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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,复习知识点,Unit 10 Is there a post office near here?,一、短语,post office 邮局 pay phone 付费,near the library 在图书馆附,between the restaurant and the bank 在餐馆和银行之间,on Green Street 在格林大街上 on the left 在左边,talk to/ with sb 和某人说话 turn right 向右转,on Center Street 在中央大街上 go/ walk along 一直走,next to the police station 靠近警察局 look like 看起来像,across from the park 在公园对面,behind the hotel 在旅馆后面,go across Bridge Street 走过桥街,at the first crossing 在第一十字路口,next to 紧挨着,next to the pay phone 挨着投币,in front of 在前面,in my neighborhood 在我的街区,go shopping购物,enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事,二、句型、重点,1.-Is there a supermarket? -Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.,2.-Where is the pay phone? -Its next to the post office.,3.There be句型用来表示“某处有某物、某人或某事,其构造为“there be+主语人或物+地点。,there be句型表示“某处有某物,表示客观存在,此时不强调,物归谁有。havehas表示“某人有某物,表所属关系。,There is a box on the desk.桌子上有一个盒子。,We have two basketballs. 我们有两个篮球。强调篮球为我们所有,4.There be 句型中,be动词的形式与最接近be的主语一致。当主语是单数或不可数名词时,用is;当主语是复数名词时用are。,There,is a girl,and two boys under the tree.,There,are two boys,and a girl under the tree.,There,is some water,in the bottle(瓶子).,5.There be 句型的否认句是在be后加not。,6.There be 句型的一般疑问句是把be提前至句首。,肯定句的答复是“Yes,there is/are,否认答复是“No,there isnt/arent。,7.Where 引导的特殊疑问句及表示地点的介词短语。,-Wheres the bank? -Its next to the post office.,-Where are the pay phones?,-They are between the post office and the library,8.Excuseme, 用来向不熟悉的人打听情况或提出请求(其实质,用法是引人注意), 意为:请问;劳驾;对不起。,Excuseme, sir,willyoutellmethewaytothepostoffice?,劳驾,你可以告诉我去邮局的路吗?,9.The pay phone is,across from,the library=the pay phone is,opposite to,the library.,opposite to=across from 在的对面,10.Please look around. What can you see,on,your right? 请看看,四周,你可以在你的右边看到什么?,11.Then I walk along Bridge Road, The zoo is on the right.,然后我沿着桥街一直 走,动物园就在路的右边。,Just go along and turn left. The hotel is on the left.,只需要沿着这条街走,左转,旅馆就在路的左边。,12.in the neighborhood=near here 在这附近,13.邻居,街区,街坊:,neighbourhoodneighbour英式英语,neighborhoodneighbor美式,15.some和any在therebe句型中的运用:some用于肯定句,,any用于否认句或疑问句。,There is some bread in the plate. 在盘子里有一些面包。,肯定句,There isnt any bread in the plate. 在盘子里没有一些面包。,否认句,Is there any bread in the plate. 盘子里有一些面包吗?,一般疑问句,16.and和or在therebe句型中的运用:and用于肯定句,or用,于否认句或疑问句。,There is a dog and two cats in the room. (肯定句,There isnt a dog or two cats in the room. 否认句,Is there a dog or two cats in the room. 一般疑问句,17.between and固定短语,“在和之间,它,只限于两者之间,表示三者及三者以上之间时,用among。,18. spend 可表示“花费时间,也可表示“花费金钱,主语是人, 主语人+spend some timein) doing sth.,主语人+ spend some money(in) doing sth.,主语人+ spend some time/money on sth.,I spent three hours in finishing the work.,我花了三个小时完成了这项工作。,He spends most of his money on books.,他把大局部钱都花在买书上了。,take 指“花费(时间),常用在 “It takes sb some time to do sth,句型中,某物或某事也可以作主语。,It took me two hours to finish my homework. 我用了两个小时完成我的家庭作业。,It takes me 15 minutes to get to my school. 我用了15分钟到达我的学校。,pay 意为“付钱,支付,常和介词for搭配,主语也是人,常,用在“主语+pay some money +for +某物/某事句型中。,例如:she paid 20 dollars for that coat.,她花了20美元买那件外套。, cost 表示“花费金钱,主语是物或者事,,用在“某物/某事+cost +某人+some money句型中。,The book cost him eight dollars. 这本书花了他8美元。,19.in front of “在的前面,of 后常加名词或代词,表示,地点。,in front of 强调在物体外部的前面,,in the front of 强调在物体内部的前面。,There is a tree in front of the classroom. 教室前面有棵树。,There is a desk in the front of the classroom. 教室前有一张桌子。,20.free 是形容词,“自由的;免费的;空闲的be free to do sth “可以自由地随意地做,Students here are free to use computers.这里的学生可以随意使用计算机。,She got a free ticket to go to the movies. 她得到了一张看电影的免费的票。,21. enjoy 动词,“享受,喜爱,其后接动词时,要用动名词,形式,enjoy doing sth. 表示“喜欢做某事,22.There house has a swimming pool.(同义句,There is a swimming pool in the house.,


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