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课时,2 Reading I,安徽译林版七年级下,Unit 5 Amazing things,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,11,12,13,14,答案呈现,Suddenly,surprised,B,B,wonder,quickly,leaves,later,unusual,reply,everything,strange,weak,carefully,15,B,答案呈现,18,19,20,D,A,C,21,C,22,基础巩固练,C,23,24,25,turned around; found nothing,left; quickly,was surprised to; little cats,26,saying to herself,27,sent; to; animal centre,16,D,17,B,答案呈现,能力提升练,28,29,30,D,A,C,31,B,32,B,33,34,35,A,D,B,36,C,37,D,38,39,40,B,C,D,41,C,42,A,一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。,1. Please,r,(,回复,)to,my question at once.,2. I hope,e,(,一切,)goes,well and we can have good luck.,3. He is a,s,(,奇怪的,)person,. He doesnt speak to anyone,.,eply,verything,trange,4. The dog is too,w,(,虚弱,)to stand up. We must take it to the hospital.,5. We should take notes,c,(,仔细地,)in class.,6. I,w,(,想知道,)why he didnt come here yesterday.,7. The cat jumped out of the window,q,(,迅速地,).,8. The classes finish at 5:00 p.m. and Tom,l,(,离开,) school at 5:10.,onder,uickly,eaves,arefully,eak,二、用所给词的适当形式填空。,9. Five years,_ (,late), I met her again in an old bookshop.,later,10. Did you see anything _(usual) when you came into the room?,unusual,11. _(sudden), I heard a loud noise from the bushes behind the tree.,Suddenly,12. She was _ (surprise) when I told her about the thing.,surprised,三、单项选择。,13,. I,_ my,book at home this morning.,A. leave,B,. left,C,. forget,D,. forgot,B,【,点拨,】,leave sth. at sp.,把某物落在某地。又因是过去时,故选,B,。,14. The girl stopped,_ but,she _,nothing,.,A. to listen; hear,B. to listen; heard,C. hearing; heard,D. listening;,heard,B,15,. ,中考,德州, Who helped Betty tidy,up,(,整理),the bedroom just now?, _,.,She cleaned it all by herself.,A. Somebody,B,. Nobody,C. Everybody,D,.,Anybody,B,16,. Oh, I cant believe that Peter won the first prize,in the,math competition,(比赛),.,When I heard the news, I also felt _,.,A. calm,B,. sorry,C. worried,D,. surprised,D,17. ,中考,安徽, Shall we go to the airport,(机场,),to _ your,sister?, I dont think its necessary,(有必要),. She will come here by taxi.,A. see off,B,. pick up,C. look after,D,. come,across,B,【,点拨,】,句意:,我们去机场接你妹妹好吗?,我认为没必要,她会乘出租车过来。,see off,送别,; pick up,接人,; look after,照看,; come across,偶然碰到。根据句意可知选,B,。,18,. Be quiet! You should speak in _,.,A. sound,B,. noise,C. voice,D,.,whisper,D,19,. On my way _,school, there is a big shop.,A. to,B,. at,C. for,D,. /,A,20,.,_ one,(One) Sunday morning, the girls went to the park _,usual,.,A. In; as,B,. On; like,C. /; as,D,. /;,like,C,【,点拨,】,one Sunday morning,一个星期天上午,不需要使用任何介词。,as usual,固定搭配,意为“像往常一样”。,21,. ,中考,无锡, If something is wrong, fix it if you can. Do not worry. Worry never fixes _,.,A. something,B,. everything,C. anything,D,. nothing,C,22,. ,中考,昆明, You looked unhappy just now,._,I missed the school bus and arrived late for class.,A. What did you eat for lunch?,B. How was your picnic?,C. What happened to you?,D. How did you go there?,C,四、根据汉语意思完成句子。,23.,我转过身来,但是什么也没发现。,I _ _ but _ _ .,turned around found nothing,24.,两个学生快速地离开了教室。,Two students _ the classroom _ .,left quickly,25.,我惊讶地发现在灌木丛中有一些小猫。,I _ _ _ find some _ _ in the bushes.,was surprised to little,cats,26.,露西看电视的时候喜欢自言自语。,Lucy likes _ _ _ when she watches TV.,saying to herself,27.,刚才他们把这只狗送到了动物中心。,They _ the dog _ the _ _ just now.,sent to animal,centre,五、完形填空。,Mrs Green lived in a small town near a big farm. On a Friday afternoon she finished _28 housework and went to her small shop. She opened the window of the shop and _29 outside.,28,. A. his,B,.,our C,. their,D,. her,29,. A.,looked B,.,saw C,. look,D,. see,D,A,She liked to see the green farm. There were many cows, horses,and small animals,_30,the farm,.,30,. A. for,B,.,out C,. on,D,. from,C,Suddenly she saw a kangaroo,(,袋鼠,),under the window. It was,_31,an old jacket. It stood there and was,hungry.,31,. A. taking,B,. wearing,C. putting,D,. having,B,Mrs Green gave some bread,_32,nuts,(,坚果,),to it. The kangaroo ate them,_33.,Then it became happy and jumped away,.,32. A. on,B,.,and C,. but,D,. or,33,. A. all,B,.,none C,. any,D,. many,B,A,Suddenly something fell down onto,the _34,from its jacket pocket. It was a wallet! Mrs Green picked it up, opened it and found there was $300 and a photo in it,.,34. A. back,B,. water,C. river,D,. ground,D,That was a mans photo with his name “John” on it. John? She looked at it,_35,and remembered she had a,brother many,years ago,.,35. A. careful,B,. carefully,C. careless,D,. carelessly,B,His name was also John. “Is this man my lost brother?” She thought. She took the wallet with her and began to,_36,the,man.,36,. A. look up,B,. call,C. look for,D,. look after,C,She asked many people in the town, and then she came to the farm and asked the farmer. To her surprise, he was John, her lost brother. They were very,_37,to see each other,.,37. A. sad,B,. angry,C. late,D,. happy,D,六、阅读理解,。,38. From the passage, we know Cao Cao was,_ of,Wei.,A. the father,B,. the king,C. a farmer,D,. an elephant keeper,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,43,页原文。,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文第一段中句子,One day somebody gave Cao Cao, the king of Wei an elephant.,可知答案。,39.,_ found,out the way to weigh the elephant.,A. Cao Cao,B,. A man,C. Cao Chong,D,.,Nobody,C,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,Then Cao Chong, one of the kings sons, said, “Father, I have an idea.,可知答案。,40,. The underlined word “mark” in the passage,means,_,.,A.,成绩,B,.,分数,C,.,标准,D,.,记号,D,【,点拨,】,原句为:,Cao Chong made a,mark,along the water line,(线条),.,结合前后语境,可知他是在绳子上做了一个记号。,41,. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?,A. Cao Chong was the son of the king.,B. Cao Chong weighed the elephant with a boat and some heavy stones.,C. Cao Cao knew his son could weigh the elephant.,D. Cao Chong got the weight of the elephant by weighing the weight of the stones.,C,【,点拨,】,根据原文中句子可知曹操一开始并不知道曹冲有办法,因此,C,项错误。,42,. Which is the best title of this article?,A. Cao Chong Weighs the Elephant,B. The King and His Son,C. Cao Cao and the Elephant,D. The Clever Cao Chong,A,【,点拨,】,本文讲的是曹冲称象的故事。,


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