BEC高级写作指导 Resume-new

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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Resume,履历,1,Resume,What is a resume?,Tips for writing winning resumes,Resume samples,Resume writing,2,What is a resume,Resume (Am) = Curriculum Vitae (CV) (Br.),A brief account of onesprofessional or work experience and qualifications, often submitted with an employment application.,Purpose of a resume: to win an interview.,Resumes are typically reviewed: in 30 seconds.,A resume is an advertisement, nothing more, nothing less.,Back,3,The resume is visually attracting: a work of art. Simple clean structure. Leave white space. Use a font size no smaller than 10 point.,There is uniformity and consistency in the use of italics, capital letters, bullets, boldface, and underlining.,Writing is concise and to the point. Shorter is usually better.,All the basic, expected information is included.,Do NOT use the subject I, use tenses in the past. Except for your present job.,Accuracy /honesty/stretching the truth.,Tips for writing winning resumes,Back,4,Resume writing,Personal data,个人信息(/Personal Information),Objective,求职意向(/Summary/ Overview/ Profile),Education,教育背景(/Education and Training),Experience,工作经历(/Professional Experience/ Work Experience/ Employment/ Work History),Honors and Awards,奖励荣誉(/Awards and Commendations ),Qualifications,资格证书(/Certificates/ Licenses),Additional Skills,技术才干(/ Professional Skills/ Skills and Abilities/ Computer Skills/ Language Proficiency),Personal Interests,兴趣爱好(/Interests and Hobbies /Interests ),References,备询人,Back,One more step,5,Personal Data,John Smith,School Address,Permanent Address,44 London Road 177 Oak Street,Winchester, SO 1257657 Tempe, AXZ 245984,(082) 3989430,Zhang Fan,Room 502,Furong BLDG NO.2, Xiamen University Zhangzhou Campus,Tel: 4,Email:,zhangfa,PERSONAL DATA:,Name: Liu Ping Gender: Male,Date of Birth: 20 April, 1984 Place of Birth: Beijing,Marital Status: Unmarried Nationality: China,Home Address: 32 Heping Rd Tel:,Zhongguancun Email: lp_c,Beijing, 100031,Back,6,Objective,Job Objective,To teach Intermediate English with emphasis,on speaking and listening,Career Objectives,To enter a management-trainee program which will lead to eventual human resources management opportunities in an international operation. Willing to travel or relocate.,CAREER OBJECTIVE:,To obtain a position as an executive secretary with a large corporation.,Back,7,Education,Master of Arts in English,(expected 2010),Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia,GPA 4.0/ 4.0,Bachelor of Arts in English, Summa Cum Laude, 2006,Minors in French and Education,Armstrong State College, Savannah, Georgia,GPA 3.963/ 4.0,Noun phrase,2007-present,Undergraduate in English, English Dept., College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University,(Top 22 in overall assessment in a class of 118),Minor: Economics,2001-2007,High School Student, Fuzhou NO.1 Middle School,8,Common expressions for resumes,Education,major 主修/专业 minor 副修,Bachelor of Arts/ Science in学士学位,Master of Arts/ Science in 硕士学位,Dual/Double Degree 双学位,academic year 学年 semester 学期(美) term 学期 (英),Part-time student at Beijing Foreign Trade College (Diploma in Business Administration, 2000),Back,9,Experience,Work Experience,Mar. 2003 Secretary, the Dove Corporation. 893 East Second Street,to Present Chongqing. Responsible for general running of the office,of a small private firm; duties included typing, filing, billing,answering telephones, scheduling appointments, etc.,Oct. 2000 Receptionist, Dr. Zhou Dentistry, 234 South Lake Street,to Mar. 2003 Chengdu.,Jan. 1998 , Save Insurance Company, 465 West Gate,to Oct. 2000 Avenue, Chengdu.,时间 职务,机构。职责。,时间 职务,机构。职责。,10,2005-present,General Director, Xiamen University Dancing Union,Supervise general running of the Union.,Organized the Universitys 85th anniversary Overseas Student Gala on April, 2006.,Organized the Unions anniversary evening on September, 2006.,Aug. 2008 Sept. 2008,Intern, Finance Department, Dell (China),Assisted implement of DAP Payment Evaluation project in Dell (China).,Collected and analyzed the business records for Credit Finance Team.,Jun. 2007,Group leader, KPMG Case Study Competition in Xiamen University,Organized and monitored the case study process.,Carried out the final project.,11,Writing Tips,Jobs listed include a title, the name of the firm, the city and state of the firm, and the years.,Use power words or action words like prepared, developed, monitored, presented.,Verb phrases,12,Accountable for /In charge of 负责,social practice 社会实践 part-time jobs 业余工作 student work experience 学生工作,intern 实习生 tutor 家庭教师,summer jobs 暑期工作 extracurricular activities 课外活动,Student Council /Students Union学生会,monitor 班长 vice-monitor 副班长,commissary in charge of studies 学习委员 /entertainment文娱委员/ sports 体育委员 /organization 组织委员 /publicity 宣传委员,Party branch secretary 党支部书记 League branch secretary 团支部书记,Common expressions for resumes,Back,13,Honors and Awards,Certificate of Achievement, Dell (China), Sept. 2008.,Excellent Volunteer, Xiamen Siming District, Jul. 2008.,Third Class Scholarship, Xiamen University, 2007.,Excellent League Member, Xiamen University, 2005,奖项名称,授奖机构,时间,名词短语,14,Awards,First Class Scholarship 一等奖学金,Excellent Student Award in Xiamen University 厦门大学三好学生 /优秀学生,Excellent League Member Award 优秀团员,Excellent Student Leader Award优秀干部,Awarded 授予,Recognized for outstanding academic achievements 因(学术成就突出)得到认可,Common expressions for resumes,Back,15,Qualifications,CET Band 4, 2008,CPA, 2006,证书/资格名称,年份,Back,16,Additional Skills,Proficient in (English, Japanese, South Fujian Dialect),Adequate working knowledge of (spoken and written English),Highly skilled in (PC software and programming),Proven tact in (handling interpersonal relationships),Experienced (driver of commercial freight vehicles),Excellent spoken English,Proficient in MS-Office and Internet Explorer,Dedicated to education,Adj. phrase,Back,17,Personal Interests,PERSONAL:,Enjoy & Active in:,-Studying Italian,-The Arts & Theater,-Classical Music, Opera,-Ice Skating,PERSONALITIES,Practical, friendly and tolerant,Easy going and cooperative,INTERESTS,Volleyball, celebrity autograph collecting, sailing, Internet surfing,Noun phrase or adj. phrase,18,active 主动的、活跃的,adaptable 适应性强的,analytical 善于分析的,cooperative 有合作精神的,creative 富创造力的,efficient 有效率的,energetic 精力充沛的,enthusiastic 充满热情的,faithful守信的、忠诚的,friendly 友好的,hard-working 勤劳的,honest 诚实的,humorous 幽默的,independent 有主见的,industrious 勤奋的,initiative 具有首创精神,objective 客观的,open-minded 虚心的,practical 实际的,punctual 严守时刻的,rational 有理性的,realistic 实事求是的,reliable 可信赖的,responsible 负责的,strong-willed 意志坚强的,Back,19,References,Available upon request.,Letters from references and a transcript are available. 我可以给出推荐信和成绩单。,Reference,Prof. YANG Xinzhang, Dean of English Dept. Xiamen University, /,Back,20,Before send it out,Go over your resume and see whether:,you have written your work experience in reversed time order;,you have written your responsibilities and achievements of the latest/ most important job;,you have listed the relevant certificates, honors, hobbies or personalities that can make you fit the job you are applying for;,you have written down the phone number or email address that can reach you;,your resume is totally spelling-mistake-free!,21,One step forward,Make your resume TARGETED,22,Online resources,About resume,Good& bad resumes:,Free sample resumes,College graduate resumes:,23,


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