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Unit 7 International charities,第,三,课时,Reading ,1.prevent: vt.,阻止,预防,n. prevention,阻止某人做某事,prevent ,(,from,),doing sth,.,(1),预防总比治愈强,.,Prevention is better than cure.,stop,(,from,),doing sth.,keepfrom doing sth.,(2),森林有助于防止水的流失,.,Forests help to,keep the water from,running away.,80 per cent of 80%,的,a.,我们学校里百分之,90%,的教师是女教师。,_ in our,school are women teachers.,b.,地球的百分之六十被水覆盖。,_ is covered with water.,90 per cent of the teachers,60 per cent of the earth,2.And about 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured.,大约,80%,的这些病例是能预防或治疗的,。,3.operation n. operate v.,(1)The doctors decided to,operate on,her at once.,(2)The doctor is,operating on,the eyes of the patient.,vt. vi.,操作或开动机器,Can you operate the computer?,doing an operation on,给某人做手术,operate,(v.),on sb. =do an operation on sb,Translation,1.,医生正在给他妈妈做手术,.,The doctor _ _ _ his mother.,Or:The doctor _ _ _ _ _,his mother.,2.,医生们正在给那个孩子的眼做手术,.,The doctors are_ _the,childs eyes.,is operating on,is doing an operation on,operating on,4. Many of our patients cant afford to travel to hospital.,我们的很多病人很穷,连去医院的钱也没有。,afford,“,买得起,负担得起,”,常与,can, could, be able to,连用,多用于否定句或疑问句。,Can we afford the new house?,You cannot afford to buy a new car.,afford sth.,afford to do sth.,贫困学生买不起文具。,a.The poor students,_,_. (afford sth.),b.The poor students _,_. (afford to do sth.),cant afford,stationery,cant afford to buy,stationery,I cant,afford,to buy such an expensive watch.,这样名贵的表我可买不起。,The family could not,afford,to send her to college.,家里无力送她上大学。,5. Also, local doctors and nurses are invited,on board,to learn about eye operations.,on board,在飞机(船、火车)上,e.g.,乘客们登机了吗?,Have the passengers gone,on board,yet?,6.,By,training them, we hope to help more people.,by,:介词,“通过某种方法、手段”,,by (doing ) sth.,e.g.,看看今天的报纸,你就能对这条信息有更多的了解。,You can learn more about the news,by,reading todays newspaper.,a.,我们可以通过筹钱来帮助贫穷的女孩。,We can,help _by_.,b.,通过努力学习,他通过了所有的考试。,By _, he _,_.,poor girls raising money,working hard passed all the exams,C.,通过互相帮助,学生们提高了成绩。,_ _each other, the students have improved their grades.,By helping,7.Im,proud,that I can help so many people.,proud: adj.,骄傲的,自高自大的,自豪的,be proud.,of sb./sth.,to do sth.,be proud that,对感到得意或自豪,.,The British,are very proud of,their sense of humor.,They,were proud of,their success,being so successful.,They,were proud that,they won the competition.,proud,adj.,pride,n.,take pride in,为,而骄傲,He takes pride in his collection of stamps.,=He,is proud of,his collection of stamps,Im proud to help,the old people clean the floor.,我为能帮老年人打扫地板而自豪。,Jack,was proud of,his high score in the examination.,杰克为考试中得到高分而自豪。,她是全家人的骄傲。,She is,the pride of,her whole family.,8.More money is needed to,carry on with,our work.,carry on with sth. / carry on doing sth.,=continue doing/to do sth,继续干某事,;,坚持做某事,我不在时,你接着干,.,_ _ _your work while Im away.,2.,老师鼓励我继续用英语写日记,.,The teacher encourages me to_ _,_diaries in English.,Carry on with,carry on,writing,His_(,失明,)is the result of an accident.,This_(,药,)willsoonclearup yourcold.,Weshould_(,待,)animalswith,humanity.,4. We must do our best to _(,发展,) the national economy.,blindness,medicine,treat,develop,5. At present, Mr. Li is in hospital receiving _ (medicine) treatment.,medical,I. Fill in the blanks.,6. Dr. Ma does five _ (operate) every day.,operations,7.This watch can _(repair ) in two weeks .,8.We hope people will support our work by,_(send ) money to Project Hope.,9. Lucy didnt go to school because of her _ (ill) yesterday.,10. Theyre all nurses, _ (most) from the poor countries.,be repaired,sending,illness,mostly,1. Nobody can _ (,阻止我们去,there.,2. The doctor is _ (,做手术,)the eyes of the patient.,3. Daniel _ (,感到自豪,)that their charity show was a success.,4. Dont stop _(,继续,)your work.,5. I _ (,买 不得起,) an expensive car.,prevent us from going,operating on,根据提示完成句子。,was proud,carrying on with/ doing,cant afford / to buy,1. My sister studies at a,medical,college.,Translate the sentences into English.,我的姐姐在医学院上学。,如果我们能积攒下钱就可买下那台电视。,他为有这样的好朋友而自豪。,我认为读者对这本书不会感兴趣。,父亲去世后,汤姆继续经营这家商店。,2. We can,afford,the TV set if we save our money.,3. He,was proud of,having such a good friend.,4. I dont think the,reader,will be interested in this book.,5. After his father died, Tom,carried on,with the business.,Homework,Remember the main phrases and sentences.,Describe the ORBIS and its doctor using your own words.,ByeBye!,


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