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Lesson 47,I Made It!,UNIT 8 Celebrating Me!,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,5,11,12,答案呈现,13,14,15,failed,accept,award,loser,misspelled,D,D,D,A,D,loser,to catch,feeling,looking,left,提示,:点击 进入习题,答案呈现,16,17,18,19,20,I chose to accept the challenge,He made so many spelling mistakes,I dont know how to spell this word,How many words have you mastered,She presented many awards that day,答案呈现,26,27,28,29,30,A,B,C,D,21,22,23,Why did,It is; to spell,are proud of,24,25,What,How many days left,B,31,32,33,34,35,B,A,B,C,D,36,37,38,39,40,A,D,B,D,答案呈现,41,42,43,44,45,doing,in,and,to put,really,46,47,48,49,50,loser,to accept,basketball,trying,better,C,.,根据句意及所给提示填空。,1. He,_(,不及格,) the,exam because he,was careless,with his spelling.,2. We all hope you can _,(,接受,) our invitation and,join us in the picnic.,3. She got an _,(,奖状,) for,her,excellent performance.,failed,accept,award,4. I must work hard now because I dont want to be a _ (,失败者,).,5. He didnt get into the final of,Chinese Character Dictation Conference,(,中国汉字听写大会,) because of _ (,拼错的,) words in the last.,loser,misspelled,.,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,6. If you dont want to be a,_(,lose), please,work hard,from now on.,loser,7. It is hard for me _(catch) the running dog.,to catch,8. The boy came into the classroom _ (feel) like a winner.,feeling,9. Mr. Wang noticed Tom _ (look) out of the window.,looking,10. We have only five minutes _(leave) before class begins.,left,.,单项选择。,11,.,(易错题),My,uncle called and asked me if I,had _ the,birthday gift from him.,A. invented,B,. raised,C. accepted,D,. received,D,12,.【,中考,十堰,】A great person once said, “,If you,can follow your heart and never,_, your,dream will come true.”, I think so. I believe I will enter a good,high school,this year if I try hard.,A. give away,B,. give back,C. give out,D,. give,up,D,13,. Have you ever seen the 3D film?, Yes. It can make you _,being,in the,real situation,.,A. grow up,B. look over,C,. show up,D,. feel like,D,14,. I am late for school,_the,broken bike.,A. because of,B,. because,C. but,D,.,so,A,15,. My daughter was about 2 years old when,she could,walk by _,.,A. her,B,.,she,C. hers,D,. herself,D,.,连词成句。,16. the, I, accept, to, chose, challenge,_.,I chose to accept the challenge,17. made, so, mistakes, he, spelling, many,_.,He made so many spelling mistakes,18,. I, word, how, to, know, spell, this, dont,_.,I dont know how to spell this word,19,. many, presented, that, awards, day, she,_.,She presented many awards that day,20,. mastered, how, words, many, you, have,_,?,How many words have you mastered,.,按要求完成句子。,21. He failed the English exam,because he didnt,work hard,.,(对画线部分提问),_,_,he,fail the English exam?,Why did,22. These words are hard to spell.,(改为同义句,),_,_,hard,_ _,these words.,It is to spell,23,. The Great Wall is our pride.,(改为同义句),We _ _ _,the,Great Wall,.,are proud of,24,. I will improve,my English listening skill,.,(对画线,部分,提问),_,will,you improve,?,What,25,. There are,ten,days left before the end of the,school year,.,(对画线部分提问),_ _ _ _,are there before,the end of the school year?,How many days left,.,完形填空,【,邯郸凌云中学期末,】,。,Do you have a beautiful dream? I know,almost everyone _26,their own dreams,.,26,. A. has,B,. have,C,. is,D,. are,A,The dreams are very important _27 them. The dreams can make them _28 harder.,27. A. at B. to C. in D. with,28. A. to work B. to study,C. work D. working,B,C,I am studying in a school now. My dream is,_29 a teacher,in West China. Many children there want to go,to school _30,they cant,.,29,. A. be,B,. to make,C. to do,D,. to be,30,. A.,and,B. but,C,. or,D,. so,D,B,Their families are very _31 and the parents dont have enough money to send their,children to,school,.,31. A. rich,B,. poor,C. funny,D,. interesting,B,But studying is the only _32 to change their life. Teachers are greatly needed there, so I want to be a teacher to help them. I _33 kind to my students and make friends with them.,32. A. way B. mean,C. success D. moment,33. A. am B. will be,C. was D. am going to,A,B,I will give them love and teach _34 how to be a useful person. I think it is a great _35 in the world.,34. A. they B. their,C. them D. theirs,35. A. room B. book,C. school D. job,C,D, .,阅读理解。,36,. Cui Qingtao was born in,_.,A. 2001,B,. 2002,C,. 2003,D,. 2004,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,93,页原文。,A,【,点拨,】,根据原文第一段中句子,In 2018, the 17-year-old boy passed the national college entrance exam(,高考,) and got 669 scores at last.,可知答案。,37. Cui Qingtao and his brother got up early to,_.,A. do some sports,B. read useful books,C. read English,D. work in the,greenhouses,D,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,He got up at 3:00 a.m. and watered plants in the greenhouses(,大棚,) with his brother.,可知答案。,38,. They all got some kind of education,except_ in,Cuis family.,A. Cuis mother,B,. Cuis father,C. Cuis brother,D,. Cuis sister,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文第三段中句子,Cuis father didnt go to school when he was young, so Cuis mother read the letter to him.,可知答案。,39. The underlined sentence “No pains, no gains.” means “_ ” in Chinese.,A.,不干活不累,B.,不抽不喝,C.,不劳无获,D.,不卑不亢,C,【,点拨,】,原句为:,No pains, no gains,.,文章主要讲述了崔庆涛如何在极为艰苦的生活环境下考上北大的励志故事。告诉了读者想要收获就要为此付出努力。,40. Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?,A. Cui likes his high school very much.,B. Cui wants to be a leader in the village.,C. Cui will never forget his parents when hes out.,D. Cui wants to change the village through learning.,D,【,点拨,】,根据原文最后一段中句子,Ill work for my village and make it richer and richer,” Cui said.,可知答案。,.,词语运用。,根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处,填写正确,的词。,It is important for us to keep,_41,(do) something,. I,think that if we want to do something successfully,we should,never give up.,doing,When I was ten years old, I liked to play basketball. But I was quite weak _42 it because I was fat _ 43 short. I often failed _ 44 (put) the ball into the basket. I felt _ 45 (real) sad, but I didnt want to be a _ 46 (lose). I decided _ 47 (accept) a challenge. I wanted to be good at basketball.,in,and,to put,really,loser,to accept,I got up early every morning to practice playing _ 48 on a small playground near my house. After some time, I played _ 49 (good) than before and could always put the ball into the basket from far away.,I think that if you want to do something well, you should never stop _ 50 (try).,basketball,trying,better,


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