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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit3 Asking the way,Loufeng school Grade 6,Riew,History Museum,Mr Smith,The city post office,English song,Bye,Ms Yis home,Exercise,1,Can you tell me the way to the?,Unit3 Asking the way,Next,2,Can you tell me ?,Unit3 Asking the way,Home,3,Mr Smith,4,.Mr Smith comes from Australia.,.He is living in China now.,.He is on holiday in Nanjing.,. He wants to visit the History Museum, but he does not know the way.,Unit3 Asking the way,Next,5,.Mr Smith comes from _. .He is living _ _ now. .He is on _ in _.He wants to visit the _ _, but he does not _ the way.,Unit3 Asking the way,Next,6,.Mr Smith _ from _. .He is _ _ _ now. .He is on _ in _.He wants to _ the _ _, but he _ _ _ _ the way.,Unit3 Asking the way,Home,7,He is asking Yang Ling how to get there.,Can you tell me the way to the History Museum?,How many stops are there?,Where s the bus sop?,How far is it from here?,Unit3 Asking the way,Home,8,Unit3 Asking the way,Mr Smith,:,I want to go to the city post office.,Home,9,Mr Smith,:,Can you tell me the way to the History Museum?,Yang Ling,: Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. The museum is on your left.,Back,Unit3 Asking the way,History Museum,bus stop,10,Mr Smith,:,How far is it from here?,1公里,Yang Ling,: Its about a kilometre away.,Thats a long walk.,Yang Ling,: You can take bus No.5. Theres a bus every five minutes.,Back,Unit3 Asking the way,11,Back,Mr,Smith:,How,many stops are there?,Yang,Ling:,Only two.,Mr,Smith:,Wheres the bus stop?,Yang,Ling:,Its in front of the cinema.,Unit3 Asking the way,stop,cinema,12,Mr smith,:,Wheres the city post office,?,YangLing,: Its on Zhongshan Road. You can take bus No. 9 in front of the History Museum and get off at the third stop.,Home,Unit3 Asking the way,the city post office,stop,13,Excuse me,Home,Oh, excuse me, can you help me?Im looking for the post office.Yes, please take bus number thirty.Its over there under the tree.,Unit3 Asking the way,14,Home,How?,How far?,How many ?,Wheres ?,Unit3 Asking the way,15,-How can I get there?- You can take bus No.9 and No.6.,Back,16,-How far is it from here?- Its a long walk. Its about 13 kilometres away.,Back,17,-How many stops are there?- About 20 stops.,Back,18,-Wheres your home?- Its in MinDu Garden. Its in Suzhou New District. Its in HeShan Road.,Back,19,一 根据课文内容填空:,Yang Ling is telling Wang Bing about her conversation with Mr Smith. Read the dialogue and complete the sentences.,I met Mr Smith in Shanghai Street. He wanted to go to _ _ _ by bus. I told him to _ _ No. 5 in front of _ and get off at the _ stop. Then he asked me how to get to _ _ _ _. I told him to _ _ No. 9 in front of _ _ _.,Next,Unit3 Asking the way,20,二,根据课文内容判断,1.,Mr Smith comes from Japan.( ),2.,Mr Smith is on holiday in Beijing. ( ),3.,The right way to the History Museum is : go along this street, and turn right at the third crossing. The History Museum is on your right. ( ),4.,You can take bus No. 5 to the History Museum. And its about a kilometer away. ( ),5.,The bus stop is in front of the cinema. Theres a bus five minutes. ( ),6.,The post office is on Zhongshan Road. You can take bus No.9 and get off at the second crossing. ( ),Home,Unit3 Asking the way,21,Home,Bye !,Unit3 Asking the way,22,


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