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,Unit 1 Whats the matter?,课时,1 Section A(1a-2d),安徽人教版八年级下,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,答案呈现,rest,hurt,neck,throat,coughs,C,C,B,A,C,答案呈现,14,15,16,17,18,without saying anything,in the same way,D,B,A,能力提升练,19,20,F,C,基础巩固练,11,12,13,have a headache,take your temperature,lies down to take a break,一、根据首字母和汉语提示完成单词。,1.,安徽巢湖七中期中,Jack needs to have a,good,r,(,休息,).,2,. Lucy,h,(,使受伤,) her leg when she fell off,the bike,.,3. He always wears a,scarf(,围巾,)around,his,n,(,脖子,).,4. His sister has a sore,t,(,咽喉,).,5. My grandfather often,c,(,咳嗽,)from March to,May because of the flying,catkins(,杨絮,).,est,urt,eck,hroat,oughs,二、单项选择。,6.,安徽芜湖,29,中一质检, Jenny goes to the hospital,to get,_,X-ray.,A. the,B,.,a C,. an,D,.,/,C,7.,I think David has a _,.,Yes, his temperature is much higher than usual.,A. stomachache,B,. toothache,C. fever,D,. headache,C,8.,中考,广东, I think tea will taste,better_ . some,milk in it.,A. for,B,. with,C. from,D,. at,B,9.,They went to the zoo to see the animal with,two big _ on,_,yesterday,.,A. feet; foot,B,. feet; feet,C. foot; feet,D,. foot;,foot,A,【,点拨,】,foot,的复数为,feet,;,on foot,意为“步行”。,10., _,?, I cant get out of bed because of the,sore back,.,A. What do you do,B,. What do you like,C. Whats the matter,D,. Where are you from,C,三,、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。,11.,我头疼,因为我熬夜到很,晚。,I _ _,_, because I stayed up,too late.,have a headache,12.,你量体温了吗?,Did you _ _ _?,take your temperature,13.,午饭后,他通常躺下休息一下。,He usually _ _ _ _ _ _after lunch.,lies down to take,a break,14.,他什么都没说就离开了家。,He left home,_ _ _.,without saying anything,15.,我和他用同样的方法学英语。,I learn,English_ _ _ _ as,he does.,in the same way,A: Hi, Anna. I didnt see you at school yesterday. 16_,B: Oh, I had a headache and I had to ask for sick leave (,请病假,).,A: 17_ Did you go to see a doctor?,四、补全对话,(,两项多余,),。,A. Was it serious?,B. Sorry to hear that.,C. Get more exercise and keep healthy.,D. What was the matter?,E. How long did you do that?,F. Are you feeling better now?,G. What should I do?,D,B,B: Yes. My mother took me to the hospital. The doctor said I had the flu.,A: 18_,B: Yes, a little. The doctor told me to take the medicine three times a day and drink lots of water.,A,A. Was it serious?,B. Sorry to hear that.,C. Get more exercise and keep healthy.,D. What was the matter?,E. How long did you do that?,F. Are you feeling better now?,G. What should I do?,A: 19_,B: Yes, much better.,A: 20_,B: I will. Thanks a lot.,F,C,A. Was it serious?,B. Sorry to hear that.,C. Get more exercise and keep healthy.,D. What was the matter?,E. How long did you do that?,F. Are you feeling better now?,G. What should I do?,


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