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,外研浙江专版,七年级,下,完形填空专训,浙江特色题型,期末专训,1,2,3,4,5,B,C,A,D,A,A,答 案 呈 现,温馨提示,:,点击 进入讲评,6,7,8,9,10,C,A,A,B,D,1,2,3,4,5,A,C,B,D,B,B,6,7,8,9,10,A,C,B,B,A,1,2,3,4,5,C,A,A,B,D,6,7,8,9,10,D,B,C,C,B,答 案 呈 现,11,12,13,14,15,A,A,C,B,A,C,A,There is a small village named Atuleer in Sichuan, China. _,1,is on top of an 800meter cliff,.,(,) 1. A. He,B,. It,C,. She,D,. They,【,点拨,】,句,意,:,它位于,800,米高的悬崖顶部。本句用,It,来替代,Atuleer,。,B,There,is no _,2,in the village,.,The only school is at the foot of the cliff. To go to school, kids _,3,climb down from the cliff.,(,) 2. A. house,B,. station C. school,D,.,hospital,(,) 3. A. have to B. can,C,. could,D,. has to,【,点拨,】,2,.,由下,句,“The,only school is at the foot of the cliff. ”,可知悬崖上没有学校。,【,点拨,】,3.,由,To,go to school,和,climb down from the cliff,可推知孩子们不得不爬下悬崖。,C,A,The,only way _,4,the cliff and the school is a rattan ladder(,藤梯,) up the cliff. Around 20 kids,_,5,it to go to school and back home.,(,) 4. A. behind B. on C. under D. between,(,) 5. A. use B. buy C. make D. talk,【,点拨,】,4,.,句意,:,在悬崖和学校之间唯一的路是一条藤梯。,between and,意为“在,之间”。,【,点拨,】,5,.,由上文中,a rattan ladder(,藤梯,),可知孩子们使用它去上学和回家。,D,A,_,6,November, the kids could only use the rattan ladder. It was a _,7,and dangerous trip,.,(,) 6. A. After B. On,C,. Before,D,. In,(,) 7. A. long,B,. short,C. relaxing,D,. happy,【,点拨,】,6,.,由下文提到政府修建了一条钢铁梯,可知在,11,月份前,孩子们只能使用藤梯。,【,点拨,】,7.,由,语境可推知,孩子们使用藤梯上下悬崖是一条漫长和危险的路。,C,A,The trip took more than an,_,8,. Now they have a steel ladder. It makes the trip safe and also saves them,_,9,time.,(,) 8. A. hour,B,. day,C,. week,D,. month,(,) 9. A. many,B,. much,C,. few,D,. little,【,点拨,】,8,.,由常识可知学生每天上学路上要花费一个多小时。一天,一周和一个月均不符合题意。,【,点拨,】,9,.,由上文中现在他们有了一条钢铁梯,可知这大大节省了上学路上的时间。,time,为不可数名词,所以用,much,来修饰。,A,B,It usually,_,10,them about 40 minutes to get to the school. The local(,当地的,) government (,政府,) spent around 1 million yuan to build it. What a great thing!,(,) 10. A. spends,B,. pays,C,. costs,D. takes,【,点拨,】,10.,句意,:,走钢铁梯通常花费他们大约,40,分钟到学校。,Sb. spend(s) some time doing sth.,表示,“,某人,花费时间做某事,。,” Sb,. pay(s) some money for sth.,表示,“,某人,为,付钱,。,”cost,作,“,花费,”,讲,时,句子的主语,是,“,物,”;,It takes sb. some time to do sth.,表示,“,某人,花费时间做某事,。,”,故,选,D,。,D,B,We,all have meals every day. People eat different,_,1,all over the world. Do you know some foreigners favourite food or drinks?,(,) 1. A. food,B,. meat,C,. drink,D,. fruit,【,点拨,】,全世界,的人们吃不同的食物。根据下文主讲食物,故选,A,。,A,Germans have bread, butter, jam and coffee,_,2,breakfast. They like to have soup or fish for lunch or supper,.,(,) 2. A. and,B,. but,C,. for,D,. so,【,点拨,】,sth,. for breakfast/lunch/ dinner ,这是习惯用法。故选,C,。,C,The,popular food is the hamburger. They enjoy,_,3,beer(,啤酒,) and drinking it a lot.,(,) 3. A. taking,B,. cooking,C,. eating D. giving,【,点拨,】,句,意,:,他们喜欢煮啤酒和喝很多啤酒。选,B,。,B,People in Mexico like corn very much. In Mexico, much food is made of corn(,玉米,) and its _,4,.,(,) 4. A. salty,B. bad,C,. unhealthy,D. delicious,【,点拨,】,根据,前文中“墨西哥人非常喜欢吃玉米。”可知好吃,故选,D,。,D,People all over the world like corn there, _,5,.,(,) 5. A. either,B,. too,C,. also,D. much,【,点拨,】,全世界,的人也喜欢墨西哥的玉米。肯定句的句末用,too,。,either,用于否定句的句尾,; also,用于句中,均表示“也”。,much,表程度。故选,B,。,B,Uganda(,乌干达,) is _,6,African country, There are _,7,bananas in the country.,(,) 6. A. an,B,. a,C,. the,D,. /,(,) 7. A. a lot,B,. much,C,. lots of,D,. any,【,点拨,】,6.,这里是泛指,元音音素前,故选,A,。,【,点拨,】,7,.,表示许多,修饰可数名词,故选,C,。,A,C,So their food and drinks are made of _,8,. And people think its the most delicious food in the world,.,(,) 8. A. grapes B. bananas C. apples D. pears,【,点拨,】,8.,上一句说了有许多香蕉,所以他们的食物和饮料都是香蕉做的。故选,B,。,B,Their favourite drink _,9,a kind of wine. Its made from bananas and Kaoliang(,高粱,) . Everyone drinks _,10,by a glass pipe(,管子,) .,(,) 9. A. are,B,. is,C,. have,D,. has,(,) 10. A. it,B,. them,C,. him,D,. her,【,点拨,】,9.,根据,a kind of,可知,谓语动词用单数。故选,B,。,【,点拨,】,10.,此处用,it,来代替,a kind of wine,。,B,A,C,There are a lot of buildings in our neighborhood (,社区,) . The houses are new, and they _,1,beautiful,.,(,) 1. A. sound,B,. taste,C,. look,D,. smell,【,点拨,】,考查,系动词的用法。,sound,听起来,; taste,尝起来,; look,看起来,; smell,闻起来。句意,:,这些房子是新的,而且它们看起来很漂亮。故选,C,。,C,Red, yellow, blue and green are the,_,2,of these houses.,(,) 2. A. colours,B,. numbers,C,. pictures,D,. songs,【,点拨,】,考查,名词的用法。,colour,颜色,; number,数字,; picture,图画,照片,; song,歌曲。,Red, yellow, blue and green,是颜色,故选,A,。,A,I,can see them when I walk down the,_,3,street.,(,) 3. A. crowded,B,. big,C,. left,D,. right,【,点拨,】,考查,形容词的用法。,crowded,拥挤的,; big,大的,; left,左边的,; right,右边的。句意,:,当我沿着拥挤的大街走的时候,能够看到它们。故选,A,。,A,Every time you walk,_,4,our neighborhood, all you will see are cars. _,5,cars go through our neighborhood.,(,) 4. A. on,B,. along,C,. up,D,. for,(,) 5. A. A little,B,. A lot,C,. A little of,D,. A lot of,【,点拨,】,4.,考查介词的用法。,walk along,沿着,走。句意,:,每一次你沿着我们的社区走,你能看见的都是小汽车。故选,B,。,【,点拨,】,5,.,考查固定搭配。,a lot of,许多。句意,:,许多小汽车穿过我们的社区。故选,D,。,B,D,Because of all the cars, it can be _,6,.,(,) 6. A. lucky,B. early,C,. interesting,D,. noisy,【,点拨,】,考查,形容词的用法。,lucky,幸运的,; early,早的,; interesting,有趣的,; noisy,吵闹的。句意,:,因为这些小汽车,我们的社区是吵闹的。故选,D,。,D,The cars and their sounds are also the things I see and hear when I _,7,in the morning.,(,) 7. A. pick up,B. get up,C,. look after,D,. ask for,【,点拨,】,考查,动词词组的用法。,pick up,捡起,; get up,起床,; look after,照顾,; ask for,请求。句意,:,小汽车和它们发出的声音是早上我起床时听见和看见的东西。故选,B,。,B,When I am on my way to school, I hear people,_,8,each other.,(,) 8. A. cry,B,. sing,C,. greet,D,. ask,【,点拨,】,考查,动词的用法。,cry,哭,; sing,唱歌,; greet,问候,打招呼,; ask,要求。句意,:,在我去上学的路上,我听见人们互相打招呼。故选,C,。,C,When they see me, they often say “hello” and,_,9,at me.,(,) 9. A. laugh,B. look,C,. smile,D,. get,【,点拨,】,考查动词的用法。,laugh,大笑,; look,看着,; smile,微笑,; get,得到。句意,:,当他们看到我时,他们跟我说“你好”和向我微笑。故选,C,。,C,I _,10,greet them and smile back at them.,(,) 10. A. too,B,. also,C. as well,D. either,【,点拨,】,考查副词,(,短语,),的用法。四个选项都意为“也,又”。,too,用于肯定句句末,其前常有逗号与主句隔开,; also,用于肯定句句中,; as well,用于肯定句句末,其前一般没有逗号,; either,用于否定句句末。故选,B,。,B,In the afternoon, the _,11,in our neighborhood is often crowded with people,(,) 11. A. park,B,. zoo,C,. library,D,. museum,【,点拨,】,考查名词的用法。,park,公园,; zoo,动物园,; library,图书馆,; museum,博物馆。根据下文中,Children play together in the park,可知,选,A,。,A,_,12,children have returned from _,13,and their parents have returned from work.,(,) 12. A. because,B,. and,C,. so,D,. or,(,) 13. A. hospital,B,. hotel,C,. school D. farm,【,点拨,】,12.,考查连词的用法。,because,因为,; and,和,; so,因此,; or,或者。句意,:,下午社区的公园总是挤满了人,因为孩子们放学回家了,父母们也下班回家了。故选,A,。,【,点拨,】,13.,考查名词的用法。,hospital,医院,; hotel,旅馆,; school,学校,; farm,农场。句意,:,孩子们从学校放学回家了,故选,C,。,A,C,Children play together in the park and parents talk about their _,14,there.,(,) 14. A. schools B. jobs,C,. houses D. neighbours,【,点拨,】,考查名词的用法。,schools,学校,; jobs,工作,; houses,房子,; neighbours,社区。句意,:,孩子们在公园里一起玩,父母们在一起谈论他们的工作。故选,B,。,B,This is our neighborhood. I like it because I _,15,here and people here are nice.,(,) 15. A. live,B. sleep,C,. play,D,. work,【,点拨,】,考查动词的用法。,live,居住,; sleep,睡觉,; play,玩,; work,工作。句意,:,我喜欢我们的社区是因为我住在这里,这里的人很善良。故选,A,。,A,


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