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,Module,6,Hobbies,课题,2,Unit,3,Period,5,Unit,3 B,Language in use,1,2,3,4,5,coins,person,result,stamps,skills,基础巩固,过关练,一,答 案 呈 现,温馨提示,:,点击 进入讲评,1,2,3,4,5,success,valuable,shelves,interest,dollars,二,1,2,3,4,5,such as,came out,As a result,In his free/spare time,brings; pleasure,三,1,2,3,4,5,fans,stamps,coins,valuable,shelves,一,6,7,8,9,10,tidies,has,persons,came,pleasure,模块知识,浓缩练,答 案 呈 现,1,2,3,4,5,The happy news made me excited on my way home. E,Old Henry brought the students a storybook last week. D,The students study at school every day. A,There are many students in the playground. F,My sister wrote a diary yesterday. B,一,核心语法,整合练,答 案 呈 现,6,The weather gets warmer,and,warmer in spring. C,一,核心语法,整合练,答 案 呈 现,1,2,3,4,5,develop our interest,run out of,in my spare time,tidy up,As a result,二,1,2,3,4,5,greatest,when,the,to become,for,A,6,7,8,9,10,quickly,his,successful,more,have listened,语法填空,专项练,答 案 呈 现,1,2,3,4,5,for,the,to believe,their,with,B,6,7,8,9,10,seeing,brothers,show,angrier,a,语法填空,专项练,答 案 呈 现,一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。,1. There are some _ (,硬币,) on the ground.,2. One _ (,人,) is singing in the hall.,3. As a _ (,结果,) , Jack didnt pass the exam.,4. Collecting,_ (,邮票,) is her hobby.,5. We should learn some life _ (,技能,) in the future.,coins,person,result,stamps,skills,二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。,1. His honest has brought great _ (succeed) to him.,2. The old painting is very,_,(value,).,3. Please help me put these new books on those _ (shelf,).,success,valuable,shelves,4. The boy lost _ (interesting) in study and he dropped out of school last year.,5. She spent 100 _ (dollar) on the new dress.,interest,dollars,三、根据汉语意思完成句子。,1.,她喜欢收集诸如硬币和邮票之类的东西。,She,likes to collect things, _ _ coins and stamps.,such,as,2.,她的那本书出版于,2001,年。,The book of hers _ _ in 2001.,came,out,3.,结果,他们把新车弄丢了。,_,_,_,they lost the new car.,As,a result,4.,他在闲暇时间喜欢画画。,_ _,_ _,he likes drawing.,In,his free/spare time,5.,他总是给我们带来许多快乐。,He always,_,us much,_.,brings pleasure,用本模块所学词的适当形式填空。,Mr. Liu is interested in collecting all kinds of,_1 (,fan) ,_2 (,stamp) ,_3 (,coin) , notes and,_4 (,value) things. He puts them on different,_5 (,shelf) and _ 6(tidy) them up on time.,He always,_,7 (,have) a look at them first after work.,fans,stamps,coins,valuable,shelves,tidies,has,He,also changes his collections with other,_8 (,person) . He enjoys writing something as well. As a result, his first book,_,9(come) out last month.,He says he collects them just for,_10 (,pleasure,).,persons,came,pleasure,一、连词成句,并说明句子属于哪种结构。,A.,主语谓语状语,B.,主语谓语宾语状语,C.,主语系动词表语状语,D.,主语谓语间接宾语直接宾语状语,E.,主语谓语宾语宾语补足语状语,F. there,be,主语,状语,1. excited, way, the, me, my, news, home, made, on, happy (. ),_,The happy news made me excited on my way home. E,2. students, a, last, brought, Old Henry, the, week, storybook (. ),_,Old Henry brought the students a storybook last week. D,3. every, students, at, the, school, day, study (. ),_,The students study at school every day. A,4. many, are, playground, in, students, the, there (. ),_,There are many students in the playground. F,5. wrote, my, yesterday, diary, sister, a (. ),_,My sister wrote a diary yesterday. B,6. gets, and, warmer, the, weather, warmer, spring, in (. ),_,The weather gets warmer,and,warmer in spring. C,二、根据汉语意思完成句子。,1.,我们可以利用睡前时间来发展我们的阅读兴趣。,We can,_,_,_,in reading before bedtime.,develop,our interest,2.,我们把钱花光了。你能借给我们一些吗,?,We have _ _ _ our money. Can you lend us some?,run,out,of,3.,我经常和朋友们在空闲时间打乒乓球。,I often play table tennis with my friends _ _ _,_.,in,my spare time,4.,请在客人来之前把房子收拾一下。,Please _,_ the,house before the guests arrive.,tidy,up,5.,他们没有足够的时间练习,结果输了比赛。,They didnt have enough time to practice. _ _ _ they lost the game.,As,a result,阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词,或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,(,每空不多于,2,个单词,),。,A,Beethoven is my favourite musician. He is considered one of the worlds,_1(great,) pianists. He liked music very much and could even play the piano,_2,he was only four years old.,greatest,when,Beethovens first music teacher was his father, and he found that,_3,boy had a lot of talent(,天赋,) . He wanted his son,_4(become,) the next Mozart. Beethoven practised very hard,_5,long hours every day. Because of this, he,_6(quick,) became very popular. Many people enjoyed his music.,the,to become,for,quickly,However, at the age of 28, Beethoven gradually lost,_7 (he,) hearing. Life was not easy. He had to stop his,_8(success,) career(,职业,) as a pianist, but he continued to work hard. He,wrote _9 (,many) pieces of music than before, and some of his later pieces became very famous. I,_10(listen,) to all his music already, and the one I like most is Symphony No. 9.,his,successful,more,have listened,B,One day, Mr White told the students to get ready,_1,a hobby show. All the students spend the whole morning getting what they were going to show.,All the students came back on time except Bob,_2,laziest boy in his classmates eyes.,for,the,It was very difficult,_3 (believe,) that such a boy could have a hobby. But to,_4 (they,) surprise, Bob came back,_5 many,beautiful stamps in his hands. Mr White was very happy after,_6 (see,) them. However, Bob was going to take them back.,“Bob, you cant take them back until the others enjoy them this afternoon, ”said Mr White.,to believe,their,with,seeing,“But Im sorry, they are my,_7(brother,) , ”he answered. “He doesnt want them to be out of our home for long. Hes afraid that they will be lost. ”,“Bob, you should,_8(show,) your own hobby here, not someone elses! ”Mr White became a bit angry. But Bobs following words made him even,_9(angry).,“Mr White, its true that I have,_10 hobby,. My hobby is watching my brother collecting stamps. ”,brothers,show,angrier,a,


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