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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016-9-20,#,以读写结合方式,提高阅读、写作教学效果,1,请大家思考,您在听课观察中,是否发现阅读教学中存在问题?,如果有问题,请具体说明存在什么问题?,3,请看下面课例,,观察并指出该阅读课中的问题。,文章见案例二,Unit 1 Great scientists,Reading,1. Skimming,1). Whats the main idea of the passage?,John Snow was a well-known doctor in London.,The cause of Cholera was polluted water.,The source of all drinking water should be examined.,How John Snow collected, analyzed data and found the cause of the disease and solved it .,2.Careful reading,Read the first paragraph carefully,then answer these questions,1.What was the most deadly disease in 19,th,century?Why?,2.When could the cholera be controlled?,The cholera,because neither its cause,nor its cure was understood.,John Snow knew it would never be controlled until its cause was found.,3. What were the two theories explaining how cholera killed people?,in Para 2,Read the third paragraph then tell whether these sentences are true or false.,4.When another outbreak hit London in 1854,John snow was ready to test these two theories.,5.He found that in two tall buildings the cholera outbreak was so severe.,True or false:,tall,buildings,6. What helped John Snow find the clue about the cause of the disease?,(,Para 5),7. When was John Snow able to announce,with certainty,that polluted water carried disease?,A map of London,After he found two deaths in another part of London that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.,(Para 6) 8.What was his suggestion to defeat cholera?,He suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined and new methods of dealing with polluted water be found.,请大家思考,阅读教学中存在什么问题,1,、阅读教学走流程;,2,、老师替学生读的多,真正,的阅读少;,3,、老师与学生之间没有真交,流,学生没有真思考。,15,学生在写作中经常出现的问题有哪些?,句子结构性错误;,时态误用比比皆是;词性不清;,中文式英文;,句子间缺乏逻辑;,篇章布局不合理;,7.,缺乏交际意识,;,8.,作文内容贫乏,言之无物。,请您回答,Lily came to me ad she held my hands,16,The Power of Encouragement,We often get into trouble in our life. I,m glad that my best friend always encourages me when I am in trouble.,The sports meeting was held. When I wasn,t sure whether,I would join in it or not, Lily encouraged me to take part in the running race. So, I trained hard every day. She always encouraged me when I wanted to give up.,Before the race started, I felt nervous. I was afraid of,losing the race and making our teacher disappointed. Suddenly Lily came to me and she held my hands. Just the simple action made me feel relaxed. Finally, I won the race.,I will never forget Lily because her encouragement always makes me powerful. I realize the power of encouragement.,Lily came to me and she held my hands.,英语写作的座右铭:,Show more than tell.,即:用细节支持避免说教。,17,从学生写作中出现的问题,反观我们的写作教学,您认为教师写作教学中的问题都有哪些? 您在课堂观察中是否发现了类似问题?,写作几乎没有指导,基本上是老师布置写作任务,学生自己写,或者把写作当做家庭作业布置。,忽略输入在写作中的示范作用。教师布置写作任务时,不提供可供学生学习写作的范例,所以学生写作时无从下手。,3.,许多写作任务都是以准备考试为目的,基本套用高考写作题目的模式。,18,您在课堂观察中是否发现了类似问题?,4.,要求学生背诵范文,机械套用一些不同文体的篇章结构。因此,学生的作品千篇一律,只有空洞的框架,没有鲜活的思想和内容。,5.,教师只重视写作结果,不重视写作过程。评价学生作品时,过分关注某些语言点的对错,对写作内容、文章的结构及逻辑性等不重视。,19,您在课堂观察中是否发现了类似问题?,6.,忽略评价和反馈,只给一个分数。忽略同伴之间的反馈。,7.,一节写作课上对学生要求面面俱到,重点不突出,教学实效性低。,20,请您回答,1.,您对写作教学有规划吗?,如果有,您是如何规划的?,请举例说明。,2.,在课堂上,您如何实施写作教学?,请举例说明。,21,22,解决学生写作问题的途径是什么?,基于课文的读写结合、,以读促写、以写促读的探索,23,24,为什么把读写结合在一起?,25,一、读写结合的理论基础,1. Krashen,的可理解性输入假说,The comprehensible,input hypothesis,. This states that learners progress in their knowledge of the language when they comprehend language input that is slightly more advanced than their current level. Krashen called this level of input i+1, where i is the learners interlanguage and +1 is the next stage of language acquisition.,26,Interlanguage:,字面意思是,中介语,,是介于母语和,第二,语言,之间的一种学习者语言。,27,2. Swain,输出假说的提出,28,Swain,的,可理解性输出假设的三个功能,(1),注意,/,触发功能,:,语言输出促使二语学习者意识到自己语言体系中的部分语言问题,进而可以触发对现有语言知识的巩固或获得新的语言知识的认知过程。,29,Swain,的,可理解性输出假设的三个功能,(2),假设验证功能,:,学习者在语言的学习过程中对目的语做出假设,根据所得到的反馈不断地调整自己的语言输出。,30,Swain,的,可理解性输出假设的三个功能,(3),输出的反省功能,:,二语学习者使用语言反省他人或自己的语言。,31,二、如何将读与写有机结合,课文的作用是什么?,课文是体裁,题材,语言知识的载体,32,1,、课文的话题和其中蕴含的信息,为学生写作提供了丰富素材,使学生作品言之有物,33,案例一,A Student of African Wildlife,34,主要教学流程:,1. Warm up,Do you know this woman?,What do you know about her?,35,2.,处理课文,: A Student of African Wildlife,(,1,)第一次阅读,回答问题,:,Whats the text mainly about?,(,2,)第二次阅读,找出文章各段段意,并划出,支持段落大意的细节,36,2.,处理课文,: A Student of African Wildlife,(,3,)第三次阅读,回答下列问题,Whats Jane Goodalls achievement?,Why is Jane called a student of African wildlife?,Do you think it is important to study chimps,in the wild rather than in a zoo? Give reasons.,What did Jane have to give up when she went,to live in the forest? If you were her, what,would you do?,What are Janes qualities,?,37,(,4,)读后写作任务:,What qualities do you think Jane has?,Choose three important ones and give details,to support your choices. You may refer to,the text if necessary.,你认为,Jane Goodall,具有什么品质,选取三个,你认为最突出的,利用课文中的信息,,给出细节,支持你对其品质的定义。,38,案例一分析(阅读部分):,第二次阅读:获取段落大意,并划出支持段落大意的细节,课文内容,:,见材料,39,40,请思考:,下面阅读教学设计与,您观察到的阅读教学有何不同?,Find the topic sentence:,Text: Its 5:45 am and the sun is just rising over Gombe National Park in East Africa.,What does the first sentence tell us?,It tells us when and where.,Text: Following Janes way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest.,What can you learn from the second sentence?,Who and what.,41,42,Find the topic sentence:,Para 1:,So from sentence two we learn that our group,are going to visit the chimps.,Underline the sentences which show the meaning of “visit” . Then decide what “visit” means here ?,43,Find the topic sentence:,Underline the sentences which show the meaning of “visit”.,Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity.,2. We watch the mother chimp and her babies play in the tree.,3. Then we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night.,What does “visit” here mean?,It means “watch” or “see”.,44,Find the topic sentence:,How about the rest of the sentences? What do they tell you?,1. Most of the time, chimps either feed or clean each other as a way of showing love in their family.,2. We realize that the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family.,The sentences tell us what our group find out about chimps.,45,Whats the topic sentence of paragraph 1?,Following Janes way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest.,Whats a topic sentence like?,A topic sentence should sum up what the paragraph is about.,46,2.,处理课文,: A Student of African Wildlife,(,3,)第三次阅读,回答下列问题,Whats Jane Goodalls achievement?,Why is Jane called a student of African wildlife?,Do you think it is important to study chimps,in the wild rather than in a zoo? Give reasons.,What did Jane have to give up when she went,to live in the forest? If you were her, what,would you do?,What are Janes qualities,?,归纳、概括、判断,与个人经验联系,发表个人见解,总结全文得出结论,为写作作出铺垫,47,案例一分析(写作部分):,(,4,)读后写作任务:,What qualities do you think Jane has?,Choose three important ones and give details,to support your choices. You may refer to,the text if necessary.,你认为,Jane Goodall,具有什么品质,选取三个,你认为最突出的,利用课文中的信息,,给出细节,支持你对其品质的定义。,48,学生习作,1,:,The qualities of Jane Goodall, which impressed Me most:,(,1,),Courageous. She had the courage to explore. Jane Goodall was the first person who,fully understood chimps behavior. She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.,(,2,),Persevering.,When she first arrived in Gombe in 1960, it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest.,But she kept living there and finally she has discovered a lot of things about chimps.,(,3,),Caring.,She has been outspoken about,making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals for forty years. She has helped to set up special places where they can live safely.,齐思宇,49,学生作品,2,Inspiring. Jane tressured the lovely chimps and worked as a scientist on animal protection. No only has she spent 45 years making the rest of the world understand and respect the lives of chimps, but also sent us a clear message that a woman can achieve anything just as a man does.,2. Determined. Despite all the difficulties she had met since the moment she arrived in Gombe, she has never give up her dream, but make efforts to realize it.,3. Outspoken. She published many books and acted in a large number of movies describing the lives of chimps. Moreover, she is the founder of Jane Goodall Institute and the Roots and Shoots program, calling on peoples attention of animal rights.,50,案例二,M5U1,课件,51,2.,课文本身为写作提供了很好的范例,可以做课文仿写。,52,案例三 课文仿写,七年级上册,课题:,Unit1 Family,第四课:,Communication workshop,53,教学背景介绍,单元话题是家庭成员及喜好,在第,1-3,课,学生通过听力和阅读活动,进行了语言学习和初步应用,即,运用,be+,adj., like, be good at,对家庭成员外貌和喜好进行简单描述。本课是一节读写结合课,,聚焦语言的体验与应用,侧重对写作能力与口头表达能力的培养,即以书面的形式对家庭成员进行描述,并能就此话题与同伴进行交流。,54,教学背景介绍,本课分为两个课时。第一课时侧重对课文的理解,引导学生阅读并理解,Steve,在博客中写的关于自己家庭成员的博文,提取文章的主要信息和细节信息,并在整理信息的过程中,引导学生关注并归纳写作结构。在第一课时,学生通过阅读范文,归纳范文结构,列出写作提纲,完成关于家庭成员及其喜好介绍的写作准备。家庭作业为使用课文中的目标语言完成输出性写作任务。,55,教学背景介绍,在第二课时,教师根据评价反馈表,通过在全班进行范文点评,引导学生进行写作自评及互评,引导学生在落实教学目标的基础上,去欣赏彼此在语言及内容上的优点。在学生对写作内容进行修改后,进行全班交流,由学生朗读自己写的博文。最后学生能够和同伴进行自由交流,展开谈论家庭成员的话题。,56,教学流程:,环节一:阅读并回答下面问题,Q1: What does Steve talk about in his blog?,Q2: What family members are mentioned?,环节二:阅读并填写表格,57,环节三、整理信息,语言内化,Elicit Ss to talk about Steve,s family members.,Q: Can you find them in the pictures? Then tell us more,about each one.,环节四、,引导学生发现文本结构(总分结构),“开篇” 介绍个人及家庭状况,;,“细节” 分三段介绍父母、姐妹和爷爷、奶奶。,引导学生关注每个细节文段的写作内容,以及详略安排。,58,I have a big family.,开篇介绍,Mum and dad,Emma and Linda,Grandma and grandpa,细节信息,外貌,爱好,外貌,爱好,擅长,爱好,擅长, 爱好,分析文章结构:“开篇”(介绍个人及家庭状况)和“细节”(分三段介绍父母、姐妹和爷爷、奶奶)。,目的:引导学生关注每个细节文段的写作内容,以及详略安排。,59,环节五、挑战你的记忆力,设计意图:,通过记忆挑战任务,鼓励学生关注描述外貌和喜好的语言。,60,板书强化,突出语言:,be + adj. like sth,be good at sth.,doing sth.,61,环节六、语言练习,设计意图:在新的语境中,运用目标语言。,62,环节七、布置写作任务。,Steve,的,blog,得到了很多同学的关注和跟帖。请你也写一篇,blog,,介绍一下自己家庭成员的外貌及其喜好。,任务说明:模仿课文的结构,描述自己的家庭成员并介绍其喜好。,设计意图:,在新的语境中,运用目标语言。,63,环节八、呈现,Steve,的家族树,设计意图:,在写作前,通过呈现,Steve,的家族树,引导学生思考要介绍哪些家庭成员。,64,要求学生想一想并记录下自己想介绍的家庭成员,Family members,65,环节九、展示范例表格信息,设计意图:通过展示范例,引导学生填写自己的表格。,66,环节十、完成自己的表格,设计意图:通过完成表格,列写作提纲。,67,环节十一、作业,1.,完成写作任务;,2.,为自己写的,blog,准备,2-3,张家人的照片;,3.,听录音并跟读课文。,68,案例四 段落仿写,A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP,69,本课时教学背景介绍,本节课是这个单元的第三课时。第一课时教学内容:学习了与灾难相关的词汇,通过听力,了解了关于地震发生的原因以及防御措施。,第二课时教学内容:学生能朗读课文,粗读了课文,课文中涉及到的语言没有理解障碍,能总结段落大意,能画出课文的结构图。,70,教学目标:,By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:,Find the topic sentences of Paragraphs 2 and 3.,Find out how the author uses the details to support the topic sentences.,3. Write a passage to describe Japan Tsunami,with a clear topic sentence and supporting details.,71,At 3:42 am everything began to shake. It seemed as if the world was at an end! Eleven kilometres directly below the city the greatest earthquake of the 20th century had begun. It was felt in Beijing, which is more than two hundred kilometres away. One-third of the nation felt it. A huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and canals. Steam burst from holes in the ground. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. The suffering of the people was extreme. Two-thirds of them died or were left without parents. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.,72,教学流程:,Read para.2 and answer the questions.,How was the earthquake? Can you use one word to,describe it?,terrible, frightening, horrible, shocking,Can you find any of those words in the text?,No.,73,教学流程:,Read para.2 and answer the questions.,2. How does the writer show us that the,earthquake was terrible?,By,giving a lot of facts.,3. Underline the topic sentence of this paragraph,in your text book.,It seemed as if the world was at an end.,74,Read para.2 and answer the questions.,4. In which aspects does the writer describe,the earthquake?,The damage of the earthquake and the,suffering of people.,5. How does the writer support the topic sentence?,Please find out the facts one by one and set down,some key words.,lay in ruins, died, were injured, were killed, were,left without parents,75,教师利用课文展示给,学生而不是直接告诉学生:,好的写作应该利用细节支撑观点或主旨,即,show more than tell,。,76,Step 5: Watch a video about 2011 Japan Tsunami. Take notes while you listen.,案例二分析,:,写作部分设计,Damages,Suffering of people,swallow; cover.,were trapped; without electricity (4 million).,33 feet high; cars, trucks, ships; airport; bridge; farm field; mud.,no defense,77,Can you work out a topic sentence for those facts?,The city was destroyed in the tsunami and the suffering,of people was extreme.,78,Step 6: Write a passage to describe 2011 Japan Tsunami. The beginning has been given.,At 2:46 pm, March 11th, 2011, the most powerful tsunami struck Japan.,79,At 2:46 pm, March 11,th, 2011, the most powerful tsunami struck Japan.,In a few seconds it seemed as if the world was at an end. The 33-foot waves flooded the coastal area of Japan in 6 minutes and the city lay in ruins. An airport was covered by the water. Tens of thousands of cars, ships, houses and roads were washed away. A lot of buildings were gone. Many bridges fell down. The suffering of the people was extreme. The survivors were trapped on the top of high buildings. More than 4 million families were left without electricity. Thousands of families were killed and a great number of children were left without parents.,80,3.,通过为课文写摘要,提高学生,布局谋篇能力,81,案例五 为课文写摘要,82,1,)第一次阅读要求学生回答问题,Whats the passage mainly about?,2,)第二次阅读要求学生关注文章结构,,能够按照文章大意将课文分成五部分,3,)第三次阅读,要求学生总结归纳每部,分大意,(,1,)第一部分:,Find a problem,(,2,)第二部分:,Do research,(,3,)第三部分:,Think of a creative solution,(,4,)第四部分:,Test the solution,several times,(,5,)第五部分:,Apply for a patent,83,4,)根据文章结构教师提问,学生回答。,5),使用自己的语言,表述文章重要的,idea,。,6),使用恰当的连接词,连接重要的,idea,。,7),完成文章概要写作。,84,案例五分析,85,1,)第一次阅读要求学生回答问题,Whats the passage mainly about?,2,)第二次阅读要求学生关注文章结构,,能够按照文章大意将课文分成五部分,3,)第三次阅读,要求学生总结归纳每部,分大意,4,)根据文章结构教师提问,学生回答。,86,如:第一部分主旨大意是,Find a problem.,教师提问:,What problem did the writer have?,学生回答:,Some snakes came to her mothers courtyard and she had to get rid of them without hurting them.,目的:帮助学生梳理文章重要细节,保证学生获取重要信息。,87,So, what did the writer do to trap them?,First she did some research on the habits of the snakes. After that, she decided on three approaches to catch the snakes.,Of the three, which method did she use?,The third one.,Was her first attempt successful?,No. After three attempts, she succeeded.,What was the result of this successful idea?,She sent the invention to the patent office to get a patent.,88,此环节的目的:引导学生发现文章中的重要点,并且使用自己的语言把这些要点表述出来。,89,老师要求学生将问题答案逐一罗列下来,之后让学生使用恰当的连接词,将答案连接成一篇短文。,90,学生习作,2,:,Snakes came near the writers mother,s house and she had to get rid of them without hurting them. In order to trap them, the writer first did some research on the habits of snakes. After that, she decided on three possible approaches. Of the three, she made up her mind to use the third method. She had tried three times before the third attempt was finally successful. At last, with the encouragement from her relatives, she applied for a patent for her invention.,91,通过教师设计的问答练习,教师让学生自己体会、感悟出好的文章概要写作应该包括下面几点:,文章概要要客观,即不能包含个人主观想法。,2.,文章概要要完整,即不能省略掉重要细节及思想。,3.,文章概要要平衡,即对于原文中的重要观点及细节给予同样的篇幅且应该使用自己的语言而非文章中本身的语言写出概要。,4.,说明文概要写作要求是有逻辑地概括重点。,92,4.,课文改写,提高学生语言运用能力,93,案例六,94,主要教学环节:,1,)完成,pre-reading,中问题,1,和,3,的讨论,,Q1. Where would you find each robot?,What does each one do?,Q2. Do you think its possible for a robot to,think for itself?,have feelings?,have it own needs and desires?,look an feel like a human being?,目的:为阅读做好热身。,95,主要教学环节:,2,)预测课文内容,3,)第一次阅读,验证预测,并,归纳文章大意,4,)第二次阅读,梳理故事中的,主要人物和事件,96,主要教学环节:,5,)第三次阅读,挖掘主人公,Claire,的,情绪变化,6,)第四次阅读,教师引导学生根据故事,发展,将课文分成,6,个场景,教师根据,每个场景设计问题,7,)复习模块三第,3,单元学习过的,A million,pound bank-note,剧本写作的基本要素,,如:旁白,剧目中人物话语特点等,8,)将科幻小说改写成一个剧本,97,案例六分析 (阅读部分),4,)第二次阅读,梳理故事中的主要人物和事件,5,)第三次阅读,挖掘主人公,Claire,的情绪变化,通过第二次和第三次阅读,梳理故事重要信息,引导学生深层理解课文。,98,案例六分析 (写前的铺垫),6,)第四次阅读,引导学生根据事情发展将课文分成,6,个场景,教师根据每个场景设计问题。,此环节教学目的:引导学生关注故事中的重要情节,为剧本写作做铺垫。,99,场景,1.,回答下列问题,What does Tony look like?,tall and handsome, speak in a deep voice,smooth black hair, facial expression,never change,场景,2 .,回答下列问题,What did Tony do to make Claire feel embarrassed?,He offered to help her dress.,场景,3 .,回答下列问题,What made Claire unhappy in her life?,She thought she was overweight, not clever and,her home was not elegant. What,s more, she was not,like Gladys Claffern.,100,场景,4.,回答下列问题,When Tony knew more about Claire, what did Tony do,to help Claire to make her look smarter and her home,elegant?,He gave Claire a new haircut and changed the,makeup she wore. Also he had Claire buy some,new curtains, cushions, a carpet and bedding to,transform the house completely.,Why did Claire call Tony,“,dear,”,?,Because with his help, she won others respect.,101,场景,5.,回答下列问题,Why did Tony suggest that Claire invite her friends to,her house?,He tried to make Gladys and other women envy,Claire.,场景,6.,回答下列问题,Why did Tony open the curtain?,He wanted Claire,s guests to see him and Claire,together so that she would be envied by the,women guests.,Why should Tony be rebuilt?,Because the company felt that it could not have women,falling in love with machines.,102,提问:第一段的作用是什么?,回答:背景介绍。,提问:如何在剧中体现背景?,回答:使用旁白。,103,Satisfaction Guaranteed,Scene 1 in the sitting room.,Narrator: Larry Belmont worked for a company that made,robots. Recently it had begun experimenting with a,household robot. Larry persuaded her wife Claire,to test it for the company. Now the robot is here.,Larry: My dear, This is Tony. And Tony , this is Claire,my wife.,Tony: How do you do,(,He reached out his hand to,Claire but,),Claire:,(,Seeing the human-like robot and his hand, Claire,stepped back.,),How do you do?,学生作品,104,Scene 2 in the bedroom,Tony : Good morning, Madam. Breakfast is ready.,Do you need my help with the dressing?,Claire: (feeling embarrassed and frightened),Get out of here!,105,Scene 3 in the sitting room,Narrator: A week later, Tony and Claire got along well with,each other gradually.,Claire: Tony, I wish I were as smart as you.,Tony : Why? What happened?,Claire: I don,t know how to make my house elegant. And I,want to be slim. But Gladys can do everything well.,Tony: Oh, my dear. I see. You must be very unhappy to say,that. But wait a minute. Let,s see what we can do about it.,Narrator: Then Tony asked Claire to borrow plies of books,and looked for the information. (Now they are in the,sitting room and Tony is reading the books.),Claire:,(Looking at Tony and saying to herself) Oh,what a considerate man! (She reached for his hand.),106,Scene 4 in a shop,Narrator: Tony gave Claire a new haircut and change her,makeup which made her look smarter. And also,he made a shopping list for Claire for the decoration,of the house. Now Claire is shopping),Claire: Can I have a look at that?,Clerk: This is expensive. That one is much cheaper.,Claire:,(,Feeling being looked down on and called Tony.,),Dear Tony, the clerk is rude to me,. (then she turned,around, she saw Gladys and felt embarrassed. ),107,Scene 5 in the sitting room,Narrator: Back home, Claire told Tony she envied Gladys,and Tony suggested that they would hold a,party and invite Gladys and everything would,be OK. For the party they are doing preparation.,Claire: Ah, (She fell off the ladder.),Tony: Oh, dear. (He held her firmly in his arms.),108,Scene 6 in the party,Narrator: When the guests were about to arrive.,Claire: Would you like to stay to your bedroom?,Tony : (Holding her and bending his face close to hers),Claire, I don,t want to leave tomorrow. I feel,more than the desire to please you. I -(then the,door bell rang.),Gladys: Oh, Claire, you look so smart. Look at your hair.,Oh, look at the elegant house. (Looking at Tony),By the way, who is that?,Narrator: Claire felt content and sad. The next day,Tony was taken away.,-By,王免 马鑫 陈强 见硕 赵英凡,109,规划整个单元的写作任务,110,案例七,111,M1-Unit 1 Friendship,写作任务,1,B


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