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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Revision (,复习,),Listen.,Review the old words. (,复习旧单词,),Listen and,repeat,. (,和,跟读,),Recite according to the Chinese. (,根据汉语背诵,),Word practice. (,单词训练,),Dialogue practice. (,对话训练,),Lesson 1,Excuse me,!,Lily,excuse,/ikskju:z/,v. 原谅,me /mi:/ pron. 我宾格,is /iz/ v. be 动词第三人称单数,yes,/jes/,adv. 是的,this,/is/,pron. 这,your,/,j:,/,你的,你们的,handbag,/ hndbg/,n. 手提包,pardon,/p:dn/,int. 原谅,请再说一遍,it,/it/,pron. 它,thank you /k-ju:/ 感谢你们,very much,/ veri-mt /,非常地,Revision (,复习,),Recite according to the Chinese. (,根据汉语背诵,),男士:对不起,女士:什么事?,男士:这是您的手提包吗?,女士:对不起,请再说一遍。,男士:这是您的手提包吗?,女士:是的,是我的。非常感谢!,pen pencil dressskirt shirt bookwatch car coathouse,pen,钢笔,watch,手表,pencil,铅笔,car,汽车,h,ouse,房子,coat,外套,skirt,短裙,dress,裙子,shirt,衬衫,book,书,pen,pencil,book,watch,coat,dress,shirt,house,car,skirt,Is this your ,-Is this your handbag,-Yes, it is.,-Thank you very much.,对话练习,-Excuse me.,-Yes,-Is this your _,-Pardon,两个小朋友一组,进展分组SHOW,A new lesson(,新课,),Listen.,Learn the new words. (,学习新单词,),Listen and repeat.,Read aloud. (,大声朗读,),Learn sentence by sentence. (,一句一句学习,),Learn the new words.,Word practice. (,单词训练,),Dialogue practice. (,对话训练,),Lesson 3,Sorry sir,!,Lily,Learn the new words,单词学习,仔细听Lily教师读一遍,仔细听Lily教师解释一遍,大声跟着Lily教师读出来哟,umbrella mbrel n.,伞,please pli:z int.,请,here hi ad.,这里,my mai pron.,我的,ticket tikit n.,票,number nmb n.,号码,five faiv num.,五,sorry sri a.,对不起的,sir s: n.,先生,Learn the new words,单词学习,仔细听Lily教师读一遍,仔细听Lily教师解释一遍,大声跟着Lily教师读出来哟,suit su:t, sju:t n.,一套衣服,school sku:l n.学校teacher ti:t n.教师,son sn n.,儿子,daughter d:t n.,女儿,Lesson 3 Sorry sir.,A: My coat and my umbrella please. Here is my ticket.,B: Thank you sir. Number five. Here is your umbrella and your coat.,A: This is not my umbrella.,B: Sorry sir. Is this your umbrella,A: No, it isnt.,B: Is this it,A: Yes, it is. Thank you very much.,My coat and my umbrella please.,这是一个省略形式的祈使句,完整的句子应为:,Give me,my coat and my umbrella, please.,II 形容词性物主代词用在名词前,起修饰作用,意为“的,不可单独使用,后面必须跟名词。,my 我的;your 你的;,his 他的;her 她的;,my,your,his,her,我的,你的,他的,她的,my,your,his,her,形容词性物主代词,请翻译:,1.,我的手表,: _,2.,你的汽车,: _,3.,他的外套,: _,4.,她的房子,: _,my watch,your car,his coat,her house,句型Is this your _中的,your可以换成其他形容词性物主代词,就可以造出新的句子哟。,Here is my ticket.,本句为倒装句,,其正常语序为:,My ticket is here.,Here,提前至句首强调方位,目的是让对方看清楚你所给的物品。,该句型常用于把物品交与对方时。,此句还可缩写成,Heres my ticket.,句型操练:,Here is my _.,Thank you, sir.,英语中对陌生人不知道对方的姓氏的尊称:sir(先生),madam(女士)。,否认句,否认陈述句与肯定陈述句相反,它表示“否认,并且含有一个如not 之类的否认词。一个内含be的陈述句,在其后加 not,构成否认句:,肯定句: This is my umbrella. 这是我的伞。,否认句: This is not my umbrella. 这不是我的伞。,Sorry = Im sorry。,这是口语中的缩略形式,通常在社交场合中用于表示对他人的歉意或某种程度的遗憾。,1. sorry: 做了令人不悦的事情或给别人带来打搅后,想对方抱歉,其答复:,1) Not at all.2) No problem.3) Thats all right.,2. excuse me: 要打搅别人、打断别人谈话前或要吸引别,关键句型:,一般疑问句:Is this your _,这是你的_吗,问物:,肯定答复:Yes, it is. (不能用缩写形式),否认答复:No, it isnt./ No, it is not.,问人:,肯定答复:Yes, he is./ Yes, she is.,(不能用缩写形式),否认答复:No, he isnt./ No, she is not.,人称代词主格形式,I,我;,you,你;,he,他;,she,她;,it,它,形容词性物主代词,my,我的;,your,你的;,his,他的;,her,她的;,its,它的,形容词性物主代词,my,your,his,her,我的,你的,他的,她的,my,your,his,her,人称代词主格形式,I,you,he,she,我,你,他,她,I,you,he,she,请翻译:,1. 这是我的伞。_,2. 他是她儿子。_,3. 她是你教师。_,This is my umbrella.,He is her son.,She is your teacher.,请把以上三个句子改为否认陈述句。,在动词is后面加not :,1. This is my umbrella.,_,2. He is her son.,_,3. She is your teacher.,_,This is,not,my umbrella.,He is,not,her son.,She is,not,your teacher.,把以上三个句子改为一般疑问句。,把动词is提至句首,1. This is my umbrella.,_,2. He is her son.,_,3. She is your teacher.,_,Is this your umbrella,Is he her son,Is she your teacher,suit n.,一套外衣;西装,套装;,umbrella,v. /,mbrel /,伞,ticket /,tkt /n,.,票,school /sku:l/n.,学校,teacher/tit/n. 教师,son /sn/ n.,儿子,daughter/dt/ n.,女儿,suit n.,一套外衣;西装,套装;,umbrella,v. /,mbrel /,伞,ticket /,tkt /n,.,票,school /sku:l/n.,学校,teacher/tit/n. 教师,son /sn/ n.,儿子,daughter/dt/ n.,女儿,suit,umbrella,school,ticket,teacher,daughter,son,suit,umbrella,school,ticket,teacher,daughter,son,A: My _ please. Here is my ticket.,B: Thank you sir. Number five. Here is your _.,A: This is not _.,B: Sorry sir. Is this _,A: No, _.,B: Is this it,A: Yes, _. Thank you very much.,对话练习,两个小朋友一组,进展分组SHOW,Summary,总结,把东西递给某人时,怎么说?,数字“5怎么说?,否认句哪个是正确的?,1. This is not my umbrella.,2. Is this your umbrella?,“对不起,先生,怎么说?,作业,不多哟!,背诵第一、三课的课文。,背诵第一、二、三、四课的单词。,熟悉今天学到的日常用语。试着跟爸爸妈妈说,秀一下自己的英文。,Thank You !,


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