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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 39 Dont drop it!,别摔了!,Everyday English,1. Dont bother me,!,别烦我!,2. You look beautiful tonight.,今晚你看上去真美啊,!,3. Ive really had a good time tonight.,今晚我过的很开心,.,Dont drop it!,祈使句,Stand up. Dont stand up.,Sit down. Dont sit down.,头脑风暴:说祈使句。,New words and expressions,front n.,前面,in front of,在,之前,careful adj.,小心的,仔细的,vase n.,花瓶,drop v.,掉下,flower n.,花,front,n.,前面;,adj.,前面的,front line: 前线 前排,,front teeth:门牙front row: 前排front-page news:头版新闻,front door: 前门,正门 in front of不属于同一范围in the front of属于同一范围The teacher is standing in front of the blackboard.,The vase is in front of you.,There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.,in front of the bus,in,the,front of the bus,front n.,前面,careful,adj.,小心的,仔细的,词的构成:词根+词缀前缀,后缀,care + ful = careful仔细的,care + less =careless粗心的,care + less + ness =carelessness粗心,make a mistake,I made this mistake because of my carelessness.,因为粗心我犯了这个错误。,care v.,在乎,I dont care about money.I dont care (about) you.I dont care (about) what people think.care for 喜欢常用于否认句和疑问句She doesnt really care for red wine.,drop,v.,掉下, vt. 失手落下;掉下;放下,She dropped her knife and fork and hurried to answer the phone. 她放下刀叉赶紧去接 。, v. 使滴下;滴水,Tears dropped from her face., v. 使下降;降低,He dropped his voice.,Yesterday the temperature dropped to 8 below zero.,raise- rise,drop n.,滴,e.g. a drop of water,一滴水,e.g. some drops of water,几滴水,drop out of school,退学,drop in on sb.,顺便拜访某人,Constant dripping wears away a stone.,水滴石穿,绳锯木断。, flower n. 花通称 vase n. 花瓶,Put the flowers into the vase.,把花放进花瓶里。,e.g. The flowers smell nice.,这些花闻起来真香。,flower bed,花坛,flower girl,卖花女孩,rose/ lily/ jasmine /orchid,lily,百合花,jasmine,dzmn,茉莉花,orchid:kd,兰花,What are they talking about,Answer the following questions.,What is Penny going to do with the vase,Does Sam want her to do that?,So, what is Sam going to do with the vase,Finally, where is the vase,What are you going to do,with,that,vase, Penny,?,Im going to put it on this table, Sam.,Dont do that.,Give it to me.,What are you going to do with it,Im going to put it here, in front of the window.,Be careful! Dont drop it!,Dont put it here, Sam. Put it here, on this shelf.,There we are! Its a lovely vase.,Those,flowers,are very lovely, too.,Language Points,1. do with. 处理,-What are you going to do with these dirty clothes,你打算怎样处理这些脏衣服?,- Im going to wash them.,我打算把它们洗了。,do with/deal with/ cope with 处理,washing machine 洗衣机,2. Be careful!,小心!,Be careful with the glass!,小心他的枪!,其他类似的表达:,Watch out!,Look out!,Caution!,注意!,3.There we are!,放好啦,其他常用的表达:,Here we go! 开场啦!,There he/she is! 就是他了!,Thats it! 就这样了!,Here we are! 我们来啦!,花瓶,careful,你打算如何处理那花瓶?,Dont do that!,Be careful!,Its a lovely vase.,我打算把它放在桌子上。,Lesson 40 What are you going to do 你准备做什么?Im going to 我准备,New words and expressions,show v.,给,看,send v.,送给,take v.,带给, show v.,给,看,show sb. sth. =show sth. to sb.,e.g: Im going to,show,the picture,to,my mother.,fashion show,时装秀,/ talk show,脱口秀,show off,炫耀,Nancy is,showing off,her new schoolbag.,send,v.,送给,send sb. sth=send sth. to sb., v. 送给;寄,Ill send him a present., v. 派遣;命请去,He sent his flower for a friend., take v.,带给,take sb. sth=take sth. to sb.,take off 脱下 ,飞机等起飞,put on 穿上,take on a new look 呈现新面貌,take a message 捎个口信,Lets practice.,Ask your partner questions according to the pictures:,What are you going go do with _,Im going to give/put/break/show/take _!,going to = gonna,Assignments:,1.,抄写,39-40,课单词,4,英,1,中;,2.,每天读课文,20,分钟;,3.,背诵第,39,课课文;,4.,完成练习册第,39,课、第,40,课。,


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