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,冀,教,版,八,年级下,Unit8,Save Our World,Lesson 44,Environment,Clubs,答 案 呈 现,温馨,提示,:,点击,进入,讲评,习题链接,1,waste,2,least,3,reduce,4,pollute,6,7,8,9,10,How,much; throw,away,encourage; to bring; reusable,Neither; nor; come,Its; to,reduce,Shut,down; using,课内知识,夯实基础,5,shut,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,1,sharing; pollution,2,polluted,3,Dont throw away,these,old books.,4,C,6,7,8,9,10,C,C,A,D,C,题组专训,突破考点,5,encourages,1,C,2,A,3,A,4,D,6,7,8,9,10,am,litres,least,pollution,skipped,5,D,课后巩固,拓展延伸,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,课后巩固,拓展延伸,11,12,13,14,15,They fill the shopping bags with food,What can we do to save water,Shut down the computer before leaving,We cant let the water leak out,Lets work together to protect the earth,16,17,18,19,B,C,C,A,一、根据汉语提示写,单词,并,背记相应英语词汇,1. Its a _,(,浪费,) of,time to play games.,2. 【,经典例句,】He knows most who,speaks _ (,最少,).,waste,least,3.,To,_,(,减少,) pollution, the Chinese government,has taken some steps.,4.,We,should not read books that _,(,污染,) our,minds.,5.,Its,good manners to _,(,关上,) the door,behind you,.,reduce,pollute,shut,二、根据汉语意思完成,句子,并,背记英语句子,6.,(,吃过,),午饭,后你扔掉多少,垃圾,?,_ _,garbage,do you _ _,after lunch?,How,much,throw,away,7.,环境,(,保护,),俱乐部,鼓励学生们用可再用的袋子和餐具带午餐。,Environment clubs,_,students _ _,their,lunches in _ bags and dishes,.,encourage to,bring reusable,8.,老师和学生都不开车来,学校,!,_,the students,_,the teachers,_,to school in,cars!,Neither nor,come,9.,这是减少包装的一种好方法。,_,a good way,_ _,packaging.,Its to reduce,10.,当你不用电脑,时,把,它关掉。,_ _,the,computer when you,are not,_ it.,Shut,down,using,1.,在许多大城市共享单车能使人们自由地到处,旅行又,无污染。,In many big,cities,_,bikes,can,make people,travel around freely without,_,.,sharing,pollution,2. In the,past, many,rivers were,_,(,污染,) seriously, but,now they are cleaned up.,polluted,3.,不要扔掉这些旧书,。,【,中考,丹东,】,_,Dont throw away,these,old books.,4.,Dont,_,the,waste paper. We can,collect and,recycle it.,Youre right. Everyone should be a greener person.,A. blow away,B,. put away,C,. throw away,C,5. Mr. Xi Jinping,_,(,鼓励,) young,people to,find happiness,in hard work.,【,改编,大庆,】,encourages,6. My teacher encourages us,_,English,as,much as,possible.,【,2021,石家庄一模,】,A. speak B,. speaking,C,. to speak,D,. spoke,C,7. Dont,_,any,more,time, or,we will miss,the meeting,.,A. save,B,.,trust,C.,waste,D.,love,C,8. These beautiful animals are endangered. We,must,_,them,.,【,2021,江西,】,A. save,B,. show,C,. stop,D,. catch,【,点拨,】,save,节约,挽救,; show,展示,; stop,停止,; catch,抓住,。句,意为“这些美丽的动物濒临,灭绝,我们,必须挽救它们”,。根据,句意故选,A,。,A,9. Its a good habit to,_,the,lights before,leaving the,classroom.,【,中考,大庆,】,A. go on,B,. go off,C. turn,on,D. turn,off,D,10.,I,cant hear clearly.,Please,_,the radio,a little,.,Just,one minute. Ill do it right away,.,【,中考,十堰,】,A. turn on,B,. turn off,C. turn up,D,. turn down,C,一、单项选择,1. Dont waste much time,_,computer,games.,A. play,B,. plays,C. playing,D,. to,play,C,2. My teacher encouraged me,_,English,as,much as,possible.,【,中考,绥化,】,A. to speak,B,. speak,C,.,speaking,A,3. Please,_,the computer, Lily,. Its time for,you to,go to bed.,【,中考,株洲,】,A. turn off,B,. turn up,C,. turn,on,A,4.,Sam, lets,_,these,old things. I dont,need them,anymore.,No,. We can try to put them to good use,.,【,2021,铁岭、葫芦岛,】,A. pull down,B,. fix up,C. hand out,D,. throw,away,【,点拨,】,pull down,推倒,; fix,up,修理,; hand,out,分发,; throw away,扔掉。句意为“,萨姆,让,我们把这些旧东西扔掉吧,。我,不再需要。,不,我们,可以好好利用它们”。由后面,的,“I dont,need them anymore.”,可知,这些,旧东西肯定是扔掉。故选,D,。,D,5.,Is,it necessary,_,us,_,some photos before,saving the old,man?,Yes, it,is. We can protect ourselves if we do so.,A.,of; taking B,.,for; taking,C.,of; to,take,D,.,for; to,take,【,点拨,】,用,固定搭配法,。固定句型,It is +,adj,. + for sb. +,to do,sth.,。问句句意为“对我们,来说,在,救助老人之前有,必要拍,些照片,吗,? ”,故,选,D,。,D,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空,6. Neither Jane nor I,_,(be) from,the U.S.,7. It is normal for an adult to drink 1.5,_,(litre),of,water every day,.,am,litres,8. 【,新题,】With,AI, people,can do the most work,in the,_,(little) time,.,9. Everyone in the world should focus on the,air,_,(pollute).,10. He,_,(skip) aside,to avoid another blow,.,least,pollution,skipped,三、连词成句,11.,fill, food, they, the, with, bags, shopping,_,.,They fill the shopping bags with food,12.,we, save, what, to, can, water, do,_,?,13. shut,down, before, computer, leaving, the,_,!,What can we do to save water,Shut down the computer before leaving,14.,cant, the, leak, we, let, water, out,_,.,15.,work, protect, lets, to, earth, together, the,_,!,We cant let the water leak out,Lets work together to protect the earth,四、阅读,理解,【,2021,德阳,】,16. How many bad results will there be if all the,rubbish is,buried,together? _,A. Two.,B,. Three.,C,. Four,.,D. Five,.,请同学们看,典中点,第,96,页,短文。,B,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。根据第一段中,的,“As,a,result, it will,take up some fields. Some rubbish will pollute the,groundwater. Some,rubbish that can be reused will be wasted.”,可知,垃圾整体掩埋,会,存在占地方、污染地下水和造成浪费的结果,。故,选,B,。,17. What does the underlined,phrase “,take up,” in,Paragraph,1,mean? _,A.,处理,B,.,改变,C,.,占用,D,.,从事,【,点拨,】,词义猜测题。结合句意及后面,的,“some,fields”,可知,整体,掩埋垃圾占地方。,因此, take,up,的意思是“占用”。故选,C,。,C,18. Which of the following is harmful waste? _,A,. Metal.,B,. Paper.,C,. Medicine.,D,. Glass,.,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。根据第三段中,的,“,Harmful,waste includes,things like,medicine, batteries,.”,可知,药品,是有害垃圾,。故,选,C,。,C,19. What can we learn from the,passage? _,A. Students in Deyang have known how to sort the rubbish.,B. Paper and metal can be thrown into a “dry waste” bin.,C. The whole world is working hard on rubbish sorting.,D. China has already succeeded in sorting the rubbish.,【,点拨,】,主旨大意题。根据倒数第二段中,的,“Students in Deyang,have already received waste-sorting guidebooks. They,have studied,these books and known how to sort the rubbish.”,可知,德阳,的学生知道如何垃圾分类。故选,A,。,A,


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