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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2017/4/19,#,Unit 5,What were you doing,when the rainstorm came,Section B 2a-2e,Who is he,What are the two high buildings,Dr. Martin Luther King,the World Trade Center,Do you know the events about the two pictures Lets watch two short videos!,Lead-in,Reading,Pre-reading,Dr. Martin Luther King was a great leader of the,civil rights movement,. He gave a very famous speech,I Have a Dream,.,He fought for black people and won the hearts of both black people and white people. He won the,Nobel Peace Prize,. However, he was killed on April 4, 1968. People were shocked when they heard the news of his death. It seemed that the world was,in silence,at that time.,安静的(地,民权运动,诺贝尔和平奖,As the highest twin towers in the world, the World Trade Center was one of the American symbol.,It,was,taken down,by,terrorists,on September 11, 2001.,This event,shock,ed the world.,撤除,恐惧分子,震惊,“911 Event,While-reading,Fast reading,Task 1,Read the passage and answer the questions.,What are the two events in the passage,2.When did they happen,2b,Dr. Martin Luther king was killed.,The World Trade Center was taken down by terrorists.,Dr. Martin Luther King was killed on April 4, 1968. The World Trade Center was taken down on September 11,2001.,Task 2,Read Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 2 and answer the following questions.,Detailed reading,1.What was Robert Allen doing at that time,2. How did Robert know the news,3. How did Roberts parents feel when they heard the news,He was eating dinner in the kitchen with his parents.,He heard the news on the radio.,They were,completely shocked,.,Task 3,Read Paragraph 3 to Paragraph 4 and answer the following questions.,1. Where did “911 happen,2. What was Kate doing when the World Trade Center was taken down,3. How did Kate Smith feel when she heard the news,It happened in New York.,She was working in her office near the two,towers,.,She didnt believe it at first. Then she realized it was,true,.,She was so scared that she could hardly think clearly after that.,Task 4,Read the whole passage again. Are the following Statements true (T),or false (F),or is the information not given (NG),1. Everyone in America remembers who,killed,Dr. King,.,2. Robert Allen was eating lunch when Dr. King was killed.,3. Robert,s,parents were shocked to hear the news.,4. Kate Smith was watching a movie when a plane hit the World Trade Center.,5. Kate didnt think her friend was telling the truth about the event.,2c,( Some people),( dinner),( working in her office),F,F,T,F,T,Task 5,2d,Underline sentences from the passage with similar meanings to the ones below.,Not everyone,will remember who killed him, but they can remember what they were doing when they heard that he got killed.,2.,No one said anything,for the rest of dinner.,Some people,may not remember who killed him, they remember what they were doing when they heard the news.,We finished the rest of our dinner,in silence,.,3. September 11, 2001-the date alone,means something to,most people in US.,4. I,had trouble thinking,clearly after that because I was very,afraid,.,Even the date-September 11, 2001-,has meaning to,most Americans.,I was,so,scared,that,I could hardly think clearly after that.,Post-reading,Task 6 post-reading in class,Fill in the blanks according to the text.,People often _ what they _ _,_,when they _ the news of important events in history. On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King was killed.,Robert Allen _ _ dinner with his parents _ he _ the news.,His parents were,_,_,_! They did not say anything and finished the rest of their dinner _ _.,remember,were doing,was eating,heard,when,heard,completely,shocked,in,silence,More recently, most Americans remember what they _,_ when the World Trade Center was _ _ by _. It happened on September 11, 2001 in New York.,Kate Smith _ _ in her office _ a plane hit the World Trade Center. And her friend _.,She was _ _ that she could _ think _ after that.,were doing,when,shouted,was working,taken down,so scared,hardly,clearly,terrorists,Task 7,Lets retell the two events according to the mind maps.,Dr. Martin Luther King was killed,On April 4, 1968.,people may not remember who killed,him, they remember,when,they heard the news.,date,w,hat they were doing,Some,Peoples feelings,What were Allen and his parents doing at that time,Allen and his parents,in the kitchen when they heard the news.,How did they feel,His parents were,! They finished the rest of their dinner,.,c,ompletely shocked,in silence,were eating dinner,post-reading in class,The World Trade Center was taken down by terrorists,On September 11, 2001.,Even the date,most Americans.,date,has meanings to,What was Kate doing at that time,Kate,near the two towers.,How did she feel,She,at first. But when she,the window, she,it was true,.,She was,scared,she could hardly think clearly after that.,didnt believe,so,was working in her office,Peoples feelings,looked out of,realized,that,Discussion & Conclusion,What does the writer want to tell us through this passage,love,peace,help each other,Homework,1. Work in pairs to discuss the two events after class and test how much you remember about the text (Activity 2e).,2.Listen to the tape after class and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.,3. Write two short summaries about the two parts of the text according to the mind maps.,Thank you!,


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