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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour,wave,weiv,v. 招手,wave to sb.,向sb.招手,track,n. 跑道,race track,赛道,mile,n. 英里,feet,英尺,meter,米,overtake,v. 从后面超越,超车,overtookovertaken,speed limit,limit,限速,dream,dri:m,v. 做梦,思想不集中,sign,sain,n. 标记,牌子,driving licence 驾驶执照,charge t:d v. 罚款,darling d:li,n. 亲爱的用作表示称呼,Listen and answer the question,What does Ann advise her husband to do next time,she advise him,to drive slowly.,Text,ANN:,Look, Gary!,That policemans waving to you.,He wants you to stop,ANN:,Look, Gary!,That policemans waving to you.,He wants you to stop,POLICEMAN:,Where do you think you are,On a race track,You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.,I cant have been,GARY,I was doing eighty when I overtook you !,Didnt you see the speed limit,Im afraid I didnt, officer.,I must have been dreaming.,He wasnt dreaming, officer.,I was telling him to drive slowly.,Thats why I didnt see the sign.,Thats why I didnt see the sign.,He wasnt dreaming, officer.,I was telling him to drive slowly.,Let me see your driving license.,I wont charge you this time.,But,youd better not do,it again!,youd better=you had better,Thank you. Ill certainly be more careful.,I told you to drive slowly, Gary.,You always tell me to drive slowly, darling.,Well, next time youd better take my advice!,You always tell me to drive slowly, darling.,Grammar,情态动词表推测(二:,对过去的推测及过去正在发生的推测,1. 对过去的推测,(1)肯定推测:must have been “那时一定是,Eg:我认为他那时一定很累。,I think he must have been tired.,我认为他们那是一定很忙。,I think they must have been busy。,(2)否认推测:cant have been “那时不可能是,Eg:我认为他那时不可能累。,I think he cant have been tired.,我认为他们那是不可能很忙。,I think they cant have been busy。,(2)可能性推测:can have been “那时可能是,Eg:我认为他那时可能累。,I think he can have been tired.,我认为他们那是可能很忙。,I think they can have been busy。,Grammar,2. 过去正在发生的推测,1肯定推测:must have been doing “那时一定正在做,Eg:我认为他那时一定正在睡觉。,I think he must have been sleeping.,我认为他们那是一定正在读书。,I think they must have been reading。,(2)否认推测:cant have been doing “那时不可能正在,Eg:我认为他那时不可能正在睡觉。,I think he cant have been sleeping.,我认为他们那是不可能正在读书。,I think they cant have been reading。,(2)可能性推测:can have been doing“那时可能正在做.,Eg:我认为他那时可能正在睡觉。,I think he can have been sleeping.,我认为他们那时可能正在读书。,I think they can have been reading 。,Notes,1、,wave v. 招手,wave to sb. 向某人招手,E.g.: 他正向你招手。,He is waving to you.,2. reach the top of. 够到.的顶部,E.g.: 我能够到架子的顶部。,I can reach the top of the shelf.,Notes,3、sign ones name 签某人的名字,e.g.: 请在纸上签上你的名字。,Please sign your name on the paper.,4. at a speed of 以 速度,e.g.: 你刚刚一定是以每小时70英里的速度开车。,You must have been driving at a speed of 10 miles an hour.,Notes,5. had better do sth 最好做.,had better not do sth 最好做.,e.g.: 你最好听从我的劝告。,Youd better take my advice.,6. be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事,e.g.: 我擅长游泳。,I am good at swimming.,


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