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课时,3,Section,B(1a,1d),UNIT 9,My,favorite subject is science.,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,提示,:,点击 进入习题,5,答案呈现,cool,free,Wednesday,Sunday,on,At,;,at,on,for,for,Thursday,11,12,13,14,15,boring,free,easy,cool,long,答案呈现,17,C,D,18,19,20,A,A,D,能力提升练,16,22,B,A,23,24,25,D,A,B,21,27,A,C,28,29,30,D,C,A,26,基础巩固练,一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,。,1. I have a P.E. class on _,(,星期四,).,2. The boy in black looks _,(,酷的,).,3. My father is busy and he doesnt have,any,_,(,空闲的,)time,to play with me,.,cool,free,Thursday,4.,_ (,星期三,)is,my favorite day.,5. The first day of a week is _,(,星期日,).,Wednesday,Sunday,二、用介词,on, at,或,for,填空。,6.,(,易错题,)We,have P.E. _,Friday,afternoon,.,on,7. _ seven oclock, we have breakfast _ home,.,At at,8. My parents go to visit my grandparents _ Sundays,.,on,9. Lucy likes some bread and milk _ breakfast,.,for,10. After that I study science _ two hours. Then I go home.,for,三、用画线单词的反义词或对应词完成句子。,11. Some boys think,ping-pong is,interesting, but,some boys,think its,_.,boring,12. Im_ this month, but Ill be,busy,next month,.,free,13. Math is,difficult,for me, but its _for my brother,.,easy,14. In Chengdu, its,warm,in April and its_ in October,.,cool,15. My T-shirt is too,short,. I want to buy a _one.,long,四、单项选择。,16,. They have,history,_,Tuesday afternoon.,A. at,B,. in,C. on,D,.,for,C,17. The third day of a week is _ .,A. Sunday,B,. Monday,C. Saturday,D,.,Tuesday,D,18. _does he like Chinese?, _he wants to be a Chinese teacher.,A. Why; Because,B. Why; Why,C. Because; Because,D. Why;,So,A,19. Is he_ now?,Yes. He has no time to have lunch with us.,A. busy,B,. free,C. healthy,D,.,tidy,A,20. Her favorite day is Monday _she has a music lesson.,A. why,B,. but,C,. then,D,. because,D,五、完形,填空。,Hi! Im Cheng Ling. Im a,21,_, of,Class 3, Grade 7. My school life,is very,22 _,.,21,. A. runner,B,. student,C. classmate,D,. teacher,22,. A. busy,B,. boring,C. free,D,.,difficult,B,A,We have four classes in the 23 _ . Classes begin at 8 oclock. In the afternoon, we have two classes. We have English, science, history, music and 24 _ other subjects,.,23. A. night,B,. afternoon,C. evening,D,. morning,24. A. some,B,. any,C,. a lot,D,. a,little,D,A,25 _ is my favorite subject. I often sing and dance with my classmates on weekends. But I 26 _ science, because I think its difficult and 27 _ . Do you think so?,25,. A. History,B,. Music,C,. Math,D,. Science,26. A. dont like,B,. doesnt like,C. like,D,. likes,27. A. relaxing,B,. interesting,C. boring,D,.,fun,B,A,C,After,school, I often play soccer with 28 _ friends. Sometimes I swim in a swimming club. But my favorite sport is volleyball. And I can play it 29 _.,28,. A. our,B,. her,C,. his,D,. my,29. A. nice,B,. fine,C,. well,D,.,good,D,C,I like my school life very much. 30 _ you tell me something about your school life?,30. A. Can,B,. Do,C,. Are,D,. Does,A,


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