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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,必修,一,Unit 3Travel journal,要 点 梳 理高效梳理知识备考,重点短语一,1ever since从那以后,2be fond of 喜欢,3care about 关心;担忧,4change ones mind 改变主意,5make up ones mind 下定决心,6give in(to) 投降;屈服,7as usual 通常;照常,8at midnight 在午夜,9dream about doing 梦想干某事,10graduate from 从毕业,11at an altitude of 在高度,12put up a tent 搭起帐篷,13for one thing,.for another 一方面,另一方面,14cant/can hardly wait to do sth. 迫不及待地干某事,重点单词,1journal n日记;杂志;定期刊物journalist n记者,2transport n. & vt.运输;运送transportation n交通工具,3prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)preferable adj.较适合的;更可取的preference n偏爱;爱好;喜爱,4disadvantage n不利条件;不便之处advantage(反义词),5persuade vt.说服;劝说persuasion n劝服persuasive adj.劝说的;有说服力的,6graduate vi.毕业n.大学毕业生graduation n毕业,7finally adv.最后;终于,9stubborn adj.顽固的;固执的,10organize vt.组织;成立organized adj.有组织的organization n组织,11determine vt.决定;确定;下定决心determined adj.坚决的;有决心的determination n决心,12journey n旅行;旅程,13bend n弯;拐角 vt. (bent, bent)使弯曲vi.弯身;弯腰,14attitude n态度;看法,15forecast n. & vt.预测;预报,16reliable adj.可信赖的;可靠的,17view n风景;视野;观点;见解 vt.观看;注视;考虑,18beneath prep.在下面,重点句型,1Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.,从高中起,我姐姐王薇和我就一直梦想作一次伟大的自行车旅行。,2It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.,首先想到要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅行的是我的姐姐。,3When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience.,当我告诉她那里空气稀薄,呼吸困难而且天气很冷时,她却说这将是一次有趣的经历,。,4Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.,她一旦下定决心,什么也不能使她改变。,5A determined person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.,有决心的人总是努力完成工作的,而不管它有多难,。,考 点 探 究 互动探究能力备考.词汇短语过关,1transport n. & vt. 运送;运输,transport sb./sth. to.把运到,means of transport交通工具,public transport公共交通,即学即练1(1) You will,be transported to,the resort by coach.游览车将把你们送到度假胜地。,(2)The goods,were transported,by plane.货物用飞机运送。,.2prefer vt. 更喜欢,preference n. 偏爱,prefer sth. 更喜欢某事物,prefer to do /doing sth. 更喜欢做某事,prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth.,prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.,宁愿做而不做/相比更喜欢做,prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做某事,prefer that sb. (should) do sth,即学即练2(1)I prefer to walk(walking) there.我宁愿步行去那儿。,(2)He said he preferred the country to the city.,他说城市和乡村相比,他更喜欢乡村。,(3)She prefers dancing to singing.,跳舞和唱歌相比,她更喜欢跳舞。,(4)The soldier preferred to rather than die.这位战士宁死不屈。,(5)Id prefer you give in there alone.,我倒希望你不要单独去那儿。,(6)We prefer that they (not to go) should do it in a different way.我们倒希望他们用一种不同的方法去做。,提示:1.prefer 是“更喜欢的意思,即 like better, 因此 prefer 不能再与 better, more 等比较级词语连用。,2prefer 的过去式、过去分词、现在分词要双写字母r,然后加ed或ing,3persuade vt. 劝说;说服,persuasion n. 说服;信服;信念,persuasive adj. 有说服力的;令人信服的,persuade sb. to do sth.persuade sb. into doing sth.,说服某人做某事,persuade sb. not to do sth.persuade sb. out of doing sth.,说服某人不做某事,try to persuade sb. to do sth.advise sb. to do sth.,尽力劝说某人做某事(但未必劝服),persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信,persuade sb.that 从句使某人相信,即学即练3(1)I have never persuaded him into taking,others advice.,我从没说服过他听从别人的劝告。,(2)She tried to persuade him to change his mind.,她试图劝他改变主意。,(3)How can I persuade you of my sincerity?,How can I persuade you that I am sincere?,我怎样才能使你相信我的诚意呢?,比较:persuade/advise,(1)advise 表示“劝告的动作,不看结果,而 persuade 强调“已经说服; advise 可接动词的ing 形式做宾语,也可接 that 引导的宾语从句(必须用虚拟语气 “should动词原形),而 persuade 不能。,(2)persuade 还有“使人相信的意思,搭配 persuade sb. of sth. 和 that 从句,而 advise 无此用法。,4determine vt.&vi. 决定;确定;(使)下定决心,determined adj. 坚决的;有决心的,determination n. 决心,determinen./pron. 决(确)定某事,determine on/upon. 决定,determine to do sth. 决定做某事(表示动作,非延续性,动词短语),be determined to do sth. 决心做某事(表示状态,可与,表示时间段的状语连用),determine sb. to do sth. 使某人下决心做某事,determine that/be determined that. 决心/定做某事,即学即练4(1)Income,determines,ones standard of living.,收入决定一个人的生活水平。,(2)I have determined,on/upon,going to the countryside after graduation. 我已决定毕业后到农村去。,(3)He firmly determined,to rise,in the world whatever it took.他下定决心无论如何都要出人头地。,(4)She determined that she would never see him again.,她下决心再也不要见到他。,(5)We are determined to catch up with them in a month.我们下定决心一个月内赶上他们。,(6)The teachers encouraging words determined him to work hard.,教师鼓舞的话使他决心努力学习。,5attitude n. 态度;看法,即学即练5(1)Whats your attitude to the plan?,你对此方案看法如何?,(2)Its not his work that bothers me; its his attitude.,困扰我的不是他的工作,而是他的态度。,提示:attitude “态度;看法,常与介词 to/towards 连用。have a.attitude to/towards. “对有的态度。,6care about 关心,在乎,care about 关心,在乎,在意(多用于疑问或否认句),care for 喜欢或喜好某人/物(多用于否认或疑问句);,照顾;照看,take care of (look after) 照顾,take care 留神;小心,with care 小心地,medical care 医疗效劳,即学即练6(1)He doesnt care much about what happens to me.他不太关心我所发生的事。,(2)Would you care for a drink? 你想喝一杯吗?,(3)The state must care for the families of soldiers killed in the war. 国家必须照料阵亡军人家属的生活。,7change ones mind 改变主意,make up ones mind 下定决心,call/bring sth. to mind 回忆起某事,lose ones mind 发疯,have a/no mind to do sth. 有/无意做某事,fix/keep ones mind upon/on . 把注意力放在,bear/keep. in mind 记住,have.on ones mind 为某人操心/焦虑,have.in mind 打算;考虑,即学即练7(1)Since getting to know him better, Ive,changed my mind,about him.,更深入地了解了他以后,我改变了对他的看法。,(2)Have you,bear/keep,what to do?,你已经拿定主意做什么了吗?,(3)He will,in,the beautiful girl,mind,forever.,他将永远记住那位美丽的姑娘。,提示:在 change ones mind及 make up ones mind 短语中 mind 均为可数名词,有单复数形式变化。,8give in 屈服;投降;让步;上交,give in to sb. 对某人让步,give away 赠送;泄漏;出卖,give back 归还,give off 放出;散发出(液体、气体、气味、热量、能量、光、声音),give out 分发;用完;消耗尽,筋疲力尽,give up 放弃,戒掉;停顿;认输;把送交,give over 移交,give way to 给让路;屈服;被征服,即学即练8(1)He has given in to our views finally.他最终顺从了我们的意见。,(2)Everyone must give in their reports before they leave.每个人在走之前必须上交他们的报告书。,(3)Dont tell her; she is sure to give away all your secrets.,不要告诉她,她一定会泄露你所有的秘密。,(4)The police gave up searching for the missing child.,警察放弃寻找那个丧失的孩子。,(5)The teacher gave out our papers before the class.,上课之前,教师给我们分发了试卷。,(6)Wed better give the suspect over to the police.,我们最好把嫌疑犯交给警察。,(7)This piece of meat is giving off a bad smell.,这块肉正在发出臭味。,提示:give in作“上交讲时,是及物动词短语,代词做宾语时,要放在 give和 in之间,如:give them in;作“让步;投降讲时,是不及物动词短语,后面接介词 to,如: give in to sb./sth.。,完毕语,I can not put others in my hand,but I grasp myself.,我不能控制他人,但我可以把我自己。,


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