Unit 8 New words讲解

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8,宠物,粗鲁的,不礼貌的,金鱼,老鼠,耗子,鹦鹉,膝,膝盖;,握住,拿,喂,喂养,教,诗歌,充分地,寻找,搜寻;打猎,藏,隐藏,建造,建筑,pet,rude,goldfish,复数,goldfish,mouse,复数,(mice),parrot,knee,hold (held),feed (fed),teach (taught),poem,wide,hunt (hunted),hide (hid),build (built),营地;阵营,树枝,枝条;棍,棒,(狗)吠,叫,咬,打仗(架);与,打仗(架),照顾,到,时,直到,为止,终止;末尾,终点,麻烦,吐泡泡,温柔的,触碰,碰,押韵,照料,,照顾,camp,stick,bark (barked),bite,fight (fought),look after,till,end,trouble,bubble,gentle,touch (touched),rhyme,care,take care of,任何地方,重复,一直,总是,同意;应允,养,饲养,重;有,重,克,成长;长大成人,讲座;演讲,声音,响声;噪音,刷;擦,(,动物的,),软毛,毛皮,(,动物的,),爪,篮子,吵闹的,嘈杂的,anywhere,repeat,all the time,agree (agreed),keep,weigh,gram,grow up,talk,noise,brush,fur,paw,basket,noisy,1.,刚才学生们画了一些他们宠物的图画。,2.,火是很危险。幸运的是,消防队员们把它扑灭。,3.,你是粗鲁的。,(,改感叹句),4.,最后,,John,在河边找到宝藏。,5.,当学生完成作业后,老师点头。,6.,让他们看看池里的金鱼。,7.,在这座老房子里有许多老鼠。,8.,他鹦鹉学舌,只是重复他听到的话。,9.,他昨天没有用面包喂狗。,1.The students drew some pictures of their pets just now. 2The fire was very dangerous.Luckily, the firemen put it out. 3.You are very rude. How rude you are! 4.At last, John found the treasure by the river.5 . When the students finished the work, the teacher nodded his head.6. Let them look at the goldfish in the pool. 7.There are many mice in the old house. 8. He talks like a parrot and just repeats what he heard. 9. He didnt feed some bread to his dog yesterday.,10.Simon,的父亲正在教他做风筝。,11.,牙医说:”把嘴巴张大。“,12.,你的母亲到处在找你。,13.,我想把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌的后面。,14.Tom,回答老师,我将不再迟到。,15.,他的衣服和我的一样大。,16.,我们学校在火车站的南边,在东部有个大操场。,10.Simons father is teaching him to make a kite. 11.“keep your mouth open wide,”said the dentist. 12.Your mother is hunting for you everywhere. 13.I want to hide the broken plate behind the table. 14.Tom replied to the teacher, “I wont be late again.” 15. His clothes are the same size as mine. 16. Our school is to the south of the railway station. There is a big playground in the east.,1.,刚才学生们画了一些他们宠物的图画。,2.,火是很危险。幸运的是,消防队员们把它扑灭。,3.,你是粗鲁的。,(,改感叹句),4.,最后,,John,在河边找到宝藏。,5.,当学生完成作业后,老师点头。,6.,让他们看看池里的金鱼。,7.,在这座老房子里有许多老鼠。,8.,他鹦鹉学舌,只是重复他听到的话。,9.,他昨天没有用面包喂狗。,10.Simon,的父亲正在教他做风筝。,11.,牙医说:”把嘴巴张大。“,12.,你的母亲到处在找你。,13.,我想把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌的后面。,14.Tom,回答老师,我将不再迟到。,15.,他的衣服和我的一样大。,16.,我们学校在火车站的南边,在东部有个大操场。,Unit 8 New words,1.,宠物,pet,Kate,不知道如何照看她的宠物。,Kate doesnt know how to look after her pet.,刚才学生们画了一些他们宠物的图画。,The students drew some pictures of their pets just now.,她喜欢狗并且她想养一条狗作为宠物。,She likes dogs and she wants to keep one as a pet.,2.,粗鲁的,不礼貌的,rude,反义词:,polite,You are very rude. (,改感叹句),How rude you are!,You are rude to point at others with fingers.,(,改同义句),=Its rude of you to point at others with fingers.,3.,金鱼,goldfish,复数,goldfish,让他们看看池里的金鱼。,Let them look at the goldfish in the pool.,4.,老鼠,耗子,mouse,复数,(mice),在这座老房子里有许多老鼠。,There are many mice in the old house.,5.,鹦鹉,parrot,他鹦鹉学舌,只是重复他听到的话。,He talks like a parrot and just repeats what he heard.,6.,喂,喂养,feed (fed),他昨天没有喂狗。,He didnt feed his dog yesterday.,feed sb sth =feed sth to sb,用,喂,6.,喂,喂养,feed (fed),他昨天没有喂狗。,He didnt feed his dog yesterday.,feed sb sth =feed sth to sb,用,喂,看!他正在用面包喂鸟儿。,Look! Hes feeding the bread to the birds.,7.,教,teach (taught),teach sb to do sth,教某人做某事,Simon,的父亲正在教他做风筝。,Simons father is teaching him to make a kite.,teach sb sth,教某人某物,Mr Zhang taught us English last term.,teach how to do sth,我不知道如何算出这道题。你教我做吗?,I dont know how to work out the problem. Can you teach me to do it?,1.Look! There are some white _ (,鼠,)there.,2.My dog is _(hunt) for something in the garden.,3.His jeans had holes in both _(,膝盖,).,4.They finished _(build)the meeting hall next year.,5.Who _(,教,) you Maths last term?,mice,taught,building,knees,hunting,8.,充分地,wide,请把窗户完全打开。,Please open the window wide.,牙医说:”把嘴巴张大。“,“,keep your mouth open wide,”said the dentist.,9.,寻找,搜寻;打猎,hunt (hunted),go hunting,去打猎,男人们正在追猎一只象。,The men are hunting an elephant .,hunt for,寻找,你的母亲到处在找你。,Your mother is hunting for you everywhere.,10.,藏,隐藏,hide (hid),他刚才把信藏在抽屉里。,He hid the letter in the drawer just now.,我想把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌的后面。,I want to hide the broken plate behind the table.,1.,为我用树枝搭帐篷。,2.,多么重要的消息啊!,3.,他昨晚为了噪音和邻居们打架。,4.,食物闻起来好。但是当心蚂蚁。他们嗅觉好。,5.,照看金鱼是容易的。,6.,你将和我们去参观人民公园吗?对不起,但是我上周去了那儿。,7.,我的狗是我最好的朋友,我会照顾他一直到最后。,8.,在夏天他经常开着窗户睡觉。,1.Build me camps out of sticks. 2.What important news! 3.He fought with his neighbours about the noise last night. 4.The food smells good. But be careful with ants. They smell things things well. 5.Goldfish are easy to look after. =Its easy to look after goldfish. .But I went there last week. 6.Will you go to visit Renmin Park with us? Sorry, but I went there last week.7.My dog is my best friend, and Ill look after him till the end. 8.In summer he often sleeps with the windows open.,9.,我们应该尽力帮助在困境中的人。,10.,你不能在这儿拍照片,先生。看这儿的标记。对不起,夫人。我没有看见它。,11.,当她累的时候,她睡在任何地方。,12.,他很聪明,他能重复我所说的话。,13.,我爱我的鹦鹉,因为他会唱歌,我还想教他说话。,14.,我喜欢看着它们游来游去。,15.,我喜欢兔子,因为我能喂她胡萝卜并且我喜欢她长长的耳朵。,9.We should do our best to help the people in trouble. 10.You cant take photos here,sir. Look at the sign here. Sorry,Madam. I didnt see it. 11.When she gets tired , she sleeps anywhere. 12. He is very clever, and he can repeat my words. 13.I love my parrot because he can sing, and I want to teach him to speak. 14.I like watching them swim around. 15.I like my rabbit because I can feed her carrots and I like her long ears.,1.,为我用树枝搭帐篷。,2.,多么重要的消息啊!,3.,他昨晚为了噪音和邻居们打架。,4.,食物闻起来好。但是当心蚂蚁。他们嗅觉好。,5.,照看金鱼是容易的。,6.,你将和我们去参观人民公园吗?对不起,但是我上周去了那儿。,7.,我的狗是我最好的朋友,我会照顾他一直到最后。,8.,在夏天他经常开着窗户睡觉。,9.,我们应该尽力帮助在困境中的人。,10.,你不能在这儿拍照片,先生。看这儿的标记。对不起,夫人。我没有看见它。,11.,当她累的时候,她睡在任何地方。,12.,他很聪明,他能重复我所说的话。,13.,我爱我的鹦鹉,因为他会唱歌,我还想教他说话。,14.,我喜欢看着它们游来游去。,15.,我喜欢兔子,因为我能喂她胡萝卜并且我喜欢她长长的耳朵。,11.,建造,建筑,build (built),We are going to build a new school next year.,Build me camps out of sticks.,为我用树枝搭帐篷。,12.fight,打架、打仗,fought,He doesnt like to fight.,他不喜欢打架。,他昨晚为了噪音和邻居们打架。,He fought with his neighbours about the noise last night.,13.look after,照看,照顾,=take care of,照看金鱼是容易的。,Goldfish are easy to look after.,=Its easy to look after goldfish.,我们了解了怎样照料它们。,We learnt about how to look after them.,14.till prep.,到,时,直到,为止,我的狗是我最好的朋友,我会照顾他一直到最后。,My dog is my best friend, and Ill look after him till the end.,他每天一直睡到七点钟。,He sleeps till seven oclock every day.,15.bite,咬,bark,叫,吠,他从不乱叫,也不咬人。而且不喜欢争斗。,Hed never bark or bite,,,and he doesnt like to fight.,16.end n.,终止,末尾,终点,at the end of ,在末尾,在尽头,不要担心。我会永远照顾你的。,Dont worry. Ill look after you till the end.,在这条路的尽头有家鞋店。,There is a shoe shop at the end of the road.,6. The dog always _ (bark) at strangers.,7. Dont worry about the dog-he wont _(,咬,).,8. Kitty usually f _ her dog three times a day.,9. The _(,麻烦,) with you is that you dont listen.,10.You are r _to others , and you should be more polite.,barks,rude,trouble,feeds,bite,17.trouble n.,麻烦 , 毛病,她不惹什么麻烦。,She isnt any trouble.,in trouble,处于麻烦中,我们应该尽力帮助在困境中的人。,We should do our best to help the people in trouble.,你怎么了?,Whats wrong with you?,=Whats the trouble with you?,have trouble (in) doing sth,做某事有困难,解决这道数学题我有困难。,I have trouble working out the maths problem.,18. gentle adj.,温柔的,=soft,副词:,gently,她不需要温柔的抚摸。,She doesnt need a gentle touch.,他的儿子是个安静温和的男孩。,His son is a quiet and gentle boy.,touch v.,触摸,碰,摸一摸并且感觉一下它热不热。,Touch it and feel if it is hot.,19. anywhere,副词,任何地方,当她累的时候,她睡在任何地方。,When she gets tired , she sleeps anywhere.,20.repeat v.,重复,他很聪明,他能重复我所说的话。,20.repeat v.,重复,他很聪明,他能重复我所说的话。,He is very clever , and he can repeat my words.,你能把我说的话再重复一遍吗?,Will you please repeat what I said?,21. all the time,一直;总是,他总是很高兴。,He is happy all the time.,all the same,仍然,all the year round,一年到头,all day long,整天,22.weigh v.,有重,重,Sb/sth weighs +,具体的数字。,11. She likes dogs and she wants to have one as p _ .,12. Its dangerous to h _a mouse in your hands.,13. Barry never lets anyone _ (touch) the piano.,14. The two boys are very friendly to each other. They never f_.,15.Her voice is _(gently) and warm.,pet,gentle,fight,touch,hold,22.Weigh v.,有重,重,Sb/sth weighs +,具体的数字。,这个箱子重五千克。,This box weighs five kilograms.,weight n.,重量,How much do you weigh?=?,How heavy are you?,=Whats the weight of you?,23.noise n.,嘈杂声,形容词,,noisy,Do they make any noise?,它们发出噪音吗?,这个男孩昨晚没有睡得好因为来自工厂的噪音。,The boy didnt sleep well last night because of the noise from the factory.,这个地方到处是吵闹的孩子。,The place was full of noisy children.,24.brush v.,刷,她每天早晨刷牙。,She brushes her teeth every morning.,我们仅仅每天给她梳理毛发。,We only brush her fur every day.,16. Would you like to _(,重复,) the word loudly .,17. Does your father a _with you?,18. My little dog likes sleeping _ (,任何地方,).,19. Cao Chong w_an elephant in a clever way.,20. When a panada is born, its about 100 _(,克,).,repeat,grams,weighs,anywhere,agree,


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