[英语学习]实用英语第三册B 3 U 3

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Cover,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE,Practical College English Course (III),上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,实用英语,Contents,Unit 3,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Focus 1,Section 1 :Text: The Pendulum,Background Information,Warm Up,Vocabulary,Intensive Reading,Exercises:,I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,Section 2:,Listening,and,Speaking,Focus 2,Section 1: Text: Mary Kay Cosmetics,Exercises:,I,II,Language Points,Section 2: Practical Writing,A Memo,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Background information Focus1 Section 1,Focus 1 Section I,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Family in the West,Background Information,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),In different cultures, the types of family vary in different settings. A nuclear family consists of a married couple and their children. Traditional American families are “nuclear families. Another kind of family, which exists in some other cultures is “extended families, in which several generations may even live together. In America, only in a few cases does more than one household live under one roof.,In contemporary Europe and the United States, new types of families have occurred. They are single-father-headed families, families headed by same-sex couples, stepfamilies or families with mixed parents: one or both parents remarried, bringing children of the former family into the new family.,Contemporary society generally views family as a heaven from the competitive world. the family is considered to encourage “intimacy, love and trust where individuals may escape the competition and as a place where warmth, tenderness and understanding can be expected from a loving mother, and protection from the world can be expected from the father.,More and more people are making their family a priority. Husbands and wives are making concentrated efforts to keep their marriages solid.,Warm up Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Warm Up,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),1. How the housework is shared in your families? For instance, what housework does your father do; what housework does your mother do and what work do you do?,2. Do you think housework should be relatively equally divided between husband and wife? Why or why not?,Vocabulary Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Vocabulary Please go over the key words and expressions of the text before reading,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),钟 摆,5年来的每个晚上,约翰都是乘坐有轨电车在第81街下车,然后慢慢地步行回家,他从来都是不慌不忙的。过了5年的婚姻生活之后,约翰清楚地知道晚上将会怎么过。,Intensive Reading-Para1 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,1 Every night for five years John had stepped off the streetcar at Eighty-First Street and walked slowly home. He was never in a hurry. After five years of married life, he knew exactly what his evening would be.,Intensive Reading,The Pendulum,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Questions About Para. 1,(1) Where did John Perkins live?,(2) How many years had John and Katy been married?,He lived on Eighty-First Street.,They had been married for five years.,pendulum: n. C a long metal stick with a weight at the bottom that moves regularly from side to side to control the working of a clock钟摆,e.g. (1) The pendulum of the clock in my room is a cat. 我房间里时钟的钟摆是小猫形状的。,(2) As we neared the center, we saw the pendulum clearly. 快到中心的时候,我们清楚地看见了钟摆。,pendulum 可以用作比喻,意为“the tendency of ideas, beliefs, etc. to change regularly to the opposite摇摆不定的思想、观点等。,e.g. After several years of Republican government, the pendulum will undoubtedly swing back and voters will elect a Democrat. 共和党执政几年之后,无疑会有执政党之间的交替,选民们将会选举民主党来执政。,Intensive Reading-Para2 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,2 He would be,greeted,at the door of his small apartment with a quick kiss from his wife, Katy. He would refresh himself with a cup of juice his wife offered him. Dinner would be ready and waiting. Poor Katy tried hard, but she was never a good cook. The meal would be pot roast, leg of lamb, fruit dessert, buttered loaf, or cheese. The gravy of any one of them would be as thick and sticky as shoe,polish,. The same bottle of marmalade that always sat in the middle of the table would be sitting there again. There would be a sticky pudding to put it on. After dinner, John would sit down to read the newspaper.,妻子凯蒂会在他们的小公寓门口用匆匆一吻迎接他。然后会端上一杯果汁让他喝了恢复精力。晚餐会准备好等着他享用。尽管不擅烹饪的凯蒂做得很尽心,晚餐却总是不可口。菜式总是炖肉、羔羊腿肉、水果点心、奶油面包或奶酪。其中的任何一种肉汁都像鞋油一样黏稠。那瓶总是摆在桌子中央的酸果酱依然放在那儿,还有黏糊糊的要抹果酱吃的布丁。晚餐后,约翰会坐下来读报。,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Questions About Para. 2,(3) How would Katy greet John when he was back home after work?,(4) What would John do after being greeted by Katy?,(5) What would they have for dinner?,Katy would greet John at the door of their small apartment with a quick kiss.,John would refresh himself with a cup of juice Katy offered him.,They would have pot roast, leg of lamb, fruit dessert, buttered loaf, or cheese, marmalade, and sticky pudding.,greet: vt. to welcome sb. with particular words or a particular action, or to react to sth. in the stated way迎接,问候,招呼;以特定方式接受,对作出反响;呈现在前,e.g. (1) When we arrived there, we were greeted by the head of the union. 我们到达那里时,受到了工会领导的迎接。,(2) They greeted the negotiation representatives at the airport. 他们在机场欢送谈判代表。,polish: n. U a substance that you rub into a surface to make it smooth and shiny 擦光剂,上光蜡,e.g. (1) The still air smelt faintly of furniture polish. 在静止的空气中能闻到一点点家具上光蜡的味道。,(2) This car polish is an effective shield against rust. 这种汽车上光蜡有很好的防锈效果。,polish还可用作动词,意为“to make sth. smooth, bright, and shiny by rubbing it with a piece of fabric, often with polish on it 磨光,擦亮;使优美,润饰。,e.g. (1) I spent all afternoon polishing the silver. 我一个下午都在擦拭银器。,(2) Edwards essay is good, but he needs to polish it a little bit. 爱德华的文章写得不错,不过还需要稍加润饰。,Intensive Reading-Para 3 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,3 The man across the street would get out his violin and start practicing. Fat Mrs. Scott from the floor above would walk loudly down the stairs to take her little dog out for a walk. Katy would wash the dishes. Then she would sit down on the log couch and show him her,manual,workthe new square she was sewing into the quilt shed been working on for five years.,Question About Para. 3,(6) What would Katy do after dinner?,这时,街对面的男子会拿出小提琴,开始练习。楼上肥胖的斯科特太太会迈着响亮的步子下楼去遛狗。凯蒂洗完了碟子,坐到原木沙发上,拿出她的手工活一块新绣在被罩上的方形图案给约翰看。这件被罩她已经绣了5年了。,Focus 1 Section I,She would wash the dishes and then sit down on the log couch and show her manual work to John.,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),manual: a. operated or done by hand or without the help of electricity, computers, etc. 手工的,体力的,e.g. (1) It would take too long to do a manual search of all the data. 手工搜索这些数据花的时间太长。,(2) These children are suffering a lot from the heavy and dangerous manual work. 这些儿童做这样繁重而危险的体力活受了很多苦。,manual 还可用作名词,意为“a book that tells you how to do or operate sth., esp. one that comes with a machine, etc. when you buy it 手册,指南。,e.g. This manual is full of useful tips. 这本小册子里有很多实用的建议。,Intensive Reading-Para4-6 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,4 John Perkins knew these things would happen. And he knew that at eight oclock he would rise, reach for his hat, and head for the door. He also knew exactly what Katy would say at the moment he bid her goodbye.,5 “Now, where are you going, Id like to know, John Perkins?,6 “Just up to the corner. Thought Id play a game or two of pool with the fellows.,约翰珀金斯知道每天晚上都是这些情形,而且他知道8点钟他会起身拿着帽子出门去。他还确切地知道在向凯蒂道别时,她会问:,“约翰珀金斯,你去哪儿,能告诉我吗?,“就到街角处,和朋友们打一两局撞球。,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Question About Paras. 4-6,(7) What would John do at eight oclock?,He would rise, reach for his hat, and head for the door. He would go to play a game or two of pool with the fellows.,reach for: to move the arm in order to touch or lift sth. with the hand 伸手去拿,e.g. (1) I reached for the salt, and knocked over a bottle of wine. 我伸手去拿盐,却打翻了一瓶酒。,(2) There was a noise outside, and Bill reached for his flashlight. 听到外面有喧闹声,比尔伸手去拿手电筒。,注意:reach意为“到达时,是及物动词。,e.g. We reached our destination after walking for three hours. 走了3小时后我们到达了目的地。,head for: to move towards (a place) 朝方向行进;走向好结果,招致坏结果,e.g. (1) The ship left the island and headed for the mainland. 那条船驶离该岛,向大陆开去。,(2) It looks as if the firm is heading for another record year! 看来公司今年又要创记录了!,(3) Youre heading for an accident if you drive after drinking alcohol. 假设你酒后开车会招致车祸的。,bid: vt./vi. to utter a greeting or farewell to 向问候,道别;出价,投标,e.g. (1) These children bid good night to their parents every day before going to bed. 这些孩子每天睡觉前都和父母道晚安。,bidden/bid。意为“出价,投标时,过去式和过去分词均为bid。,bid还可用作名词,意为“an offer by a person or a business company to pay a particular amount of money for sth. 出价,投标。,e.g. Park wants to sell his farm, and he already had two large bids for it. 帕克想卖掉他的农场,并且已经有了两个出大价的买主。,now是副词,在口语中用在句子开头,引导询问信息的句子。,e.g. Now what did you say your name was? 你刚说你的名字叫什么来着?,注意:这时凯蒂直呼约翰的名字,与约翰回家时对他的亲热形成比照,表现了凯蒂对约翰的不满。,Intensive Reading-Para 7-10 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,7 At 10 or 11 he would return. Katy would be,waiting up,to tell him how lonely she was, and to shed a few tears. John would say he was sorry. After a while, they would kiss and make up.,8 One night, for the first time in five years, John came home to find his regular, boring world,upside down,.,9 Katy was not at the door to greet him with a kiss. The flat was in complete disorder. Katys things were,scattered,everywhere.,10 This was not Katys way! With Katy gone, his world had completely,altered,.,大约10或11点约翰珀金斯就会回家。凯蒂会一直等他回家,对他诉说自己多么孤独,然后流下一些泪水。约翰会对她说对不起,过一会儿他们就亲吻和好了。,一天晚上,约翰回到家,发现自己乏味而有规律的天地完全乱套了。5年来这还是头一次。,凯蒂没在门口用亲吻迎接他。公寓里凌乱不堪。凯蒂的东西散落各处。,这可不是凯蒂一贯的作风!凯蒂一走,他的世界彻底地变了样。,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Question About Para. 9,(8) Why did John find his regular, boring world,upside down one night when he came home?,Because Katy was not at the door to greet him with a kiss. The flat was in complete disorder. Katys things were scattered everywhere.,wait up (for sb.): to wait for sb. to return before going to bed熬夜,不睡觉等人回家,e.g. (1) Julies parents waited up all night but she didnt come home. 朱丽叶的父母等了她一夜,但是她一夜未归。,(2) Ill be home late tonight, so dont wait up. 不要等我,今晚我回来得晚。,upside down:,disorganized or untidy 一团糟的,混乱不堪的;颠倒的,翻倒过来的,e.g. (1) The burglars have turned our house upside down. 夜贼把我们家翻得乱七八糟。,(2) Her husbands sudden death turned her world upside down. 她丈夫的突然去世使她的生活完全乱了套。,(3) Dont hold the box upside down. 不要倒着拿那个盒子。,(4) The chairs were placed upside down on the tables. 这些椅子都倒放在桌子上。,scatter: vt./vi. to (cause to) separate and go in different directions撒,撒播;散开,驱散,e.g. (1) The storm scattered tiles everywhere. 风暴把瓦掀得四处都是。,(2) Scatter the onions over the fish. 把洋葱撒在鱼上。,(3) After the snowstorm, the workers were scattering sand over the roads to make vehicles move safely. 暴风雪过后工人们把沙子撒在路上让车辆平安通过。,(4) The flowers fell and scattered on the ground. 花瓣飘散在地上。,alter:,vi./vt. to change, or to make sb. or sth. change改变,变更,e.g. (1) Her face hadnt altered much over the years. 过了这么多年,她的容貌并没有多大改变。,(2) You can alter the color and size of the image using a remote control. 你可以用遥控装置改变这个图像的颜色和尺寸。,Intensive Reading-Para 11-14 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,11 And then he saw the note pasted on the icebox. “Dear John, it read. “I just had a cable saying Mother is very sick. I am taking the 4:30 train. There is cold lamb in the icebox. There are other provisions you can help yourself to. I will write tomorrow. Love, Katy.,12 For a long time John stood staring at the note. He didnt know what to think.,13 Never, not once during their five years of marriage, had he and Katy been separated for a night. He glanced about the room and saw traces of her everywhereher clothes and her shoes. He looked at these things with longing in his heart. It was almost as though Katy had died and was gone forever. He had never thought about what life might be without Katy.,14 Sadly, John dragged the cold lamb from the icebox, poured a cup of champagne, and sat down to his lonely meal. He missed the shoe-polish gravy. There was still marmalade, but no sticky pudding to put it on. He missed that, too.,这时他看到了贴在冰柜上的字条,上面写着:“亲爱的约翰,我刚收到一份电报说母亲病重,我要赶4:30的火车去看她。冰柜里有冷的羔羊肉,还有其他一些食物可以吃,我明天给你写信。爱你的凯蒂。,约翰站在那里久久地盯着字条,不知在想些什么。,结婚5年他和凯蒂从未分开过一个晚上。他环视了一下房间,发现到处都有凯蒂的痕迹她的衣服、她的鞋子。看着这些东西,他心里充满了思念,好似凯蒂已经离他而去,永远不会回来了。他从未想过,如果没有凯蒂,生活会是什么样子。,约翰悲伤地从冰柜里拽出冷羔羊肉,倒了一杯香槟,坐下来孤独地吃着晚餐。他思念那稠得像鞋油一样的肉汁。桌子的中央仍放着一瓶酸果酱,却没了黏糊糊的要涂着果酱吃的布丁,他对此也思念不已。,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Question About Para. 11,(9) Why was Katy not at home?,Because her mother was sick. She had taken the train to see her mother.,provision: n. C, U food, drink, and other supplies, especially for a journey pl. 口粮,给养;供给;for, against准备,预备;条款,规定,e.g. (1) We had enough provisions for two weeks. 我们的粮食足够吃两个星期。,(2) Provisions are kept in the storehouse. 粮食储藏在仓库里。,(3) There is a provision for making the building larger if necessary. 准备在必要时扩建大楼。,(4) This provision has been abolished. 这一规定已被废止。,trace: n. C, U 形迹,足迹,e.g. (1) There has been no trace of anyone having entered the room since then. 打那时起就再无迹象说明有人进过这房间。,(2) He carefully removed the traces of old paste. 他仔细地除去旧糨糊留下的痕迹。,trace可用作动词,意为“追踪,探索。,e.g. (1) The children traced the map of Shanghai and then wrote down the names of the places they had visited. 孩子们查了上海地图,然后把他们游览过的地方写了下来。,(2) We finally traced him to an address in Shanghai. 我们终于追查到了他在上海的一个地址。,在it was almost as though句型中,因为句中所述不是事实,所以使用了虚拟语气。,e.g.,(1) It seems as if nobody knew what had happened. 似乎没有人知道发生了什么事。,(2) It seems as if he lost interest in his job. 看来他对自己的工作失去了兴趣。,Intensive Reading-Para 15-16 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,15 Tonight John did not read the newspaper. Instead, he sat at the front window and looked,blankly,out into the darkness.,16 Lost in thought, he hardly heard the usual night noises, not even the sound from the clock. But then, for the first time in five years, he realized that the night was his to enjoy. He could play pool until dawn if he liked, and there would be no teary-eyed Katy waiting when he got back. But John did not get up and reach for his hat. He stayed at the window, missing Katy, suddenly knowing how much he needed her, how much he needed his boring daily life.,这晚约翰没有读报。他坐在前面的窗户旁边,茫然地看着窗外的黑夜。,他陷入了沉思,听不到平日黑夜的喧嚣,甚至连钟声也听不见。但就在这时,5年来他第一次意识到这个夜晚是属于他的,如果喜欢他可以通宵打撞球,回到家里也没有泪汪汪地等待着的凯蒂。但约翰没有起身去拿自己的帽子。他呆在窗前,想着凯蒂,突然意识到自己是多么需要她,多么需要以前那种乏味枯燥的生活。,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Question About Paras. 15-16,(10) What did John do differently after meal that night?,He didnt read the newspaper. He sat at the front window and looked blankly out into the darkness, lost in thought.,blankly: ad. 茫然地,毫无表情地,e.g.The tea forgotten, she gazed blankly through the window. 她茫然地看着窗外,茶水一点都没喝。,blankly的形容词形式是blank,意为“no emotion, understanding, or interest 茫然的,无表情的;空白的,空着的。,e.g. (1) My heart began to race and my mind went blank. 我的心跳加快,脑子一片空白。,(2) The last three boxes should be left blank. 最后三个箱子一定要空着。,blank还可用作名词,意为“an empty space on a piece of paper, where you are supposed to write a word or letter 空白;空白表格,空白处。,e.g. (1) Leave a blank if you dont know the answer. 如果你不知道答案就空着。,(2) Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 在空白处填写适当的词。,Intensive Reading-Para 17-18 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,17 Poor Katy! How badly hed treated her all these years, leaving her alone night after night!,18 Wellno more! He made a resolution to try to,amend,everything. From now on, hed take her out at least twice a week dancing, exercising in the gym, and out to the symphony.,In between, hed stay home and,keep her company,while she worked on her quilt.,可怜的凯蒂!这些年来他待她太不好了,每晚都把她一个人丢在家里!,以后再不这样了!他决心要改正所有的过失。从今以后,他每周至少要带她出门两次,要带她去跳舞,去健身房健身,去听交响乐。平时他要呆在家里,陪着她绣被罩。,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Question About Para. 18,(11) What was the resolution John made in order to amend the way he had been treating Katy?,Hed take her out at least twice a week dancing, exercising in the gym, and out to the symphony. In between, hed stay home and keep her company while she worked on her quilt.,amend:,vt.,to correct or make small changes to sth. that is written or spoken 修正,修订,e.g.,(1) The law was amended for the third time. 这条法律被第三次修订。,(2) The resolution to build a chemical factory here has been amended. 在这里建化工厂的决定已作了修正。,in between:,in the time that separates two times or events 在其间,在中间,e.g. (1) Ive had a few jobs with long periods of unemployment in between. 我做过几份工作,其间也失业过很久。,(2) A lot of students spend a year abroad in between high school and university. 很多学生在中学和大学期间在国外呆过一年。,keep sb. company:,to be, go, remain with sb. so that he or she does not feel lonely陪伴,作伴,e.g.,(1) Ritas husband will be away for a week, so I think Id better go and keep her company. 丽塔的丈夫要外出一个星期,因此我想我最好过去和她作伴。,(2) Come over for dinnerI would like you to keep me company. 晚上过来吃晚饭我想让你来陪陪我。,Intensive Reading-Para 19-26 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Intensive Reading,19 And then the doorbell rang.,20 It was Katy.,21 “Mothers fine, she said, setting down her portable suitcase. “She was just a little upset. Didnt amount to a thing. My, Im glad to be back. Im dying for a cup of whisky.,22 John looked at Katy. Then he looked at the grandfather clock. The pendulum was swinging, as always. Back and forth, back and forth. Now he could hear the clock and it calmed him. His life was in order again.,23 It was just eight oclock.,24 He picked up his hat and walked to the door.,25 “Now, where are you going, Id like to know, John Perkins? asked Katy loudly.,26 “Just up to the corner, he said. “Thought Id play a game or two of pool with the fellows.,这时,门铃响了。,是凯蒂。,“母亲身体还好,凯蒂一边说,一边放下手提箱,“只是有点小小的不适。算不上什么大问题。哎呀,回家真快乐,太想喝杯威士忌了。,约翰瞅瞅凯蒂,又瞅瞅家里的老式落地钟。那钟摆正如往常一样摆动着,一来一回,一来一回摆动着。现在他能听到钟声了,这使他恢复了平静,生活又回到了从前的样子。,此时刚好8点。,他拿起帽子朝门口走去。,“约翰珀金斯,你去哪儿,能告诉我吗?凯蒂大声问道。,“就到街角处,约翰说,“去和朋友们打一两局撞球。,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),Question About Paras. 24&26,(12) What did John do after Katy returned home at eight oclock?,John picked up his hat and walked to the door. Hed play a game or two of pool with the fellows.,portable:,a.,able to be carried or moved easily 便于携带的,手提式的,轻便的,e.g.,(1) Stan now writes his novels on a portable computer. 斯坦现在在手提电脑上写小说。,(2)District maintenance workers replaced the seats here with portable chairs. 区维修工们把这里的座位都换成了折叠椅。,amount to:,to be equal or the same as 等于,相当于;总计,e.g. (1) Their actions amount to a breach of contract. 他们的行为已属违反合同。,(2) His total sales didnt amount to more than a few hundred dollars. 他的全部销售额总计不超过几百美元。,Exercise I.1No.1-6 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,Exercise I.1,The following questions are intended to help you get familiar with the text. Try to use as much of the original text as possible in your answers.,(1)Where did John Perkins live?,(2)How many years had John and Katy been married?,(3)How would Katy greet John when he was back home after work?,(4)What would John do after being greeted by Katy?,(5)What would they have for dinner?,(6)What would Katy do after dinner?,He lived on Eighty-First Street.,Focus 1 Section I,Katy would greet John at the door of their small apartment with a quick kiss.,They would have pot roast, leg of lamb, fruit dessert, buttered loaf, or cheese, marmalade, and sticky pudding.,She would wash the dishes and then sit down on the log couch and show her manual work to John.,They had been married for five years.,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(III),John would refresh himself with a cup of juice Katy offered him.,Exercise I.1 No.7-12 Focus1 Section 1,上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,(7) What would John do at eight oclock?,(8) Why did John find his regular, boring world upside down one night when he came home?,(9) Why was Katy not at home?


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