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阅读能力提升练,Unit 6 Ancient stories,答案呈现,6,7,8,D,B,9,10,B,11,12,13,B,C,14,A,A,C,A,1,2,3,C,A,4,5,B,A,B,提示,:点击 进入习题,15,16,17,C,A,18,D,19,E,F,答案呈现,20,21,22,科学家们认为,做正确的新年决定是成功的第一步。,To show that finding the ways to keep a resolution is also important.,23,What is truly important to me?,Use what you can do to describe your resolution.,一、完形填空。,In a busy bus station, there is a little girl,_1,all alone on a bench. She does not move. She seems to be lost,.,1. A,. sit,B,. to sit,C,. sitting,D,. sat,C,After some time, a man walks up to her. He is a father himself, so he feels,_2,about this little girl. “Hello”, he says, “are you alright? Are your parents here,_3,you,?”,2. A. worried,B,. scared,C. angry,D,. surprised,3,. A. with,B,. on,C,. to,D,. from,A,A,The little girl does not even look up at him. He gently sits down next to her and,_4,her shoulder,.,4. A.,kisses,B. touches,C,. pulls,D,. pushes,B,Now she lifts her head and he can see that shes,_5.,He feels,terrible.,5. A. laughing,B,. crying,C. saying,D,. sitting,B,He gives her a very warm smile and holds out his hand. She looks,_6,but she takes his hand,.,6. A. surprised,B,. interested,C. excited,D,. scared,D,He takes her to the bus station information desk and makes an announcement,(广播),over the,_7.,7. A. speakers,B,. computers,C. radios,D,. TV,A,“Attention! A young girl is waiting for her parents at the information desk.,_8 youre,looking for your daughter, please come soon. Thank you,.”,8. A. When,B,. If,C,. Although,D,. But,B,Minutes later, a woman comes running towards the desk. As soon as she sees the little girl, she shouts and runs up to her. She lifts the girl into her arms and holds her,very _9.,9. A. tightly,B,. carefully,C. happily,D,. sadly,A,Then she turns to the man and says, “Thank you so much, sir. I was looking for her,_10.,I could not announce it here because she is deaf,.”,10. A. anywhere,B,. everywhere,C. somewhere,D,. nowhere,B,Now the man understands why the little girl did not look at him until he touched her shoulder. He feels happy that he has helped her.,二、阅读理解,【,中考,黄冈,】,。,11. Why did the patient have to be transferred to another hospital?,A. The patients disease was not serious enough.,B. The patient needed an operation at once.,C. The patients family was very poor.,D. The director of the hospital was too strict.,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,70,页原文。,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文第一段中句子,One day, a patient with serious disease was brought to the hospital, but had to be transferred,(转移),to another hospital at once for an operation,(手术),.,可知答案。,12. Who paid for the patients bill when his familys request was refused?,A. The patient.,B,. The director.,C. The nurse.,D,. The doctor,.,C,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,The nurse, who had just arrived to work, heard about the situation and made a decision. She took off her gold ring, took it to the cashiers desk,(收银台),and said she would use it to pay for the patients bill.,可知答案。,13,. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?,A. The,director refused the request from the patients family,.,B. The patient was saved in the end with the nurses help.,C. The director married the girl because of her action.,D. Sometimes, giving can bring something unexpected to you.,C,【,点拨,】,根据原文第三段中句子,The nurses action caught the attention of the doctor on duty that day. The doctor saw everything in the hospital and he was deeply moved by the nurse. He later fell in love with the nurse and they finally got married.,可知答案。,14,. What do you think of the girl in the passage?,A. Kind and helpful.,B. Hard-working and brave.,C. Clever and active.,D. Outgoing and careful.,A,【,点拨,】,根据原文中句子,She took off her gold ring, took it to the cashiers desk,(收银台),and said she would use it to pay for the patients bill.,可知护士为了帮助他人无私付出,是一个善良、有爱心的人。,三、短文还原(有一项多余,),【,新题,】,What is health? “Health” means eating well, getting enough exercise, and having a healthy weight. Lets read the following rules.,_15.,A. They include a lot of sugar.,B. the less food you will eat.,C. They can help you keep healthy.,D. but many of us only eat our favourite food.,E. the less time you spend playing sports.,F. When your stomach feels full, stop eating.,C,1. Eat different kinds of foods, especially fruit and vegetables. We all know that eating fruit and vegetables can help us stay healthy, _16 Remember that we can only get the nutrition(,营养,) we need by eating different kinds of foods, especially fruit and vegetables.,A. They include a lot of sugar.,B. the less food you will eat.,C. They can help you keep healthy.,D. but many of us only eat our favourite food.,E. the less time you spend playing sports.,F. When your stomach feels full, stop eating.,D,2. Drink water and milk more often. Besides water, kids need plenty of calcium(,钙,) to grow strong bones (,骨头,), and milk is rich in it. Every day, you should drink at least three cups of milk when you are 9 years old or older. You should also try to have less sugary drinks. _17,A. They include a lot of sugar.,B. the less food you will eat.,C. They can help you keep healthy.,D. but many of us only eat our favourite food.,E. the less time you spend playing sports.,F. When your stomach feels full, stop eating.,A,3. Listen to your body. When you are eating, notice how your body feels. _18 Eating too much makes you feel uncomfortable.,A. They include a lot of sugar.,B. the less food you will eat.,C. They can help you keep healthy.,D. but many of us only eat our favourite food.,E. the less time you spend playing sports.,F. When your stomach feels full, stop eating.,F,4. Limit(,限制,) screen time. Whats screen time? Its the time you spend watching TV, movies and playing computer games. The more time you spend on these sitting-down activities, _19 Try to spend more time on sports every day.,A. They include a lot of sugar.,B. the less food you will eat.,C. They can help you keep healthy.,D. but many of us only eat our favourite food.,E. the less time you spend playing sports.,F. When your stomach feels full, stop eating.,E,四、任务型阅读。,20. Please translate the underlined sentence into,Chinese.,_,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,71,页原文。,科学家们认为,做正确的新年决定是成功的第一步。,【,点拨,】,原句为:,Scientists think making right New Years resolutions is the first step,(步骤),to success.,21. What should you think about before you make,resolutions?,_,What is truly important to me?,【,点拨,】,根据原文中句子,Five questions before making resolutions1. What is truly important to you?,可知答案。,22. Why are the 44% people mentioned when the writer talks about keeping the resolutions,?,_,_,To show that finding the ways to keep a resolution is also important.,【,点拨,】,根据原文中句子,About 44% people are successful in six months after the new year. Finding the ways to keep your resolutions is also important.,可知答案。,23. How do people make a right New Years,resolution?,_,Use what you can do to describe your resolution.,【,点拨,】,根据原文中句子,How to make a right New Years resolution? Use what you can do to describe your resolution.,可知答案。,


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