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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,6,Hobbies,Module,Unit 1,Do you collect anything,名词:,collection,collect=have a collection of,Words and expressions,fn,stmp,tad,elf,z,n.,扇子,n.,邮票,v.,收拾,整理,使整齐;使整洁,n.,隔板;架子,看一看,prep.,作为;当,fan,stamp,tidy,tidy up,shelf,have a look,as,kn,nt,pand,dl(r),m,st,vljubl,n.,纸币,n.,英镑,n. 美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位元,v. aux. 一定,肯定用于表示某事可能是真实的,adj.,值钱的;有价值的,coin,pound,dollar,must,valuable,n.,硬币,note,w,vlju:,dst,prep.,用,n.,价值;有用性,adv.,只是;仅仅,value,with,just,fan n.,扇子,stamp n.,邮票,shelf n.,架子,guess words,tidy up,使整洁;整齐,coin n.,硬币,note n.,纸币,pound n.,英镑,have a look,看一看,dollar n.,美元,must,n. aux.,一定,valuable,adj.,值钱的,T: I like reading when Im free. So my hobby is reading. What do you like doing,S: I like ,T: So your hobby is ,Warming-up,play,ing,table tennis,watch,ing,TV,playing the violin,mountain biking,playing basketball,reading,singing,dancing,A:Whats your hobby,B:My hobby is ,playing volleyball,growing,vegetables,-Whats his hobby,Different people have different hobbies.,-His hobby is_.,stamp,s,stmp,邮票,fan,s,fn,扇子,-Whats his hobby,Lets,have a look at,their hobbies.,-His hobby is_.,collect,ing,stamp,s,collect,ing,fan,s,看一看,-Whats her hobby,-Her hobby is_.,-Whats his hobby,-His hobby is_.,toy car,s,collect,ing,toy car,s,collect,ing,postcard,s,.,postcard,ticket,s,-Whats his hobby,-His hobby is_.,collect,ing,ticket,s,bus,ticket,s,and train ticket,s,.,coin,s,n.,硬币,kn,note,s,n.,纸币,nt,dollar,s,n.,美元,dl,pound,s,n.,英镑,pand,-What are their hobbies,-Their hobbies are_,_,_.,collect,ing,coin,s,and note,s,like British pound,s,and US dollar,s,.,They like,collecting,stamps,because,they _ _ the _ space.But it is,a bit,expensive.,stamp,s,take up,least,占据;占用,最小的空间,Why do people like collecting stamps,有点儿,有几分,Fans,dolls and model cars take up a lot of places.,They should put them _.,shelf,架子,复数,shel,ves,doll,s,娃娃,on the shelf,Listen and find out who collects the things in the pictures.,Tony,Tonys dad,Tonys mum,a,b,c,d,e,a, c,b, c,d, e,2.Answer the questions.Use the words and,expression in the box to help you.,collect fan postcard stamp ticket tidy up toy,1. What does Tonys mum want him to do,2. Which hobby does Tony think is expensive,3. Which hobby do you think takes up the most space,She wants him to_.,Tony thinks _is expensive.,I think_ takes up the most space.,Tapescript:,Tonys mum: Tony, can you tidy up your room, please,Tony: OK, Mum. Ill do it right away.,Tonys mum: You need to find a place to put all those toy cars.,Tony: Thats not easy. Ive got so many toy cars now!,Tonys mum: Yes, you have! You know, your dad collected cars too when he was your age. He also collected stamps.,Tony: Well, stamps are too expensive for me. But Ive collected a lot of tickets. Did you collect anything when you were young, Mum,Tonys mum: Yes, I collected postcards and fans you know, Chinese fans.,Tony: I see.,1. Where did Lingling get fans,2. Are the coins and notes valuable,Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.,People often give Lingling fans,as presents.,Yes, they are.,Read the dialogue and mark T or F.,1. There are about sixty fans in Lingling,s house. ( ),2. Lingling collects British pounds and US dollars. ( ),3. Betty collects six or seven books of stamps from all over the world. ( ),T,F,T,Betty,Now complete the notes.,Linglings hobby: _,Bettys hobbies: _,_,Tonys hobby: _,_,collecting bus and train tickets,collecting fans,collecting coins and notes;,collecting stamps,L: Hi, everyone , Come in and find somewhere to sit down. Sorry ,its a bit of mess. Ill put the fans on the shelf.,B: Let me have a look, youve got so many fans.,L: Yes, about sixty.,B: Where did you get them.,L: Most of them are presents. People often give me fans as presents,because they know I like them, do you collect anything,B: Yes, I collect coins and notes, you know, like British pounds and,US dollars.,L: Coins They must be really valuable, can I see them.,坐下,一点,在书架上,看一看,如此多,大局部,收集硬币和纸币,想必,一定,作为礼物,B: Sure, Ill,show you my stamps,too. Ive collected stamps,all over,the world,. Ive got,six or seven,books of stamps.,T: My hobby doesnt cost,as,much,as,yours - I collect tickets, bus,tickets and train tickets.,B: You cant do anything,with,old tickets.,T: I know , but when I,look at,them, I remember some wonderful,places.,L: Right. Their value isnt always important, people also collect,things just to remember,something important,in their lives,.,show sb. sth.,给某人展示某物,=show sth. to sb.,全世界,六到七个,asas,和,一样,看看, 瞧瞧,重要的东西,in ones life,在某人一生中,用,Everyday English,Sorry, its a bit of a mess.,Let me have a look.,Can I see them,Right!,Many people collect things, like postcards and toys. They like to put them (1) _ special to look at. Lingling collects fans and keeps them on a (2) _ in her bedroom. Betty collects (3) _ and notes,such as British (4) _ and US (5) _. She also collects stamps from all over the world. Tony collects tickets, but Betty thinks that you cannot do anything with old tickets. Lingling thinks that people also enjoy collecting things to (6) _ something important in their lives.,Complete the passage with the correct,form of the words in the box.,coin dollar pound remember shelf somewhere,Listen and notice the intonation.,Let me have a look.,Do you collect anything?,Yes, I collect coins and notes.,Can I see them?,Pronunciation and speaking,Now listen again and repeat.,Let me have a look.,2 Do you collect anything?,3 Yes, I collect coins and notes.,4 Can I see them?,.,根据提示,写出适合的单词。,1. Its very hot today. Please give me a,_ (,扇子,).,2. Xiao Meng has about one hundred,_ (,邮票,) about different animals.,fan,stamps,Exercises,3. Tomorrow is Lucys birthday. I want to buy a nice _ (,玩具娃娃,) for her.,4. My grandfather has a _ (collect) of train tickets.,5. After working so long time, lets _ (relax) for a moment.,toy doll,collection,relax,1. Your room is a bit of a mess. Please _ now.,A. tidy up it B. tidy it up,C. take up it D. take it up,2. - May I _ your book,- Mine is missing.,A. have a look B. have a look at,C. look D. hear,Exercises,3. He will give a talk _ our monitor in the hall.,A. for B. with,C. as D. from,4. The fan with a long history is _.,A. value B. valuable,C. wonderful,5. I called you yesterday evening, but,you were not in., Sorry, I _ in the shop with my,mother.,A. am B. will be,C. was D. have been,C,6. Can Peter play games with us, Mrs.,Hawking, Wait a minute. He _ a shower.,A. is taking B. takes,C. took D. was taking,A,7. My uncle _ books in the room at this time yesterday.,A. was seeing,B. is reading,C. was reading,C,8. What _ the noise, Bill, Sorry, I broke my glass.,A. is B. was,C. has been D. will be,B,. 完成以下英语句子。,1. 每天弹钢琴占用他很多时间。,Playing the piano every day _ _ lots of his time.,2. 我从不让父母帮我收拾卧室。,I never ask my parents to help me _ _ my bedroom.,3.我收集玩具娃娃。,I _ _ _ _ dolls.,takes,up,tidy up,have a collection of,4.,五岁时,马庆对英语感兴趣。,Ma Qing _ _ _ English when he was five years old.,5.,你说话有点快,我跟不上你。,You speak _ _ fast and I cant follow you.,was interested in,a bit,Lets ask and answer.,A: Whats your hobby, XX,B: My hobby is reading books.,A: Why do you enjoy your hobby,B: I think reading can make me happy and,know a lot about the world.,A: When did you start doing it,B: I started doing it when I was seven years old.,A: How often do you read books,B: I read books every day when I am free.,A: Where do you read books,B: I read books everywhere, in the classroom,bedroom, library and park and so on.,(2) Report,I have a good friend. He is,Eric,.,We,have the same hobby,Reading,.,Eric,stated,reading,when he was,seven,years old and now he,reads books,every day when he is free. He often,reads in the classroom, in his bedroom, in the library or even in the park,. He thinks,reading,can make him happy and know a lot about the world. He also thinks,reading,is very important and relaxing. So he will continue,reading,in the future.,There are four people in my familymy father and mother, my brother and me. We have different hobbies. My father likes reading and he is interested in books of Chinese culture. My mothers hobby is cooking. She always cooks delicious food for us. Collecting stamps is my brothers hobby, because he thinks they are very valuable. I also like collecting, and Ive got a wonderful collection of dolls. They are lovely and I like playing with them in my free time. What about you,


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