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Breaking deeply,rooted(53),habits such as procrastination(,拖延,) , impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that go against basic principles of human effectiveness,calls for(54),more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives.,Lift off(55),takes a great effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom,takes on(56),a whole new situation. The gravity pull of some of our habits may,presently,(59)be keeping us from going where we want to go. But it is also gravity pull that keeps our world together, that keeps the planets in their orbits and our universe,in order.,It is a powerful force, and if we use it effectively, we can use the gravity pull of habit to create the cooperation and _60_ necessary to establish effectiveness in our lives.,60. A. communication B. patience C. success D. order,江南十校高三联考,The moments,passed 50,. Moments that were days in the birth of fire and stars, moments of the,struggle51,of all men, and finally moments that showed the,greatness52,of all human spirit. Never,before53,had Rudolph played with such power.,54, waves and winds beat the lighthouse with giant hands. Above, the strong light 55 its life-saving beams across the dark and angry seas. Rudolph dropped his head to his chest, breathing 56 . The ocean threw its water over the land with the sound of many voices.The old man sat without moving, his wide old hand,resting57,on his knees. He thought about the storm,outside-,- music made by God. He thought of Rudolph and his music -,both58,were part of the works of nature - both were works of,wonder59,. He nodded his head up and down, then turned to Rudolph.,54. A. Into B. Inside C. Outside D. Outward,2016,合肥一模英语试题,A woman, sitting next to me, and her daughter both seemed,_uncomfortable 41_,. She told me that her daughter had an upset stomach and would throw up continuously;,_besides42 ,the mother had lost her,_43,. Apart from a significant amount of money,the purse,also had her phone and a phone number of an important,44, a person she was travelling 90 kilometers to meet for discussing a,_pressing45,matter which had to be,_settled46,by tomorrow morning. I handed her my cellphone without,47,and told her that she could make any call she wanted. I also,48,a bottle of water I had in my bag to relieve her daughter of her,_49,.After making several calls, they finally,-50,to the official! They turned to look at me,_51,and thanked me many times. The woman tried to pay for my,_52, but I jumped to do it before her,_53,I knew she had lost her money.43. A. phone B. address C. purse D. luggage44. A. accountant B. doctor C. lawyer D. official,2016,合肥二模英语试题,You may have filled your,schedule53,with so many things that theres little,room54,for your goals to grow. We must be careful not to confuse busyness with,progress55, as goals are always achieved step by step. Be,selective56,about how you use your time and what you focus on.,Goal setting is like the pig and chicken walking out early one morning. The chicken became really,excited58,when she saw a sign: “Ham & Eggs, $2.99”. She said to the pig, “Look, weve got double billing again.” The pig said, “Thats,natural59,for you to say! For you, its all in a days work. For me, its total commitment.” Goal setting is all in a days work. Goal,60,is total commitment.(,单词复现但词性要转换,),60. A.development B. achievement,C. management D. assessment,重要的是说三遍:,词汇复现,词汇复现,词汇复现,2.,前后关照,:,关注上下文,理清思路与逻辑,做出判断。有的时候选项间的关联也是极为重要的,必要时把做出的选择带入文章再读一遍,看看是否有不合逻辑的地方。,2016,合肥一模英语试题,A woman, sitting next to me, and her daughter both seemed,_41 _,. She told me that her daughter had an,upset,stomach and would throw up continuously;,41. A. excited B. relaxed,C. unconscious D. uncomfortable,前后关照,2016,合肥二模英语试题,But why do people do it? They may be making goals too_. But that isnt to say that they arent achievable goals.They need to be broken into smaller and_,_,_ pieces. Make spoon-size goals and you will accomplish then easily.(,目标制定太宽泛太大了;也就是说要制定细致与具体的目标,),43. A. globalB. preciseC. vagueD. realistic,45. A. equalB. unusualC. regularD. specific,A,D,2016,合肥三模英语试题,And she is holding some_ in her hands.She is heading for the,mailbox,across the street.(,不看答案直接填词也能填写正确,49. A. presents B. letters C. flowers D. books,B,3.,固定搭配,:,考查各类词的固定搭配,尤其以动词、名词的固定搭配为主要测试点。具体办法在于日常积累和记忆,理解短语意思,根据句意的需要,选择恰当的短语。,2016,江南十校高三联考,Rudolph, a violin player, was not valued too much. One day, he traveled in a boat and was,41,in a storm. An old lighthouse(,灯塔,) man rescued him and led him into the lighthouse. After he had a long,talk 42,with him, Rudolph learned more about the old man. Then,something 43,in the storm and the lighthouse and the old man,lifted,Rudolph,away ,41.A.arrested B. seen C. met,D. caught,D,be caught in,2016,合肥一模英语试题,And I thought of how many,opportunities58,we had lost by plugging onto cellphones and being disconnected,_from59,the reality around us- something with easy access may make a big,_60,to others.60. A. promise B. wish,C.,difference D. gesture,C,make a difference,2016,合肥二模英语试题,Be,selective56,about how you use your time and what you focus on. Success often comes when you know what to,57, rather than what to include in your life.,57.,A .figure out,B. leave out,C. take out D. send out,B,leave out,2016,合肥三模英语试题,As I,pass47,her, she turns and smiles.Her smile _ her face.She is well into her 80s.,48. A. brings up B. lights up,C. puts up D. makes up,B,light up,4.,词义辨析,:,积累词汇和短语,注意使用语境,整体上把握文章的内容,区分文章的结构层次和文章的内在逻辑关系,认真比较选项,从中选出最符合语境的答案。,2016,合肥一模英语试题,I handed her my cellphone without,hesitation47,and told her that she could make any call she wanted. I also,48,a bottle of water I had in my bag to relieve her daughter of her,sickness49,.After making several calls, they finally,50,to the official! They turned to look at me gratefully51 and thanked me many times.,可记得,48,题你选什么?,48. A. produced B. ordered,C. bought D. sold50. A. came over B. got through,C. looked up D. turned around,A,B,2016,合肥一模英语试题,The woman tried to pay for my,_ticket52, but I jumped to do it before her,_53,I knew she had lost her money.(,连词引导什么状语从句,?) 53. A. sinceB. ifC. whileD. although,A,2016,合肥二模英语试题,However50, as you change and accomplish, they may not like it. Why? Its usually because your changes and accomplishments,51,them that they could be doing it, too.,but52,they arent!,51. A. informB. convince C. remind D. warn,C,2016,合肥三模英语试题,When the light turns green, I,_pretend_,to check my phone and wait for her to catch up. In this neighbourhood, even_,crossing_,with the green light is,dangerous.,Some drivers often drive_52_ through red lights.,52. A. wildly B. mildly,C. carefully D. quietly,A,江南十校高三联考,Above, the strong light_threw_its life-saving beams across the dark and angry seas. Rudolph dropped his head to his chest, breathing _56_.(,外面是汹涌蓬勃的大海,拉过小提琴内心世界的不宁静和急促的呼吸,hard,与,hardly,的区分譬如:,Its raining hard. try hard/work hard/study hard),56. A. softly B. hard C. hardly D. easily.,B,江南十校高三联考,“,Lift off,”,takes a great effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom_ a whole new dimension.,A. takes on B. carried out,C. gives away D. turns out,takes on,2015,新课标全国,My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend.On the way,,,we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said,,,“,1,my job.Family to Feed.”,At this store,,,a,2,like this is not normal. My 10,year,old noticed him and made a 3 on how bad it must be to have to stand 4 in the cold wind.,1.A.Lost B. Changed C. Quit D. Finished,2.A.condition B. place C. sight D. show,A.,C,1.,动词的辨析。联系下文内容与,“Family to feed.”,可知这个人失业了,还要养活家人。,2.,名词的辨析。那人手里拿着一张写有,“,失去工作,供养家人,”,的纸,站在冷风中。这种情景在超市外面并不常见。,2015,新课标高考英语完形填空,Mother Henderson kept the little table that I had given up for lost so long ago.,Today, I look at that table with bittersweet memories but full of,59,to Mother Henderson, who kept the table for a young orphan who,60,it so much.,59.A.admiration B. gratitude C. sympathy D. regret,60.A.counted B. mattered C. minded D. valued,59.,名词辨析。多年前,“,我,”,不得已把自己做的桌子上交给了,Henderson,修女,;,多年之后,“,我,”,对这个桌子早已不抱希望,现在却又得知,Henderson,修女替,“,我,”,保管了这个桌子,所以,“,我,”,心存感激。,60.,动词辨析。,count,计算,;matter,有关系,要紧,; mind,在意,;value,重视,估价。作者很,“,看重,”,自己的第一个作品,那个小桌子。,B,D,5.,语法结构掌握重点语法,如三大从句、时态、语态、虚拟语气、主谓一致,强调句等重点语法项目。分析句子之间的逻辑关系,积累一些常见的固定句式。,1,),It is what you do rather than what you say _matters.,解析:,A. that B. what C. which D. this,2,),His doctor suggested that he _ a short leave of absence,A,will take,B,would take,C,take,D,took,3_Ihadbeenborninthe16thcentury,Iwouldhavehadnojob.,A.Because B.While C.If D.Since,A,C,C,强调结构,虚拟语气,虚拟语气,4,),I thought the movie would be good for my English. but _ it turned out, it was an Italian movie.,A. since B. when C. what D. as,5) The behavior and ideals of people change according to circumstances, but they can always go back or go on to something new _is better and higher than anything in the past.,A. that B. what C. whichever D. whatever,6)Did you ever have someones name on the tip of your tongue and yet,you were unable to recall it? _ this happens again, do not try to recall it.,A. as B. when C. while D. whether,D,A,A,定语从句,定语从句,时间状语从句,6.,常识,:,考生掌握了一定量的文化背景知识和生活常识,具备一定的价值判断能力。如能积极地调动自己的文化背景知识和生活常识,注意中西方文化方面的差异,会顺理成章地选出正确答案。,2016,合肥三模英语试题,But I turn to her and _55_ touch her on the arm.,“Excuse me, maam.Can I help you?”,She smiles answers in a,language,I do not understand.,55. A. abruptlyB. accidentallyC. unwillinglyD. gently,Is,there anyone who chose A?Hands up!,D,2015,重庆卷,Five months after,my husband Steve died, I woke up one morning to the maddening sound of a faucet(,水龙头,).I knew it needed repairs badly, but it_16_me so much just to think of it. .The leaky faucet somehow awakened me t the fact that I now had to _21_the challenge of getting things fixed.,选择并解析,16. A. hurt B. puzzled,C. cost D. disappointed,21. A. come up with B. face up to,C. look forward to D. step away from,hurt,B,2015,江苏卷,Dale took his mothers advice, tried desperately and after several attempts finally made it. This proved to be a turning point in his life.,Speaking before groups,did help him gain the _50_ he needed.,.Out of the early struggle to,53_,his feeling,s,of inferiority(,自卑感,), Dale came to understand that the ability to,_express54,_with55_,it, Dale knew he could do anything he wanted to do.,50. A. progress B. experience,C. competence D. confidence,53. A. convey B. overcome C. understand D. build,D,B,第七次周测完形填空,Looking around I could see an older woman in the turning lane, obviously_,upset48_,.She hadnt managed to make her turn to the mall. You could see she was scared_,_with49_,all the cars moving quickly around her way too close.,The driver,behind her were,_50,their horns and she looked like she was about to cry.,50.A. sounding B. taking,C. blowing D. playing,A,1,),The rain god,has been smiling the whole night.The roads were 1,muddy,and the potholes,(坑洼),were filled to the brim,(边),.It was the day for the 2,market,and Raju, a farmer, was riding his cart along the country road. He had to reach there early_,_3so that,he could sell his hay.It was very_4_ for the horses to drag the load through the deep mud.On his journey, suddenly the wheels of the horse cart sank into the mire.(,泥潭,),4. A. easy B. simple C. difficult D. funny,2,),The hill will,exercise my heart and lungs,. It will help me to _ and get fit. It will mean that I will live longer.,A. put on weight B. gain weight,C. lose weight D. take my weight,C,C,学到哪几招?,提高做题效率,提高正答率,提振信心,考考你,_,完形填空中的常用词,/,熟词生意记住多少?一个,2,分,共,100,分。,1.I,sounded the alarm,as soon as I saw the smoke.,拉响警报器,2.She gave us a long,account of,her trip to Europe.,叙述,3.Why do you think some,adolescents,start smoking?,青少年,4.The theatre only,admits,1,,,000 persons.,替代词有,(seat; hold),容纳,5.Alexis helped Sue into the car, and then,applied,a piece of cloth,to,Sues injured leg.,涂在,.,上面,appealed the case,five times, always losing.,上诉案件,7.I have completed every,assignment,you have given me.,任务,8.They wanted to win,badly,.,迫切,9.The ice is too thin to,bear,your weight.,承载,10.The professor could tell by the,blank look,in Marys eyes.,茫然的神情,11.Recently, theres a sudden,boom,in overseas travel.,激增,12.There might be a,bug,in the program.,故障,13.Youll need more,capital,if you want to open your own business.,资金,14.There is a,certain,Mr Franks waiting for you in the office.,某一位,15.I told the,shop assistant to keep the,change,.,找回的零钱,16.After the bomb warning, police,cleared,the streets.,清除街上的路障,17.I suggest that you also,compensate,me for the injuries that I have received.,赔偿,18.My watch,gains,by several minutes a day.,手表快了,19.Youd better,consult,your doctor at once.,咨询,20.He,contributed,a lot of articles to the magazine.,撰写,21.A smile is frequently used to,cover,painful feelings.,掩盖;掩饰,22.Dont forget to,date,your letter.,注明日期,23.He decided to quit his highly-paid but,demanding,job recently.,24.He was,dismissed,from the school for his rude behavior.,开除,25.I wish people would just keep,domestic,animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits as pets.,家养的,26.Take these pills and they will,ease,the pain.,缓解,27.No one,equals,him in strength.,比得上,28.All memory of her childhood has,faded,from her mind.,记忆的消失,29.His eyesight is,failing,.,视力下降,30.The response to the invention hasnt been all,favorable,.,赞成的,要求很高的,31.The police,fined,me for speeding.,超速罚款,32.Indivual email boxes are sometimes,flooded,with spam e-mails.,涌入,33.The cat,froze,when it saw the bird.,不动了,34.He walks happily with his eyes and hands,glued,to the mobile phone.,盯住,/,不愿意离开,35.He is a,green,hand as a dentist, so seldom patients dared be cured by him.,缺乏经验的,36.Happy as a child, I got on the bicycle and,headed out,onto the streets.,朝,动身,37.Yao Ming was an instant,hit,among basketball fans nationwide.,轰动一时的成功人物,38.Many poets and artists have drawn their,inspiration,from nature.,灵感,39.He is the,last,person to tell a lie.,最不愿意的;最不可能的,40.Personal computers now have much increased,memory,capacity.,存储器,41.Scientists may be able to,monitor,the behavior of sharks to predict bad weather.,监控,42.He placed an,order,for a coat online.,下订单,43.Your,performance,as a student will be excellent.,表现,44.After writing the article, he asked the teacher to,polish,it.,修改;润色,45.It is his,practice,to read several books a week.,习惯,46.Most of the food we buy,is processed,in some way.,加工处理,47.Those clouds,promise,rain tomorrow.,预兆;预示,48.Having failed to,reach them,on the phone, we sent an e-mail instead.,(,contact,)联系,49.The factory keeps,releasing,smoke, making the air dirty.,排放,50.Each group selected candidates to,run for,presidents.,竞选,再考考您,(,seal the envelope; be sensible of; be set in; a sharp increase; shoulder the blame; a shuttle bus; his name slipped my mind; lack solid evidence; a spoiled child; a spare tire; still waters; tend the store; text a message; thin air; time my arrival; ups and downs,;,tipped the waiter 50 yuan; walk sb to the bus stop; all walks of life; wear long hair; win the NBA title; account for,),(,封信封;察觉到;以,.,为背景;急剧的增加;承担责备;摆渡车;忘了名字;缺乏可靠的证据;宠坏的小孩;备用轮胎;平静的水面;看店;发短信;稀薄的空气;安排到达时间;起伏;给服务员,50,元小费;陪某人走到公交车站;各行各业;留长发;获得篮球冠军;解释,/,占比率,),小试牛刀,Time,:,20,分以内,1.【,语篇导读,】,这是一篇夹叙夹议文章。作者通过叙述自己的亲身经历得出只有舍得才有收获,爱别人其实就是爱自己。,1-5BDACB,610 ACDBA,11-15 DCBDA 1620 CCABD,1.,整理考过的词汇资料(维克多、世界金榜),2.,高考调研:,page 8788,形容词、副词完成,明天交。,注意事项:听力至少每天听一套;词汇每天抽出时间多看看,越接触越熟悉。作文范文多看多读多记。,2.,15ABCDC 610 BDACA,11-15CBDBA 1620DBCCA,高考从来都只是一场考试,就好像所有的比赛从来都只是一场比赛。,高考是途经的中转站,我从一辆车上下来,跟同伴挥手道别,又挤上另一辆车。,高考,我来了。我们来了。,祝完形考试顺利!祝高考考试顺利!,Gook Luck to Everyone! Thanks.,31,谢谢大家!,


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