American Core Values

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,American Core Values,1,Contents,Individual freedom,Self-reliance,Equality of opportunities,Competition,Seeking the wealth,Hard work,Time consciousness,2,Individual freedom,Individual freedom,美国人的价值观中最重要的一个,起源于美国祖先追求宗教信仰自由,的传统。目前演变为追求个性的自由和解放。在语言上体现为:美国人爱,用“I think, I believe, My opinions is”这样强烈带有强烈个性色彩的开,头语来表达自己的观点。即便是美国国务卿在代表美国政府讲话时,也会,用这样个性色彩强烈的词语。,One of the most important American values, originating from the,United States ancestral tradition of the pursuit of freedom of religious,belief. Current evolution of the pursuit of freedom and Liberation of,individuality. Reflect on the language as: Americans love I think, and I,believe, and My opinions is sth this strong with a strong personality and,the opening words to express his own views. Even the United States,representative of the Secretary of State in the United States Government,to speak, will use this personality and a strong sense of the word.,3,Self-reliance,美国人获得 individual freedom 的必要心里素质。美国人,认为每一个人一生下来就是自由的,但要真正享受自由就必须,要 rely on yourself 。 这种观念体现在语言上就是在与美国人,交谈时,他们很少通过炫耀自己的家庭和社会关系来抬高自己。,Americans get individual freedom The necessary,qualities. Americans believe that everyone is born free, but to,really enjoy free it is necessary to rely on yourself . This idea,is reflected in the linguistic and the Americans When talking,they rarely to elevate oneself by showing off your own family and,social relations.,Self-reliance,4,Equality of opportunities,Equality of opportunities,美国人的祖先多来自于中世纪英国中下层的统治,没有和贵族阶级,同样的平等机会。所以,在美洲大陆,祖先们把“平等的观念”写进了宪,法。这体现在语言上是,美国人永远愿意倾听别人的意见,给别人机会。,一个人在一方面犯了错误,并不剥夺他在其他方面出色的权利。,American ancestors came from the middle ages United Kingdom rule,of the middle and lower classes, not patrician class and the same kind of,equal opportunity. Therefore, on the American continent, the ancestors of, concepts of equality written into the Constitution. This is reflected,in the linguistic, Americans are always willing to listen to others ,opinions, give others a chance. A person made a mistake on the one hand,does not deprive him of otherwise good right,.,5,Competition,Competition,美国人认为竞争是永恒的,也是一个人证明他在社会中地,位的手段,但同时他也许要与同事的合作。但请注意,美国人,所理解的“竞争”中的胜利并不是“惟我独尊”,而是得到别人的理,解和认可;另外,美国人清楚的认识到依次的胜利只能说明过,去,明天会有更多的挑战,要乐观的面对挑战,参加竞争 。,Americans think competition is eternal, is also a means to prove his status,in society, but at the same time he may have to co-operate with colleagues. But,note that what Americans think of competition victory is not in overseeing, but,get the understanding and recognition of others; in addition, the victory of the,Americans clearly recognize that in turn can only show the past, tomorrow there,will be more challenging, be optimistic in face of challenges, participate in the,competition.,6,Seeking the wealth,Seeking the wealth,因为美国人的祖先大多来自于贫民,追求财富,改善生活成为绝大多,数移民的梦想。时至今日现在的美国人对于财富的理解远远超出了他们的,祖先,时间、健康、能力、信息等都超出了纸币本身的价值,金钱成为了,一种代表符号。总而言之,在美国人看来,一个人要有expectation,这是,你个人前进的动力。,Because most Americans ancestors came from the poor, the,pursuit of wealth, improved life most migrants dream. Now,American understanding of the wealth of today far more than their,ancestors, time, health, capacity, and information beyond the,value of the note itself, money became a symbol. All in all, in,the United States, hailed as a person to have expectation, this,is your personal motivation,7,Hard work,Hard work,在英语中统一的叫做“hard work”,多数美国人都会把“敬业、进取”,当作自己获得财富和保持财富的手段。在美国的各大商场里,有一种“DIY”,的商品最为畅销。很多美国人已经把工作,当成一种人生的乐趣。在竞争,面前,只有敬业并不断进取,才能保持自己在竞争中不败!,Unified is called in English “ hard work ”,,,Most Americans would,have dedicated, enterprising as one of their own wealth and the means,to maintain wealth. In the United Statess largest mall, there is a DIY,goods of the most popular. Many Americans have to work as a kind of,pleasure of life. In the face of competition, only the dedication and,initiative in order to maintain their unbeaten in the competition!,8,Time consciousness,Time consciousness,美国人认为时间是一项有限的资源,所以他们试着去爱惜时间且加以,管理。美国人经常参加有关时间管理的研习会或阅读这方面的书籍,他们,似乎都希望能把自己的时间安排得更好。专业人士随身带着口袋型记事,本,有些甚至是电子的记事本,好随时留意所订的约会与工作截止日期。,人们想尽办法要在有限的时间内挤出更多的时间来。早期的美国英雄班哲,明?富兰克林将这种想法表达得最淋漓尽致:“你爱生命吗?如果爱就不要,浪费时间,因为生命即是由时间组成的。”对美国人来说,守时是一种尊,重他人时间的表现。通常若约会迟到超过10分钟,就应该向对方道歉或解,释原因。知道自己会迟到的人往往会先打个电话,让对方知道自己会晚一,点到。,9,Time consciousness,Time consciousness,Americans think that the time is a limited resource, so they try,to take care of the time and managed. Americans often take part,in workshops on time management or read this book, they seem to,want to better their time arrangements. Professionals to carry,pocket notebook, or even electronic Notepad, better monitor the,appointment at any time and due date. People tried to squeeze,more time to within a limited time. Early United States hero,Jessica Benjamin ? Franklin will be most evident expression of,the idea: do you love life? If love is not wasted time, because,life is made up of the time. For Americans, punctuality is a,sign of respect for other peoples time. Usually if dating were,late more than 10 minutes, you should apologize to each other, or,explain why. Knew that he would be late people tend to make a,phone call, let others know your at one oclock in the evening.,10,End,靠读书来了解美国只是对背景的熟悉,想要真正的了解一个完整的美国,最好的方法是融进他们的生活,虽不是每个人都能出国,但美剧无疑是最,好的选择。就我最近看过的连续剧越狱和绝望主妇还有女生比较,喜欢的绯闻女孩,他们的背景是变化中的美国,是美国式的生活在银,幕上的展示。越狱反映着国家的体制以及政治力量间的较量、权利,的争斗、在那样一个阶层里现实的混乱与黑暗。绝望主妇讲述的是普,通美国人的生活,有君子有小人,有正直有邪恶。“性”的开放,暴力事件,,家庭里的枪支,父母对待子女的态度,同性恋的被接受。还有当人们遇到,一些突发事件时政府的态度。对我触动较大的是母亲冲动打了儿子一巴,掌,也许只是出于爱和冲动但却被儿子指控为虐童。绯闻女孩是讲述,美国大学里的生活,可以从中看到美国年轻人的一些思想观念。其实看美,剧让人不能忍受的是剧中的懦夫、小人、伪君子还有女仆都是由亚洲人出,演,确切的说是都由中国人,其实这也同样看出一个事实,美国人眼中的,中国,尽管不代表全部。,11,By reading to understand the United States is only the background,of the familiar, wanting to really get a full set of United,States is the best way into their lives, although not everyone,can go abroad, but the United States,play is easily the best choice. I recently read of the television,series prison break and the housewives there are girls like the,gossip girl, whose background is a change in the United States,is a United States-style living in a beauty show. The escape,reflects the countrys institutional and political battle between,the forces, the rights Battle, in a class like that in reality,the chaos and darkness. The housewives about the lives of,ordinary Americans, a gentleman curs, just evil. “sexity Open,violence, guns in the family, parental attitudes towards their,children, homosexuality is accepted. Also when people run into,End,12,some unexpected events the attitude of the Government. My large,mother impulse gave his son a slap, perhaps only out of love and,impulsive son but was accused of child abuse. Gossip Girl is,about United States college life, from which you can see the,United States some ideas for young people. Actually watching us,play makes people cant stand coward was the play, the villain,hypocrite by Asians a maid also acted, rather, is by the Chinese,in fact, this is also a fact, Americans in the eyes of Chinese,though not representative of all of them.,End,13,


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