Unit 3 学生版

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Active reading 1,Embarkation,Navigation,Destination,Resources,Stolen identity,Whos who?,Background,American and British English,Leonardo DiCaprio,Tom Hanks,Catch me if you can,Identity Theft,Active reading 1: Embarkation,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,More,Leonardo DiCaprio,Titanic,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Have you seen the films,?,Titanic,Romeo & Juliet,Catch me if you can,More,Leonardo was born in _, California on November 11, 1974. He attended Seeds University Elementary School at UCLA where he also took summer _ in performance art before moving on to the Center for Enriched Studies in Los Angeles. After CES, the _ was to enroll at John Marshall High School in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles. Always drawn towards _, he started auditioning for parts in 1988 at the age of _ and appeared in a series of commercials and _ films. From that point he navigated a gradual hill up of the _ chain. He is known for his _ in,This Boys Life,Titanic,Romeo and Juliet,Blood Diamond,Catch me if You Can,and others.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Hollywood,courses,next step,performing,fourteen,educational,acting,roles,Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.,Tom Hanks,Active reading 1: Embarkation,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,More,Tom Hanks,Titanic,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Have you seen the films,?,More,Born in California, Tom Hanks grew up in what he calls a “fractured” family. His parents were _ in the development of marriage dissolution law in that state, and Tom _ a lot, living with a succession of step-families. No problems, no abuse, just a confused _. He had no acting experience in _ and, in fact, credits the fact that he couldnt get cast in a college play with actually starting his _ he went downtown, auditioned for a _ theater play, was invited by the director of that play to go to Cleveland, and there his _ career started. Hanks is known for his _ in,Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Cast Away, Road,to Perdition, Catch Me if You Can and others.,Active reading 1: Embarkation,pioneers,moved around,childhood,career,college,community,roles,acting,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.,Active reading 1: Embarkation,Catch me if you can,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,United States Secret Service (,联邦财政特勤处,),2. According to Frank, where is the person that FBI agent Carl want catch,?,Pair work. Watch video and discuss the following questions with your partner.,In the video, whom does Frank claim he works for,?,Franks partner has the suspect in custody downstairs.,3. How does Carl realize that he is cheated by Frank,?,The credential (,证件,) that Frank give to him in the wallet turns out to be wastepaper.,Active reading 1: Embarkation,Identity theft,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Watch the video and answer the questions.,1. What is identity theft,?,What happens to you if you are a victim of identity theft,?,2. How many people are affected by identity fraud each year,?,And how much the people have spent to undo this harm,?,3.,What can we do against identity theft,?,S,cript,click,click,click,Active reading 1: Embarkation,Identity theft,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,1. What is identity theft,?,What happens to you if you are a victim of identity theft,?,It happens when your personal information is stolen and used without your knowledge. Its a serious crime that can cost you time and money, ruin your credit, and destroy your good name.,Identity theft happens when someone takes information about you and then uses it to commit fraud.,Back,Active reading 1: Embarkation,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Identity theft,2. How many people are affected by identity fraud each year,?,And how much the people have spent to undo this harm,?,It affects 10 million people. They have spent $5 billion trying to undo this harm.,Back,Active reading 1: Embarkation,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,3. What can we do against identity theft,?,We can deter, detect and defend against identity theft.,Identity theft,Back,Active reading 1: Embarkation,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,The scripts of identity theft,Announcer V/O:,Identity theft. It happens when your personal information is stolen and used without your knowledge. Its a serious crime that can cost you time and money, ruin your credit, and destroy your good name.,Andrew Sobanet:,When I was a victim of identity theft, my mail had been stolen.,Catherine Cole:,I was shopping at a grocery store and someone took my wallet.,Vanessa Bustamante:,I think I made a purchase and they stole all my debit card information.,More,Active reading 1: Embarkation,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Betsy Broder:,Identity theft happens when someone takes information about you and then uses it to commit fraud.,Tom Karr:,Identity theft is very serious.,Betsy Broder:,We know that identity fraud, in its various forms has affected 10 million people in any given year, and what that means in dollars, is that its loss to businesses of about $50 billion. On top of that, victims of identity theft have spent $5 billion trying to undo this harm.,The scripts of identity theft,More,Active reading 1: Embarkation,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,The scripts of identity theft,Former Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras:,Everyone needs to be conscious that identity theft is real.,Andrew Sobanet:,When you get news that your identity has been potentially stolen, its very, its sort of this open- ended problem that has occurred and you dont know whats going to come of it.,Former Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras:,No ones immune, which isnt to say, that were powerless. Theres a lot we can do to deter, detect, and defend ourselves.,Back,Active reading 1: Embarkation,American English,in the passage,British equivalent,airplane,aeroplane,check,mail,post,trash,wallet,bathroom,cheque,rubbish,pocketbook,toilet / lavatory,American and British English,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Text organisation,Text exploration,Text evaluation,Active reading 1: Navigation,Word web,Understanding text,Interpreting,Active reading 1: Embarkation,Text organisation,Anecdote of fraud,Unsettled,problem,Warns,against threats of,identity theft,Active reading 1: Navigation,Active reading 1: Navigation,Anecdote of fraud,A film,Catch me if you can,(,Para 1,),A true story,a fraudster Frank,(,Para 2,),Fraud happens,in the real life,Active reading 1: Navigation,Text organisation,Back,Active reading 1: Navigation,Lack of self-protection,in daily life (para 4-5),Old-fashioned,mindset (para 6-7),Warn 1:,threat posed by,Modern Lifestyle,hints (para 8),Not to leave mails in mailbox long,Use gel pen,Shred documents,Active reading 1: Navigation,More,Text organisation,Active reading 1: Navigation,Warn 2:,Threat posed by information,technology,hints:,log off your computer,online risks (Para 9) :,Hacking, virus,network, opportunistic,Theft, ,Active reading 1: Navigation,More,Text organisation,Active reading 1: Navigation,Warn 3:,Credit card,Cancel credit card,if robbed but still,causing pain with,criminal record.,No solution,Active reading 1: Navigation,Text organisation,Back,Active reading 1: Navigation,Emphasis of the,likelihood,of identity theft,Unsettled,ending,Long time unknown,by victims if ID stolen,All too easy,for a fraudster,Active reading 1: Navigation,Back,Text organisation,Group Work,Skim and text and make a questionnaire on whether people are aware of their identity security in daily life.,- You should design your questions based on the text.,-The answer is simply Yes or No.,Word web,Active reading 1: Navigation,Read the text and locate crime-related words,Text,Words about crime,paragraph 2,paragraph 3,paragraph 4,paragraph 5,Active reading 1: Navigation,More,master of deception, impersonate,forge checks/cheques, most-wanted, list for forgery, white-collar crime,fraudster, custody,identity theft; life-changing crime,anonymous victims, identity theft, crime,Word Web,Active reading 1: Navigation,Read the text and locate crime-related words:,Text,Words about crime,paragraph 6,paragraph 7,paragraph 8,paragraph 9,paragraph 10,paragraph 11,Active reading 1: Navigation,check fraud, criminals, identity theft,thieves,identity fraud, victims, fraudster, identity crime, identity stolen,fraud, identity thief, bad checks,thieves, false identity, hacking, opportunistic theft,robbed, criminal record,1. “If you use a ballpoint pen, the ink can be removed with the help of a regular household chemical and this sum of money can be changed.”,Why does the writer include this information,?,2. “ So how can we prevent identity theft before it happens to us,?,”,Why does the writer ask this question,?,3. “Your turn will come.”,What is the writer trying to do,?,Active reading 1: Navigation,Pair work. Look at these sentences from the text and discuss the questions with your partner.,Understanding text,Active reading 1: Navigation,click,click,click,“If you use a ballpoint pen, the ink can be,removed with the help of a regular household,chemical and this sum of money can be,changed.”,Why does the writer include this information,?,(a) To teach the reader how to commit,check fraud.,(b) To warn the reader about how criminals commit check fraud.,(c) because he doesnt know the answer.,Active reading 1: Navigation,Understanding text,Active reading 1: Navigation,Back,Understanding text,“ So how can we prevent identity theft before it happens to us,?,”,2. Why does the writer ask this question,?,(a) Because he wants the reader to make,suggestions.,(b) Because he wants to make the reader,focus on the answer.,(c) Because he doesnt know the answer.,Active reading 1: Navigation,Active reading 1: Navigation,Back,Understanding text,“Your turn will come.”,3. What is the writer trying to do,?,(a) To warn the reader that identity fraud is,very likely.,(b) To frighten the reader.,(c) To explain to the reader that they have to wait for something to happen,.,Active reading 1: Navigation,Active reading 1: Navigation,Back,Interpreting,Complete the table with more examples,indicating the,tone,of the passage:,Active reading 1: Navigation,Tone,Examples,Informal and,conversational,strapline of a film (Para 1);,giving straightforward examples from daily life like trash, mail (paragraph 4); addressing directly with “you” (Para 6),Well-researched,practical,Use gel ink pens,persuasive,rhetorical questions, stimulus expressions like “There is no escaping .”,“identity crime all too easy”, “Your turn will come” (Para 11),Active reading 1: Navigation,statistics like 15%, 30% (Para 6);,25% (Para 7),shred documents, etc.,More,Summarising,Active reading 1: Destination,Summarising,Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks,.,Identity theft refers to stealing information about someone that makes it possible to use their bank account or _. With an informal and conversational tone the author persuades readers into actions against the threats of _ in our daily life. According to the author we make the thieves job easy by leaving our _ unprotected, using ball pens for _, throwing documents containing our personal information in the _, leaving our computer on,Active reading 1: Acceleration,Active reading 1: Destination,credit card,identity fraud,mails,checks and forms,trash,More,Summarising,and so on.,So we should look for different ways to,_ ourselves and change our _.,Identity crime is very likely to happen at any time,to any of us. We can take _ to improve,the chances of avoiding this _, though it will,never go away.,Active reading 1: Acceleration,Active reading 1: Destination,protect,mindset,precautions,crime,Active reading 1: Resources,Words to note,Difficult sentences,Language in use,Information related,Preview,Difficult sentences,Active reading 1: Resources,1.,Few people could imagine how important things like taking mail to the post office and not leaving it in the mailbox for pickup, shredding documents instead of throwing them out with the trash, even using a pen costing a couple of bucks, have become to avoid life-changing crimes. (Para 4, Sentence 2),2. If you havent had your identity stolen, its only because they havent got to you yet. (Para 11, Sentence 3),3.,There is no escaping the fact that right now fraudsters are finding identity crime all too easy.,(Para 11, Sentence 2),click,click,Difficult sentences,Active reading 1: Resources,1.,Few people could imagine how important things,like,taking,mail to the post office and not,leaving,it in the mailbox for pickup,shredding,documents instead of,throwing,them out with the trash, even,using,a pen costing a couple of bucks,have become,to avoid life-changing crimes. (Para 4, Sentence 2),(,1,)全句主干:,主语,+,谓语,+,“,how,”,引导的宾语从句:,Few people could imagine how important things have become .,目的状语,:,to avoid life-changing crimes,like,为同位语指示词,,引导的动名词词组表示举例,分隔,how,引导的主语“,how important things”,和谓语,”have become”,(,2,)翻译时将目的状语提前:,“,为了,做什么事变得很重要,”,结构,More,Difficult sentences,Active reading 1: Resources,分隔结构句,英语句子有时为了结构或修辞的需要,在两个本该连在一起的成分之间插入词语和句子,把他们分隔开来。有时同位语前带有同位语指示词来说明同位语和中心词的关系。表示举例的有:,like, for example, such as, including,等。如:,Things,like glass, paper, and plastic,can all be recycled.,Fatty food,like cakes, biscuits etc.,should be avoided.,Back,Difficult sentences,2.,There is no escaping the fact that,right now fraudsters are finding identity crime all too easy.,(Para 11, Sentence 2),一个无法回避的事实是:,现在的诈骗者觉得身份犯罪简直是太容易了。,Active reading 1: Resources,(2) How to translate the sentence into Chinese,?,More,click,click,Something is definitely true or important, even if you may prefer to think it is not.,(1) What is the meaning of the sentence“,There is no escaping that :,”,Difficult sentences,Active reading 1: Resources,There is no escaping the fact that when I,speak English, _ (,我总出错,).,2. go online, _ (,我浪费了许多时间一事无成,).,3. do an assignment, _ (,开始得晚,).,4. stay up late, _(,第二天上课时脑子不会转,).,5. go shopping, _ (,花太多钱,).,I make a lot of mistakes,I waste a lot of time doing nothing,I always start it too late,I am useless in class the next day,I spend far too much money,Complete the sentences so that theyre true for you, even if you prefer to think theyre not.,Back,Difficult sentences,3. If you havent,had your identity stolen, its only because they havent got to you yet. (Para 11, Sentence 3),如果你的身份尚未失窃,那只是因为他们还没有对你动手。,Active reading 1: Resources,More,Have something done:,passive,click,How to translate the sentence into Chinese,?,Difficult sentences,Active reading 1: Resources,(1) You can have your money,removed,from your bank account without your knowledge for months.,(2) If you have your computer,hacked into, you will have your bank details,known,.,(3) After she had her hair,cut, she tried to pay for it, and only to find that she had her pocket,picked,.,Translate the sentences:,Back,Words to note,New Words,Phrases,deception,fraud,fraudster,forge,forgery,custody,consultancy,anonymous,precaution,1.,pay back,2.,count on,3.,look through,4.,tear up,5.,log off,Active reading 1: Resources,Active reading 1: Resources,deception,n.,the action of deceiving someone,Translate the following sentences into Chinese:,1. The man obtained property by deception.,这人靠欺骗获得财产。,2. This is a range of elaborate deception.,这是一个精心设计的圈套。,Active reading 1: Resources,fraud,n.,C, U,wrongful or criminal deception intended for,result in financial or personal gain,Translate the following sentences into Chinese:,1. He was convicted of fraud.,他被判定犯有诈骗罪,。,2. He told people he was a doctor, but he was a fraud really,.,他告诉人们他是医生,实际上他是个骗子。,Active reading 1: Resources,fraudster,n.,someone obtains money by deceiving,Translate the following sentence into Chinese:,New measures are needed to prevent fraudsters opening bank accounts with stolen identity.,需要制定新的措施以防止诈骗犯冒用身份在银行开户。,Active reading 1: Resources,forge,n.,to make illegal copy of something to deceive,1. The student forged his supervisors signature on the dissertation.,这个学生在论文上伪造他导师的签字。,2. He increase his income by forgery.,他靠假冒伪造增加收入,。,3. These banknotes are forgeries.,这些钞票是假币。,Translate the following sentence into Chinese:,Active reading 1: Resources,deception:,It has the,widest range,of uses of deceiving.,fraud:,It often suggests,financial,dishonesty.,Word comparison:deception / fraud / forge,forge:,Illegally,copy,sth., esp. printed or written.,Active reading 1: Resources,More,deception fraud forge fraudster forgery,Fill in the blanks with proper words:,1. She is guilty of tax _.,He obtained a lot of money by,_.,He will face trial on,_,charges for _ credit cards. He is a,_.,The old lady was a victim of a cruel,_.,d,eception / forgery,fraud,fraud/fraudster,deception,forging,fraud,Active reading 1: Resources,custody,a.,someone to be arrested and kept in prison until they can be tried in the court,b.,legal right to keep or look after,Figure out the meaning of the underlined words.,Put the letter “A” or “B” in the brackets.,The father is going to court to,get custody of ( ),the child. But,child custody ( ),is normally given to the mother. So there will be a bitter,custody ( ) battle.,The suspect has been,taken into custody ( ),.,(3) The man was,held/kept in custody ( ),in the police station for 24 hours.,Active reading 1: Acceleration,Active reading 1: Resources,a,b,b,b,a,consultancy,Fill in the blanks with the words above.,If you are in any doubt, _ your financial advisor.,The plan was drawn up _ some doctors.,He was a _ before he ran a _.,The project provides both _ and training.,Active reading 1: Acceleration,consult,consultation,consultant,consultancy,Active reading 1: Resources,consult,in consultation with,consultant,consultancy,consultancy,anonymous,a. You do not let people know you were the person who did things. b. Unknown by name,Decide the meanings of the word with appropriate,a letter in the bracket.,The man is the anonymous donor (,捐赠者,) of the money for the Hope Project.,( ),The terrorist sent an anonymous letter to the government threatening another suicide bombing in the city.,( ),According to the employee, who wish to remain anonymous, the company engaged in illegal activities such as identity fraud.,( ),Active reading 1: Acceleration,Active reading 1: Resources,b,b,a,precaution,n.,c,an action taken to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant happening.,Match the two columns with proper letters putting in,the brackets:,Active reading 1: Acceleration,1. advocate precaution,( ),2. neglect precaution,( ),3. adequate precautions,( ),4.,fire precaution,( ),5. exercise precaution,( ),6. omit,precaution,( ),7. throw all precautions to,the winds,( ),8. do as a precaution,( ),毫无警惕,提倡预防,火警,充分的预防措施,实施预防,放松预防,为了保险起见,忽视预防,Active reading 1: Resources,More,B,H,D,C,E,F,A,G,precaution,Choose the appropriate expressions from the box to,complete the sentences.,(1) He had


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