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词汇知识,自主学习,阅读精析,合作学习,要点精研,探究学习,Unit 5,First Aid,Reading and Thinking,词汇知识自主学习,.,根据语境写出正确的单词,1. first-aid,_,急救技能,2. its largest,_,它的最大器官,3. the suns,_,阳光,4.,_,触觉,5. nuclear,_,核辐射,6. the top few,_,of the skin,最上面几毫米的皮肤,7.,_,household incidents,家庭小事故,8. the top,_,of the skin,皮肤的顶层,techniques,organ,rays,sense of touch,radiation,millimetres,minor,layer,9. a,_,of the war,战争受害者,10.,_,hands,肿胀的手,11. the issue,_,背后的问题,12. the,_,sticking to the burnt skin,粘在烧伤皮肤上的织物,13. a,_,clean cloth,一块宽松干净的布,14. an,_,need,迫切需要,15. to,_,the pain,减轻疼痛,16.,_,the burnt area,包扎烧伤部位,victim,swollen,underneath,fabric,loose,urgent,ease,wrap,.,选词填空,1. You can attend,_,activities.,2. Some fabric may,_,the burnt skin.,3. Your skin,_,a barrier against disease, toxins, and the suns rays.,4. If burns are on the face,_,the victim can still breathe.,5. Examples include burns caused by,_,.,suffer from, electric shock, act as, prevent. . . from, depend on, at once, stick to, make sure, a variety of,a variety of,stick to,acts as,make sure,electric shocks,6. It also,_,your body,_,losing too much water.,7. Some lose their appetites and the others even,_,sleep problems.,8. Burns are divided into three types,_,the depth of skin damage.,9. The victim must go to the hospital,_,.,prevents,from,suffer from,depending on,at once,.,翻译下列课文原句,并观察黑体部分,1.,As you can imagine, getting burnt can lead to very serious injuries.,_,烧伤能够引起严重的伤害。,2. They are serious and,take a few weeks,to,get better.,它们很严重,_,。,3. Remove any clothes using scissors,if necessary,.,_,用剪子移除任何衣物。,4.,Cover the burnt area,with a loose clean cloth.,用一块干净宽松的布,_,。,正如你能想象到的那样,得花费几周时间变好,如果必要的话,盖住烧伤部位,5. If the victim is suffering from second or third-degree burns,there is an urgent,need,to take him/her to the hospital at once.,如果受害者属于二度或三度烧伤,_,。,就急需立即送他,/,她去医院,【,构词规律,】,根据给出的构词规则写出下列单词,1. -ion,常用于动词后构成名词,radiateradiation,n.,辐射,infect,_,n.,感染,imagine,_,n.,想象,associate,_,n.,关联,infection,imagination,association,2. “,动词,+from”,构成的短语,suffer from,遭受,;,忍受,_,from,向,学习,_,from,收到,的来信,_,from(,从某一时代,),开始,回溯,learn,hear,date,阅读精析合作学习,Task 1,框架宏观建构,:,整体理解,1. Skim the passage and fill in the blanks.,First Aid for Burns,2. What is the text type of the passage?,_,Its a hospital leaflet.,【,寻技巧,提能力,】,理解文本类型,不同种类的文本可以通过其写作风格和语言特征来识别。通过理解一篇文章的文本类型,读者可以更好地理解它的目的。也可以更好地理解文本中的信息。,Task 2,文本微观剖析,:,细节探究,1. Choose the best answer.,(1)This text may be taken from a(n),.,A. blog post,B. experiment report,C. short storyD. hospital leaflet,(2)The largest organ of our body is,.,A. heart,B. liver (,肝脏,),C. skin,D. stomach,(3)There are,types of burns.,A. two,B. three,C. four,D. five,(4)In the text, burns are sorted according to the,of the skin damage.,A. typeB. depthC. areaD. function,(5)The purpose of placing burns under cool running water is to,.,A. prevent infectionB. break the blisters,C. reduce the pain and swellingD. clean the skin,2. Reread the passage and fill in the blanks.,The skin is an essential part of our body, and it acts as a (1),_,against,disease, toxins, and the suns rays. It also gives us a (2),_,of touch. However, our,skin can sometimes get (3),_,for some reasons.,Generally speaking, burns, which are caused by hot (4),_, fire, radiation,and so on, can be divided into three (5),_,first-degree, second-degree and third-,degree burns, depending on the (6),_,of skin damage.,All burns need first aid. The cool water can (7),_,the burning process, and,reduce the pain and (8),_,. (9),_,any clothes if necessary. But to severe,burns, get the (10),_,to the doctor at once.,barrier,sense,burnt,liquids,types,depth,stop,swelling,Remove,victim,3. Long sentence analysis.,译文,:,它也有助于,_,在外物太热或太凉时发出,警告,并给你触感。,控制体温,阻止身体失去太多水分,译文,:,在受伤的部分涂抹油膏不是个好主意,_,并会引发,感染。,因为这会阻碍伤口散热,Task 3,阅读思维升华,:,主题实践,1. How can we give first aid properly when someone gets burnt? (Creative Thinking,创造性思维,),_,_,_,2. Do you have any other suggestions about first aid? (Divergent Thinking,发散性思,维,),_,_,First, we should know whether he/she is seriously injured or not. Second, give,some basic treatment, such as placing burns under cool running water and,removing any clothes. Third, it would be better to take him/her to see a doctor.,I think we should prepare a first aid kit at home and we should all attend some,classes on first aid.,要点精研探究学习,1. sense of touch,触觉,*,(2021,全国甲卷,)Children need,a sense of belonging.,孩子们需要一种归属感。,*,The,sense of touch,lasts the longestas we get older and our vision and hearing begin to weaken, touch still remains.,触觉持续时间最长,随着我们变老我们的视觉和听觉开始衰弱,触觉仍然存在。,*,We all felt a,sense of pride,for our countrys great achievements.,我们都为我们国家的伟大成就感到自豪。,【,词块积累,】,sense of direction,方向感,sense of humor,幽默感,sense of responsibility,责任感,sense of belonging,归宿感,sense of pride,自豪感,【,即学活用,】,用含有,sense,的词块填空,(1)(2020,江苏高考,)You dont have to be the joke teller in the group in order to show,your,_,.,(2)As soon as I get underground, I lose my,_,and get lost easily.,(3)The social practice can help strengthen our,_,.,(4)This kind of chemical can damage your,_,when applied to your,hand.,(5)When Change-5 landed on the moon,_,sprang up.,当嫦娥五号,成功登月时,一种自豪感油然而生。,sense of humor,sense of direction,sense of responsibility,sense of touch,a sense of pride,2. minor,adj.,较小的,;,次要的,;,轻微的,*,(2020,新高考全国,卷,) You dont need to apologize for a,minor,slip.,你不需要为一个小失误道歉。,*,Though our school makes it clear that phones are not allowed,a minority of,students tend to ignore it.,尽管我们学校明确不允许带手机,但是少数学生会忽视这项规定。,*,Therere some people opposed to the plan, but they are,in a/the minority.,有些人反对这个计划,但他们是少数。,【,词块积累,】,(1)minority,n.,少数,少部分,a minority of,少数的,in a/the minority,占少数,(2)major,adj,.,主要的,;,重要的,;,主修的,vi.,主修,【,即学活用,】,(1),语法填空,The minority who attended the meeting yesterday,_,(be) students.,Only,_,minority of British households do not have a car.,(2)Sometimes we dont agree with each other,_,.,有时对于一些小事我们会彼此意见不同。,(3)Littering and spitting are also,_,causing environmental,problems.,乱扔垃圾和随地吐痰也是造成环境问题的主要因素。,were,a,over some minor things,the major factors,3. loose,adj.,松的,;,未系紧的,;,宽松的,*,Cover the burnt area with a,loose,clean cloth.,用一块宽松干净的布料覆盖住烧伤部分。,*,His clothes seemed too big for him. His shirt collar was,loose,on his throat.,他的衣服看起来太大了,衬衣领口松松垮垮的。,*,She swung her arms above her head to,loosen up.,她将双臂举过头顶来回摆臂,做准备活动。,【,词块积累,】,(1)come loose,松动,;,脱落,let sb. loose,释放某人,(2)loosen,vt.,解开或使松,;,放宽,放松,loosen up(,肌肉,),松弛,;,做准备活动,;,放松,; (,情况,),缓和,(3)loosely,adv.,放松地,【,即学活用,】,(1),用,loose,的适当形式填空,This kind of behavior can,_,your connection with your friends.,The investigation had aimed at a,_,organized group of criminals.,(2)A page,_,(,脱落,) and floated onto the tiles.,(3)I think people have,_,(,放松,) their standards.,loosen,loosely,came loose,loosened up,4. urgent,adj,.,紧急的,;,急迫的,;,急切的,*,With smog getting increasingly serious, environmental protection has become an,urgent,issue for human beings.,随着雾霾越来越严重,环保已经变成人类的一个紧迫问题。,*,It is,urgent,that we (should)take measures to travel in a civilized way.,我们应该采取措施文明出游是当务之急。,*,New York officials said they,urgently,needed masks and respirators.,纽约官员说他们急需口罩和呼吸机。,*,I heard the,urgency,in his voice when he asked if I was all right.,当他问我是否还好时,我听出了他声音里的急迫。,【,词块积累,】,(1)urgently,adv,.,急迫地,;,紧急地,(2)urgency,n,.,急迫,;,紧急,sense of urgency,紧迫感,as a matter of urgency,作为紧急事件,【,名师点津,】,It is urgent that. . .,从句中用虚拟语气,即谓语动词使用,should +,动词原形, should,可以省略。,【,即学活用,】,(1),用,urge,的正确形式填空,There is an,_,need for food and water.,The,_,of finding a cure attracted some of the best minds in medical science.,Red Cross officials said they,_,needed bread and water.,(2) It is,_,.,这事刻不容缓。,(3)I think what is the most important is that we all should,_,.,我认为最为重要的是我们都要有紧迫感。,urgent,urgency,urgently,a matter of utmost urgency,have a sense of urgency,5. ease,vi. &vt,. (,使,),宽慰,;,减轻,;,缓解,;,使容易,;,使顺利,n,.,容易,;,舒适,;,自在,*,Dont overwork yourself and,take your ease.,不要过度劳累,休息一会儿。,*,I suggest that you listen to some soft music, which helps,ease,your,sense of urgency,.,我建议你应该听一些舒缓的音乐,这有助于缓解你的紧迫感。,*,He passed the driving exam,with ease.,他轻而易举地通过了驾驶考试。,*Because he was modest and easy to approach, he soon put everyone completely,at ease.,他是那样谦虚,平易近人,很快使大家放松下来。,【,词块积累,】,(1)ease sb. of . . .,使某人消除,/,减轻,(2)with ease,不费力地,at ease,自在,;,放松,take ones ease,休息,;,放松,【,即学活用,】,语法填空,(1)I never feel,_,ease in his company.,(2)She won the 400-m race,_,ease.,(3)She sits down and takes,_,(she) ease by the fire.,at,with,her,6. swallow,vt.,&,vi,.,吞下,;,咽下,*,Chemical burns can even affect your internal organs if the chemicals are,swallowed.,如果这些化学物质被吞下的话化学物质烧伤甚至会影响你的内脏。,*,She took a bite of the apple, chewed and,swallowed.,她咬了一口苹果,嚼了嚼,咽了下去。,*,She was quickly,swallowed up,in the crowd.,她很快消失在人群里。,【,词块积累,】,swallow down,不情愿地吞下,;,勉强咽下,swallow up,吞并,;,兼并,;,耗尽,swallow ones words,口齿不清地说,;,收回前言,【,即学活用,】,(1),语法填空,Most of my salary gets swallowed,_,by the rent and bills.,It is most important to chew your food, whether vegetable or meat, before you,swallow it,_,.,(2)If I ever come back I suppose Ill have to,_,.,要是哪天我回来了,我想我就得收回前言。,up,down,swallow my words,7. wrap,vt.,包、裹,; (,用手臂等,),围住,*,For example,wrap,the burnt area loosely with a clean cloth if possible.,例如,如果可能的话,用干净的布料松散地把烧伤部位包裹起来。,*,She,wrapped,the baby,in,a blanket.,她把婴儿裹在了一条毯子里面。,*,Diana is,wrapping up,the family presents.,黛安娜正在将家人的礼物包起来。,【,词块积累,】,wrap sth. in sth.,将,包在,中,;,将,裹在,中,wrap up,把,包起来,be wrapped up in sth.,全神贯注于,【,即学活用,】,(1),语法填空,It is a kind of food made by rice,_,(wrap)in bamboo leaves.,Remember to wrap it,_, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes.,We intend to wrap them,_,a big parcel and post it to your school.,(2)He,_,his own sufferings that hed forgotten about me.,他沉浸在自己的痛苦之中,忘记了我的存在。,wrapped,up,in,was so wrapped up in,8. If the victim is suffering from second or third-degree burns,there is an urgent need to,take him/her to the hospital at once.,如果患者是二度或三度烧伤,就急需立即把他,/,她送到医院。,【,句式解构,】,本句是一个复合句。句中含有一个,if,引导的条件状语从句,; there is a need to do sth.,意为“有必要做某事”。,*,There is a need to,balance your study and life in order to make your life colorful and meaningful.,你有必要平衡你的学习和生活,以使你的生活丰富而有意义。,*Actually,there is no need to,worry about whether you will win or lose.,事实上,你没必要担忧是否会成功。,*,There is no doubt,at all that we did the right thing.,毫无疑问我们做得对。,【,名师点津,】,there is no need(for sb. ) to do sth. (,某人,),没有必要做某事,there is no doubt that. . .,毫无疑问,【,即学活用,】,(1)When we fall ill,_,go to the hospital because our robots can,examine us.,当我们生病的时候,没有必要去医院,因为我们的机器人就可以为我们做检查。,(2),_,prevent our earth from being polluted.,急需阻止我们的地球被污染。,(3),_,he will leave here tomorrow.,毫无疑问他明天会离开这里。,there is no need to,There is an urgent need to,There is no doubt that,【,教师备选,】,Remove any clothes using scissors,if necessary,unless,you see the fabric sticking to the burnt skin.,如果有必要的话用剪刀移除任何衣物,除非你看到织物粘住烧伤的皮肤上。,【,句式解构,】,本句是一个复合句。句中,unless,引导条件状语从句,; if necessary,为条件状语从句的省略,其完整形式为,: if it is necessary,。,*(2020,天津高考,) Has it been a while since your last visit to a public library?,If so,you may be surprised to learn that libraries have changed for the better.,你上次去公共图书馆有一段时间了吗,?,如果是这样的话,你可能会惊讶地发现图书馆已经变得更好了。,*,If not,let me know what time suits you best.,如果不的话,让我知道什么时间最适合你。,*,It is always best to choose organically grown foods,if possible.,如果可能,最好还是挑选有机食品。,【,名师点津,】,常用的,if,省略结构,if any,如果有的话,if ever,如果曾经有过,if so,如果这样的话,if not,如果不的话,if possible,如果可能的话,【,即学活用,】,(1),同义句改写,(,改为省略形式,),If it is possible, you should try it once more.,_, you should try it once more.,Wash it in water and pick out the small particles, if there are any.,Wash it in water and pick out the small particles,_,.,Some of you may have finished Unit 1. If you have done so, you can go on to Unit 2.,Some of you may have finished Unit 1.,_, you can go on to Unit 2.,If possible,if any,If so,(2),_, you can ask him for help.,如果有必要的话,你可以向他求助。,If necessary,【,拓视野,观天下,】,1. Luckily, Coca-Cola stepped up to the challenge and came up with one innovative and rather effective solution. The firm is replacing its plastic,wrapping,in Europe with a new paper board technology.,幸运的是,可口可乐公司接受了挑战,并想出了一个新颖且有效的解决方案。该公司正使用一种新的纸板技术替代其在欧洲使用的塑料包装。,2. A Biden official said the most,urgent,need was for the transition to be given access to COVID-19 data and the vaccine distribution plans.,拜登的一名官员表示,最紧迫的需要是让过渡政府获得新冠肺炎数据和疫苗分发计划。,3. Most counties saw only,minor,changes in their tallies, with the recount vote totals differing by single digits, said a,New,York,Times,report. ,纽约时报,的一篇报道称,大多数县的计票结果只有微小的变化,重新计票的总数相差个位数。,4. The grill opened in April and the founders started the business to,ease,their financial burden, according to earlier reports by,China,Youth,Daily,.,据,中国青年报,早些时候的报道,这家烧烤店于,(,今年,)4,月开业,创始人创办这家店是为了减轻他们的经济负担。,


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