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课时,2 Reading I,安徽译林版七年级下,Unit 4 Finding your way,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,11,12,13,14,答案呈现,A,B,D,A,laughing,quite,leaves,bridge,neck,bamboo,remember,dangerous,roads,king,15,C,16,A,17,A,答案呈现,18,19,20,in front of,turn right,all year long,21,Go straight,22,基础巩固练,To the north of,23,24,25,go near,all kinds of,lying down,26,Have a nice trip,27,make beautiful sounds,答案呈现,28,29,30,Dont be,dont; can go,goes to; on foot,31,ride; to,32,基础巩固练,How does; go,能力提升练,33,34,35,B,A,A,36,C,37,C,38,39,40,C,D,D,41,B,42,B,答案呈现,43,44,45,B,D,B,46,A,47,C,48,49,50,In Yingbin Hotel.,Its famous and busy.,On Huanle Street.,51,Its across from the supermarket.,52,Six.,能力提升练,一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。,1. We all know that pandas like eating,b,(,竹子,) .,2. Do you,r,(,记得,) his,telephone number?,3. It is,d,(,危险的,) to,play with fire.,4. There was very little traffic on these,r,(,路,) .,5. The,k,(,国王,) is,the most important person in a kingdom,(,王国,) .,amboo,emember,angerous,oads,ing,6. The boys and girls are jumping and,l,(,大笑,),on the playground.,7. His English is,q,(,相当,) good.,8. It was autumn and the,l,(,树叶,) were yellow.,9. A man fell from the,b,(,桥,) and hurt his left leg.,10. The giraffe has a long,n,(,脖子,) .,aughing,uite,eaves,ridge,eck,二、单项选择。,11. ,中考,无锡, Lets take a walk _ the river after dinner, shall we?,A. along B. through C. upon D. over,A,【,点拨,】,along the river,沿着河边。,12. I dont think _can answer this difficult question. Some may find it not easy.,A. anybody B. everybody,C. somebody D. nobody,B,【,点拨,】,根据题意“我认为并非每个人都能回答这个难题,一些人可能发现它并不容易。”,everybody,每个人,故选,B,。,13. Monkeys in the parks are very _. We have _ there.,A. fun; fun B. funny; funny,C. fun; funny D. funny; fun,D,【,点拨,】,funny,形容词,表示“有趣的,滑稽的”,它指的是一种滑稽可笑的“有趣”,侧重点是让人觉得好玩或发笑。,fun,是名词,主要指“有趣,好玩”。,14. ,易错题,Who is that girl with long hair?,She is Judy. She is _ beautiful girl.,A. quite a B. a quite,C. very a D. an very,A,15. Could you tell me where the post office is?,_,A. Are you sure?,B,. Dont be afraid.,C. Sorry, I dont know.,D,. Thanks a lot,.,C,16. Look at the _. They are very tall.,A,. giraffes,B,. giraffe,C. monkeys,D,.,monkey,A,17,. We are going to visit the zoo this afternoon., _,!,Show me some photos when you are back.,A. Have a nice trip,B,. Youre welcome,C. Thats all right,D,. See you there,A,三、从方框中选择合适的短语并用其适当形式填空。,18. There are many tall trees _ our classroom.,all year long, in front of, lie down, go straight,all kinds of, go near, turn right, make beautiful,sounds, to the north of, have a nice trip,in front of,19. Do we have to _ now? Please show me the way.,all year long, in front of, lie down, go straight,all kinds of, go near, turn right, make beautiful,sounds, to the north of, have a nice trip,turn right,20. They work hard _ .,all year long, in front of, lie down, go straight,all kinds of, go near, turn right, make beautiful,sounds, to the north of, have a nice trip,all year long,21. _ along this street and you will find a hotel.,all year long, in front of, lie down, go straight,all kinds of, go near, turn right, make beautiful,sounds, to the north of, have a nice trip,Go straight,22. _ the Panda House, you will find the lions.,all year long, in front of, lie down, go straight,all kinds of, go near, turn right, make beautiful,sounds, to the north of, have a nice trip,To the north of,23. The tigers are dangerous. Dont _ them.,all year long, in front of, lie down, go straight,all kinds of, go near, turn right, make beautiful,sounds, to the north of, have a nice trip,go near,24. There is a big supermarket near my home. You can buy _ food there.,all year long, in front of, lie down, go straight,all kinds of, go near, turn right, make beautiful,sounds, to the north of, have a nice trip,all kinds of,25. The panda is _ and eating bamboo shoots.,all year long, in front of, lie down, go straight,all kinds of, go near, turn right, make beautiful,sounds, to the north of, have a nice trip,lying down,26,. I will go to Beijing for my summer holiday.,_ !,all year long, in front of, lie down, go straight,all kinds of, go near, turn right, make beautiful,sounds, to the north of, have a nice trip,Have a nice trip,27. Birds can _ when they sing.,all year long, in front of, lie down, go straight,all kinds of, go near, turn right, make beautiful,sounds, to the north of, have a nice trip,make beautiful sounds,四、按要求完成下列句子。,28. Be late for school.,(改为否定句),_ _ late for school.,Dont be,29. I think we can go there by underground.,(改为否定句),I _ think we _ _ there by underground.,dont can go,30. Simon walks to the supermarket.,(改为同义句),Simon _ _ the supermarket _ _.,goes to,on foot,31. They go to the restaurant by bike.,(改为同义句),They _ bikes _ the restaurant.,ride to,32. She goes to the zoo,by bus,.,(对画线部分提问),_ _ she _ to the zoo?,How does go,五、完形填空。,London is such a wonderful city. It is very large. The Thames,(泰晤士河),runs,_33,the city from west to east,.,33. A. about,B,. through,C,. in,D,. along,B,So the city has,_34,parts: the South and the North. In the North, there are important buildings, shops, big parks and interesting places,.,34. A. two,B,. four,C,. five,D,. six,A,The weather in London is good. In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not very hot,_35,the city is near the sea. People,_36,London is a foggy,(有雾的),city and it often rains. It is true,.,35,. A. because,B,. or,C,. so,D,. but,36,. A. speak,B,. tell,C,. say,D,. talk,A,C,Last year, when I,_37,in London, I met one of,the thickest,fogs in years. You could hardly,_38,your hand in front of your face,.,37,. A. be,B,.,am C,. was,D,. were,38,. A. look,B,. look at,C,. see,D,. saw,C,C,Cars and buses moved along with their lights on.,When evening,fell, the weather,_39,even worse.,_40,the buses and cars stopped,.,39,. A. turn,B,.,become,C. grow,D,. got,40,. A. Each,B,. Every,C,. None,D,. All,D,D,I had,_41,important meeting on the other side of the city, but it was impossible to find a car. I had to get there,_42.,41. A. a,B,. an,C,. the,D,. /,42,. A. walk,B,. on foot,C,. by bus,D,. by car,B,B,六、阅读理解,。,43. How many tips,(诀窍),does the writer tell us?,A. Two.,B,. Three.,C,. Four.,D.,Five.,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,33,页原文。,B,【,点拨,】,原文中三个黑色的标题都是作者告诉我们的诀窍。,44,. What is the Bangkok Map App like?,A. Its expensive.,B. Its on a computer.,C. Its useless,(无用的),.,D. It can help you find the way,.,D,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,Download,(下载),the Bangkok Map App to your mobile phone. Its free but very helpful.,可知答案。,45,. What do you know about the signs in Bangkok?,A. They,are all in English,.,B. There are lots of signs there.,C. They are very big.,D. They are only near the stations.,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文第三段中句子,You can find many signs around Bangkok.,可知答案。,46,. What is 191?,A. The polices phone number in Bangkok.,B. The writers phone number.,C. The writers room number.,D. The number of the signs,.,A,【,点拨,】,根据原文最后一段中句子,If your phone doesnt work well or you cant find useful signs, please call 191. The Bangkok police will help you soon.,可知答案。,47,. Who can be interested in the passage?,A. A postman.,B,. A policeman.,C. A visitor.,D,. A student.,C,【,点拨,】,根据原文第一段中句子,Welcome to Bangkok. Going around Bangkok is not difficult. All you need to do is to get an address,(地址),.,可知游客会对这篇文章感兴趣。,七、任务型阅读。,48. Where will Peter live?,(不超过,5,个词,),_,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,33,页原文。,In Yingbin Hotel.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,You will live in Yingbin Hotel on Changjiang Street, wont you?,可知答案。,49. How is Changjiang Street?,(不超过,5,个词,),_,Its famous and busy.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,OK! It is a famous and busy street in our city.,可知答案。,50,. Where is the beautiful park?,(不超过,5,个词,),_,On Huanle Street.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,When you see a footbridge,(人行桥), please turn right and go along Huanle Street. Its an old street, but its clean. Theres a big park on the street.,可知答案。,51. Wheres the KFC?,(不超过,5,个词),_,Its across from the supermarket.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,Then you can see a KFC on your right. Theres a supermarket across from the KFC and my house is near the supermarket.,可知答案。,52,. How many streets are mentioned,(被提及),in the,passage,?,(不超过,5,个词,),_,Six.,【,点拨,】,原文中共提到,Changjiang Street,、,Qingnian Street,、,Hongxing Street,、,Lujiang Street,、,Huanle Street,、,Yifen Street,这,6,条街。,


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