世纪商务英语口译unit 1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,大连理工大学电子音像出版社,http:/,Reception, Check-in and Visit,Unit 1,世纪商务英语 口译教程,Section 1,Memory Training,.,记忆力训练,1. Directions,:,Listen to the recordings twice. In the first time, repeat the following,words and expressions as quickly as possible and in the second time,interpret them into English or Chinese accordingly.,机场 港口,行李 行李牌,手提行李 随身携带行李,海关手续 巴生港务集团,友好港口协议 行李提取处,机场大楼 候机大厅,问讯处 起飞时间,抵达时间,Sec 2,Sec 1,Scripts:,airport,luggage/baggage,hand,luggage,customs procedure,Sister Port Agreement,terminal building,enquiry/information desk,arrival time,boarding pass,Customs,Reference Version,Scripts:,port,luggage/baggage tag,carry-on luggage,Port,Klang,Authority,luggage/baggage claim,waiting hall departure/take-off time,security check,tourist visa,Reference Version,登机牌,海关,安检,旅游签证,Section 1,Memory,Traning,免税商店,初步日程,双人间,朝阳面,宾馆大堂,办理入住手续,退房,单人间,五星级饭店,招待,Sec 2,Sec 1,.,记忆力训练,电梯,紧张的行程,无烟房间,接待员,入住登记表,入住,豪华套房,星级酒店,接待,总统套房,Scripts:,duty-free shop,tentative itinerary,double room,the sunny side,hotel lobby,to go through the registration procedure,to check out,single room,five-star hotel,host,executive suite,40 percent discount/off,to pay by credit,Reference Version,Scripts:,elevator/lift,a tight schedule,non-smoking,room receptionist,hotel registration form,to check in,deluxe/luxury suite,star-grade hotel,to,entertain,presidential suite,room charge,to pay by cash,schedule/itinerary/program,Reference Version,经理,/,行政套房,打六折,信用卡支付,房价,现金支付,活动日程,/,日程安排,Section 1,Memory,Traning,single room,itinerary/program/schedule,to check in,to pay by cash,non-smoking room,receptionist,elevator/lift,bay,enquiry/information desk,arrival time,Sec 2,Sec 1,.,记忆力训练,double room,deluxe/luxury suite,to check out,a tight schedule,the sunny side,hotel lobby,tentative itinerary,departure/take-off time,room charge,waiting hall,Scripts:,Scripts:,单人间,活动日程,入住,现金支付无烟房间接待员,电梯,海湾,问讯处,抵达时间,Reference Version,双人间,豪华套间,退房,紧张的行程,朝阳面,宾馆大堂,初步行程,起飞时间,房价,候机大厅,Reference Version,Section 1,Memory,Traning,luggage tag,carry-on luggage,Sister Port Agreement,Subic Bay,terminal building,security check,duty-free shop,five-star hotel,residential,40 percent discount/off,to pay by credit,Sec 2,Sec 1,.,记忆力训练,hand luggage,Port,Klang,Authority,luggage/baggage claim,tourist visa,boarding pass,Customs,star-grade hotel,entertain,executive suite,hotel registration form,to go through the registration,procedure,Scripts:,Scripts:,行李牌,随身携带行李,友好港口协议,苏比克湾,候机大楼,安检,免税商店,五星级饭店,总统套房,打六折,信用卡支付,Reference Version,手提行李,巴生港务集团,行李提取处,旅游签证,登机牌,海关,星级酒店,招待,经理/行政套房,入住登记表,办理入住手续,Reference Version,Section 1,Memory,Traning,2. Directions: Listen to the recordings twice. In the first time, retell each sentence,as quickly as possible in the source language and in the second time, in the,target language.,Scripts:,1.,这是您第一次来广西吗,?,2.,很高兴见到您,3.,我们一直期待着您的到来,4.,在过去的几年里,广西发生了很大的变化,Sec 2,Sec 1,1. Is this your first visit to Guangxi?,2. Nice to meet you.,3. Weve been expecting your coming.,4. Over the past several years, great changes have taken place in Guangxi.,Reference Version,.,记忆力训练,Section 1,Memory Training,Scripts:,5.,越来越多的外商开始来南宁投资,6. May I introduce you to our General Manager, Mr. Zhang?,7. It would be a great pleasure to make their acquaintance.,8. I am John Smith from the Port,Klang,Authority.,Sec 2,Sec 1,5. More and more foreign investors have come to Nanning to invest.,6.,我可以把您介绍给我们的张经理吗?,7.,很高兴能认识他们。,8.,我是巴生港务集团的约翰,史密斯。,Reference Version,.,记忆力训练,Section 2,Interpreting Practice,Contents,入住酒店,Check-in,接待,Reception,参观考察,Visit,Sec 2,Sec 1,Section 2,Reception,. Sentence Interpreting,句子口译,Scripts:,1.,这是您第一次来广西吗,?,2.,很高兴见到您,我们一直期待着您的到来,3.,在过去的几年里,广西发生了很大的变化,越来越多的外商开始来南宁投资,Directions: Listen to the recordings and interpret each sentence into the target,language.,Sec 2,Sec 1,1. Is this your first visit to Guangxi,2. Glad to see you. Weve been expecting your coming.,3. Over the past several years, Guangxi has witnessed great changes. More and,more foreign businessmen began to invest in Nanning.,Reference Version:,Section 2,Reception,Scripts:,4. It is indeed my pleasure to have received your invitation to come to Nanning at,this time.,5. Port,Klang,is situated on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, about 40,kilometers away from the capital city, Kuala Lumpur.,Sec 2,Sec 1,4.,我很荣幸你们在这个时节邀请我来南宁,5.,巴生港位于马来半岛西岸,距首都吉隆坡大约,40,公里,Reference Version:,. Sentence Interpreting,句子口译,Section 2,Reception,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Directions: Work in groups of three, acting as A, B, C and the interpreter,respectively. Role-play the following dialogues and interpret them. After,the role-play, listen to the recordings and interpret what you hear.,Miss Liu,Lingling, an interpreter from,Fangcheng,Port, (Group) Company, and Mr. Zhang,Qiang, General Manager of the company, are at the airport to meet Mr. John Smith and Ms. Lora Brown from Port,Klang,Authority, Malaysia.,I: Excuse me, you must be Mr. Smith from Port,Klang,Authority of Malaysia,arent you?,A: Yes. I am John Smith from Port,Klang,Authority.,I: How do you do, Mr. Smith? Im Liu,Lingling, an interpreter from,Fangcheng,Port (Group) Company.,A: Nice to meet you. This is my assistant, Lora Brown.,I: Nice to meet you, Ms. Brown.,Sec 2,Sec 1,Section 2,Reception,B: Pleased to see you. Just call me Lora, please.,I: OK,Lora. Mr. Smith, may I introduce you to our General Manager, Mr. Zhang?,He has come to meet you.,A,:,Oh, sure, of course.,I,:,To Mr. Zhang,张总,这是马来西亚巴生港的业务总监史密斯先生,这位是史密斯,先生的助手,劳拉小姐,To Mr. Smith Mr. Smith, this is Mr. Zhang,Qiang,General Manager of,Fangcheng,Port Company.,C,:,Mr. Zhang shakes hands with Mr. Smith and Ms. Lora,Brown.,Welcome to Guangxi!,欢迎你们到广西来,!,很高兴见到您,谢谢您专程来接我们,A:,Nice to see you. Thank you for coming to meet us in person.,Sec 2,Sec 1,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Section 2,Reception,Its my pleasure. Were honored to have you here. Id like to introduce some of my colleagues to you. Theyve also come to meet you.,C:,这是应该的,你们能来是我们的荣幸,我想向你们介绍一下另外几位来接你们的同事,很高兴能认识他们,A:,It would be a great pleasure to make their acquaintance.,At the VIP room,This is Mr. Li, my colleague. Please give your luggage tags and passports to him. He will help you to go through Customs formalities and claim your luggage. We can take a seat here and have a rest.,C: (,向史密斯先生介绍,),这是我的同事小李,你们把行李牌和护照交给他,他去办理 通关手续,领取行李,咱们在这里先坐一下,Sec 2,Sec 1,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Section 2,Reception,那好,谢谢你,小李,你真是太好了,我想劳拉可以和你一起去取行李,她认识我们的行李,A:,OK, thank you, Mr. Li. You are so kind. I think Lora can go with you for the,luggage. She knows our luggage.,没问题,我当然认识,B:,Sure. Of course.,Mr. Li and Ms. Brown go out for the formalities,.,Sec 2,Sec 1,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Mr. Smith, what would you like to drink? Tea or coffee?,C:,史密斯先生,您喝点什么,?,茶还是咖啡,?,Section 2,Reception,我想喝杯茶实际上我很喜欢中国的茶,A:,Id like a cup of tea. Actually I like Chinese tea very much.,Thats good. Tea is very refreshing, and its good for your health.,C:,很好,茶有提神的功效,而且对身体也很好,是的,所以我喜欢喝茶,A:,Yes, thats why I like it.,How was your journey? You must have had a very long day today due to the delay of the flight.,C:,今天辛苦了,因为飞机晚点,您今天一定很劳累,Sec 2,Sec 1,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Section 2,Reception,实际上我很幸运,您知道我的航班是从吉隆坡到广州,可是由于天气原因,飞机无法在广州机场降落,所以不得不飞到海口,我在海口等了好几个小时,然后又飞到广州,幸亏广州到南宁的航班也晚点了,我才能赶上,而且,这么晚了您还在这里等我,您说我还不算幸运吗,?,A:,Actually I was very lucky. You know my flight was from Kuala Lumpur to,Guangzhou, but I could not land at the Guangzhou Airport due to the bad,weather conditions there, so I had to fly to Haikou, and waited at the Haikou,Airport for several hours. Then I flew to Guangzhou again from Haikou.,Fortunately, the flight from Guangzhou to Nanning was also delayed, so I,could catch it. You are still waiting for me so late at night, arent I lucky enough?,Sec 2,Sec 1,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Section 2,Reception,Youre really humorous, This kind of luck is only for our distinguished guests. That means you are our VIP.,C:,哈哈,史密斯先生真幽默,!,只有贵客才有这种幸运,这说明史密斯先生是我们的贵客,!,哦,谢谢您这么说/哪里,哪里,A:,Oh, its very kind of you to say so.,OK, all the formalities have been finished. Your luggage has been reclaimed. Shall we proceed to the hotel?,C:,好,手续都办好了,行李也取了,咱们去宾馆吧,?,好,咱们走吧,A:,OK, lets go.,This way, please.,C:,请这边走,Sec 2,Sec 1,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Section 2,Check-in,. Sentence Interpreting,句子口译,Directions: Listen to the recordings and interpret each sentence into the target,language.,Scripts:,1.,这是一家五星级酒店,地理位置优越,交通方便,2.,希望你们对这里的住宿和服务感到满意,3.,所有费用由公司报销,/,负担,4.,如果您在这里遇到不便之处,或需要帮助,请立即与我联系,Sec 2,Sec 1,1. This is a five-star hotel with an ideal location and convenient transportation.,2. I hope you can find the accommodation and services here satisfactory.,3. All the expenses will be borne by the company.,4. If any inconveniences occur or you need any help, please do not hesitate to,contact me.,Reference Version:,Section 2,Check-in,Scripts:,5. Thank you for your considerate arrangements for me.,6. Would you please fill out this hotel registration form?,7. Whats the rate for a deluxe suite?,8. Id like a non-smoking room on the sunny side.,Sec 2,Sec 1,5.,谢谢你们的周到安排。,6.,您能填一下入住登记表吗?,7.,豪华套房的价格是多少?,8.,我想要一个朝阳的无烟房间。,Reference Version:,. Sentence Interpreting,句子口译,Section 2,Check-in,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Directions: Work in groups of three, acting as A, B, C and the interpreter,respectively. Role-play the following dialogues and interpret them.,After the role-play, listen to the recordings and interpret what you hear.,Good evening! What can I do for you?,A:,晚上好,!,我能为您做点什么,?,我要个豪华套房,劳拉要个单间,两个房间都在朝阳面,B:,Id like to have a luxury suite for me and a single room for Lora. Both on the,sunny side.,对不起,我可以要个无烟房间吗,?,C:,Excuse me, can I have a non-smoking room?,At the registration desk,Sec 2,Sec 1,Section 2,Check-in,没关系吸烟房间也可以,万一我想抽烟的话,B:,It doesnt matter. I think smoking room is OK in case I want to have a smoke.,OK. Would you please fill out the hotel registration forms?,A:,好的,请你们登记一下好吗,?,给您,B&C: (Fill out the forms and give them to the receptionist.),Here you are.,OK, no problem. How about you? A non-smoking room, too?,A:,好的,没问题,(,向史密斯先生说,),您呢,?,也要无烟房间吗,?,Sec 2,Sec 1,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Section 2,Check-in,Your room number is 1001 on the 10th floor. Its a smoking room on the sunny side. (To Lora) Your room is 821, a non-smoking room. Both of you can have a very good view of the city. The elevator is at the end of the hallway. The luggage boy will send your luggage to your rooms soon.,A: (,把房卡给史密斯先生,),您的房号是,1001,在,10,楼,是朝阳面的吸烟房间, (,给劳拉,),您的房间是,821,是无烟房间,两个房间的视野都很好,电梯在走廊的尽头,行李员,会把你们的行李送到房间,谢谢,顺便问一下,餐厅在哪里,?,B:,Thank you. By the way, where is the restaurant?,It is on the first floor. Breakfast is from 6:00 to 10:00 a.m.,A:,在一楼,早餐从早上,6,点到上午,10,点,Sec 2,Sec 1,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Section 2,Check-in,明白了,谢谢你,B:,I see. Thank you.,I: Mr. Smith, here is our tentative itinerary for you. We have a tight schedule for,your brief visit. I hope you dont mind.,B: Thank you for making such thoughtful arrangements for me.,I: Its my pleasure. Tomorrow morning at 9 oclock, I will come to meet you at the,lobby. Our General Manager is expecting your visit to our company.,B: Thank you for your hospitality. See you tomorrow.,I: Good night. See you, Lora.,C: See you. Good night.,Sec 2,Sec 1,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Section 2,Visit,. Sentence Interpreting,句子口译,Directions: Listen to the recordings and interpret each sentence into the target,language.,Scripts:,1.,防城港位于广西南部北部湾北岸西端,是中国沿海,24,个主要港口之一,2.,规划的港口岸线长,50.3,公里,可规划建设深水泊位,200,多个,3.,港口始建于,1968,年,3,月,22,日,1983,年,7,月国务院批准对外开放,Sec 2,Sec 1,1.,Fangcheng,Port is situated at the west end to the north coast of the,Beibu,Gulf in south Guangxi. It is one of the 24 major ports in coastal China.,2. The planned port line is 50.3 kilometers. More than 200 deep-water berths,can be built along the line.,3. The port was initially built on March 22, 1968 and was opened in July, 1983,with approval from the State Council.,Reference Version:,Section 2,Visit,Scripts:,4.,防城港地处华南经济圈,西南经济圈与东盟经济圈的结合部,是我国内陆进入东,盟国家最便捷的出海门户,5. The commercial environment of the port has been continuously liberalized.,6. The port has trade connections with over 120 countries and dealings with,more than 500 ports around the world.,Sec 2,Sec 1,4. Located at the conjuncture of South China Economic Rim, Southwest China,Economic Rim and ASEAN Economic Rim,Fangcheng,Port serves as the,most convenient access of Chinas mainland to ASEAN countries.,5.,港口的商业环境越来越自由化,6.,港口与,120,多个国家建立了贸易关系,并与世界上,500,多个港口有业务往来,Reference Version:,. Sentence Interpreting,句子口译,Section 2,Visit,Scripts:,With a number of strategies,persued,since 1993, the facilities and services here are all the same with those of world-class ports.,It is close to the commercial and industrial hub, which ensures that the port plays an important role in the economic development of the country.,Sec 2,Sec 1,自,1993,年采取了一系列策略以来,这里的设施和服务已经达到了世界级港口的水平。,由于靠近工商业枢纽,本港口在国家经济发展中发挥着关键作用。,Reference Version:,. Sentence Interpreting,句子口译,Section 2,Visit,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Directions: Work in groups of three, acting as A, B and the interpreter respectively. Role-play the following dialogues and interpret them. After the role-play, listen to the recordings and interpret what you hear.,Good morning, Mr. Smith! Did you sleep well last night?,A:,早上好,史密斯先生,!,昨晚睡得好吗,?,早上好,张总!很高兴再见到您昨晚睡得很好,B:,Morning, Mr. Zhang! Nice to see you again. I had a really sound sleep.,Thats good. Lets look at the overall plan of our port. The green part in the middle is the status quo of the port and the blue part represents the plan of the future development in the next 10 years.,A:,那好,先来看看我们港口的整体规划吧,中间的绿色区域是港口目前的发展情况,蓝色区域是我们未来,10,年的发展规划,At,Fangcheng,Port Group,Sec 2,Sec 1,Section 2,Visit,不错,顺便问一下,目前你们有多少码头,?,有集装箱码头吗,?,B:,Thats good. By the way, how many berths do you have at the moment? Do you,have any container wharfs?,At the moment, we have 35 berths, among which 21 are deep-water berths. The annual throughput has exceeded 40 million tons, among which the handling capacity of containers reaches 500,000 TEU.,A:,目前我们拥有泊位,35,个,其中深水泊位,21,个,年吞吐能力超过,4000,万吨,其中集装箱,吞吐能力,50,万,TEU,哦,你们的主要业务是什么,?,B:,Oh, whats your major business?,Currently, were mainly engaged in transit business.,A:,目前,我们主要从事中转业务,Sec 2,Sec 1,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Section 2,Visit,太好了!我们能去看看港口吗?我急切地想亲眼看看,B:,Thats marvelous! Shall we go to the port and have a look? Im eager to see it,with my own eyes.,水很干净啊,你们的环境保护得很好,最深的地方是哪里,?,有多深,?,B:,The water is clean. Youve maintained a very good environment. Where is the,deepest place? And how deep is it?,The deepest place is 21 meters. Its over there.,A:,最深处是,21,米,在那边,这可是个大工程,这里的自然条件很好,我们要想的就是如何扩充港口的吞吐量,更好地发挥它的优势,B:,Thats a big project. The natural conditions here are pretty good. What we should,think about is how to expand its handling capacity to better utilize its strengths.,At the Port Area,Sec 2,Sec 1,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,Section 2,Visit,Youre right. Thats why we want to enter business relations with you. We hope to have opportunity to learn advanced technologies and management experience from you, so that we can give fuller play to our development potential.,A:,您说得对,这也是我们希望能同你们建立业务联系的原因,希望能有机会学习你,们的先进技术和管理经验,更好地开发我们的潜能,我想我们该回去坐下来谈谈具体的技术问题了,赶早不赶晚啊,B:,I think we should go back and get down to specific technical issues. Its always,better early than late.,Thats right. The meeting room is ready.,A:,好,会议室已经准备好了,Sec 2,Sec 1,. Dialogue Interpreting,对话口译,http:/,Thank You !,


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