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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,http:/,cyber-crime,Some Crimes,一级重罪,旧金山,女律师,克莱尔,与成功商人汤姆一直过着令人羡慕的婚姻生活。然而这种平静瞬息之间就被打破了,就在两人在街巷中散步时,却有不知何处来的大批军警忽然把两人围住,把汤姆强行带走。几经查问,克莱尔终于被告知,丈夫曾是秘密军人,而军方现正指控他在巴西的,萨尔瓦多,犯下了“屠杀罪”!就在克莱尔想要深入调查此事并为自己的丈夫辩护时,军方又借口此事牵涉军事机密不能公开审讯,汤姆只能在军事法庭接受秘密审判,整个事件云山雾罩般地蒙着一层薄纱。,不得已,克莱尔找来军事法庭律师查尔斯,格瑞姆一起调查这场诡异的官司。但汤姆到底有罪或是无罪?连克莱尔自己心中也充满着疑惑。查尔斯能否帮助克莱尔弄清真相?汤姆能否与克莱尔复合?一切都将在查尔斯把整个案件推向公开法庭之时,大白于天下。,Vandalism,故意毁坏,The defacement or destruction of public or private property,.,损坏或破坏公私财产的行为。,Hit-and-run,肇事逃逸,An automobile accident in which the driver fails to stop and identify himself or herself.,指一起汽车事故中,肇事司机不停车,且不亮明自己身份。,The attempted use of a credit to obtain goods or services with the intention of avoiding payment,.,企图使用信用卡获取货物或服务,并故意逃避付款。,Violence toward a family member, including child abuse or wife beating,.,对家庭成员施加的暴力,包括虐待儿童和殴打妻子,。,Credit-card fraud,信用卡欺诈,Domestic violence,家庭暴力,About cyber-crime,同近义词,网络犯罪;,computer crime,计算机犯罪,information crime,Cyber-crimes,网络犯罪,Electronic data-processing crime; criminal offenses committed using computer technology.,在电子数据处理方面的犯罪;利用电脑技术进行的犯罪,。,英,frd,美,frd,n.,欺骗;骗子;诡计,短语,soccer fraud,假球;黑哨;踢假球,Securities Fraud,证券欺诈;金融诈骗;涉嫌证券诈骗罪;证券诈骗,charity fraud,诈捐门;新词诈捐门;热词翻译,Commercial Fraud,商业诈骗;商业欺诈,telecommunications fraud,电信行骗,The prosecutor,accused the defendant of,fraud,.,原告,控告被告犯有欺诈罪。,fraud,英,hk,adj.,骑马的,v.,砍;出租(,hack,的,ing,形式),n. (Hacking),人名;,(,英,),哈金,System Hacking,系统入侵;电脑系统入侵;不确定系统,Employees,have tremendous levels of internal access and system knowledge, but for the most part probably have limited resources and,hacking skill.,雇员,具有非常高的内部访问级别和系统知识水平,但他们的资源和黑客技能可能很有限,。,hacking,英美,trfk,n.,非法交易(尤指毒品买卖),vi.,交易(,traffic,的现在分词),短语,illicit trafficking,非法贩运,Air Trafficking,空中贩运,drug trafficking,毒品走私;贩毒;毒品交易;走私贩毒,trafficking ring,走私集团,At the same time, she said, Afghanistan still faces threats from extremist violence and narcotics trafficking,.,同时,她说,阿富汗仍然面临来自极端主义暴力和毒品贩运的威胁。,trafficking,The causes of cyber- crime,THE CAUSE OF THE BASIC ECONOMY,Disparities between rich and poor are usually easy to let some people produce psychological imbalance and uneven, plus see the many unfair, naturally easy to produce a contempt(,轻蔑,藐视,)for social or even reverse(,相反的,倒转的,颠倒的,)psychology(,心理学,心理,),Education,the family education,The family is the life of the first education units, parents are a childs first teachers.,the school education,With the development of education, the time we stay at school is very long. In education, students in the contend dont right from wrong is very important, not blind focused only on the results, should develop the students sense of social responsibility and,civic virtue(,公民道德,),.,heavy pressure,With the increasingly fierce market competition .peoples life in order to speed up the pace in the intense competition environment for,survival and redouble efforts to peoples psychological,stress and psychological burden of aggravating. While they accumulated to a certain degree but no proper frenzy leads to crime,The personal character,Avarice,贪婪,Pride,傲慢,Envy,嫉妒,Wrath,暴怒,laziness,懒惰,Lust,欲望,What can we do to prevent cyber-crimes?,a clear legal and popular law,common people can easily read and understand,Knowledge dissemination(,传播),rewarding virtue,(美德),in order to promote the ethical conduct of specialties,.,促进道德行为的昌明,improve education,Education is a,thorough,reform; education through a shortcut, the feelings of the young,minds to,ethic,教育正起着正本,清源的作用;教育通过感情的捷径,把年轻的心灵引向道德,In Conclusion,First, we should reinforce the cyber laws to punish cyber criminals strictly.,Moreover, we should develop high techniques as soon as possible to improve intrusion detection and prevent cyber crimes.,Besides, more talented people should be trained and more effective firewalls should be built up so as to make the net immune to all kinds of viruses.,


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