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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Translation of Idioms,成语的翻译,武飞 胡平 陈安梅,What is a idiom ?,Idioms are words, phrases, or expressions that cannot be taken literally.,In other words, when used in everyday language, they have a meaning other than the basic one you would find in the dictionary.,Every language has its own idioms.,Idioms,set phrases,Proverbs,Sayings,Epigrams,slang expressions,Colloquialisms,quotations,固定短语,谚语,名言,格言,警句,俚语,俗语,引语,语录,Background information,Idioms culture,1. Differences of comparison (,比喻,),中国人常常用成语“雨后春笋”来形容一般事物的迅速发展和大量涌现。英语则用,just like mushroom(,犹如蘑菇一样众多,),来形容同样的意思。竹子不是英国土生土长的植物,甚至连,bamboo(,竹,),这个词也是引进的外来语。因此,英国人不可能以竹笋作成语的形象来比喻。,E.g.,Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.,杀鸡取蛋。,Look for a needle in a haystack.,大海捞针。,Like a rat in a hole.,瓮中之鳖。,No smoke without fire.,无风不起浪。,A good conscience is a soft pillow.,日间不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。,Neither fish nor fowl.,非驴非马。,2. Differences of custom (,风俗习惯,),狗对于英国人来说,既可以用来看门或打猎,也可视作人的伴侣和爱物。所以英国人对狗一般有好感,常用来比喻人的生活。,E.g.,:,dog ones steps,跟某人走,lucky dog,幸运儿,Love me, love my dog.,爱屋及乌。,Every dog has his day.,凡人皆有得意的日子。,但是,,dog,受外来文化的影响,有时也含有贬义。,例如:,He is in the doghouse.,他名声扫地了。,He was a bit of a dog in his younger days.,他年轻时过着花天酒地的生活。,中国民间虽然有养狗的习惯,但一般在心理上却厌恶鄙视这种动物,常用来形容和比喻坏人坏事。,E.g.,:,狗胆包天,monstrous audacity,狗急跳墙。,A cornered beast will do something desperate.,狗嘴里吐不出象牙。,A filthy mouth cant utter decent language.,直译,Literal translation,意译,free translation,套译,equivalent translation,Means of translation of the idioms,1.,Literal translation,直译法指在不违背译文语言规范以及不引起错误联想的条件下,在译文中保留英语的比喻、形象和民族及地方色彩的方法。,例如:,show ones cards,摊牌,armed to the teeth,武装到牙齿,a wolf in sheeps clothing,披着羊皮的狼,Blood is thicker than water.,血浓于水。,A rolling stone gathers no moss.,滚石不生苔。,He laughs best who laughs last.,谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。,I.,Literal translation,strike while the iron is hot,flowing past in an endless stream,to serve like a dog or a horse,as easy as turning over ones hand,to rack ones brain,walls have ears,the style is the man,castle in the air,趁热打铁,川流不息,犬马之劳,易如反掌,绞尽脑汁,隔墙有耳,文如其人,空中楼阁,I.,Literal translation,open the door to a dangerous foe,above average,be shamed into anger,misfortunes never come single,a heart of stone,fight against ones own men,know like the back of ones hand,ones hair stand on end,引狼入室,出类拔萃,恼羞成怒,祸不单行,铁石心肠,同室操戈,了如指掌,毛骨悚然,2. Free translation,在不可能或没有必要用直译法保留英语成语的表达形式,并且也找不到相应的汉语成语以套用时,就可以配合上下文进行意译,以保证原作思想内容的完整性。,E.G.,:,a bed of roses,安乐窝,play a good game,手法高明,at all hazards,孤注一掷,carry ones head high,趾高气扬,rain cats and dogs,下倾盆大雨,play ones last card,采取最后手段,Dont cross the bridge till you get to it.,不必担心过早。,6.,Keep a dog and bark oneself.,家有佣人而自己干活;做自己下属应做的工作。,7.,One mans meat is another mans poison.,对甲有利的未必对乙也有利。,8.,Let sleeping dogs lie.,勿惹麻烦。,9.,Let things slide.,顺其自然。,10.,Lies have short legs.,谎言是站不住脚的。,3. Equivalent translation,Equivalence can be said to be the central issue in translation although its definition, relevance, and applicability within the field of translation theory have caused heated controversy, and many different theories of the concept of equivalence have been elaborated within this field in the past fifty years.,套译就是直接用汉语中某些相对应的习语翻译英语的习语。在很多情况下,英语习语在汉语中都可以找到在形象上、意义上和文化内涵上都相应的对等语。这种方法是最理想的译法。,II.,套译法,make no figure,keep ones nose clean,meet trouble halfway,whats done is done,look for a needle in a bundle of hay,make a mountain out of a molehill,neither fish nor fowl,fish in the air,beyond cure,深藏不露,明哲保身,杞人忧天,木已成舟,大海捞针,小题大做,不伦不类,水中捞月,不可救药,II.,套译法,live under ones roof,make someone turn in his grave,put someone in sbs shoes,to spend money like water,the experienced knows the ropes,to show ones true colors,to set the wolf to keep the sheep,a mouth that praises and a hand that kills,add insult to injury,寄人篱下,死不瞑目,设身处地,挥金似土,老马识途,原形毕露,引狼入室,口蜜腹剑,落井下石,English Proverb,I.,直译法,1. There is no rose without a thorn.,没有不带刺的玫瑰。,2. An old dog will learn no new tricks.,老狗学不出新把戏。,3. A good dog deserves a good bone.,好狗应该得好骨头。,4. Bad workmen often blame their tools.,拙匠常怪工具差。,5. Its a long lane that has no turning.,路必有弯。,English Proverb,6. He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight.,笑别人驼背的人得自己首先把身子挺直。,7. One swallow does not make a summer.,一燕不成夏。,8. There is no smoke without fire.,无火不起烟。,9. Too many cooks spoil the broth.,厨子多了煮坏汤。,10. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.,双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。,English Proverb,II.,意译法,1. Ill news comes apace.,好事不出门,坏事传千里。,2. He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.,近朱者赤,近墨者黑。,3. Great minds think alike.,英雄所见略同。,4. Where there is a will, there is a way.,有志者事竟成。,English Proverb,5. Destruction pursues the great.,树大招风,6. He who knows most speaks least,.,大智若愚,7. Put the cart before the horse.,本末倒置,8. Curses come home to roost.,害人害己,9. A bad conscience is a snake in ones heart.,做贼心虚,English Proverb,10. Like cures like.,以毒攻毒,11. In time of peace prepare for war.,居安思危,12. Poor mens words have little weight.,人微言轻,13. Creep before you walk.,循序渐进,14. There is many a slip between cup and the lip.,没有绝对把握的事。,/,事情常常节外生枝。,English Proverb,15. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.,久别胜新婚。,16. The tailor makes the man.,人靠衣装,佛靠金装。,17. More hands make light work.,众人拾柴火焰高。,18. Care kills a cat.,忧能伤身。,19. Empty vessels make the most noise.,无知的人爱自吹。,English Proverb,20. You cant make crab walk straight.,江山易改,本性难移。,21. A good conscience is a soft pillow.,不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门。,22. A word spoken is past recalling.,君子一言,驷马难追。,23. What you lose on the swings you get back on the roundabouts.,失之东隅,收之桑榆。,24. Great oaks from little acorns grow.,千里之行,始于足下。,False friend,Break a leg,Literal meaning:,I command you to break a bone in your leg and you should probably go to the doctor afterwards to get it fixed.,Idiomatic meaning:,Do your best and do well.,Often, actors tell each other to “break a leg” before they go out on stage to perform.,1,可以直译的成语,中国文学和政论作品中大量使用了一些非常形象的比喻成语。其比喻的本体和喻体有着很强的关联性。其中一些与英语的说法没有很大的文化差异和障碍。这类成语可以字面直译。,引狼入室,直译:,to bring the wolves into the house/fold (,羊圈,),意译:,to invite disasters,“,是些什么人呢?干这引狼入室的勾当!”,“,Whoever they are, they are letting the wolf into the fold!”,如坐针毡,直译:,to feel as if sitting on a cushion filled with needles,意译:,to feel terribly uneasy,套译:,on pins and needles,且说林冲在柴大官人东庄上,听得这话,如坐针毡。,Lin Chong, however, was in the east village of the Lord Chai and when he heard all the talk of him, it was as though he sat on a cushion filled with needles.,调虎离山,直译:,to lure the tiger out of the hills,意译:,to lure the enemy from his base,“,我中了他的,调虎离山,计啦!”,“,Ive fallen for his luring the tiger out of the hills scheme!”,Stories of idioms,Give a lick and a promise,敷衍搪塞,英国民间传说。至少两个世纪以前有一只猫,它的脸常常脏的很,每当别的猫要它洗脸时,它就用舌头很快添一下,然后说保证下次一定添干净,但实际上总是敷衍了事。如:,you didnt wash your hands; you just gave them a lick and a promise.,Give a lick and a promise,成语翻译和成语故事,敷衍搪塞,Give someone the runaround,你根本没有洗手,只不过敷衍了事。,You didnt wash your hands; you just gave them a lick and a promise.,Bury the hatchet,偃旗息鼓,埋下斧子。北美殖民时期,英国殖民者残忍地屠杀印第安人,有的印第安人被放在柴堆上活活烧死,殖民者甚至剥下死难者的头皮,谁剥的多,谁的功劳大。他们有时为了欺骗和麻痹印第安人,也会和某个部落讲和。在和谈仪式上,印第安人会把斧头埋在地下作为休战的表示。例:,they had been enemies for ages, but after a fight they buried the hatchet.,Bury the hatchet,成语翻译和成语故事,休战和好,他们敌对多年,但一场搏斗后却和解了。,They had been enemies for ages, but after a fight they buried the hatchet.,Generally, when we translate idioms, we can get a lot of fun from this process, actually.,Thus, I strongly suggest that you guys are gonna try to get to more about it.,Read the related chapter,


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