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写作素养提升练,人教版八年级下,Unit 8 Have you read,Treasure Island,yet?,人教版八年级下,本单元我们以“文学和音乐”为话题,学习运用现在完成时结构谈论已读过的书和已经听过的音乐。书中不仅有眼前,还有诗和远方;读书能让真正的阳光住在心里。我爱阅读,你爱阅读吗?快来介绍一下经验,倡导大家都来阅读吧!,假设你班正在开展“我最喜欢的歌手”演讲活动。请你根据下面的提示写一篇英语短文。,提示:,1.,我喜欢的歌手是加斯,布鲁克斯,(Garth Brooks),,他是美国著名的乡村音乐歌手。,2. 1987,年,他来到了乡村音乐的发源地,田纳西州,(Tennessee),。,1989,年,他的首张专辑,(album),发行,获得了成功。他的唱片销量已经超过,2,亿张。,3.,他的歌曲富有感情,勾起我生活中最美好的东西,朋友、家人、大自然和乡村的美丽。听他的歌,给人以快乐和活力。,【,谋篇布局,】,理清文章要素,构建文章结构。,我最喜欢的歌手,引入话题,favorite, famous, country music singer,介绍歌手的成长经历,come to, come out, success, popular musicians, sell, records,说明喜欢歌手的原因,full of feelings, remind sb. of sth.,【,遣词造句,】,就结构图中的要点和词语写出句子。,1.,我最喜欢的歌手是加斯,布鲁克斯,他是美国著名的乡村音乐歌手。,_is Garth Brooks. He is a famous American country music singer.,My favorite singer,2. 1987,年,他来到了乡村音乐的发源地,田纳西州,(Tennessee),。,In 1987, he _the home of country musicTennessee.,3. 1989,年,他的首张专辑,(album),发行,获得了很大的成功。,In 1989, his first album _and it enjoyed _.,came to,came out,great success,4.,自那以来,他成为美国最受欢迎的音乐人之一。,Ever since then, he _,_in America.,5.,他的歌曲富有感情,勾起我生活中最美好的东西,朋友、家人、大自然和乡村的美丽。,His songs are full of feelings. They_,_friends, family, the beauty of _,_.,has been one of the most,popular musicians,remind me of the best,things in life,nature,and the countryside,6.,当,我听他的歌曲时,我总是感到快乐,充满了,活力,。,When I listen to his songs, I,always_,and I am,_.,feel happy,full of energy,【,巧妙衔接,】,利用连词,使句子意思连贯。,在介绍自己最喜欢的歌手的成长经历时,可按时间顺序介绍,比如文中用到了,in 1987, in 1989, ever since then,这些表示时间的词语,这样使行文脉络清晰。,【,连句成篇,】,_,_,【,精彩范文,】,My favorite singer is Garth Brooks. He is a famous American country music singer. In 1987, Garth Brooks came to the home of country musicTennessee. At that time he wasnt popular at all. In 1989, his first album came out and it enjoyed great success. Ever since then, Garth Brooks has been famous and has been one of the most popular musicians in America. He has sold more than 200 million records.,I like Garth Brooks music because his songs are full of feelings. They remind me of the best things in lifefriends, family, the beauty of nature and the countryside. When I listen to his songs, I always feel happy and I am full of energy.,文学名著能够启发我们的思想,也能给我们带来乐趣,那么你最喜欢的一本名著是什么呢?请你根据以下提示写一篇英语小短文,向大家简要介绍一下它。,提示问题:,1. Which classic do you like best?,2. What is it mainly about?,3. What do you learn from it?,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,My favorite classic is,The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,(,绿野仙踪,). It mainly describes the story of Dorothy in the land of Oz. A strong wind took her to Oz. She made three special friends there. They experienced many difficulties together but they never gave up halfway. Finally they succeeded in achieving their dreams. It teaches me to be brave and never give up in the face of difficulties. Ever since then, I have always tried my best to get over difficulties in my life.,


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