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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Good afternoon !,1,Do you know.,2,Golden Gate Bridge,3,4,University of California at Los Angeles,5,UCSD,Geisel,Library,6,Golden State,Disney,7,Golden State,8,Location:,California is a state located on the West Coast of the United States.,California,9,.,History,In 1821, Alta California,became a part of Mexico following,its successful war for independence,.,10,Western areas,of Alta California became the state,of California, which was admitted as,the 31st state on September 9, 1850,.,11,language,Settled by successive waves of arrivals during the last 10,000 years, California was one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse areas in pre-Columbian North America,.,12,Californias climate varies from Mediterranean to subarctic.,Much of the state has a Mediterranean climate, with cool, rainy winters and dry summers. The cool California Current offshore often creates summer fog near the coast. Further inland, one encounters colder winters and hotter summers.,climate,13,加利福尼亚的气候变化,从地中海到亚北极。,许多国家有地中海气候,凉爽,多雨的冬季和夏季干燥。加利福尼亚寒流离岸往往造成夏季雾海岸附近。深入内陆,一遇到寒冷的冬天和炎热的夏天。,14,Beautiful!,15,To be honest ,Because of Californias content is too much, I only introduce a part today.,16,can you guess which city I will introduce ?,17,Los Angeles,City of Angels,18,19,Los Angeles was founded on September 4, 1781, by Spanish governor Felipe de,Neve,. It became a part of Mexico in 1821 following the Mexican War of Independence. In 1848, at the end of the MexicanAmerican War, Los Angeles and the rest of California were purchased as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, thereby becoming part of the United States. Los Angeles was incorporated as a municipality (,直辖市,)on April 4, 1850, five months before California achieved statehood,(独立),.,20,In Losangeles,we have a lot of places,to go,21,NOW,Let us go to some places which is famous,But how can we go ?,22,We will go there by this helicopter .,Ok ! GO!,23,NO.1,24,Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States situated west-northwest of downtown Los Angeles.2 Due to its fame and cultural identity as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars, the word Hollywood is often used as a metonym of American cinema. Today, much of the movie industry has dispersed into surrounding areas such as the Westside neighborhood,3 and the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys, but significant auxiliary industries, such as editing, effects, props, post-production, and lighting companies remain in Hollywood, as does the,backlot,of Paramount Pictures.,今天,大部分的电影工业分散到周边地区如西城街道,和圣费尔南多及圣克拉拉山谷,.,介绍,25,Now I will show you some classic films of Hollywood .,26,Audrey Hepburn,Vivien Leigh,Elizabeth Taylor,Marilyn Monroe,27,NO.2,28,29,Disney Park ( in English: Disneyland, full name is Disneyland Park ), is located in the United States California Anaheim ( Anaheim ) theme park. By Walt Disney single-handedly founded the Disney park by the Walt Disney Company ( The Walt Disney Company ) was founded and operating a series of theme park and resort in the first, from the centre of,Losangeles,has about 20 minute drive ( highway ). Today, in addition to the California Disneyland in,Losangeles, also built the Orlando Disney Park, Paris Disney Disneyland theme parks.,30,Disney,Losangeles,County Park,Disney park is located in the United States of,Losangeles,County in California,Losangeles,county ( Los Angeles County ) Anaheim, Disney Park, by the architect John pierce spent 3 years of meticulous construction completed. Is the worlds first Disney theme park, opened in July 17, 1955. Distance,Losangeles,downtown 43.5 kilometers, covers an area of 64.7 hectares. When completed, this super park at a cost of $17000000, every needs 2500 workers to maintain, is expected to attract 5000000 visitors a year can be. Was the worlds idea of the most sophisticated amusement park. The park has a total of five regions: Adventures in the world, the western frontier, the fairy tale world, toy kingdom and the future of the world, and constantly update. Adults and children alike enjoy the park, it drawing millions of visitors every year to come here. 1967 ( Disney died a year ), to start the construction of the Disneyland in the East Coast s sister Park, Florida Orlando Disney World wall. Walt Disney in the Swiss mountains as a blueprint for the design of paradise mountain first Disneyland Disneyland at night, so that visitors and fairy tales of Alice into the dream world Disney Donald Duck and the world childrens temple.,Losangeles,Disneyland Disney in the stars at night,In order to meet its opening 50 anniversary celebration. From 2005 May, Disneyland for 18 months is known as the world the Happiest Celebration, Disneyland of,Hongkong,s opening ceremony was one of the ring. Disneyland of,Losangeles,in this period, there will be a new design of floats and parade extravaganza, and after the renovation of the indoor Space Mountain also will be unveiled.,31,位于美国加州的洛杉矶县 (,Los,Angeles,County),的,Anaheim,市 迪士尼乐园,是由世界建筑大师格罗培斯花,3,年时间的精心施工所完成的。 是全球首个迪士尼乐园,,1955,年,7,月,17,日开业。距离洛杉矶的市中心有,43.5,公里,占地,64.7,公顷。完工时,这座超级乐园耗资,1700,万美元,每天需要,2500,名工人维护,预计每年可吸引,500,万名游客。是当时世界上构思最精巧的游乐公园。园内共有五个区域:冒险世界、西部边疆、童话世界,玩具王国和未来世界,并且不断更新。大人和孩子同样喜爱这个乐园,它每年吸引几百万游客来到这里。,1967,年,(,迪斯尼死后一年,),,开始动工兴建迪斯尼乐园在东海岸的姊妹乐园,佛罗里达州奥兰多的华尔,迪斯尼世界。,沃尔特,迪斯尼以瑞士的名山为蓝图设计“乐园”的山峰第一座迪斯尼乐园“迪斯尼乐园”夜景,使游客与童话中的爱丽丝一起进入梦幻世界迪斯尼,唐老鸭和世界儿童的圣殿。,洛杉矶迪士尼乐园夜景,为迎接其开业,50,周年庆典。从,2005,年,5,月起,迪斯尼乐园开展了长达,18,个月号称“世界最开心的庆祝活动”,香港迪斯尼乐园的开幕庆典也是其中一环。洛杉矶迪斯尼乐园在这段期间,将会有全新设计的花车汇演和巡游表演,而经过翻新的室内“太空过山车”也将重新揭幕。,32,Welcome to the place where imagination is the destination. For young and old, big and small its the happiest place on earth! Come build memories with your family that last a lifetime as you discover the wonder of this magical, fantastical world. When you enter one of the Lands that comprise Disneyland Park, stories come to life around you, immersing you in tales from some of your favorite Disney films.,介绍,33,Landmark,NO.3,34,Losangeles,city hall was built in 1927.It was 138.4 meters high, 28, the town hall of top design modeled on the seven wonders of the ancient world of the mausoleum of Halicarnassus, building materials from California 58 counties of sand and 21 missionary water. The city hall of the,Losangeles,architect Austin Parkinson and Martin address: 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles CA United States before 1957, 28 storey town hall is the tallest building in the city, the other is mostly limited to the following 12. During the construction of the building in 1928, using plaster mix from the California County sand, as well as from California the 21 churches of water supply. In the modern skyscrapers around, city hall is small. But its magnificent tower remains,Losangeless,best known landmarks. Municipal buildings often appear in the film and television, such as Superman series protagonist work Daily Planet newspaper is here. Interior dome hall with magnetic vault, acoustics. The dome is decorated with 8 people, representing the city hall for the education, health, law, art, service, administration, protection and trust concerns.,35,洛杉矶市政厅,建于,1927,年,高度,138.4,米,,28,层,市政厅的顶部设计仿照古代世界的七大奇观中的摩索拉斯陵墓,建筑材料来自于加州,58,个郡的沙土和,21,个传道所的水。,洛杉矶市政厅建筑师,Austin Parkinson and Martin,地址:,200 North Spring,Street,Los,Angeles CA United States,1957,年之前,,28,层高的市政厅是市区最高建筑,其它的多限于,12,层以下。大楼在,1928,年施工期间,所使用的灰泥中混合来自加州各郡的沙子,以及来自加州,21,个教会的供水。,在现代摩天大楼环绕下,市政厅显得渺小。但其壮丽塔楼仍是洛杉矶最为人熟知的地标。市政大楼常出现在电影及电视中,例如超人影集主角工作的,Daily Planet,报社就在这里。,内部的圆顶大厅有贴磁的拱顶,音响效果极佳。拱顶上饰有,8,个人物,代表市政府对于教育、健康、法律、艺术、服务、政府、保护及信赖的关切。,36,OK Its time go home !,But how can we go home?,37,38,Thank you for your listening!,39,


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