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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A land of diversity,Unit 1,1.diversity U 多样性 差异,diversity of opinions,a great diversity of methods,diverse adj. 不同的,多样的,diverse_ 多样的文化,cultures,diversify v. 使多样化,diversified diversified diversifying,diversifies,我们的公司正力图往多样化开展,our company is trying to _.,2. as as you can 尽可能,as as possible,Please hand your homework as _as you can.,请尽可能快的上交你的作业。,Do be as _ as you can with your homework.,做作业时要尽可能地细心。,quickly,careful,请尽可能多地列知名胜古迹。,Please list _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _,many,as,as,places,of,interest,you,can,3. compare,compare A with B,compare A to B,comparative adj. 相对的,comparison N. 比较,对照,in comparison with 和比起来,beyond comparison 无可比较的,we compare the young people,_ the rising sun.,we should compare the first report _the second, which is better?,the young people _ the rising sun.,Michaels new house is like a huge palace,_ with his old one.,comparing B. compares,C. compared D. to compare,to,with,are compared to,4.,illustrate,vt.,解释、说明,n.,illustrat,ion,5. mean,mean sth to sb 对sb来说有sth的含义,mean to do sth,mean doing sth,translation,这份工作对我来说意味着一切。,This work means everything to me .,我打算辞去这份工作。,I mean to resign this work.,那意味着我要失去一切。,That means losing everything for me!,6. distinction N. 区别,distinct adj. 区别的,7. live,vi 居住,adj. 活的,现场直播的,live/ alive/ living/ lively,活的,live 前定 现场直播,living 前定 表语 健在的,alive 后定 表语 补语,生死之间的界限, 活着的,很有可能死,但还活着!,lively 活泼的,得意的,定语,指物 三个都可用 位置不同,指人 不能用,live,we caught the bear_.,we caught a _ bear.,We caught a _bear.,Whos the greatest man _.,Whos the greatest _man.,alive,live,living,living,alive,2.补语 alive,The bear was caught _.,3.表语 living/ alive,My first teacher is still_.,The fish is still _.,比喻义: 活像 只用living,He is the,living,image of his father.,固定短语,make a living,alive,living,alive/living,live on 继续存在,继续生存,live on sth 以为食, 靠生存,feed on sth 喂养,live by doing sth 靠做某事生存,live up to 到达,符合,live through 经历灾难或其他困境而生存,She died ten years ago but her memory _.,Small birds _ insects.,He has _two world wars.,He failed to _his parents expectations.,lives on,live on,lived through,live up to,8. Strait straits,straight 同音,the straits of Dover 多佛海峡,the Bering strait,9. immigrant N. 移民,immigration N. 移民,immigrate V. (to from),我将要移民到美国,I will immigrate to America,我从中国移民到这的,I immigrate here from China,10. means 单复数同形,N. 方法,交通,工具,a _ of transportation,Cars, trains, etc. are _ of transportation.,mean / means,短语,by this means,by means of 通过的方式,by all means,by no means 任何方式都不,绝不,一点都不 句首 局部倒装,a means to an end,=By no means _ _ certain.,is it,means , way, approach, method,by means of,in the way,approach to sth,a method of / for/ with,11. die ( died, died, dying, dies),die from (外因: a wound , lack of food, an accident, over work,carelessness, drinking, some unknown causes.,die of (内因: hunger, cold, poison, illness, old age, a disease, boredom, thirst, sorrow, disappointed, love, a fever, heat.,12. majority N. 大多数,大半 majorities,反: minority N. 少数民族, 较小少的。,The _of people prefer TV to radio.,大多数人喜欢看电视而不喜欢听收音机,major N. 主修的专业,adj. 较重要的,较大的,主要的,v. 主修,She _ in English at university.,反:minor,translation,她的主修专业是英语,Her major is english.,主干路,a major road,1) 单独做主语时,强调整体, 谓语动词用单数,,强调个体, 谓语动词用复数。,2) the majority of + n.,谓语动词由后面的名词决定。,3) 表示领先多少票数时用不定冠词a。,e.g. He was elected by a majority of 50.,The majority _ for the budget.,The majority of students _,hard-working.,The majority of the damage _,easy to repair.,is/are,are,is,1) At the meeting, young people were _.,A. in majority B. in the majority,C. of majority D. of the majority,2) The majority of students _ trees in the,fields and some are carrying water.,A. is planting B. was planting,C. are planting D. were planting,3) The majority _ with me.,A. agrees B. agree,C. are agreed D. is agree,B,C,B,13.make a life= earn ones living,make a living= get a living,live a life / lead a life,come to life,come to ones sense,bring sb/ sth to life,bring back to life,14. elect,elect 选举 官衔,职位的名词,select 有目的仔细地精选,choose 选择,pick out 挑拣出,分辨出,They _ him as mayor.,I will let you _ how you are going to die.,Can you _your brother in this crowd?,elected,choose,pick out,16. percentage n 百分比,百分率,比例,percent N 百分之 单复数同形 用在数词后,其他用percentage,70 _of students pass the exam.,70% of students pass the exam,What is the _of Co,2,in air?,percent,percentage,17. include,including prep. 包括,included 被包括,many girls like films, _ Lily.,many girls like films, Lily_.,many girls like films, inclusive of Lily,include/ contain,include主宾相关,总分。由某些成员组成. 算入包含于.里面,contain 包括全部,或者一局部。容器内有什么,什么东西含有什么成分,书包含几个章节,the bottle _ water.,sea water _ salt.,this book _ 12 units,_ 2 units about fairy tales.,the list _ his name,I _ him among my friends.,including,contains,contains,contains,includes,includes,这个书包里有一本字典(还有其他东西,the bag includes a dictionary.,这个书包里只有一本字典.,. the bag contains a dictionary,18. remain,名词 剩余物; 剩余;残骸遗体,遗迹,遗址废墟,vi,留下,逗留,They remained there all through the year,剩下,余留,There remained in the village only women and children.,保持继续,3. link-v,仍然是,依旧是,remain 后可以跟:,adj. this room s cool all summer,ved this house remains unlived,ving he remains standing there,to be done some problems remain to be solved,N. he remains an English teacher.,介词短语a few apples remain on the tree,在考试期间他一直保持镇定。,he remained calm during the exam.,那个本一直没有被动过。,the textbook remains untouched,她一直在那里睡觉。,she remains sleeping there.,一只小船停留在湖面上。,a boat remains on the lake.,有几项任务尚待完成,several tasks remain to be finished,他仍然是个医生,he remains a doctor.,19. population 人口,Whats the population of ?,large / small,have a population of 有多少人口,an increase / growth in population 人口,谓语动词单复数,整体人口 谓语动词用单数,表示局部人口时谓语动词用复数。,The population of China_ large. And 70% of the population of China_ peasants.,翻译,广州有多少人口?,Whats the population of Guangdong?,is,are,中国有13亿人口,China has a population of 1.3 billion.,It is likely that ,sb/sth is likely to do sth,某人/物有可能做某事,likely, possible, probable,按可能性程度,probablelikely,possible,likely,主语人,物,possible, probable,却只能用形式主语,it.,It is likely / possible/ probable to do sth,Sb is likely to do sth,Sb is likely that 句子,She is _ to succeed.,21. declare,1. to make known publicly or officially,2. to state with great forces so that there is no doubt about the meaning,3.To make a full statement,申报,Have you anything to,declare,?,declare war on . 向.开战,declare,公正,正式明白的宣布。,宣布结果,声明个人立场,announce,把大家所关心的事情, 特别是有新闻价值的, 做口头或正式的宣布,。,The chairman,declared,the results of the election.,The judge,declared,the thief guilty.,He,declared,that it was true.,22. influence N,have a good influence on sb/sth,bad / strong,under the influence of .,This is one of the schools _,in 1980s.,this is one of the schools which were,built in 1980s,built,they died from,the disease,brought,by,Europeans,过去分词作定语,the disease,which,were,brought by Europeans,23.,a number,of,“许多, 大量,修饰可数名词,many,many a/an,a great/good many,a good/large number of,修饰不可数名词,much,a good/great deal of,a large amount of,amounts of,修饰可数与不可数名词,a lot of,lots of,a quantity of,quantities of,plenty of,a supply of,supplies of,1) A good many people _ watching on,the beach now.,A. is B. was C. are D. were,2) _ the students in per school go to,college in their teens.,A. A good many B. A great many of,C. A great deal of D. A lot of,A good/great many,C,B,注意,amounts of,与,quantities of,与,amount,和,quantity,保持一致,Large amounts of money are spent on,tobacco every year.,每年都要花大量金钱在烟草上。,(2) many a +单数n. 作短语, 谓动用,Many a student _to see the film Hero.,很多学生想看电影?英雄?。,单数,wants,24.,take in,1) 包括,This price,takes in,the cost of all the,accommodation and food.,这个价格包括了食宿等一切费用。,2) 吸收, 收留, 收容, 收养, 接待,Our party branch,took,in,a new member yesterday.,我们党支部昨天吸收了一名新党员。,3) 理会, 理解, 记住,I wonder if hes really,taking,it,in,.,我想知道他是否真正明白了。,4) 欺骗, 使上当,The salesman finds it easy to,take in,old ladies.,这个推销员发现老太太容易上当受骗。,25.,cattle,n.,集体名词, 指复数概念,,谓语用复数。,如:,We have five (head of) cattle.,The cattle are raised on my farm.,类似集体名词有people, police, folk,militia (民兵部队)等。,26.,slip,v.,滑, 滑倒, 失足,A book slipped of/from her hand.,书本从她的手中滑落。,n. c 小错误,Its normal for a young man to,make a slip.,年轻人犯错误很正常。,skate 表示“(在冰面上)滑行、“溜(冰),一般指滑冰运动;,skid 表示“(人、车等行进时因路面滑而向一侧),打滑, 滑倒;,slide 表示“(在冰、滑梯、跑道等上)滑行, 滑动;,滑落;,slip 表示“失脚, 滑跤, 常指由于不小心、路滑等,而滑倒。,In winter drivers have trouble stopping their,cars from _ on icy roads.,A. skating B. skidding C. sliding D. slipping,B,4.,Teamed,up,with,a couple from my hotel,and hired a car.,team,up,with,与合作或一起工作,与结成一队,Lets team up!,让我们联起手来吧!,Its a pleasure to _,such an excellent worker.,与这样的优秀工人合作真是件愉快事。,team,up,with,5. hire,v.,雇佣, 租用,Hiring,a car is paid by the hour.,I,hired,a private detective to look into it.,hire out,出租,hire oneself out (as),受雇(当),He hired himself out as a bodyguard in a company.,rent,租借(让)土地、房屋、动产等。,Do you own or,rent,the video?,录像带是你自己的还是租的?,He will,rent,this land (out) to me at $ 1000 a year.,他将把这块土地以每年1000美元的价格租给我。,be/go on holiday,go straight to,drop ones luggage,go exploring,a cable car,get a spectacular view of,a better form of transport,its the place to do sth,feel like doing,have good idea of,idea 印象, 感想,在度假,直接去,放下行李,去探索,缆车,观看美景,一种更好的交通方式,这是做某事的地方,想要做某事,对有很好的了解,Phrases,a number of,all sorts of,take ferry,allow sb. to do sth,attempt to do sth,pull out of,be famous for,leave out,its ones turn to do sth,make sure that.,team up with,mark out,大量的,各种各样的,乘轮渡,允许某人做某事,试图做某事,从中拉出来,因为而知名,省略, 遗漏,轮到某人做某事,确信, 确保,与合作/一起工作,划线标出界限,Only _ this method can you get much,benefit from it when reading.,A. in B. on C. with D. by,We look forward to the day when the,motor car has been replaced by some less,dangerous_,of transport.,A. means B. methods C. ways D. manners,C,A,1) We express our thoughts _ words.,A. by this means B. by all means,C. by no means D. by means of,2) -May I have a look at your book?,- _.,A. By this means B. By all means,C. By this way D. By any means,3) Every means _ been tried, and all means,_ well now.,A. have; go B. has; go,C. have; goes D. has; goes,D,B,B,The result is expressed _,(以百分比).,_ (比例越来越大),of the population own their own houses.,_ (大局部) people came.,_ (百分之五十的学生),came from workers family.,as a percentage,An increasing percentage,A large percentage of,50 percent of students,Tom _ _ the plan.(汤姆反对这个方案),_ _ will go to Shanghai after,graduation. (大多数人毕业后都会去上海),3. _ _ _ _ students can pass the,exam. (少数学生能通过这次考试),4. We _ _ _ _ ten years.,(我们已经合作10年了),5. _ _ _ _ travel is by plane.,(旅行的最快方式是乘飞机),6. We _ _ _ the enemy.(已向敌人宣战),objected to,The majority,A small percentage of,have,teamed up for,The quickest means,of,declared war on,Fill in the blanks.,7. The manage asked the workers to _ _,the work. (经理叫工人继续工作),8. A good idea _ _ me all at once.,(我突然想到一个好主意),9. _ _ _ that the sports meet will be,held as planned.(人们相信运动会会照方案进展),10. He couldt speak, but made himself understood,_ _ _ signs. (他虽然不会说话, 但能,通过手势让别人知道他的意思),11. These two designs are almost _.,(这两种设计几乎是一样的),keep up,occurred to,It is believed,by means of,identical,12. Write in a style _ _ your subject.,(用与你的题目相称的题材写),13. This book _ _ _ _ _ its,readers.(这本书对其读者产生了巨大的影响),14. _ _ _in the concert hall.,(音乐厅内不准吸烟),15. The King forbids us _ _ _.,(国王制止我们外出.),16. Is there _ _ _ his guilt?,(有什么根据证明他犯罪),17. The weather _ _ _ get better,tomorrow. (明天天气一定会变好),appropriate to,made a great impact on,Smoking is forbidden,from going out,any evidence for,is,bound to,18. I _ _ _ _ how to solve the,problem. (对于如何解决该问题,我跟他意见,不一致),19. I found the house without _ _.,(我毫不费事地找到了那座房子),20. The exchange rate is _ _ _ today.,(今天的兑换率对我们有利),differed with him on,any,bother,in our favor,


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