the application of Skopos on tourism translation,Company Logo,D. Research Feasibility and Precondition,Vacation trips have come into fashion,the tourism industry has become of new economic point,Chinas tourism industry,Company Logo,II.,Research contents,I. Introduction,II. Theoretical Framework,A. An Overview of Functionalist Approaches,1. Characteristics of Functionalist Approaches,2. Representatives of Functionalist Approaches,B. Studies on Skopostheory,1. Action theory introduced into translation,2. The basic content of Skopostheory,3. Vermeers Concept of “Skopos”,4. An Important Notion- “Translation Brief”,5. Skopos in Translation,. The Tourism Language,A. The Features of Tourism Language,B. The Strategies of Tourism Language,1. Attract Foreign Tourists to China,2. Spread Chinas Traditional Culture,. An Analysis of The Application of Skopos,A. The Application of Skopos Rule,B. The Application of Coherence Rule,C. The Applicationof fidelity Principle,. Conclusion,Company Logo,理论,Skopostheory,语言特征,Tourism Language,理论应用,The Application of,Skopos,A,C,the analysis of contents,B,Company Logo,A,.,Skopostheory,1.what is the skopostheory?,2.what is the three rules of Skopos?,Company Logo,1.what is the skopostheory?,a.,Skopos is a Greek word for “purpose”.,According to skopostheory, the prime principle determining any translation process is the purpose (skopos) of the overall transitional action,.,b. Skopos refers to the purpose of the target text. Although Vermeer has also cited other terms such as aim, intention, function. he considers the teleological concept to be equivalent.,Company Logo,2.three rules of skopostheory,skopos rule,coherence rule,fidelity rule,The translators can handle the source language according to the purpose of translation,the,translation process,should,based on the text of the original,.,T,he translation must be understood by the receiver and consistent in the target language communication,.,It,refers to the consistency of translation and the original,realiz,e,the coherence between inter language, which is equivalent,and,faithful to the original in translation,.,Company Logo,三个原则的关系,目的原则,连贯性原则,忠实性原则,这三条原则的关系是:忠实原则服从于连贯原则,而这二者服从于目的原则,如果翻译的目的要求改变原文功能,译文的标准就不再是与原文文本的语际间的连贯而是合适或符合翻译目的,如果翻译目的要求语内不连贯,则语际连贯规则不再有效。忠实的程度和形式宏观上取决于翻译目的的要求,忠实规则要服从于目的规则。如果翻译目的要求译文文本再现原文文本的特点、风貌,那么忠实规则与目的规则相符合。译者会尽最大努力去再现原文的风格、内容及特点。,Company Logo,B.The Tourism Language,1,Categories range from travel notes, scenic,spot introduction, tourism advertising, etc.,2,Categories complicated and changeful.,1,2,Attract Foreign Tourists to China,Spread Chinas Traditional Culture,1.what is the,f,eatures of,t,ourism,l,anguage,?,2.,The,function,of Tourism,translation,Company Logo,C.the application of skopostheory,Source text 1:,双公祠,“双公”是指滕子京和范仲淹。正对双公祠大门有二人的青铜塑像。左边展室是“岳阳天下楼”,展示岳阳楼的建置沿革、形制演变、历代名人咏叹岳阳楼的诗文,;,右边展室是“忧乐双公情”,展现范仲淹及滕子京生平以及对岳阳楼的历史贡献。,Target text 1:,Temple to the Two Masters,Bronze statues of the two masters, one a commander and one a man of letters stand at the temple gate. Visitors can see the development of the system and be shown poems and prose eulogizing the Yueyang Tower inside the exhibition rooms.,Company Logo,The a,nalysis,of the example,In,this example, the translator did not introduce the double male in detail when translating double male ancestral temple, just introduced their own identity. The translator did not introduce showroom like the origin according to the direction, but pointed out that the content of the shows to reflect its role. Convey the accurate travel information; keep the concise and fluent style as a whole.,Company Logo,. Process of thesis writing,选定,题目,资料,收集,大纲,设计,初稿,Company Logo,. Acknowledgements,My supervisor Wang Fei,My other teachers and my classmates,My families and my boyfriend,Company Logo,谢谢观赏!,2020/11/5,20,


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