单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Fundamentals of,E,lectro,m,agnetic,C,ompatibility and Electromagnetic Environment Protection,Telephone: 15723231511,Email: cqliym,cqliym,CEE,Li Yongming,Teaching material,Fundamental of Electromagnetic Compatibility and Application,电磁兼容基础与应用,(,英文版,),赵阳 主编,机械工业出版社,2006.3,Reference books,Introduction to,Electromagnetic Compatibility,Clayton R. Paul,John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992,Electromagnetic Compatibility: Principles and Applications,D. A. Weston, Marcel Dekker, 1991,(有中译本),电磁兼容原理与设计,王定华 赵家升 电子科技大学,电磁兼容原理、设计和预测技术,蔡仁钢 北京航空航天大学,the wide spread use of high-speed digital-operated electronic devices,:the exponential growth in wireless communications such as Bluetooth, GSM Mobile, WLAN, UWB, etc. without proper control, these wireless communications will be,interrupted,by the,E,lectro,m,agnetic,I,nterference (,EMI,).,About this course,If EMI are not discovered until product testing occurs. The resolution of interference problems of product development often involves additional components which add to systems cost and complexity.,It is to be face the,E,lectro,m,agnetic,C,ompatibility (,EMC,).,The understanding of the behavior of electronic devices and systems requires that of,Maxwells equations,and,signal analysis techniques,. However, such application is often cumbersome. To avoid this complexity, an approximate analysis technique is,electric circuit theory,at,low frequency,. For example,Kirchoffs Voltage Law (,from Faradays Law),and Kirchoffs Current Law,(from Amperes Law).,EMC involves the operation of these and other familiar devices in a regime where the special cases and simplifications that are associated with ,normal behavior, break down, and requires one to return to a more fundamental set of rules to describe the behavior of these devices.,Non-ideal behavior, implies that devices are functioning in an abnormal way, when they are really behaving in a perfectly natural way. It is only through the application of fundamental principles that the behavior of devices under all operating conditions is,predictable,.,About this course,For instance, it is impossible to know where certain,electronic devices,such as notebook computers will be operated. Notebooks are commonly used in the home, in automobiles, at construction sites, onboard airplanes, and even aboard manned spacecraft in Earth orbit. Each of these environments presents unique hazards and also requires a variety of emission limits. The same notebook computer which must be designed to function,in the presence of,a hair dryer also cannot interfere with the instrument landing system of a commercial airliner.,characteristic,of this course,Based on theory of electromagnetic field,A new, cross subject,Particularity of units,Concepts and terms coming from radio technology,Practicability,Rely on measurement intensively,Why we need to learn EMC?(1),In November of 1969, Apollo 12 launched from America to the moon, the spacecraft was twice struck by lightning.,On May 4th,1982 The destroyer ,HMS Sheffield, was hit by an AM-39 missile. Many soldiers were killed.,Disasters,caused by,lightning,Disasters,caused by ESD,The debugging of electronic device is more difficult.,The obliged actualization of EMC standards,The competition shortened the period of development,Why we need to learn EMC?(2),EMC is necessary,circuit,product,EMC,SI,Why debugging,Signal,distortion,Cant achieve expect function,Self-distortion,reflection,loss,Crosstalk,Earth,Source noise,Interference,(,radiation,、,conduct,),E,lectro,m,agnetic,C,ompatibility,S,ignal,I,ntegrity,Electromagnetic Interference,220AC,Digital Pulse Circuits,Digital Video Device,Switch mode power,Interference Source,Radio communication,Lightning,NEMP,Pulse circuit,ESD,On and off of inductive loads,Frequency conversion timing,There are four basic coupling mechanisms:,conductive,capacitive,magnetic,or inductive, and,radiative,. Any coupling path can be broken down into one or more of these coupling mechanisms working together. For example the lower path in the diagram involves inductive, conductive and capacitive modes.,Ways of coupling electromagnetic energy from a source to a receptor,1. Conducted (electric current),2. Inductively coupled (magnetic field),3. Capacitively coupled (electric field),4. Radiated (electromagnetic field),Types of EMC Problem,Excessive RF Emissions,Susceptibility (Immunity),ESD (,E,lectro,s,tatic,D,ischarge ),Ways to solve,Conductor radiation,The,conductors,(tracks, component leads) on the circuit that are not grounded will be acting as antennae, radiating RF energy.,By keeping these conductors,short,and running them close to,grounded areas, they become less efficient and will,emit less,Suppression components,Suppression components for,broadband,sources: capacitors, varistors,Grounding,For emissions problem:,shielding,Other ways,Power Supply Bus Design,Signal Track Design,P,rinted,C,ircuit,B,oard and Component Layout,Circuit Design Techniques,EMC Education,Introduction to Electromagnetic Interference (,EMI,) and its Effects,EM Waves Radiation Mechanisms and practical antennas,The EMC Directive, implementing regulations and EMC Standards,Measurement Environments and testing, including the,Open Field Test Site,and,Anechoic Chamber,.,EMC Education,Measurement and Measurement Systems (receivers and spectrum analysers),Overview of EMC Design Principles,Conducted Interference - Suppression Techniques,Crosstalk,Power Supplies - EMC Considerations,EMC on a PCB,Shielding demonstrated using Computational Electromagnetics/ EMC,prediction,software,Research advances,Parasitic Inductance, Capacitance and Resistance in Circuits,Time Domain Circuit Analysis,High-Speed, Time Domain Measurements,Crosstalk in Cables and Printed Circuit Boards,Properties of High-Speed Logic Families,Differential Signaling,Research advances,Power Dissipation in Devices and Circuits,Time Domain Transmission Line Analysis,High-Frequency Measurements,Proper Grounding Strategies,Printed Circuit Board Decoupling,Printed Circuit Board Layout,New Hardware and Software Technologies,Computer Software,AnSoft,Corporation,AnSys,Corporation,Computer Simulation Technology (CST),Apsim,(,Applied Simulation Tech,),Compact,(,C,omputerized,O,ptimization of,M,icrowave,P,assive and,A,ctive Circui,T,s),Software,Electro Magnetic Applications Inc,EMC Test Equipment,Amplifier Research, Inc.,Antenna Research Associates, Inc.,ARC Technical Resources, Inc,Associated Research, Inc.,EMC Automation,EMC Test Systems (EMCO),Schaffner Chase EMC Ltd.,Haefely Trench, Inc.,Tempest Inc.,EMC Testing - How to do It,Radiated emission testing on the open field test site, (eg. EN55011, EN55022),Conducted emission testing using the absorbing clamp (EN55014),Conducted emission testing using a LISN (eg. EN55011, EN55022),Harmonic and Flicker Measurements (EN61000-3-2/3),Conducted immunity - electrical fast transient/burst, (EN61000-4-4),Conducted RF immunity, (EN61000-4-6),Radiated immunity testing in an anechoic chamber, (EN61000-4-3),Electrostatic discharge testing, (EN61000-4-2),Anechoic chamber,带风扇的通风板,主室,辅助室,2,辅助室,1,可拆卸的滤波板或观察窗,射频测试仪器柜,电源滤波器,屏蔽门刀口结构,Antenna,V,Receiving,V,radiation,LISN,( an abbreviation for ,L,ine,I,mpedance,S,tabilization,N,etwork),network analyzer,(an instrument used to analyze the properties of electrical networks, especially those properties associated with the reflection and transmission of electrical signals known as scattering parameters (S-parameters),International Electrotechnical Commission,(,IEC,), has several committees working full time on EMC issues. These are:,T,echnical,C,ommittee,77 (,TC77,), working on electromagnetic compatibility between equipment including networks.,C,omit,I,nternational,S,pcial des,P,erturbations,R,adiolectriques,(,CISPR,), or International Special Committee on Radio Interference.,The,A,dvisory,C,ommittee on,E,lectromagnetic,C,ompatibility,(,ACEC,) co-ordinates the IECs work on EMC between these committees.,I,nternational,O,rganization for,S,tandardization,(,ISO,), which publishes standards for the automotive industry.,Organizations and standards of EMC,Europe:,Comit Europen de Normalisation (,CEN,) or European Committee for Standardization).,European Telecommunications Standards Institute (,ETSI,).,United States,: The Federal Communications Commission (,FCC,).,Britain,: The British Standards Institution (,BSI,).,Organizations and standards of EMC,Some EMC related publications,IEEE transaction on EMC, Antenna and Propagation IEEE Press,Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines,Clayton R. Paul, John Wiley & Sons, 1994.,Cable Shielding for Electromagnetic Compatibility,Anatoly Tsaliovich, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995.,Capacitance, Inductance and Crosstalk Analysis,Charles S. Walker, Artech House, 1990.,Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility,C.R. Paul, John Wiley Interscience, NY, 1992.,Electromagnetic Compatibility,J.J. Goedbloed, Prentice Hall, 1992.,Electromagnetic Compatibility: Principles and Applications,D. A. Weston, Marcel Dekker, 1991.,The Hindenburg disaster has been attributed to spark discharge,