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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,服 务 英 语(一),Best Western Hotel,Human Resourse,Service English,于同一波段思维 用同一语言交流 在同一平台做事,Amy Rong,ITEMS,Greeting 问候,Thanks 致谢,Apologies 致歉,Directions 指路,Festivals 节日,Department 各部门名称,Facility 设施,Courtesy English 礼貌英语,English Training,communication,English,service,沟通,服务,Greeting 问候,(First Meeting 第一次见面时打招呼),问:How do you do ?,答:How do you do ?,Nice to meet you/Glad to meet you,Nice to meet you too.,很高兴见到你,Greeting 问候,How are you?你好吗,Fine, thank you, and you?,我很好,谢谢你,你呢?,How are you doing? 你好吗?,Well, thank you很好,谢谢,Greeting 问候,祝您过得愉快!,Have a good time!,你看起来气色不错。,You look fine today,我很高兴你这么认为,I am glad you think so.,Thanks 致谢,Thanks 谢谢,Thank you 谢谢你!,Thanks a lot 多谢!,Thank you for your help 谢谢你的帮助!,You are welcome,您太客气了,Its my pleasure,这是我的荣幸,Thats all right 不用谢!,Not at all 没什么,Dont mention it 何足挂齿,Apologies 致歉,Excuse me 请原谅/打扰一下,I am sorry. 对不起,I apologize for this.,我为此感到很抱歉,Directions 指路,Go upstairs/downstairs. 上楼,Its on the 2nd floor. 在二楼,This way, please. Turn left/right,这边请,向左/右转,This way to the elevator.,这条路通往电梯,Festivals 节 日,New Year 新年New Years Day 元旦Spring Festival 春节Saint Valentines Day 情人节,Happy Birthday 生日快乐,Merry Christmas 圣诞节,各部门名称,Front Office 前厅部,Food and Beverage 餐饮部,Housekeeping 房务部,Human Resource 人力资源部,Sales and Marketing 市场营销部,Financial Department 财务部,Engineering Department 工程部,Security Department 安保部,Western,Restaurant,中餐厅,Chinese,Restaurant,西餐厅,Coffee,Shop,咖啡厅,Bar,酒吧,Car Park,停车场,Business,Center,VISA,Credit Card,信用卡,Conference Room,会议室,商务中心,Luggage Service,行李服务,Bell Service,Safety Deposit Box,贵重物品寄存,morning/wake up call,叫醒服务,Room Service,送餐服务,Currency Exchange,外币兑换,IDD,Shopping,Arcade,商场,长途,直拔,International Direct Dail,Night Club,夜 总 会,tennis courts,swimming pool,Saunna,桑拿浴,L & F,失物招领,Flower Ordering,鲜花预订,Lost and Found,Shoe Shine Service,擦鞋服务,洗衣服务,laundry Service,Courtesy English 礼貌英语,1、旅游愉快吗?,Did you have to nice trip?,2、我是接待员(行李员、电梯员、话务员、收帐员、电工、清洁工、洗衣工、厨师、餐厅服务员、调酒员、美容师)。,I am the receptionist .,(porter/liftoperator/operator/cashier/electrician/cleaningperson,Laundry worker/cook/waiter, waitress/bartender/beautician).,3、需要我帮忙吗?,What can I do for you?,4、还需要些什么?,What else I can do for you?,5、请稍等一会儿。,Just a moment,please.,6、请稍等一会儿。,Just a moment,please.,7、很高兴为您服务。,I am always at your service.,8、希望您在这里住得愉快。,I hope you will enjoy your stay with us here.,9、对不起,给您添麻烦了。,I am awfully sorry to have caused you so much inconvenience.,10、如果您需要什么帮助,请及时告诉我。,Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you.,11、这边请。,This way , please.,12、请走这边。,Would you care to step this way , please?,13、您先请。,After you.,14、对不起,我马上就过来。,Excuse me , Ill be with you in a minute.,15、能告诉我您的姓名吗?,May I have you name?,16、对不起,让您久等了。,Sorry to have you kept waiting.,17、您能填一下这张表吗?,Would you please fill in this form?,18、您如何付帐,是现金还是信用卡?,How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card?,19、对不起,我能进来吗?,Excuse me ,may I come in?,20、您可以坐这部电梯到客房。,You may go to your room by this elevator.,21、我马上为您查一下。,Let me have a check for you.,22、祝您生意兴隆。,I wish you a good business.,23、 What kind of room would you like, sir?先生,您要什么样的房间?,24、May I know your name and your room number, please? 我可以知道您的名字和房间号码吗?,25、 Heres your room key. 这是您的房间钥匙。,26、Im sorry to keep you waiting, sir. What can I do for you? 先生,对不起,让您久等了。我能为您做点什么吗?,27、May I known your name, please? 请问尊姓大名?(不认识客人时用),28、Im sorry, sir. Our hotel rooms are all booked at this moment. We have no vacancy.,对不起,先生。我们已经客满,没有空房间。,29、 Here is your bill, sir. 先生,这是您的帐单。,30、 Please sign here, sir. 先生,请在这签上您的名字。,31、We hope you will come stay with us again. 希望您再光临我们酒店。,32、 Be sure to keep it. 请好好保存,Bye Bye,Thank you to,join this class,


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