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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Period,1,(1a-1c),b,i,k,e,c,ar,b,u,s,tr,ai,n,pl,a,n,e,t,a,x,i,sh,i,p,sub,way,ride,a bike,take,a,bus,take,the train,take,the subway,take,a,taxi,walk,A:How do you get to school,B:I,. . to school.,Pairwork,He rides a/his bike.,How does he get to school,He walks to school.,Guessing,Guess:,How does she go to work,She take,s,the train.,How does she go to work,She take,s,the taxi.,She take,s,the ship.,How does he go to work,He take,s,the subway.,subway,She,takes the subway,to school.,How does Mary get,to school,How does John get to work,He takes the bus.,Match the words with the pictures.,1a,take the train _ 2. take the bus _,3. take the subway _ 4. ride a bike _,5. walk _,d,e,a,b,c,Bob 2. Mary 3. John 4. Paul 5. Yang Lan 6. Jim,Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture.,1b,2,3,4,6,5,group work:,根据表格内容练习:,A:How does_ _,B:He_.What about_,C:She_ . How ,D:,E:,Bob get to school,takes the train,Mary,takes the subway,A: How do you get to school,ride,my bike,take,the bus,take,the car,take,the subway,take,the train,walk,B:,to school.,I,ride my bike,to school,.= I,get to school,by bike,.,Summary,Homework,1 .Read and remember the words of unit 3.,2 .Preview next period and pay attention to,by,bike,in 2e .,Think :,I ride my bike to school .,=,I get to school by bike.,1. I take the train to school.,= I get to school _.,2. She takes the subway to school. (同义句),She _ to school _ _.,by train,gets,by subway,3. Jenny rides the bike to school,= Jenny gets to school _ _.,gets,on foot,by bike,4. Mr. Wang walks to school. (,同义句,),Mr. Wang _ to school _ _.,Write the correct number next to the word.,sixty-one _ seventy-two _,eighty-four _ ninety-nine _,one hundred and five _,two hundred _,61,72,84,99,105,200,2a,Listen and repeat the numbers.,84 105 99 200 72 61,Listening,fifty,-,eight,one hundred,and,three,How long,Twenty-five minutes.,How far,Ten kilometers(,公里,).,nine hundred,I _.,How do you get to school,2d,It takes _.,How long does it take ,Its about _.,How far is it from to ,Student A is Jane and Student B is Tom. Use the information in 2b to make conversations.,five kilometers,10 minutes,seven kilometers,25 minutes,two kilometers,8 minutes,Use the following information to make conversations.,Listen and complete the chart.,takes the bus,walks,20 minutes,2b,Listen again. Check your answers in 2b.,2c,one hour and 30 minutes,60 kilometers,2 kilometers,Read the conversation and fill in the blanks.,take the bus,ride the bike,20 minutes,2e,15 minutes,10 kilometers,10 kilometers,20 minutes,Role-play the conversation.,15 minutes,Yes, I ride it to school every day.,Hey, Jane Is this your new bike,1. Tom takes the bus to school.,2. I walk to school every day.,Tom gets to school by bus.,I get to school on foot every day.,3. They go to the USA by plane.,They take the plane to the USA.,一、写出以下句子的同义句。,They ride their bikes to school. (就划线局部提问,2. It takes 50 minutes to get here. (就划线局部提问,_ _ _ get to school,_ _ _ it take to get here,How do they,How long does,二、句型转换。,Section A 2,Grammar focus-3c,ride,a bike,= by bike,take the subway,= by subway,take the train,= by train,take a plane,= by plane,take the bus,= by bus,walk,=,on,foot,get to,骑,自行车,乘坐地铁,乘坐火车,乘坐飞机,乘坐公车,走路、步行,到达,I ride my bike.,How do you get to school,How does she get to school,She usually take,s,the bus.,It take,s,about 15 minutes,.,How long does it take to get to school,Grammar focus,No, she doesnt. She goes by bike.,Does Jane walk to school,Do they take the bus to school,No, they dont. They walk.,Its,only about two kilometers,.,How far is it from your home to school,How does Mike get to school _,How long does it take to get home _,How far is it from here _,Do your friends go to school by bus _,Does your dad drive to work _,a. Yes, they do. b. No, he doesnt.,c. He rides his bike. d. Its five kilometers.,e. About 15 minutes.,Match the questions with the answers. Then practice them.,3a,c,e,d,a,b,school/you/get to/do/how,2. to/school/get to/does/how long/take/it,3. school/your/ from/it/is/how far/ home/to,4. you/to/walk/do/school,5. ride/their bikes/do/school/your friends/to,Use the words to make questions.,3b,How do you get to school,How long does it take to get to school,How far is it from your home to school,Do you walk to school,Do your friends ride their bikes to school,1. How do you get to school,_,2. How long does it to get to school,_,3. How far is it from your home to school,_,Then answer the questions.,It takes about twenty minutes.,I ride my bike to school.,Its about five kilometers.,4. Do you walk to school,_,5. Do your friend ride their bikes to school,_,No, I dont. I always ride my bike.,Yes, they do.,How far is it from your home to school,Its about five kilometers.,Ask your classmates questions and write their names in the chart. The first student to fill in all the blanks wins!,3c,Make a survey in your group.,5 kilometers,No, I dont.,take the bus,10 minutes,一、选词填空, 注重用恰当的形式。,how long, about, how far, live, walk, drive,My school is near. So I always _ to school.,2. It takes _ 25 minutes .,3. Mr Bush usually _ home.,walk,about,drives,Exercises,4. My aunt _ ten kilometers from school.,5. A: _ is it from your home to school,B: About nine kilometers.,6. A: _ does it take to get to his school,B: About half an hour.,lives,How far,How long,1. Do your parents drive to work (作否认答复) _,2. Mary goes to school by bike (对划线局部提问) _,3. Linda lives ten kilometers from school. (划线局部提问),_,二、句型转换。,No, they dont.,How does Mary go to school,How far does Linda live from school,4. I take an hour to get to her home. (对划 线局部提问),_,5. Eric/rides/to/school/every/his/day (连词 成句),_.,How long does it take to get to her home,Eric rides his bike to school every day,1. Copy words, phrases and sentences.,2. Interview your parents how to get to,work,and give a report.,Unit 3,How do you get to school?,Section B 1,1a-2c,b,oa,t,n.,小船,r,i,v,er,n.,河;江,br,i,dg,e,n.,桥,v,i,ll,a,g,e,n.,村庄,;,村镇,v,i,ll,a,g,er,n.,村民,rope,way,n.,索道,New words,dr,ea,m,n.,梦想;睡梦,v,.,做梦,b,e,tw,ee,n,and,在,和,之间,100,分,l,ea,v,e,v.,离开,a,fr,ai,d,adj.,害怕,;,畏惧,m,a,n,y,adj.&pron.,许多,cr,o,ss,v.,横过,;,越过,细读每个问题,确定每句话的意思。,2. 带着问题读短文,在短文中寻找相关信息,确定问题答复的依据。,3. 找到答题依据后,再根据问题是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句来确定如何答复。,4. 最后,再读一遍课文,检查一下答案正确性。,阅读指导,1. How do the students in the village go to school,2. Why do they go to school like this,3. Does the boy like this school Why,4. Whats the villagers dream Do you think their dream can come true Why or why not,Careful reading,1. They,cross,the river to school.,2. Because there is a big river,between,their school,and,the village. Theres no bridge and the river,run,s too quickly for boats.,3. Yes, he does. He loves to play with his,classmates. He loves his teacher.,4. Their dream is,to have a bridge,.,Yes.,I think so.,Many kind people will help them.,Answer,1. For the students in the village, it is _ to get to the school.,2. They have to cross a very _ river between their school and the village.,3. They can,t go by boat because the,river runs too _.,2c,Read the passage again. Complete the sentences with the words from the passage.,difficult,big,quickly,4. It is not easy to cross the river on a ropeway, but the boy is not _.,5. The students and villagers want to have a bridge. Can their dream come _,afraid,true,kilometers get to takes walk boring leave,3a,Read the e-mail from your pen pal Tom in the US. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,Hi there,How are you Thank you for your last e-mail. You want to know how I _ school, right Well, I usually _ my home at about 8:00 and _ to the bus stop.,get to,walk,leave,The school bus usually comes at about 8:15. My school is about 20 _ from my home. It _ about 40 minutes to get there by bus. The bus ride is never _ because I always talk to my classmates.,What about you How do you get to school,Tom,boring,kilometers,takes,When do you leave home,_,How do you get to school,_,_,First I walk to the subway station. Then, I get to school by subway.,I leave home at half past seven.,3b,Check the answers.,How far is it from your home to school,_,How long does it take you to get to school,_,5. How is your trip to school _,Its about ten kilometers.,It takes about half an hour.,Its interesting.,I. Complete the sentences.,1. Is it easy for them _ (get) to school,2. The river runs too _ (quick) for boats.,3. His brother _ (cross) the river on a ropeway every day.,4. Can this dream _ (come) true,come,to get,crosses,quickly,Exercises,5. All the _ (village) want to have a nice bridge.,6. It takes six hours to get to his _ (grandparents) home.,villagers,grandparents,II. Fill in the blanks.,1. Theres a shop _ our school and,the park.,think of come true by boat on a ropeway,between,between,2. The students in Kaishandao goes to school _.,3. How do they cross the big river, They go _.,4. What do you _ the new violin,5. His parents dream is to have a big house.,They think it can _ soon.,think of,on a ropeway,by boat,come true,


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