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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Theme of,Pride and Prejudice,Explanation,Original and comprehension,Conclusion,Theme,Feminist Consciousness,Feminism Theory,Feminism refers to a,theory predominantly,(主要地),use female experience as resource and motivation for social theory and political movement. Many women socialist supporters focus on analyzing the gender inequality and promoting womans rights, interests and issues.,Feminism theory core :,to realize equality between man and woman in all mankind.,one basic premise,(前提),:,women are under oppression(,压迫,) and discrimination,(歧视),around the whole world.,B,rief introduction,Jane Austen held the view that women had the equal intellect with men. Women should be provided the equal opportunities to improve their intellect abilities.,From the novel, author appealed to pay more attention to womens learned knowledge of society and people in that times.,Pride and Prejudice,reflected society rotten and dark aspect at that time,,,and women were difficult to fight for their rights. Through the development process of several couples love and marriage,,,author embodied that women lived rely on marriage or their male families.,And author used all kinds of writing methods to reflect women status, liberty, property and intellect once inferior to men in her times.,Brief introduction,Elizabeths feminism main embodies in several aspects.,Firstly, Elizabeth has the superior wisdom. Due to her fathers knowledge and education, Elizabeth has well literature background. She doesnt like to accept those so-called education which embody high social-level peoples vulgar(,粗俗的,) conversations and behaviors.,Feminist Images,Reading and knowledge make her has an independent mind to think on her own.,Though,she is more or less teased by,others,Elizabeth ignores the,etiquette,and she crosses muddy roads on foot just to see her sick sister in,Netherfield,Park. And she refuses her father for sending for the horses.,Feminist Images,original,“,No, indeed. I do not wish to avoid the walk. The distance is nothing when one has a motive; only three miles. I shall be back by dinner”,(Austen, 2009:26).,This behavior seems so “incredible” , and Mary says “but every impulse of feeling should be guided by reason.” This action does not comply with requirement of female behavior at that time. But it embodies Elizabeths wisdom, independent thinking and her care for families. She thinks it may be laughed by people, but this action causes Darcys more attention.,comprehension,Secondly,Elizabeth has courage to protest against the conventions,.,Comparing with other women in Austens time, especially compared with female members of,Bennet,family , Elizabeth has the quality of independent rebellion Consciousness. No matter in society or in her family, she will not rely on anyone. Her attitude toward marriage is rational, independent, and this can be reflected by refusing the Collins proposal,.,Although her mother once forced her to marry Mr. Collins. Her protest spirit also can be reflected from conversations between her and Darcys aunt Lady Catherine. When Lady Catherine knows the marriage news that her nephew wants to marry Elizabeth, she threats Elizabeth, but this heroine expresses the protest character.,She is brave enough to challenge the conventional feudal ethics (,封建伦理),.,“,I think it would be very hard upon younger sisters that they should not have their share of society and amusement because the elder may not have the means or inclination (,tendency,) to marry early. The last born has as good a right to the pleasures of youth, as the first. And to be kept back on such a motive!-I think it would not be very likely to promote sisterly affection or delicacy of mind”,(Austen, 2009:131).,The last, Elizabeth pursues of equal status and respect. She has innate self-confidence and self-esteem. At that times , Elizabeth should flattery and obey Darcy. But she doesnt think so; she pursues equal status of man in the love and marriage. And she pursues the equality of life. When Darcy first propose to Elizabeth with pride. He thinks that she should happily accept, but she doesnt , and criticizes Darcys action.,comprehension,“,I,have never desired your good opinion, and you have certainly bestowed it most unwillingly”,(Austen, 2009:150).,Elizabeth criticizes about Darcy: “,with so evident a design of offending and insulting me, you chose to tell me that you liked me against your will, against your reason, and even against your character,?” (Austen, 2009:151),Conclusion,First of all, Austen uses womens unique observation to describe a small world around her, especially among the ladies marriage and love affairs.,The heroine, Elizabeth is full of wisdom and independent thinking,which embodies,feminist consciousness.,Second,from this book people can find that author uses females meticulous,(一丝不苟的),method to write stories. In Austens works, female always is the first protagonist,(主角),.,In the novel, Austen describes several ladies and some subordinate males. She gives Elizabeth intelligence, courage and many outstanding characters.,Third, Austen often makes heroine to express the womens own feeling and stories . She describes womens social situation at that time. She wants to provoke peoples attention and make some change about women.,Moreover, this novel presents both women and men who in pursue of happy love and marriage may make mistakes, and the male and female both own equal amounts of absurdity(,荒谬的言行,).,At last, Austen knows that reading is the most important quality to be a perfect women.,To some extent, she also against the patriarchal(,家长的,) system.,All of those traces embody the feminist consciousness in her,Pride and Prejudice.,T,hank you,


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