Future car 未来汽车

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Future car,In my dream, the future car may not have a strong power or the wings. It can not fly in the sky or sail in the sea.,But it is a intelligent friendly car. It can communicate with its drivers. And it must be safe.,Intelligence,The idea of a self-driving car isnt new. There are already cars on the road that can drive and park themselves.,By using,lasers,radars,and,cameras, the cars can analyze information about their surroundings faster than a human can.,Then there are some apps aimed at fixing lifes little problems.,Safety,Imagine approaching an crossroad as,another,car c,omes. You dont see them at first, but your car gets a signal from the,other car that warns,you of the potential,collision, or even,avoid an accident.,Environmental protection,The future car may be a solar car. Compared with traditional cars, solar car is a true zero emissions.,Solar energy generation is no pollution, low noise.,Thanks,


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