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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,2021届 作文指导3,投诉信,A Letter of Complaint,相关短语,make reservations for a single room,预订了一间单人房,2. a professional tour guide,一个专业的导游,3. famous tourist attractions,著名景点,places of interest,风景名胜,4. customer satisfaction,客户满意度,accompanying instructions,随货使用说明书,5. historical attractions,历史名胜,6. a five-star hotel,一个五星级宾馆,share a room,共住一个房间,7. faulty items/ products,故障产品,8. get punishment/ be punished,受到惩罚,9. go wrong,出毛病,There is something wrong with .,.,出毛病,/,有问题,/,出故障,10. return my money to me,退还我钱,give half of ones money back,退还一半钱,11. apply for,申请,12. change it for a new one/,exchange for another one,换一件新的,return sth. for a new replacement,更换新的,13. give sb. a full refund,全额退款给某人,declare a full refund,要求全额退款,14. for the above reasons,基于上述理由,15. travel agency,旅行社,16. pay for the postage 付邮资,17. make mistakes 犯错误,18. without patience =impatiently 没有耐心,19. be forced to do sth. 被迫,20. a person with patience 有耐心的人,21. make an apology to sb./,apologize to sb. 向某人抱歉,22. to our disappointment 让我们失望的是.,23. process/ deal with ones complaint at your,earliest convenience 尽快处理某人的投诉,技巧点拨,1. 开门见山、写明目的- 投诉产品/ 效劳/ 人 。,I am writing to complain about_.,2. 所购置产品等存在的问题,3. 你的要求退货;全额退款; 抱歉,写信时,要注意写信的对象,运用得体的语言表达,,适当增加to my anger等符合投诉信感情色彩的词或短语,以加强语气,使表达更加丰富。,Round,1,争分夺秒,Group Competition,规那么:选手站起来后,要在10秒钟内完成任务。,本轮积分较多的小组具有在Round 2优先,选择任务卡的权利。,Translate the following sentences . Two points each.,1. 我写信的目的是要向你投诉我最近在你们网站上购置的一双运动鞋(sneaker)。,Im writing to complain about a pair of sneakers,I recently purchased from your website.,2.更糟糕的是,交鞋的日期推迟了10天。,Worse still, there was a ten-day delay in delivering my shoes.,3. 我要求要么马上寄给我一双新的黑鞋子,要么全额退款。,I demand either a new pair of black shoes (should),be posted to me immediately or I (should) be given a full refund.,4. 请退还我30%的钱,否那么我会被迫采取进一步的措施。,Please give 30% of my money back, or I shall be forced to take the matter further.,5. 她是个没有耐心的人,根本不耐心答复我的问题。,She was not a person with patience and didnt patiently answer my questions at all.,6. 我要求她当面向我抱歉。,I demand that she (should) make an apology to me face to face.,Translate the following sentences . Two points each.,(1)我写信是要投诉你们餐厅效劳差。,I am writing to complain about,_.,(2)我写信是要投诉你们公司产品质量差, 并要求你们尽快解决问题。,_,_and ask for solutions to the problem as soon as possible.,(3)Since your store has gained a good reputation for_(客户满意度),I am sure/confident that_,_(尽快处理我的投诉).,Im writing to complain about the poor quality,the poor service in your restaurant,of the products of your company,customer satisfaction,you will process my,complaint at your earliest convenience,Translate the following sentences . Two points each.,Round,2,任务达人,规那么:Round 1中积分较多的组优先选择,本组Round 2的任务卡。其他组抢任务。,共6个任务,Task1,Task3,任务:在,5,分钟内,小组讨论,Passage 1, 2 & 3,Task4,Task2,A gift,Task5,1,2,3,4,5,6,【,Passage 1,】,Task 1,Dear Sir,I am writing to complain about the service of the clerk called Li Hua of your restaurant. First of all, I did make reservations for a table but he forgot about it, (1)_,(,让我等了半个钟,). Moreover, I was not told that the prices of some of the dishes had increased (2)_(,直到我吃完,). Whats worse, he answered my questions (3)_,(,不耐心,) when I ordered the meal and he even made a mistake over my bill (4) _,_(,因为粗心,). I demanded that he should realize his mistakes and (5)_,(,得到惩罚,) to become more professional.,Thank you for your consideration.,Yours sincerely,Li Ming,causing us to wait for half an hour,until I finished my meal,without patience,because of his,get punishment,carelessness,5 points,Dear Sir / Madam,,,I have just returned from the English Summer Camp at your School of Language, and Im writing to express my unhappiness with your program.,I took part in the program in order to improve my English but (1) _ (,使我失望的是,), there were too many students in a class, in which case students were not able to practise a lot. Moreover, (2) _,_(,课程内容简单,话题不够新颖,) so that students interest in English could not be aroused.,【,Passage 2,】,Task 2,3 points,to my disappointment,the course was simple and the topics,were not fresh enough,A gift for you.,习作修改,(3)_(更为糟糕的是), no lunch was provided and therefore I had to go to the nearest restaurant, which was 30 minutes away. It was once said in your ad that (4)_,_(学生有很多时机参加社会实践活动) but badminton was the only activity organized. You can imagine how upset I am to have wasted my time and money and please (5) _(请退还一半钱), or I shall be forced to take the matter further.,Yours,,Li Hua,Worse still,students could be,provided with many chances to enjoy social practice,give half of my money back,【,Passage 2,】,Task 3,3 points,Dear Sir,I am writing to,complain about the two-day trip to Shenzhen (1)_,(,你们旅行社组织的,). It was promised in your advertisement that (2)_,_(,一个深圳的专职导游,),would lead,30 tourists as a team, but actually, the tour guide even (3)_(,根本不知道确切线路,)and there were 40 people in our team. Besides,it was claimed that,(4)_,_,(,我们会参观,5,个旅游景点,), while in fact (5)_,(,我们只游览了,3,个名胜,).,organized by your travel agency,a professional tour guide,did not know the exact route,we would visit five,we only visited three places of interest,from Shenzhen,famous tourist attractions,【,Passage 3,】,Task 4,5 points,Worse still, we not only (6)_,(自付餐费) except lunch, but also four people were arranged to (7)_,_共住一个条件很差的旅馆, which was totally different from your promise that (8)_,_两个游客合住一个四星级宾馆的房间and meals were free. Please give 50% of my money back, or I shall (9)_(采取更强硬的措施) .,Thank you for your consideration.,Yours sincerely,Li Ming,had to pay for our meals,share a room in a poorly equipped,hotel,two tourists,would share a room in a four-star hotel,be forced to take the matter further,4 points,【,Passage 3,】,Task 5,习作修改(做短文改错,背经典范文),Dear Sir,Im writing to express my dissatisfaction about the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought in 20th,Apr. 2021 at Teemall. Ten days before that, it,didnt ring or sent text messages. Then I took them,to the seller, but was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at least three month for a,new one. Later I went to the repairman.,on,after,send,it,months,He said since it was a new model in China, it was impossibly to fix it without the right spare parts. I,was so desperate on hear that. What can I wait that,long Therefore, I sincerely hope you can send to me a new one of same model. I would greatly,appreciate it if you could take measures to solve the problem as soon as possible.,Sincerely yours,Bu Manyi,impossible,hearing,How,the,【小试牛刀1】,假设你叫李华, 最近在某英文购物网站上购置了一双鞋子,但出现了以下问题。,申购情况,实际情况,颜色,黑色,白色,号码,9,8.5,到货日期,10,月,18,日,10,月,28,日,写作内容,请给网站写一封投诉信, 包括以下内容:,1. 写信的目的;,2. 投诉内容:申购情况;实际情况;,3. 要求:重新邮寄或退款;,4. 询问:假设寄回, 谁承担寄费,例题导写,1. 开门见山、写明目的。,请根据中文完成句子。,(1) I am writing to make a complaint about _.,(我在你网站上购置的鞋子),(2) I am writing to complain that _,_. (我在你网站上购置的鞋子有点问题),(3) I am writing to inform you that _.,(我不满意在你网站上购置的鞋子),(4) I am writing to _,(对表示失望) about the shoes I bought from your website.,the pair of shoes I bought on your website,there is something,I am not satisfied with the shoes bought on your website,show my disappointment,wrong with the pair of shoes I purchased on your website,2. 确定文体、标准语言:这是一封投诉信,因此必须注意语言的标准性和得体性,不能使用与朋友书信交流时的亲切语言,但也不能出现语气倔强等不礼貌用语。,3. 划分信息、统筹全文:根据写作内容,可把信息划分如下:,(1)写信目的; (2)申购情况;,(3)实际情况; (4)要求; (5)询问。,4. 突破难点、正确翻译。请翻译:,(1) 在你的网站上 _,(2) 投诉_,(3) 从购置_,(4) 一双九码的鞋子_,(5) 寄回 _,(6) 承担邮寄费_,(7) 给某人退款/某人获得退款 _,(8) (申购情况和实际情况的比照)我订购的是,但我收到的是,_,on your website,complain about.,purchase/buy sth. from .,a pair of size-nine shoes,send /post.back,pay for postage,give sb. a refund/get ones refund,What I ordered was. but I received.,【小试牛刀1】,假设你叫李华, 最近在某英文购物网站上购置了一双鞋子,但出现了以下问题。,申购情况,实际情况,颜色,黑色,白色,号码,9,8.5,到货日期,10,月,18,日,10,月,28,日,写作内容,请给网站写一封投诉信, 包括以下内容:,1. 写信的目的;,2. 投诉内容:申购情况;实际情况;,3. 要求:重新邮寄或退款;,4. 询问:假设寄回, 谁承担寄费,写作模板,Dear Sir/ Madam,Im writing to complain about,_.,What I,ordered,was _,but,_.,Worse still,_.,For the above reasons, I demand_,_.,Thank you for your consideration.,Yours sincerely,Li Hua,Write the letter following the model. 8 mins,1. 开门见山、写明目的- 投诉产品 。,I am writing to complaint about_.,2. 所购置产品等存在的问题,3. 你的要求退货;全额退款,【小试牛刀1】,Dear Sir/ Madam,Im writing to complain about the pair of sneakers I recently purchased on your website. What I ordered was a pair of black size-nine shoes but I received a pair of white size-8.5 shoes instead. Worse still, there was a ten-day delay in delivering my shoes, which should have been received on October 18. For the above reasons, I demand either a new pair of black size-nine shoes be posted to me immediately or I be given a full refund. Also, if I send back the wrong shoes, will your company pay for the postage,Thank you for your consideration.,Yours sincerely,Li Hua,10 points,Consolidation,本节课学习了A letter of complaint.,1. 开门见山、写明目的- 投诉产品/效劳/人 。,I am writing to complain/ make a complaint about_.,2. 所购置产品等存在的问题,3. 你的要求退货; 全额退款; 抱歉,Assignment【小试牛刀2】,假设你是李华,10月29日你收到了从Amazon网上书店购置的英汉词典。请根据下面内容要点,用英语给书店经理写一封信。,内容要点:,1. 写信目的;,2. 所购词典的问题:缺页20多页;有些内容印刷模糊,不清;,3. 你的要求:更换一本或者全额退款人民币300元,写作要求:,1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;,2. 书信格式已给出,不计入总词数;词数100左右。,Dear Sir/ Madam,_,Yours sincerely,Li Hua,Choose your favorite gift,1,2,3,小试牛刀,2,Dear Sir/ Madam,I am writing to make a complaint about the English-Chinese dictionary that I bought in your bookstore. I bought the dictionary on,October 29,which cost me 300 yuan. Returning home, I opened,it, only to find that more than twenty pages were missing. Whats more, some contents were printed so poorly that I cant use it. This is against all expectations and it also makes me very annoyed.,I suggest that you should exchange this English-Chinese dictionary for another one, or I,will declare a full refund. I hope that my problem,will get your kind consideration.,Yours sincerely,Li Hua,Thank you !,


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