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中考考点专练,Unit 8 Natural disasters,提示,:,点击 进入习题,1,2,6,7,考点,1,答案呈现,B,broke down,3,C,A,break into,4,5,D,broke out,1,2,考点,2,come down,comes down,3,4,come down,coming down,1,2,考点,4,答案呈现,move away,3,washed away,fly away,4,put them away,5,take away,1,2,3,考点,3,B,D,4,Thousands of,B,5,two thousand tourists,6,Hundreds of students,7,three million workers,一、单项选择,。,1. ,中考,连云港, April 15 was a sad day,for France,. A large fire,_ at,the Notre Dame,de Paris,.,A. broke out,B,. carried out,C. gave out,D,. ran out,A,2. ,庐阳区模拟,How did you like your trip,to the,mountain last Sunday?, It couldnt be worse. My bike,_ several times,on the way.,A. sold out,B.,broke down,C. showed up,D,. ran,away,B,3,. ,安徽中考规范总复习,Why were you late?,My car _,on,the way. So I had to walk here.,A. calmed down,B,. went down,C. broke down,D,. came,down,C,4,. ,安徽中考规范总复习, Last night,someone,_,the,shop and took away lots of,valuable watches,.,A. broke out,B,. broke up,C. broke off,D,. broke into,D,二、选择合适的短语并用其正确形式填空。,5. Millions of people lost their family and houses after,the war _.,6. The washing machine _,so I had to,wash clothes,by hand.,7. Jim saw someone,_a,house and,steal something,.,break out; break into; break down,broke down,break into,broke out,根据汉语意思完成句子。,1.,这座桥何时倒塌的,?,When did the bridge,_,_,?,2.,大雨倾盆。,The rain _ _,in,torrents,(,如,急流般地,).,come,down,comes,down,3,.,我们被迫降落在一块地里。,We were forced to _ _,in,a field.,4.,石油在降价。,Petroleum is _ _,in,price.,come,down,coming,down,一、单项,选择。,1. ,中考,郴州, Every year,_ books,are,given away,to the poor children in the countryside.,A. thousand,B,. thousands of,C. thousand of,D,. thousands,B,2. ,中考,大庆,_ volunteers,will be needed,for 2022,Beijing Winter Olympic Games.,A. Two thousand of,B,. Two thousands of,C. Thousand of,D,. Thousands,of,D,3,. ,中考,兰州, We gave away _,books,to,the school,library last year.,A. six,thousands B,. six thousand,C. six thousands,of D,. six thousand of,B,二、根据汉语意思完成句子。,4.,每年成千上万的人到自然保护区去观鸟。,_,_,people,go to the nature reserve,to watch,birds every year.,5.,大厅里大约有两千名游客。,There are about _ _ _,in the hall,.,Thousands,of,two,thousand,tourists,6.,昨天数百名学生参加了会议。,_,_ _,attended,the meeting,yesterday.,7.,大约有三百万工人参加了这次活动。,About _ _ _,took,part in the,activity.,Hundreds,of,students,three,million workers,根据汉语意思完成句子。,1.,请移动一下你的车,以便于我能开过去。,Please,_,_,your,car so that I can,drive past.,2.,雨水冲走了街上的垃圾。,The,rain _ _,the,rubbish on the street.,move,away,washed,away,3.,恶劣的天气使鸟儿飞走了。,The bad weather makes the birds,_ _ .,4.,把你的衣服叠起来放好。,Fold up your clothes and,_ _ _ .,5.,我看到他拿走了你的字典。,I saw him,_ _ your,dictionary.,fly,away,put,them away,take,away,


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