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九年级英语下册(,YL,),Unit,4,Life in Mars,第,1,课时,Welcome to the unit,Listen and answer the questions.,2. How does Eddie like life on Mars?,1. Where are they?,They are on Mars.,Why?,Eddie hates Mars. Because of the helmet, he cant get to his food.,Comic,Whats the life like on Mars?,pills,on Mars,on Earth,food,Lead in,pollution,no pollution,Lead in,Whats the life like on Mars?,on Mars,on Earth,breathing oxygen,We must wear space helmets to go outside.,Lead in,Whats the life like on Mars?,on Mars,on Earth,Do you know what the following things are? They are necessary when we live on Mars.,air tank,(,氧气罐,),Lead in,dried food,(干粮),power pack,(,电源包,),Lead in,space helmet,(,太空头盔,),special boots,Lead in,computer,sleeping bag,tent,Lead in,A. Daniel is dreaming about visiting another planet. What should he take with him? Write the name of the item under each picture.,air tank, computer, dried food, power pack, sleeping bag, space helmet, special boots, tent,Life in space,air tank,tent,dried food,space helmet,special boots,computer,power pack,sleeping bag,Life in space,air tank, computer, dried food, power pack, sleeping bag, space helmet, special boots, tent,B Daniel is talking to Amy about living on Mars. What would it be like to live on Mars?,Life in space,Life on Mars,_ gravity,2. wear _ boots,3. need _ bags,4. eat _ food,5. no _,Feelings,_,less,special,sleeping,dried,pollution,boring,Read the conversation and answer the questions.,1. Why do we need to wear special boots on Mars?,2. What else do we need to live on Mars?,3. Why do we have to eat dried food on Mars?,4. Is there any pollution on Mars?,Because theres less gravity on Mars.,2. We might need sleeping bag too.,3. Because there is no fruit or vegetables.,4. We dont know. Amy hopes that there is no pollution on Mars.,Life in space,Do you like to live on Mars? Why or why not?,Discussion,翻译下列句子。,-,我从未想过到太空旅行。,-,我也是。,2.,生活在火星会是什么样子的?,- Ive never thought about travelling into space.,- Me neither.,What would it be like to live on Mars?,Practice,1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.,2. Preview the article:,Moving to Mars,Homework,谢谢观看,


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