chapter2 计算机2

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 2,How to Write a Scientific Paper,Think About,What is the clear structure of a scientific paper? Which sections do you need to address in detail?,What contents does an abstract usually include? What aspect should you importantly show in this paragraph?,How many words around are necessary for an abstract?,Is it better to write the abstract after the rest of paper is completed?,Can an abstract refer to other parts of the paper or figures/tables?,Think About,What contents does an introduction usually include? What does the “setting” mean? What does the “gap” mean?,What is addressed in a conclusion section?,What should be described in the main part of a scientific paper?,Is it important to cite the literature carefully and fully according to the requirement of the journal or conference proceeding you submit to?,What tips have you obtained from this chapter?,The Clear Structure of a Scientific Paper,Keywords (optional),Introduction,Method,Result,Discussion (optional),Conclusion and future work,Reference,Abstract,Abstract,A,bstract is,a concise single paragraph summary,of the entire paper that includes,background,purpose,method,result,and,conclusion,in the research,Most importantly, you should show the,originality,of your research in this section, otherwise,people may not have,interest in reading the following contents,Abstract,An abstract is usually written,in,no more than,two hundred words,It is easier to write the,abstract,after,the rest of paper is completed. After all, it is difficult to summarize something that is not yet written,An abstract should stand on its own, and,NOT,refer to any other part of the paper including figures and tables.,This summary focuses on the proposed,method and result, and limits background information to a sentence or two, or even omits if not absolutely necessary,Introduction and Conclusion,Introduction is actually the extension of the abstract. This section gives the reader an initial overview of this work. It usually includes,setting,review of literature,gap/purpose,method,result, and,overview of the contents,Introduction,Setting,means opening up the subject. Your subject may be nonverbal language in human-computer interaction, face detection in images, or whatever. Setting lets the reader see your research area at a glance,Review of literature,means surveying the past work relevant to this paper. Here you should mention previous works and both of their contribution and limitation,Then you indicate the current,gap or the problem,that will be resolved in your paper, and what your,research motivation or purpose,is,Next introduce your,method, and briefly describe,what have been done and achieved,from this work,Finally,overview,the contents in this paper to give a clear clue,Conclusion,Conclusion simply summarizes what has been accomplished in this paper. This section reemphasizes the main purpose or hypothesis of this work, reviews findings, describes,advantages and limitations,as well, and recommends possible,applications,and future direction,Note,Many readers would read,ONLY,the introduction and conclusion of your paper. The two sections must be written carefully and thoroughly, so the basic idea of your research can be understood by someone who does not read the main body of your paper,Main body of a paper,The main body of a paper consists of the,method,result,and,discussion,(optional),In the main body of the paper, you should define all the,terminolog,ies, notation,s, and abbreviation,s,to be used first, and then work toward the details,From developing the equations on which your research is based to describing your methodology or algorithm,step by step, you should do your best to let the result or achievement be obtained,smoothly and understandably,Reference,Peer reviewers judge what your work is based on by looking through your references,The source and range you have read about decide your research level, so cite your literature,carefully and fully,according to the,requirement,of the journal or conference proceeding you submit to,Useful tricks,Finish a complete,draft,first. In writing your first draft, dont worry if the wording is not perfect or the grammar is not correct, but just put down the words as you are explaining what you are working on to a very good friend.,Polishing the paper comes later!,Useful tricks,Express your ideas as concise,ly,as possible. Make sure that your materials are easy for a reader to follow. Keep in mind that your readers probably understand less than you think.,Each paragraph should only have one main point,. It is recommended to state the central point in a topical sentence at beginning of the paragraph. Avoid mixing different ideas in the same paragraph,Useful tricks,Avoid,foggy,writing. Reduce the length of your sentences by breaking long sentences into shorter ones. Get rid of as many complicated words as possible by using simpler words instead. Get rid of as many abstract words as possible, because abstract words often convey a different meaning to the reader than the one you intended,Useful tricks,Use,verbs,more than nouns. Let the verbs carry the action, so that your writing will sound better than burying the main action in nouns or adjectives. For example, compare “It is our expectation that the input will be expanded into other natural languages in future.” with “We expect to expand the input into other natural languages in future.”, then you can tell the different effect,Useful tricks,Keep verb tense consistent. Dont change verb tense frequently between the future and present tense for no reason.,The simplest way is just to stick to the present tense,. For example, “We propose a novel method in this paper.”, instead of “We shall propose a novel method in this paper.”,Useful tricks,Get rid of as many,passive verbs,as possible, because passive verbs often make writing obscure, incomprehensible, and even boring,Useful tricks,Transition,between ideas or paragraphs must go smoothly. Make sure that the reader always has a roadmap of your paper in mind. The reader must always be able to understand what you have described and what you are going to talk about,Useful tricks,Do not use “this” or “that” as a pronoun, otherwise the antecedent is often missing or poorly defined. The solution to this problem is to change “this” to an adjective by inserting a suitable noun. For example, avoid using sentence such as “this is”, and instead, use “this problem is” or “that result is” and so forth,Useful tricks,Polish,your paper as perfect as possible. Watch out for subtle grammar mistakes, sentence rhythm and timing. Make sure that the ideas flow clearly, simply and smoothly, and the entire paper looks just fine and pleasing. If some section does not quite sound right, work on it some more until it looks satisfying,Above All,P,ractice makes perfect,!,Read and write more, and you will get better at this step over time as you develop a feel for clearly scientific writing,


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