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,Period 4 Section B(1a-1d),Unit 6 An old man tried to,move the mountains.,1,2,3,4,5,silk,stupidity,emperors,cheated,underwear,agree with,as soon as,keep trying,remind him that,for the first time,6,7,8,9,10,小试牛刀,基础练,答 案 呈 现,温馨提示,:,点击 进入讲评,答 案 呈 现,融会贯通,提升练,11,12,13,So what do you think of it/So how do you feel about it,Did you walk to the top,How long will you stay there/How long do you want to stay there,Delicious,No problem/Of course,14,15,答 案 呈 现,融会贯通,提升练,16,17,18,19,20,To,like/as,from,a,Would,一,、用括号内所给词的适当形式,填空,1,. Its too expensive for me to buy this kind of,_(,silk).,2. Robert, the team leader, blamed the losing of the,basketball game on his own,_(,stupid) .,3. In ancient China,_(,emperor) opinions,were the,most important,.,silk,stupidity,emperors,4. Last Monday Jim,_(,cheat) in the,math exam, so his teacher was very angry.,5. The clothes brand is famous for,its _ (,underwear).,cheated,underwear,二、根据汉语意思完成,句子,6.,他们可能并不完全同意你所说的。,They may not totally,_ _what you said.,agree with,7,.,暑假一开始李雷就会去拜访在英国的阿姨。,Li Lei will go to visit his aunt in,England,_ _ _ the,summer holidays start,.,as soon as,8.,如果你坚持不懈,最终将会成功的。,If you,_ _,you will succeed at last.,9.,请提醒他我们明天早上六点出发。,Please,_ _ _we,are leaving,at six,tomorrow morning,.,keep trying,remind him that,10,.,你什么时候第一次独自飞行,?,When did you fly,alone,_ _ _ _?,for the first time,三,、补全对话,根据下面的对话情景,在每个,空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。,A: Hey, Joe. This is Steve, calling from Mount Song.,B: Hi, Steve. You have already been in Mount Song?,_,11,?,So what do you think of it/So how do you feel about it,A: Amazing! You know, Mount Song is famous for its,beautiful scenery.,B: Really?,_,12,?,Did you walk to the top,A: No. Instead of walking, we took the cable car.,B: That was also an exciting experience, I suppose.,_,13,?,How long will you stay there/How long do you want to stay there,A: For three days. My father will have an important,meeting next,Monday. Work comes first.,B: What a pity! How about the food there,?,A:,_,14,! I enjoy all kinds,of traditional,food here,.,Delicious,B,: You do?,A: Yes. And tomorrow were going to visit Shaolin,Temple (,少林寺,).,B: Fantastic! Could you please tell me more about it,when you,come back?,A:,_,15,. Ill see you in a few days.,B: Thank you. Have a nice journey,!,No problem/Of course,四、语篇填空,阅读短文,根据,语篇要求填空,使短文,通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。,Thailand is known for its beautiful natural scenery,and wild,animals. Lovers of nature enjoy spending their,holidays there,.,_,16,bring visitors closer to nature, a,local resort,has prepared special hotel rooms for them,.,To,These rooms are called Jungle,Bubbles. They are shaped _,17,glass balls. They are made from a,kind of,high-tech material. It allows people in Jungle Bubbles,to see,elephants walking around them clearly.,like/as,These,elephants were,saved,_,18,the streets of Thailand. They,now live _,19,comfortable life there.,from,a,Each Jungle Bubbles includes a double bed,a bathroom,and a seating area. A one-night stay costs $585,for two,people.,_,20,you like to spend an unusual,night there,? Please let me know.,Would,


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