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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Inversion,Grammar,正常语序的五种基本句型是什么?,1.,主谓结构:,An accident happened there yesterday.,2.,主谓宾结构:,He is reading a book attentively.,3.,主谓,+,直宾,+,间接宾语:,He made me a model plane.,4.,主谓宾,+,宾补结构,:,He made himself understood by us all.,5.,主系表结构:,Everyone is present at the meeting.,1.,用于“,here, there, now, then, out in, up,down, away ,off,+,不及物,动词,+,主语为名词的句型中,表示强调。,Here,comes the bus.,There,goes the bell.,Now,comes our turn.,Out,went the children.,名词,全倒装:,注意:,代词作主语时,主谓语序不变。,Here comes he.,Here,he,comes.,Away went they.,Away,they,went.,Down came,her excited tears when she learned of the exciting news.,Away _(fly),the frightened bird.,Out rushed,the puppy.,2.,当介词短语表示地点状语放于句首时,主语为名词时也全部倒装。,From the valley,came a frightening sound.,Under the tree,sits a little boy, absorbed _ his phone.,South of the city,_(lie) a big steel factory,Before me,stands a policeman wearing a fascinating smile.,At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River_, one of the ten largest cities in China.,A Chongqing lies B lies Chongqing C does Chongqing lie,Here,comes,the bus.,Here,is,coming,the bus.,On,the,wall,hangs,a picture.,On,the,wall,is,hanging,a picture.,3.,表语置于句首时,倒装采用“表语连系动词主语”的结构,形容词连系动词主语,Present,at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests.,2),过去,/,现在分词连系动词主语,Gone,_the days _they could do what they liked.,Hanging,on the wall _a painting _ a distinguished painter.,Attached,to the letter _ two recent photos of him.,3),介词连系动词主语,Among,the goods _a Christmas tree , flowers, candles and toys.,链接高考,1) _ a letter for you.,There are B. Is here,C. Here is D. Is there,2) _ a big paper-making factory,by the lake.,There stands,B. Does there stand,C. Standing there is,D. It is standing,C,A,3) Look out! _,A. The bus come there,B. There comes the bus.,C. Does the bus come?,D. Comes the bus there.,4) Under a big tree _, half asleep.,A. did sat a fat man,B. a fat man sat,C. did a fat man sat,D. sat a fat man,B,D,部分倒装,:,助动词提到主语之前(情态动词,,be,动词,助动词),用于,never/ not/ seldom/ little/in no way/at no time/ by no means/in no case/ under no circumstances/ hardly/,scarcely/ rarely/ little/not a bit /no longer nowhere,等否定词开头的句子里。,Never will,the precious memory fade from my mind,.,Never have,I experienced a more magnificent scene .,By no means will I give in to the difficulties on the way to realizing my dream.,Burdened with,/,Buried in,so much homework, seldom does he know what is going on at home and abroad,let alone make contributions to society.,2.,only,修饰作状语的副词、介词 短语或,状语从句,放于句首时:,Only,after he entered the room,did,he realize what a silly mistake he had made.,(主倒从不倒),Only joining hands can we create a civilized,campus.(,改错),Only in this way /by this means can you create a harmonious atmosphere where you will study and live happily and healthily.,Only if you dont lose heart will you make it to the summit in time.,Such,an interesting book,is it,that John has,read it twice.,3.,在,so/such that,的结构中,若,so/such,修饰的成分置于句首,则主句部分倒装。,1) It is,such,an interesting book,that John,has read it twice.,2) It is,so,interesting a book,that John has,read it twice.,So,interesting a book,is it,that John has,read it twice.,So sleepy _,(他感到,) that he kept yawning.,_ great progress _(,他做出),that he built up his confidence and ambition.,So precious is our time that we cant afford to waste it.,So precious is life that we cant cherish it too much.,So precious is life that we cant stress the importance of it too much.,4.,用于固定句式:,(1),no sooner than, hardly/,scarcely,when/,(2)not until/,(3)not onlybut also,(4)neithernor,的句型中。,Hardly,had,she gone out,when,the class began.,Not until,the teacher came,did,he finish his,homework.,(后倒前不倒),改错,Not only,he made great progress in English,but also,he has got accustomed _ the life in a foreign country,),Not only,I,but also,he like English.,Neither does,he like English, I dont,too.,Not until he took off his sunglasses I recognize him.,Scarcely he heard the shocking news than he rushed out.,5.,用于,so, nor, neither,开头的句子,表示,重复的内容。此句谓语应与前句谓语的,时态形式一致,。,Jack can not answer the question.,Neither,can I.,He,has been to Beijing. _,So,have,I.,So,he,has,我也去过。,(,不同人,/,情况,),是的,他确实去过。,(,同个人,/,情况,),6.,用于“形容词,(,或名词,/,副词,/,动词,),as (though)”,引导的让步状语从句。,Pretty,as she is, she is not clever.,Try,as he would, he might fail again.,Hard,as he studied, he could not pass the exam.,Child,as he is, he knows a lot.,(,省去,a,),他虽然是个孩子,但已经熟知英语。,Child as/though he was,he had a good command,of English.,他虽有耐心,但也不愿意等三个小时。,Patient though/as he was, he was unwilling,to wait three hours.,7.,用于某些祝愿的句子。,1),May,you succeed!,May,the light be with you,!,愿圣光与你同在,May,the wind bless you,!,愿微风祝福你。,2),Long,live China!,假定你是李华,你所喜爱的,Global Mirror,周报创刊五周年之际征集读者意见请你依据以下内容给主编写封信,内容主要包括:,1,说明你是该报的忠实读者,2,赞赏该报优点:,1),兼顾国内外新闻,2),介绍名人成功故事,3,提出建议:,刊登指导英语学习的文章,注意:,1,词数,100,左右,开头语己为你写好;,2.,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,Dear Editor-in-Chief,I,m a regular reader of your newspaper. I like it very much mainly for the following two reasons. First, it covers both national and international news so that, by simply turning the pages, I can learn all important things that have happened during the week.,Equally attractive are,the,success stories of world-famous people, which help me understand how a person can work hard to make the world a better place.,As an articles to guide us in our English learning, and I hope that it will become even more popular.,Sincerely yours,Li Hua,Hardly had,I read it for the first time,when,I fell in love with it.,Not only does,it widen my horizons,but also,it provides me a lot of fun.,Never have,I read such a great newspaper,So,good,is,the newspaper that I become,a regular reader.,


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