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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit06,Agenda,教学目标,教学目标,语言知识目标: 学生能够理解并运用与饭店相关的词汇及形容词的比较级和,最高级,从不同方面谈论并比较餐厅。,语言技能目标:,听,学生能够听懂有关饭店及外出就餐的谈话。,说,学生能够用简单的句式询问并提出建议。,读,学生能够读懂英文菜单。,写,学生能够简单介绍饭店的基本情况,如路程远近、饭菜价格及质量等。,学 习 策 略: 学生能够运用阅读表格的策略对餐厅进行比较。,文 化 意 识: 学生能够了解西方国家的就餐习惯以及中西餐饮文化的不同。,情 感 态 度: 学生能够了解和运用餐厅服务员及就餐者的基本礼仪。,单 元 任 务: 能够运用所学语言对学校周边的饭店做比较调查,以便外国朋,友来访时加以选择。,Lead-in,Lead-in,Activity 1,Activity 2,1,2,Exercise-1,Activity,1,Read and tick.,读下列单词,选出与餐厅相关的词。,( ) food ( ) menu ( ) juice,( ) ball ( ) teacher ( ) book,( ) chicken ( ) fish ( ) tomato,( ) waiter ( ) delicious ( ) manager,( ) waitress ( ) cloudy ( ) beef,Exercise-2-1,Activity,2,Look and complete.,看图,从活动,1,中选择适当的词补全对话。,What kind of food do you like?,I like,fish,and,tomatoes,.,Who are they?,They are the _, _ and _ of,Meiwei,Restaurant.,a,b,manager,waiter,waitress,Exercise-2-2,Activity,2,Look and complete.,看图,从活动,1,中选择适当的词补全对话。,What can you see on the table?,I can see a _ and a glass of _.,Does the boy like eating _?,Yes. He likes it. Its _.,c,d,menu,juice,chicken,delicious,Listening and speaking,Listening and speaking,Dialogue A,Dialogue B,Everyday English,1,2,3,Listening and speaking-Dialogue A,Dialogue A,Activity 3,Activity 4,Activity 5,Activity 6,1,2,3,4,Do you want to eat out?,Exercise-3,Activity,3,Listen and choose.,听录音,选择答案。,They will go to _ restaurant.,A,Yueguang,B,Meiwei,B,Exercise-4,Activity,4,Listen and tick.,再听录音,选择正确的表述。,a. Sara wants to eat at home.,b. There is a Chinese restaurant near the school.,c.,Yueguang,Restaurant is farther away.,d. The food in,Meiwei,Restaurant is more delicious.,Exercise-5-1,Activity,5,Read and underline.,阅读对话,用下画线标出描述餐厅的语句。,Tang,Hua,: Hi, Sara.,Do you want to eat out?,Sara: Yes. Do you like Chinese food or Western food?,Tang,Hua,: Id like some Western food.,Sara:,What about,Yueguang,Restaurant?,Tang,Hua,: Well,I think,Meiwei,Western Restaurant is better. Its farther,away than,Yueguang, but the food is more delicious.,Sara: OK, lets go.,Exercise-5-2,重点词汇和句型,Do you want to eat out?,你想去饭店吃饭吗?,eat out,在这里指“出去吃饭”,“去饭店吃饭”。,eg,Many young people like to eat out at,weekend.,很多年轻人周末喜欢出去吃饭。,Do you often eat out?,你经常出去吃饭吗?,Exercise-5-3,重点词汇和句型,What about,Yueguang,Restaurant?,月光餐厅怎么样,?,What about .? “ ,怎么样,?”,用来提出自己的看法或意见,。,e,g,Which shirt suit,s,me?,哪件衬衫适合我,?,What about the blue one?,那件蓝色的怎么样,?,What shall we do for the weekend?,我们这个周末做什么,?,What about going fishing?,去钓鱼怎么样,?,Exercise-5-4,重点词汇和句型,I think,Meiwei,Western Restaurant is better. Its farther than,Yueguang, but the food is more delicious.,我觉得美味西餐厅更好一些。虽然比月光餐厅远一点,但那里的食物很好吃。,这里用了三处形容词的比较级,分别是“,better”,,“,farther”,和“,more delicious”,。,eg,I think Chinese food is more delicious than Western food.,我觉得中餐比西餐好吃。,Beijing is farther from Hong Kong than Guangzhou.,北京离香港比离广州远。,Exercise-6,Activity,6,Listen and repeat.,跟读对话,学说选出的语句。,Tang,Hua,: Hi, Sara.,Do you want to eat out?,Sara: Yes. Do you like Chinese food or Western food?,Tang,Hua,: Id like some Western food.,Sara:,What about,Yueguang,Restaurant?,Tang,Hua,: Well,I think,Meiwei,Western Restaurant is better. Its farther,away than,Yueguang, but the food is more delicious.,Sara: OK, lets go.,Listening and speaking-Dialogue B,Dialogue B,Activity 7,Activity 8,Activity 9,Activity 10,Activity 11,Activity 12,1,2,3,4,5,6,Would you like to order?,Exercise-7,Activity,7,Look and tick.,看图,选出服务员要说的话。,1) The waiter might say:,( ) a. Hello! Nice to see you!,( ) b. Welcome to,Meiwei,Restaurant!,2) The waiter might say:,( ) a. Would you like to order?,( ) b. Whats your favorite food?,Meiwei,Restaurant,Exercise-8,Activity,8,Listen and check.,听录音,核对答案。,Exercise-9,Activity,9,Listen and complete.,再听录音,帮助服务员写出,Sara,和唐华所点的菜,完成点菜单。,Sara:,1) _,2) _,Meiwei,Restaurant,Tang,Hua,:,1) _,2) _,Meiwei,Restaurant,A chicken burger,A glass of milk,A beef burger,A glass of orange juice,Exercise-10-1,Activity,10,Read and underline.,阅读对话,用下画线标出点餐时可能用到的语句。,Waiter: Would you like to order now?,Sara: Yes, Id like beef steak.,Waiter: Well-done or medium?,Sara: Well-done, please.,Waiter:,Would you like something to drink?,Sara: A glass of orange juice, please.,Waiter: Beef steak well-done and a glass of orange juice.,Sara: Right.,Waiter: What about you, Miss?,Tang,Hua,: The same, please.,Waiter: All right. Wait a minute, please.,well-done,指牛排做得全熟。根据个人口味, 也可以要求,medium (,中等熟度,),或,rare (,半熟的,),。,Exercise-10-2,重点词汇和句型,Would you like something to drink?,您想喝点什么,?,Would you like .?,这里意为“你想要,吗?”,eg,Would you like an apple?,想吃个苹果吗?,Would you like some noodles?,想来点儿面条吗?,Exercise-11,Activity,11,Listen and repeat.,跟读对话,学说选出的语句。,Waiter: Would you like to order now?,Sara: Yes, Id like beef steak.,Waiter: Well-done or medium?,Sara: Well-done, please.,Waiter:,Would you like something to drink?,Sara: A glass of orange juice, please.,Waiter: Beef steak well-done and a glass of orange juice.,Sara: Right.,Waiter: What about you, Miss?,Tang,Hua,: The same, please.,Waiter: All right. Wait a minute, please.,Exercise-12-1,Activity,12,Act and practice.,用以下句式和词汇与同伴练习在餐厅点餐。,Table 1,Are you ready to order? What,would you like to eat / drink?,Id like .,Would you like .,Yes, please. / No, thanks.,What about you?,Id like . / Ill have the same.,Exercise-12-2,Activity,12,Table 2,steak,burger,boiled dumplings,salad,noodles,Foods,Exercise-12-3,Activity,12,coffee,tea,orange juice,milk,Coca-Cola,Drinks,Everyday English,Everyday English,Welcome to,Meiwei,Restaurant.,欢迎来到美味餐厅。,Would you like to order?,请问可以点餐了么?,Whats the specialty of the house?,餐厅的特色菜是什么?,Lets go Dutch.,我们各付各的。,Reading and writing,Reading and writing,Activity 13,Activity 14,Activity 15,Activity 16,1,2,3,4,Exercise-13,Activity,13,Read and circle.,你邀请朋友去,“,美味餐厅”用餐,以下是部分菜单,圈出你想为朋友点的食物。,Exercise-14,Activity,14,Read and guess.,仔细阅读活动,13,菜谱中食品的价格,猜猜以下句子中画线部分的意思。,A,Coca-Cola is cheap.,Orange juice is cheaper than Coca-Cola.,Sprite is the cheapest of the drinks.,B,Tomato & Onion Salad is expensive.,Mixed Leaf Salad is more expensive than Tomato & Onion Salad.,Fruit Salad is the most expensive among all the salads.,学习策略提示,在进行英语阅读时,如果我们能通过文中给出的线索猜出词义,可以大大降低阅读的难度。,Exercise-15-1,Activity,15,Read and choose.,张青在帮助,Sara,、王洋和李晓年选择餐厅。阅读课文帮助张青写出建议。,Name of the Restaurant,Food,Price,Place (far or near school),Liyuan,delicious,more expensive,nearest,Haoyun,more delicious,expensive,nearer,Meiwei,most delicious,most expensive,near,Exercise-15-2,Activity,15,Hi, Im Sara.,I want to invite my friend to eat Chinese food.,I want to have some delicious food. Can you help me?,Hello! Im Wang Yang. I want to have a birthday party in a restaurant.,But I dont have much money.,Where can I go?,Hi, Im Li,Xiaonian,.,I want to eat out with my friends.,But its so cold. I want to find a restaurant near our school.,Zhang Qings Suggestion,a. Sara can choose _ restaurant.,b. Wang Yang can choose _ restaurant.,c. Li,Xiaonian,can choose _ restaurant.,Meiwei,Haoyun,Liyuan,Exercise-15-3,Translation,你好,我是,Sara,。我想请我的朋友吃中餐,想找一家味道好的餐厅。你可以帮我吗?,你好,我是王洋。我想在餐厅举办生日宴会。但我预算有限。我该去哪儿呢?,你好,我是李晓年。我想和朋友出去吃饭。天气太冷了,我想找一家离学校近的餐厅。,Exercise-15-4,重点词汇和句型,I want to invite my friend to eat Chinese food.,我想请我的朋友吃中餐,。,invite,sb,to do,s,th,请某人去做某事,也可以是invite,sb,to,s,th,eg,She invites me to have dinner.,她请我吃饭,。,She invites me to her birthday party.,她请我去她的生日宴会,。,Exercise-15-5,重点词汇和句型,But I dont have much money.,但我钱不多。,Much,表示,“,很多,许多,”,。,eg,I dont have much free time.,我空闲时间不多。,Exercise-15-6,重点词汇和句型,I want to eat out with my friends.,我想和我的朋友出去吃饭,。,With,在这里表示“和,”。,eg,I often go shopping with my mother.,我经常和我妈妈去买东西,。,She often goes to the seaside with her family,in summer.,她夏天经常和家人去海边,。,Exercise-16,Activity,16,Read and correct.,张青向,Sara,、王洋和李晓年解释她的选择,但有些内容说得不正确,请帮她改正。,1) The food in,Haoyun,Restaurant is more delicious than that in,Meiwei,Restaurant.,Correct statement: _,_,2),Liyuan,Restaurant is cheaper than,Haoyun,Restaurant.,Correct statement:_,_,3),Meiwei,Restaurant is nearer than,Haoyun,Restaurant.,Correct statement: _,_,The food in,Meiwei,Western Restaurant is more delicious,than that in,Haoyun,Restaurant.,Haoyun,Restaurant is cheaper than,Liyuan,Restaurant.,(,Liyuan,Restaurant is more expensive than,Haoyun,Restaurant.),Haoyun,Restaurant is nearer than,Meiwei,Restaurant.,(,Meiwei,Restaurant is farther than,Haoyun,Restaurant.),Language in use-1,Language in use,Grammar focus,Vocabulary practice,1,2,Language in use-Grammar focus-1,Grammar focus,形容词原形,形容词比较级,形容词最高级,规则变化,small,smaller,smallest,wide,wider,widest,hot,hotter,hottest,happy,happier,happiest,interesting,more interesting,most interesting,Language in use-Grammar focus-2,Grammar focus,形容词原形,形容词比较级,形容词最高级,不规则变化,good,better,best,many, much,more,most,far,farther,farthest,further,furthest,old,older,oldest,elder,eldest,Language in use-2,1,2,Activity 17,Activity 18,Grammar focus,Exercise-17-1,Activity,17,Look and write.,看图,用括号中所给出的词造句。,a. The PE teacher is introducing the,sports in their school. (popular),(1),Volleyball is popular.,(2),Basketball is more popular.,(3),Football is the most popular.,b. The salesgirl is introducing the goods. (expensive),(1) _.,(2) _.,(3) _.,b,The red shirt is expensive,The green shirt is more expensive,The brown shirt is the most expensive.,Exercise-17-2,Activity,17,c. A businessman is talking about his travel. (fast),(1) _.,(2) _.,(3) _.,d. A teacher is introducing some of his favorite books to a student. (interesting),(1) _.,(2) _.,(3) _.,c,d,Bus is fast,Train is faster,Plane is the fastest,I think,Old Man and the Sea,is interesting,I think,Little Women is more,interesting,I think,Harry Potter,is more interesting,Exercise-18,Activity,18,Discuss and write.,仿照例子,与本组同学讨论“班中之最”并记录下来。,Wang Yang is the tallest in our class.,Li Dan is the youngest in our class.,_,eg,Zhang Ming is the most hard-working student in our class.,Language in use-Vocabulary practice,Vocabulary practice,1,2,Activity 19,Activity 20,Exercise-19-1,Activity,19,Read and group.,阅读以下与餐厅有关的词汇,将它们归类。,manager fork menu juice coffee beef fish,Coca-Cola chicken chopsticks waiter waitress knife customer,people,tableware,manager,waiter,waitress,customer,fork,chopsticks,knife,Exercise-19-2,Activity,19,manager fork menu juice coffee beef fish,Coca-Cola chicken chopsticks waiter waitress knife customer,meat,drinks,beef,fish,chicken,juice,coffee,Coca-Cola,Exercise-20,Activity,20,Discuss and write.,小组讨论,制作菜单,比一比哪一组的菜单更吸引顾客。,S,uppose,you run a restaurant. You need English menus for foreign guests. Now work in groups and make a menu. Then compare your menus and choose the most attractive restaurant for foreign guests.,UNIT TASK-1,Make a survey to compare three restaurants near your school.,An American friend comes to your school. You want to invite him / her to eat out. You want to find a restaurant with reasonable (,合理的,) prices and good food. Now you need to make a survey and decide on a restaurant.,1) Choose three restaurants near your school.,_ _ _,2) Choose three kinds of food or drinks that are served in all the three restaurants.,_ _ _,3) Ask your classmates and teachers about the food quality in the three restaurants.,You may use the following sentence patterns.,Do you like .? Is it delicious?,How about / What about .? Is the food good?,Is . far from / near our school? How much is it?,Unit task,UNIT TASK-1,Name of the Restaurant,Kind of Food,Quality of the Food (delicious or not),Average Price,Place (far or near school),4) Complete the following table.,5) Report the result of your survey.,Among the three Restaurants, _ Restaurant has the longest menu. The food in _ Restaurant is the best; _ Restaurant is the most expensive; and _ Restaurant is the nearest to school. So I will choose _ Restaurant to have dinner with my friend.,eg,Unit task,PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE,Listen and repeat.,听录音跟读,并注意以下发音。,/,s,/,/,z,/,/,W,/,/T/,/,f,/,/v/,Fish and steak, fish and steak,Which would you like?,Noodles and burger, noodles and burger,Which do you prefer?,I think theyre very delicious!,But I want fish and juice.,Pronunciation practice,SELF-CHECK,-,I learned:,( ) bill ( ) cheap ( ) chicken ( ) chip,( ) service ( ) dish ( ) expensive ( ) meat,( ) menu ( ) order ( ) message ( ) salad,( ) provide ( ) waiter ( ) waitress ( ) eat,( ) steak ( ) restaurant ( ) delicious,I can:,( ) order food in English.,( ) read English menus.,( ) use different degrees of adjectives.,Self-check,Words-Expressions-1,order /,5C:dE,/,v,.,点餐,restaurant /,5restrCn,t,/,n,.,饭店,menu /,5menju:,/,n,.,菜单,juice /,5dVu:s,/,n,.,果汁,waiter /,5we,I,tE,/,n,.,男服务员,waitress /,5we,I,tr,I,s,/,n,.,女服务员,dish /,d,I,F,/,n,.,菜,burger /,5bE:E,/,n,.,汉堡包,Words & expressions,Words-Expressions-2,cheese /,tFi:z,/,n,. (,干,),奶酪,steak /,steIk,/,n,.,牛排,chicken /,5tF,I,k,I,n,/,n,.,鸡肉,coffee /,5kCf,I,/,n,.,咖啡,salad /,5sAlEd,/,n,.,沙拉,cheap /,tFi:p,/,adj,.,便宜的,expensive /,I,ks5pens,I,v,/,adj,.,昂贵的,eat out,去饭店吃饭,Words & expressions,LIFE AND CULTURE-1,The Origin of “Sandwich”,An English nobleman (,贵族,), the Earl (,伯爵,) of Sandwich (17181792), liked gambling (,赌博,). When he gambled he had no time for a meal. But he was hungry for some food. So he always ordered a waiter to bring him roast-beef between two slices of bread. With the bread, he wouldnt get his fingers greasy (,油腻的,), and he could continue his gambling. Later, people named that fast food product sandwich after the Earl.,Life and culture,LIFE AND CULTURE-2,“,三明治,”,的来源,英国贵族桑威治伯爵(,1718,1792,)很喜欢赌博。他赌博的时候没时间吃饭,却又饿得想吃东西,于是就总是命令侍从拿来一片烤牛肉夹在两片面包中间。由于有面包,他的手指不会沾上油,就可以接着赌博了。到后来,人们就以这位伯爵的名字,sandwich,来命名三明治这种快餐食品。,Translation,Thank you,


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