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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8,When is your birthday?,Section A,Grammar Focus-3c,Goal for today(今天的目标):,总结本单元的语法:,问生日。,When is/are +,sb.s,birthday(s,)?,sb.s,birthday(s,) is on,2.,基数词变序数词 。,3.,询问某人的年龄。,A:,How old,is,he/she?,How old are you/ they/we/ your parents?,=What is +,某人的,+ age,(,年龄,) ?,B: I,m,/ You/ They/ We,are,+ 13 (years/months old).,=,My/ Your/Their/ Our,age,is,+13.,4.,介词,:,on+,某一天;,in+,年,/,月,at +,点钟,A) 写正确的序数词,1. one,2. two,3. three,4. five,5. eight,6. nine,7. twelve,8. twenty,9. seventy-one,first,second,third,fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth,twentieth,seventy-first,B) 写正确的词组,1. 你多大了?,_,2. 在九月十日,_,3. 在十一月,_,4. 在今天下午三点钟,_,5. 祝生日快乐!,_,How old are you?,on,September 10th,in,November,at,three this afternoon,Happy birthday (to you)!,Bob,13,6月22日,Cindy,12,8月12日,Frank,,9,Grace,16,11月5日,Helen,15,12月8日,A: Whats your name?,B: My name is.,A: How old are you?,B: Im,A: When is your birthday?,B: My birthday is on,A: When is,s,birthday?,B: His/ Her birthday is ,2月3日,1. 你的生日是什么时候?,_ _ your birthday,?,2. 我的生日是5月2日。,My birthday is _ _ _.,3. 他的生日是什么时候?,_ _ his _?,4. 他的生日是在1月17日。,His _ is _ _ 17th.,5. 她的生日是在什么时候?,When is _ _?,Grammar Focus,When is,When is birthday,on May 2nd,her birthday,一、重点句型,birthday on January,6. 是在八月份。_ _ August.,7. 爱丽丝的生日是什么时候?,When is _ _?,8. 她的生日在九月五日。,_ birthday is _ _ 5th.,9. 你爸爸的生日是什么时候?,When _ _ _ birthday?,10. 他的生日是在4月21日。,_ _ is _ _ 21st.,His birthday on April,is your fathers,Its in,Alices Birthday,Her on September,序数词:,表示事物顺序的词, 其前常加定冠词,the,。,数字,序数词变化规则,例词,1,2,3,特殊记,one first two second three third,419,基数词词尾加-th,特殊:fi,ve,fi,f,th 第五;,eigh,t, eight,h,第八;,nin,e,ninth 第九,twel,ve, twel,f,th 第十二,一般:,fourfour,th,第四,nineteen nineteen,th,第十九,20, 30,40, 50,60, 70, 80, 90,-y,变为,-i,再加,eth,twent,y, twent,ieth,第二十,thirt,y, thirt,ieth,第三十,fort,y,fort,ieth,第四十,fift,y, fift,ieth,第五十,sixt,y, sixt,ieth,第六十,sevent,y, sevent,ieth,第七十,eight,y, eight,ieth,第八十,ninet,y, ninet,ieth,第九十,其余两位数,将相应基数词的,个位改为序数词,twenty-,one, twenty-,first,;thirty-,nine, thirty-,ninth,;,forty-,six,forty-,sixth,【记忆口诀】,基变序,有规律,多数词尾加,-th,。,一、二、三,特殊记,词尾字母,t, d, d,。,八,去,t,,,九,去,e, 字母,ve,变,f,,然后再加,-th,。,遇到,几十几,,只变,个位,就可以。,序数词 表顺序,一般须加,定冠词,。,序数词要加定冠词,the,。但当序数词前有物主代词,(his, her),、指示代词,(this, that),等修饰时,则不必再用the。如:,在第三天/周 _,在,他,十二岁生日这天_,on,the,third day/week,on,his,twelfth birthday,on the third day/week,on the third day/week,询问及回答生日,询问他人的生日:,When is/are sbs birthday(s)?,回答:,sbs birthday(s) is/are (on/in) ,或,Its (on/in) ,简的生日是什么时候?_,1月12日._,When is Janes birthday?,Her birthday is on January twelfth.,_ _,their birthday,s,? 他们的生日是什么时候?,_ _ _,May 2nd and June 5th.他们的生日是五月二日和六月五日。,When _ your_ _? 你父母的生日是什么时候?,_ _,February twenty-ninth. 他们的生日是在二月二十九日。,When,are,Their birthday,s,are,are parent,s,birthdays,They are,3. 辨析,on, in, at,(表示时间),“在”,具体的某一天,某一天的上/下/晚,星期几,节日,一天的上/下/晚,月/年;月年,季节,点钟,几点几分,_May,22nd,_ October,_ 2018,_ a,cold,evening,_ the morning of May,1st,_,Thursday,_ summer,_ 5:00,_ the morning/ afternoon,_ Childrens,Day,on,in,in,on,on,on,in,at,in,on,4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!,句中的happy用于表达祝愿。回答时一般用,“_”如:,教师节快乐!_,谢谢。_,Thank you.,Happy Teachers Day!,Thank you.,5. 询问及回答年龄。,how old意为“_”,其句型结构为,_,_?=_?,答 :_,他多大了?_他13岁了。 _,你爷爷奶奶多大岁数了?,_他们八十岁了。_,多大年纪;几岁,How old + is/are+主语,主语 + be + 基数词,(+ years / months old),How old is he?,Hes twelve (years old,).=,How old are your grandparents?,Theyre 80.,What is +某人的+age,=Whats his age?,=What are your grandparents age,s,?,=Their ages are 80.,His age is 12.,want + to + do (,动词原形),to come to my school,to play soccer,to buy some clothes,to watch TV,to listen to music,Questions:,_ 1. When is,Jennys,birthday?,_ 2. When are,their,birthdays?,_ 3. When,is,your brothers birthday?,_ 4.,Is,his birthday in July?,_ 5. Is your birthday on,February,1st,?,3a,Match the questions and answers.,b,d,e,c,a,女性,复数形式,特殊疑问句,一般疑问句,是具体的日期,A: How _ are you, Grace?,B: _ twelve.,A: And _is your birthday?,B: My _ is on March 12th. How about you and Tom?,A: Well, my birthday is _ July 5th, and Toms birthday is _ December.,Practice,3b,Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.,when,birthday,on,in,old,Im,Find out your classmates birthdays and ages.,3c,How old are you, ?,Im ,Its on .,When is your birthday?,Wu Dong l3 December 11th,Names,ages,birthdays,一、根据句意填入正确的单词:,1. The first month of the year is_.,2.We have _ months in a year.,3.The _ month of the year is May.,4. Tom has two older sisters. So he is the _ child in the family.,5. Im 13. Today is my t_ birthday.,January,twelve,fifth,third,hirteen,二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,1. W_ is Erics birthday?,Its on April 8th.,2. The t_ month of the year is December.,3. S_ is the ninth month of the year.,4. Linda is very h_. Her mother bought (买) a MP3 for her.,5. Do you want to come to my birthday p_?,Yes, I do.,hen,welfth,appy,eptember,arty,三、用所给词的适当形式填空,1. March is the _ (three) month of the year.,2. What is your _ (cousin) name?,3. My cousin is nine _ (year) old.,4. I think the _ (five),lesson,(课) is very interesting.,5. Their _ (birthday) are both on August 10th.,6. How old _ (be) Jeff and Frank?,third,cousins,years,birthdays,fifth,are,四、句型转换。,1. My birthday is,on January 21st,.,(对划线部分提问),_ _ your birthday?,2. Erics birthday party is,on April 17th.,(提问),_ _ Erics birthday party?,3. She has a party. (改为复数),_ _ _,When is,How old,They have parties.,4. Her birthday is on February 12th.,(改一般疑问句),_?,5 Whats Alices age? (变为同义句),_ _ _ Alice?,6. Franks sister is,twelve years old,.,(提问),_ _ is Franks sister?,How old is,How old,Is her birthday on February 12th?,He has,My age 13,his,7. We have a School Day at our school. (用he代替we作主语改写句子),_ _ a School Day at _ school.,8. Im,thirteen years old,. (同义句),_ _ is _.,五、单项选择:,-When is your brothers birthday?,-His birthday is _ October 10th.,A. on B. in C. at,2. _ birthday is in January.,A. Mine B. He C. Her,3.Mr Green is _ father.,A. Tommys and Tony,B. Tommy and Tonys,C. Tommys and Tonys,4. I am 5 years old. Today is my _ birthday.,A. five B. fifth C. fiveth,5. Edisons birthday is _ Feb. 11th, 1847.,in B. at C. on D. for,6. My birthday party is _ three this afternoon.,on B. in C. of D. at,7. _ is your aunt?,Shes twenty-three.,A. When B. How oldC. What color,8. January is the _ month of the year.,A. firstB. secondC. fifth,9. My grandparents birthdays are _,July.,A. at B. inC. on,10. Is your birthday party _ eight,this morning?,No, its _ September 12th.,A. at, in B. on, inC. at, on,四、根据句意写出相应的月份。,1.The Spring Festival(春节) is in_ or _.,2.Tree Planting Day(植树节) is in _.,3.April Fools Day(愚人节) is in _.,4.Mothers Day is in _.,5.Childrens Day is in _.,6.Students have summer holiday in _ and _.,7.Teachers Day is in _.,8.National Day is in _.,9.Christmas Day is in _.,January,February,March,April,May,Jane,July,August,September,October,December,Report:,Im years old. My birthday is on.,.is my classmate. He/ She is. His/ Her birthday,is on,is my friend. He/She is .His/ Her birthday is,on.,四、,根据图表信息,补全短对话。,1. Q: When is Alices birthday?,A: _.,2. Q: _?,A: She is 12 years old.,Her birthday is on October 13th,How old is Alice Green?,Name:,Alice Green,Date (日期) of birth:,October 13th,Age (年龄):,12,3. Q: Is Frank Millers birthday on July 12th?,A: _.,4. Q: _?,A: His birthday is on July 21st.,5. Q: How old is he?,A: _.,No, it isnt.,When is his birthday,Name:,Frank Miller,Date (日期) of birth:,August 12th,Age (年龄):,13,Hes thirteen,Goodbye,Thank you !,读P45序数词表,写出下列基数词的序数词。,one _ two _ three _,five _ eight _ nine _,twelve _ fifteen _,eighteen _ twenty _,twenty-one _,twenty-two _,first,second,third,fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth,fifteenth,eighteenth,twentieth,twenty-first,twenty-second,


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