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专项四完形填空,期末专项训练,答案呈现,1,2,3,D,C,4,5,C,B,D,提示,:点击 进入习题,6,7,8,B,D,9,10,D,D,C,11,12,13,C,D,14,15,A,D,C,A,答案呈现,6,7,8,A,B,9,10,C,D,D,11,12,13,D,D,14,15,A,C,A,1,2,3,B,C,4,5,B,C,A,B,1,2,3,C,A,4,5,D,C,B,6,7,8,A,B,9,10,D,A,B,11,12,13,C,C,14,15,B,A,B,答案呈现,C,答案呈现,1,2,3,C,C,4,5,A,B,D,6,7,8,A,D,9,10,C,B,C,11,12,13,A,D,14,15,C,B,A,D,Once upon a time, there was a couple living in a small town. They thought they didnt have much money. So they didnt care about 1_ or anyone , except gold. They only wanted to be the 2_ people in the town.,1. A. something B. everythingC. nothing D. anything,2. A. poorest B. richestC. healthiest D. strongest,A【2021 ,河南鹤壁期末,】,B,D,Then one day, when the husband was walking on the road, he suddenly 3_ a fairy.,3. A. watched B. liked C. met D. heard,C,The fairy said to him, “You look unhappy. What happened to you? Is there anything I can do for you?” The man said 4_ , “Im unhappy because my wife and I dont have gold. We are the poorest persons here.”,4. A. proudly B. happily C. calmly D. sadly,D,The fairy laughed, “You are,5_,. I know,many people,who have a lot of gold are not happy. They,6_ want,more. They never stop to,7_,what they have,.”,5. A. bad,B,.,cool,C. wrong,D,. quiet,6,. A. sometimes,B,. always,C. never,D,. seldom,7,. A. hear,B,.,tellC,. remember,D,. enjoy,B,C,D,“I dont believe you,” said the man.,Then the fairy took 8_ a chicken and said, “This chicken will lay a golden egg every 9_ . You have to wait 10_ it lays one and then collect it. It can make you rich.” The man took the chicken and ran home happily.,8. A. up B. down C. in D. out,9. A. minute B. hour C. day D. month,10. A. if B. before C. after D. until,D,C,D,The next day, the couple really got a golden egg! But the wife said, “Oh, dear, it will take us a very long time to get 11_ gold. Ive heard that chickens have already had all the eggs they will lay inside 12_ .,11. A. beautiful B. clean C. enough D. fresh,12. A. it B. you C. him D. them,C,D,Why dont,we 13_,it and take all the golden eggs?” The,husband agreed,and did that. However, to their surprise, there,were no,eggs to be found,.,13. A. save,B,.,throw,C.,waste,D. kill,D,Greed could stop people from 14_ happiness. Finally, the couple learned their 15_ .,14. A. giving B. hating C. finding D. refusing,15. A. lesson B. class C. course D. subject,C,A,As the students entered the classroom, they could all tell something was wrong. Their 1 teacher was crying. Tom was the first to ask if there was anything they could do.,1. A. English B. history C. maths D. science,B,B【2021 ,浙江金华改编,】,“Everything is fine, Tom,” Mrs. Williams tried to 2_ as she spoke. “Ive just lost something important, and I dont think I can find it.”,“What did you 3_ ?” Mike asked. “Maybe we can help you look for it.”,2. A. poorest B. richestC. healthiest D. strongest,3. A. watched B. liked C. met D. heard,C,C,Mrs. Williams looked at their faces for some time. 4_ , she answered, “Well, I left an old 5_ on my desk. This newspaper belonged to,( 属于),my 6_ . I had hoped to share something in the paper with you in todays history class.,4. A. Finally B. NervouslyC. Immediately D. Proudly,5. A. magazine B. newspaperC. map D. photo,6. A. grandmother B. grandfatherC. mother D. father,A,B,A,The paper is old, but it is also,7_ because,she gave it to me before she died. It is,something my,grandmother left to,8_,. The newspaper was,gone when,I came back from lunch,.”,7. A. expensive,B,. fantastic,C,. popular,D,. special,8,. A. him,B,. me,C,. you,D,. us,D,B,The other students looked at each other. They,9_ who,had taken the paper and hoped nobody would,do something,like that. Everyone liked Mrs. Williams. No,one wanted,to make the teacher,10_ .,9. A. discovered,B,.,explained,C,. imagined,D,. wondered,10,. A. afraid,B,. angry,C,. sad,D,. surprised,D,C,Trevor went over and spoke up for the whole class, “ 11_, Mrs. Williams. We will all help you. Were,sure to,find it,12_,we work together,.”,11. A. Im sorry,B,. Excuse me,C. Good idea,D,. Dont worry,12,. A. because,B.,before,C,. if,D,. so,D,C,Mrs. Williams smiled again at her students. She,knew they,might not find the missing paper, but even if they,didnt, she,would,13_,feel very lucky. She had a group of,students who 14_,her and each other, and that was,probably the,best thing she could ever hope to,15_,in her life,!,13. A. almost,B,. again,C,. only,D,.,still,14. A. cared about,B,. depended on,C. laughed at,D,. played with,15,. A. find,B,. learn,C,. make,D,. look,D,A,A,A thousand years ago, Hong Kong was covered with a thick forest. As more and more people came to 1_ in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is 2_ forest left, though there are still some small areas covered with trees. We call these woods.,1. A. work B. study C. live D. enjoy,2. A. many B. a few C. no D. much,C,C,C,Elephants, tigers and many,3_,animals were,living in,the thick forest. When people came to live in,Hong Kong, the,4_,began to die out. Early farmers,grew rice,and,5_,pigs and chickens in the valleys. They,cut down,the trees and burnt,them.,3. A. other,B,. others,C. the other,D,. another,4,. A. people,B,. animals,C,. plants,D,. things,5,. A. grew,B,. made,C,. got,D,. kept,B,A,D,They needed,6_ to keep,themselves warm in winter, to cook their food,and to,keep away the dangerous animals. Elephants,quickly disappeared,because there was not enough food,for them,.,7_,did most of the wolves and tigers.,Monkeys and,many other animals soon,8_,in the same,way.,6. A. fire,B,. hotness,C,. sun,D,. stoves,7,. A. So,B,. Such,C,. As,D,. Nor,8,. A. lived,B,. died,C,. came,D,. left,A,A,B,You might think that there are no longer any animals in Hong Kong 9_ in the zoos. But there are still about 36 different kinds of animals 10_ there. One of the most interesting animals in Hong Kong is the barking deer.,9. A. besides B. except C. and D. or,10. A. live B. to live C. lived D. living,B,D,These are,beautiful little animals,11_,a rich brown coat and a,white patch under the tail. They look like deer but they,are much,smaller. They are less than two feet,12_,. They make,a noise rather like a dog,13_ .,11. A. have,B,. without,C,. with,D,. get,12,. A. tall,B,. taller,C,. short,D,. shorter,13,. A. shouting,B,. crying,C. barking,D,. talking,C,A,C,In Hong Kong, the,barking deer,has only one real enemy,14_,. People hunt,these little,animals though it is illegal. There are now not,many barking,deer left. So it is important,15_,people to,protect wild animals.,14. A. tigers,B,. men,C,. wolves,D,. elephants,15,. A. to,B,. for,C,. like,D,. of,B,B,Island Adventure,is a book about a group of,survivors,(,幸存者),on a deserted island.,The main character in the story is a,1_,boy,called Robert,Wilson,.,1. A. 14 year old,B,. 14 years old,C.14-year-old,D.14-years-old,C,D,At the beginning of the story, he,2_ in New,Zealand with his family. But when his parents die,in an,accident, Robert is suddenly,3_,. He decides to,leave New,Zealand and go to the USA, where his aunt,lives.,2. A. waits,B,. lives,C,. hides,D,. rests,3,. A. common,B,. angry,C,. alone,D,. hungry,B,C,Robert finds a ship to the USA, but he doesnt have any 4_ . So, he has to work with the crew,( 全体工作人员),on the ship 5_ for his ticket. It is a long and difficult 6_ .,4. A. food B. timeC. information D. money,5. A.in return B. in timeC. in control D. in need,6. A. journey B. competitionC. history D. discussion,D,A,A,There are storms and the ship,7_ . Finally, it is shipwrecked,(船只失事),near an island,in the,middle of the ocean. When the ship sinks,( 沉没), Robert,swims to the island with five other people,8_ . They,are the only,survivors.,7. A. runs away,B,. gets lost,C. breaks down,D,. dies down,8,. A. normally,B,. carefully,C. suddenly,D,. successfully,B,D,There arent any 9_ passing by, and there is no one who can find them and save them. The six people have to start a new 10_ on the island. They find wood to make fires. They learn to 11_ fish to eat.,9. A. cars B. trains C. boats D. subways,10. A. job B. group C. life D. family,11. A. catch B. order C. protect D. borrow,C,C,A,They cut,down trees,to build small wooden houses,12_,the wind,and rain,. But winter is coming, and it is getting,13_,.,The survivors,dont,14_,if they can get through the,cold winter,. But they will do,15_,they can and fight to live,!,12. A. towards,B,. against,C,. from,D,. for,13,. A. hotter,B,. wetter,C,. warmer,D,. colder,14,. A. know,B,. report,C,. explain,D,. promise,15,. A. something,B,.,anythingC,. everything,D,. nothing,B,D,A,C,


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