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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Lesson 117,Tommys breakfast,Words &text,dining room,饭厅,coin,n.,硬币,mouth,n.,嘴巴,swallow,n.,吞下,toilet,n.,盥洗室,单词学习,dinning room(hall) 饭厅,c oi n n. 硬币,m ou th n. 嘴,s w a ll ow v. 吞下,l a t er adv. 后来,t oi l e t n. 厕所,盥洗室,leave v.离开,housework n .家务活,postman n .邮递员,arrive v .到达,shave v .刮胡子,telephone v .打,coin n. 硬币,a silver coin 银币,你能把这个一美元的纸币换成硬币吗?,Could you change the one-dollar bill into coin,mouth n. 嘴,Open your mouth.,嘴里塞满食物时不要说话。,Dont talk with your mouth full!,It sounds funny in your mouth.,这种话由你的口中说出来,听起来就很可笑。,swallow, v. 吞下,咽下,Tommy swallowed the coins., v. 抑制,使不流露,I tried hard to swallow my doubts.,我强忍着不露出疑心的神色。,她忍住没笑,静静地坐在那里。,She swallowed a smile and sat there still., v. 吞并;侵吞,我们公司去年被一家美国公司吞并了。,Our company was swallowed up by an American company last year.,Nazi Germany nearly swallowed up the whole Europe in World War II.,第二次世界大战中,纳粹德国几乎吞并了整个欧洲。,later,1) adv. 后来,较迟地,较后地,回头见,see you later.,三天后,three days later,他比平常来得晚。,He came later than usual.,2adj. 较迟的,较后的,更近的。,我们搭晚一点的火车吧。,Lets take a later train.,课文讲解,When my husband was going into the dining room this morning, he dropped some coins on the floor.,此句是过去进展时,构造是was/ were+ doing 表示过去某个时刻正在进展或发生的动作。,go into 走进,强调“进入的动作,反义词go out of 走出,drop 掉下,小心,别把花瓶摔了。Be careful! Dont drop the vase.,drop 还可以表示丧失,丢掉,回家的路上,我把等弄丢了。,I dropped my pen on the way home.,There were coins everywhere. We looked for them, but we could not find them all.,everywhere 到处,look for 寻找强调动作和过程,find 找到强调寻找的结果,我找遍了任何地方都找不到我的钢笔。,I looked for my pen everywhere, but I couldnt find it.,all是them的同位语,them all = all of them,While we were having breakfast, our little boy, Tommy, found two small coins on the floor.,while“当时,过去进展时的时间状语从句一般由when, while及as等引导,说明主句中动作发生的情景。,当她正在清扫房间的时候,她的丈夫给她打了 。,While she was cleaning the room, her husband telephoned her.,当孩子正在花园玩的时候,开场下雨了。,As the children were playing in the garden, it began to rain.,He put them both into his mouth. We both tried to get the coins. But it was too late. Tommy had already swallowed them!,put sth +介词短语把东西放在,把书放在桌子上,Put the books on the desk.,both表示“两个都,他们俩都想去法国。,They both want to go to France.,三者或三者以上用all,他们大家都幸福,They were all happy.,Later that morning, When I was doing the housework, my husband phoned me from the office.,later that morning 那天上午晚些时候,when I was doing the housework,是过去进展时态,表示过去正在进展的动作。,my husband phoned me from the office,是一般过去时,表示比较短晢的动作或事情。,Hows Tommy he asked.,I dont know, I answered, Tommys been to the toilet three times this morning, but I havent had any change yet!,has been to 去过某地,几次time 次数,可数:,three times twice once,change 零钱 = coin,Change 变化,双关语,grammar,过去进展时和一般过去时用法的比较,1.过去进展时通常有示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进展的动作,强调在这一过程中所进展的动作或展开的情景;而一般过去时那么只表示在过去某一时间发生某一件事。-,He drew a picture yesterday afternoon.(过去某一时间发生的事情,昨天下午画了一副画),He was drawing a picture yesterday afternoon.(昨天下午这一段时间所进展的动作是画画,强调这一过程中所进展的动作),2. 过去进展时可以表示过去反复做的动作,而一般过去时表示具体的某一次行为动作。,青蛙跳上跳下,The frog jumped up and down.,青蛙不停的跳上跳下。,The frog was jumping up and down.,他点了点头。,He nodded.,他不停地点头。,He was nodding.,3.leave, arrive, start, die 等用在过去进展时表示“快要完成,即将。而用在一般过去时当中那么表示“己经完成。,火车快要停了。,The train was stopping.,火车停了。,The train stopped.,句型稳固练习,A.,1.He arrived . I had a bath .-He arrived when I was having a bath .,2.He came downstairs .I had breakfast .-He came downstairs when I was having breakfast .,3.The telephone rang .I washed the dishes .-The telephone rang when I was washing the dishes .,B,1.What were you doing when he arrived (have a bath ),-When he arrived I was having a bath .,2.What were you doing when he arrived (wash the dishes ),-When he arrived I was washing the dishes .,3.What were you doing when he arrived (cook a meal ),-When he arrived I was cooking a meal .,句型稳固练习,C,1.What was he dong while you were cooking the dinner (work in the garden ),-While I was cooking the dinner ,he was working in the garden .,2.What was he doing while you were cooking the dinner (have a wash ),-While I was cooking the dinner ,he was having a bath,句型稳固练习,


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